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Everything posted by Emcew

  1. well he did say this was a party and at partys you can talk about anything you want right?
  2. nice thread dud. I want to get my posts up
  3. Emcew


    Nice thread.... but to the point 1. If Gohan want to marry Piccolo, how Goku and Chichi react? Goku.... Who knows he goes along with everything. Chichi... Good god I don't even want to think about it ^(armageddon) 2. If Trunks is a lazy and pervert like Master Roshi, how Vegeta and Bulma react? Bulma.... Disown him and send him to Kame House Vegita.... Probably Go with it cuz he ****ed Bulma without being married 3. If Goten is a villian, how the other going to react? Goku- "Hi Goten" KA ME HA ME HA!!! *Boom* Gohan- *Boom* Trunks- "I thought we were friends" *Boom* Any other guy- *Boom*
  4. hmmm, I didn't know Gohan gets killed after he gets out of Buu...:blush:
  5. :( hey, stop it..... your making me not like DC n e more..... So what if he isn't the greatest... I played Gundam GF for my first time and I beat a player that can finish the game on the hardest diffuculty.
  6. In english Mairi No would probably mean Teenager then, I thought it ment Future cuz of Mairi No Trunks. In the DBZ series
  7. :flaming: But like I said beams won't work on DS-Hell or DS-Hell Custom
  8. don't you notice that some of the Gundam wing gundams are just copies off G-Gundams?
  9. in a way, I fully agree. With his Shining Finger attack he KIX A$$
  10. thanks, I can't spell. and it just looks gay cuz Goku and Vegita go together crotch first :eek:
  11. :flaming: I only know him because I have the game Gundam Battle Masters 2. :wigout:
  12. How does gohan get killed by Buu? And Mairi No Gohan is in a movie, if we are counting movies 2 then everyone dies at least one more time
  13. Yes well the country I live in dosen't have any other gundam series except Gundam Wing and the Gundam Wing Endless Waltz movie. The only other gundams that I know about are, Devil, and the rest of the G gundams, Sazabi, Qubelely, Hydra, and a few others.
  14. yeah, but getting killed is what makees the show interesting. and Gohan dosen't get killed once. when a Z fighter gets killed, later on they need that person and then they have to get the Dragonballs to reveve him/her. That is my opinion.
  15. Yes but if DS-Hell ever got really close, no gundam can win. DS-Hell can beat anyone close range.
  16. Again, the clip when Goku and Vegita use the Prottora Earrings, they seem to fuse in a .......odd (gay):o way
  17. should I remind you that if someone ever fires a beam at DS-HELL,or DS-HELLC then he can use his cloak and dodge it. when he is cloaked no beam can hit him.
  18. When I saw him first time, I thought he was a girl
  19. If you ask me, the clip when Goku and Vegita use the Prottora Earrings, they seem to fuse in a .......odd (gay):o way
  20. If anyone talks about Gundam Deathscythe, Gundam Deathscythe Hell, and Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom being different Gundams, you are wrong. Deathscythe, then Deathscythe Hell is Deathscythe Upgraded, and Deathscythe Hell Custom is an upgraded Deathscythe Hell. SO DON'T PULL ANY CRAP WITH ME
  21. You know that Duo only Has 1 Gundam :)
  22. I guess ppl just like him
  23. :o sorry, yeah, I remember he got his *** kicked by buu.. very funny clip, tho not as funny as Gotenks's many attamps at fusion ^_^
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