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Everything posted by Flo

  1. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][size=1]Appearance: [URL="http://s162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/RP/?action=view¤t=Amandag.jpg"]clicky![/URL] Name: Kalei Gretiton Age: 19 Gender:Female Blood type: B Height: 5'3 Weight:117lbs Position(Pilot/Repairer): Repairer[/size][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Well it depends on your phone really. I have a Nokia and when I plug it into the computer through its USB it loads a program that lets me transfer all my stuff, like pictures, contacts, and texts to the computer and save them. I'd suggest just plugging your phone into the computer using a USB cord if you have and transfer them yourself, if your phone doesn't have a program. Or if your phone has a MircoSD slot, try saving things to that and then transfer them to your computer via that way. Hope that I was somewhat helpful.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"] Character of choice: Meta-Knight Friend Code: 0344-9072-1855 Skill Level: 2 [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]Dawn was drenched, her hair heavy in her face it hid her tears. She felt a great rush of destruction from the middle of town, even though she was far from it. She saw the scene unfold and was almost brought to her knees if it hadn't been for the tree next to her. Statues crumbled and she saw bodies crushed. Families were torn apart and there was nothing she could do. She felt her light beat loudly with her heart. She felt lost, it was so hard to hold onto her optimistic views in that everything was going to be alright. She held her breath for a few moments before standing up and pushing her hair back. Her eyes glowed a bit as her keyblade formed into her hand. The necklace had disappeared and she assumed that was its passive form. She held her keyblade tightly in her hand and stared forward, she didn't know how she was going to do it, but some how she was going to find a way to make things okay in this messed up world. Her first goal was to find Tsudo though, and that goal had just became even harder than before. She moved forward through the pounding rain her keyblade giving off a faint light that helped guild her. Despite that fact that her bones were chilled, she felt a warmth spread up through her fingers as she gripped the keyblade. As she continued to walk she saw some movement in the shadows but none dared to move towards her, she was baffled at first but then saw how brightly the light from her blade was. "They must be scared" She mumbled to herself as she continued looking for any sign of Tsudo. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]OCC: Ah, sorry I started typing my post at school and finished it up before I went to bed after work and just posted it. IC: Dawn sat in a chair, hugging her knees as she looked out the window. What was going on, she still had no idea what was happening. Other than the fact that her life was turning upside. She would give anything to have everything be returned to normal. If only there was a rewind button to life, then she wouldn't have to go through this, maybe a forward button would be better, because then she could go to end and see if everything was normal. She also felt a hurt inside, that she had abandoned Tsudo, she had decided that Tsudo was the one thing she could fix. Right now at least. Standing she walked over to Azure and set a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her confused. "I have to go. There's someone that may need me and I want to help him. Thanks for helping me before, maybe we'll meet again but, right now I have to take of this." "Wait, your going back out there? You can't defend yourself how are you going to help whoever your trying to?" Azure had sat up now, he seemed a bit angry. "It'll be okay." She kissed him gently on the forehead and turned, walking swiftly towards the door. She gave a the girls around the room before opening the door and shutting it behind her. She leaned against it for a few seconds, she pushed off it and ran forward, her light guiding her. She needed to find Tsudo and then maybe she would come back to the others, but he was more important. After all he didn't know who he was and he was stuck in a strange land.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Dawn really wanted to know the reason as to why he had helped her, but she didn't press the matter as it seemed he had done it as a spur of the moment. He appeared baffled as to why she was still there, he was likely used to rejection due to his appearance but it really had little to no effect on her judgment about him. She found his appearance appealing in the fact that she had never seen anyone like him before. She wondered if his world was full of people like him. Probably not, since he was shocked by her lack of a reaction. Standing she brushed herself off and began to follow Azure, she thought it was kinda interesting that they shared a name, while her first name was his last. He said he was looking for shelter and she had knowledge of a small cottage not far from them. It used to belong to an elderly couple, one of them had passed and the other moved into the town, he didn't want to live in that house with all the memories. "There's a small cottage not far from here, if you want to stay there. I'm to sure about the furnishings but, it should be nice, at least for one evening." She waited for his response, already willing to lead the way.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Dawn stood frozen to the ground, the sounds of screaming people in pain and those begging for help could not reach her. She was baffled at this violence and the 'keyblade' that she gripped with her hand. She held tightly onto the weapon till her knuckles turned white and even then she did not lessen her grip. It was her security, her support. This was to much for a small town girl who had never experienced any fights to this caliber nor had Elysium in general. Nowhere in the history of Elysium had there been any sort of war. Her bright blue eyes looked forward at the clashing steel, there was a break, words were spoken but she couldn't comprehend them. She felt herself lifted and she did not protest at that moment. She was still dumbstruck. "My name is Azure!" Someone was shouting rather close to her ear. "I know it's self serving, but I'm calling a cease fire for now. I know that at this moment I'm not ready to fight you, but I swear that the next time we meet we'll have a proper fight." It was then that it hit her. She blinked and looked around, a strange man was holding her over his shoulder and she instantly felt embarrassed. Why should she need someone to help her? She was the one who had always helped others. [I]Oh, wait I've never fought formally before. [/I] Were the words that darted through her head. Looking down she saw that they were off the roof and her hands were empty. Her mind raced but she felt a warmth next to her heart and looked towards her chest. An unfamiliar piece of jewelry hung around her neck. It was rather gaudy, thick chain with an elaborate lion's head as the charm. In fact it was the same lion head that was on the hilt and end of her keyblade. The eyes glow had dimmed but the glow was clearly there just more toned down. Now that that mystery was solved, Dawn turned her attentions to the man who had been carrying her. Who was he, Wait, he was the one with the spear thing that was fighting the dark-haired girl. That girl had said that they were both holders of the key. What was so special about the stupid key thing anyway? The one-eyes monster had been raving on and on about a keyhole, maybe they were connected. No they had to be, but how? The man that had been running with her stopped in a cluster of trees, close to were she had been scouting the night before, when she got news of Tsudo. Tsudo! Where was he? She felt herself being slided down onto the ground and got a good look at the man who had been supporting her. He had saved her really, but what was his goal. Her eyes stared into his, he was different she wasn't able to read him like she was the others. She would have to get her information another way. "My name is Dawn Faustine a native of Elysium. Could you please tell me who you are and whats going on? This land was peaceful up until tonight." [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Dawn stared forward at Tsudo, watching him cope. It was depressing to see him struggle with all that was on his mind, she couldn't imagine not knowing anything but your name. It was also hard to contain her excitement in that there were other worlds other than Elysium. It was always a dream of hers to visit other lands, but another question lingered. Why here? What had caused Tsudo to come here, of all places? Nothing ever happened in Elysium. "-key hole." Dawn looked up and over at Tsudo, he was silent in thought grasping at his head. The pain he was going through, if only there was a way she could fix it. "-key hole." Again, the words. Where were they coming from? "I'll be right back." Grabbing her jacket Dawn pulled it on as she exited her home. The site that was before her, toke her breath away. A body flew through the sky into a building, limp. Her hand flew to her mouth as the site was one that she had never experienced such violence. In fact she never really had an fighting skill either, expect for the one time she had gotten into a little fight with one of the girls at school. Her eyes darted around and she grabbed a stick that was laying on the ground near her. By now the strange black things were coming towards her and she held the stick up defensively swinging about. The little creatures seemed to back away a bit apparently afraid of something. She looked behind her and saw nothing, feeling a familiar warmth on her hands she looked down and saw that the stick was glowing. The light from her body was flowing into the stick making it glow brightly, causing the creatures to fade away. After a brilliant flash the stick was gone and in its place was a sword like thing. It had the charactertics of a key except that it had a lion's head on the tip with glowing white eyes. At the bottom of the handle another lion hung with the same white light coming from the eyes. As she held it Dawn began to feel more confident with the new weapon. She felt at ease and like she could master this strange 'keyblade'.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Dawn nodded along as Tsudo introduced himself, he seemed to be having a bit of a breakdown. Which was all understandable, the most important thing was to answer his first question. She had been planning on explaining anyway, him just asking made it easier. She followed his eyes towards the window and her mood dropped as she saw more storm clouds rolling in. "Another storm of change. I wonder what this one will bring. Long ago Elysium was not as beautiful as it is today. It was a dry and barren wasteland, terribly hot and water was little to none. That all changed however, when a great storm came and soaked the starving earth. After that storm Elysium became the paradise that it is today. The elders told us that that storm was called the Storm of Change. There have been other storms much like the Storm of Change, there was one about eleven years ago, that brought another boy here. It was later found out that he was related to someone in town, so it is possible that you have been here before. But last nights storm was different. There are rumours going around that you're going to change our peaceful society, but I don't agree with that. I remember seeing a figure come down in the lighting others say they saw it too." Pausing she watched Tsudo for a few brief seconds before moving closer. She reached out and pushed a few strands of his hair out of his face, "And don't dwell to much on your memories. It'll all come to you evently." If anything those last few words had caused more dread in Tsudo, and Dawn wished she could take them back. She let her hand trace his face as it fell softly down to the bedding. "Hm, if anything you should be glad that it was light that brought you here. I know I am, its nice to have something mix up this mundane place." Her eyes flicked up over to the window and the storm was becoming darker. Stnading swiftly Dawn walked towards the open window and pulled the shutters closed, "There's no use in getting all depressed over a little rainstorm they always bring something new and more beautiful", she looked over her shoulder at Tsudo, "it's a little saying my parents used to tell me." [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]A gentle, fragrant breeze blew through Dawn's hair. Elysium was such a peaceful place, full of life. Yet, at the same time it was also dull. Nothing much was ever really going on and there was never really any struggle since everything was readily available. Her small garden was always in bloom since Elysium had an abnormally long growing season. Pushing of the ledge of her window, Dawn walked towards her vanity, sitting on the small stool and stared forward. Closing her eyes, last nights events unfolded. [I]There had been a large storm, which was strange because it was far from the rainy season, which only lasted about 2 weeks in this quaint paradise. Sure there were small showers throughout the growing season to keep the lush foliage alive, but this storm was different. Big black clouds had loomed over the sky all day and once dusk set in the thunder began to roll and flashes of lightning touched the ground. A storm of change. It only lasted for about thirty minutes but it was enough to shake the gentle balance of the people of Elysium. It was her job to search for any damages to the town and surrounding area. It was then that another group of scouts had found a young man on the beach. [/I] Her eyes fluttered to the sound of movement. Running her hand through her hair she pulled it back into a low pony-tail with the black ribbon that was around her wrist. They had decided it would be best to bring the young man to her home since she had the room and her way with people. It sounded like was awake now and a bit confused about his location. "This is..." "Elysium, a Paradise among Paradises." Dawn spoke as she opened the door to his room. Now that some of the color had returned to his face, he was actually quite attractive. She gave him a soft smile as she walked over and sat on the small single bed, he was defently nervous. She motioned for him to join her and after a few seconds of hesitation he moved over a sat on the edge. "I think we both have some questions that are eating at us but, since your the guest I'll let you start. To save a little time my name is Dawn Faustine so feel free to call me Dawn. I'm not so much into all the formalities." She giggled a bit and leaned back a bit on the bed, awaiting his questions, to which she would try her best to answer. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I would not let him in anymore. not in this case, especially. Anyway, I'm glad you like the idea. Right now, I'm relly not qualified to run an RP, seeing as how I've blown off the past 2 I created and (probably) generally pissed off/lost the trust of all the participants :animesigh however, if you want to do an rp between just the two of us (after all, we're probably the only Mai-HiME fans and having it purely made up of fnas of the show might keep it more true to the style) I could probably go about creating it (since I wouldn't need to do as much explaining about the background information and all). [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]Oh the stories I could tell about dropping RPGs. And then the one instance that really pissed me off but, its cool....just as long as I don't go back to the site. Having a two person RP would be fairly interesting, it would follow the show more, and if someone wanted in because they were a fan and had seen the show, which would be up to you, it could be worked out pretty well. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]At this point, I think I've lost my credibility as an RP host, so I'm not sure anything I do would be accepted :animesigh however I do have concepts that I don't think would make it [B]HiME Spin[/B] is one I thought about doing if SD was going well (cough) thing is, it's obviously a spin-off on the anime My-HiME. However, if the Anime Lounge thread is any indication NO ONE ON OB HAS WATCHED MY-HIME!!! Well, this wouldn't be totally relevant to the rp after all - see HiME are those who have special powers and can summon rathr awesome mythological beast familiars, but with a catch. If their familiar dies, so does the person who's most important to them. The rp takes place in a school and there's conspiracies and all, but realy, I'm not sure anyone who hasn't seen the show would be interested, since it all sounds pretty drab on paper.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]Actually I have seen the anime and am a pretty big fan. I'm just not one who ventures to far outside the Theater to comment in such threads -_- I would be very interested if you were able to put up an RPG in the HiME style, I'm sure your old buddy Premotion would join as well.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [size=1][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"] Name: Dawn Faustine Age: 20 World of Origin: Elysium Alignment: Light Race: Human Appearance: [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/Amandag.jpg]Dawn[/URL] stands about 5'3 and has bright translucent blue eyes, that have been compared to the sky. She is also lightly tan due to her time in her garden and on the beach collecting shells. Key Weapon: [URL=http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200512/27/29/c0027129_23571524.jpg]Sleeping Lion[/URL] Drive Form: Sulis is the name of Dawn's Drive form. Sulis is a white magic summon, that heals Dawn and whom ever she wishes, as well as takes damage for Dawn acting as a shield so she can fight without a worry, at least til Sulis' power is used up, which now only lasts about 2 minutes. Bio: Dawn is a natural beauty and cares greatly for her friends. She is very brave and once she has something set in her mind she won't change her vision for anyone. Dawn was born in the Elysium fields and has lived her life there with not a care in the world. That was until a mysterious young man appeared in her land. His name was Tsudo and he had spoken of another world. The thought of other worlds never had occurred in Dawn's mind. She was fascinated by this concept, and it drew Dawn into a growing mystery and adventure. Dawn has always been an advocate for the weak and those in need. Even if a person never said that they were upset she just had some way of knowing. Which was what lead her to Galian, as she always seems to know what is on his mind. Theme Music: Calling All Cars- Senses Fall Entrance Theme: The Church of Hot Addiction- Cobra Starship Battle Theme: Crushcrushcrush- Paramore Victory Theme: The Carpal Tunnel of Love- Fallout Boy Loss Theme: Never Let This Go- Paramore[/COLOR][/size]
  14. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Staying up to late and unable to find anything on t.v. Yeah.... it wa sone of those nights over the summer and when my family still had Netflix. I basiclly just watched whatever was on Adult Swim, mostly InuYasha. One school started though I made some obsessed friends and on of them gave me a cd with subbed Naruto episodes and some AMV's that she made. The AMVs led me to teo obsessions, one being anime related and the other a band. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [B][SIZE="2"][COLOR="darkslateblue"]UNDER CONSTRUCTION [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"] Name: Julia Marks Age: 23 Gender: Female Height: 5'3 Weight: 125lbs Prosthetics: [URL="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b19/pc_remag/LostPlanet-Luka.gif?t=1194573708"]Julia[/URL]'s legs are prosthetic since a previous treasure hunt left her without her lower extremities. The prosthetics are made of a light-weight metal that increases her movements rather than slowing her. Due to her new limbs Julia is able to run and jump much higher than most people. History: Relatively new to treasure hunting Julia faced a lift changing accident on her first excursions. Her long time boyfriend had been the one who had introduced this unique occupation to her and he was the one who had brought her along with him. The accident happen as they were packing up to leave, it happened so fast. There was a rumble and Julia blacked out, when she finally woke up she couldn't move her legs. Turning back she was shocked, her boyfriend was laying on top of her legs underneath a pile of rubble. When the medics arrived their was no way to save her lover and she was equipped with her new legs. After this incident Julia backed away from her promising treasure hunting career. Personality: Again, Self Explanitory[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Well I stopped believing in Santa around 4th grade, but my family still caried on the traditions even though I was the youngest child in the house. We still left out milk and cookies, mainly because we made our own cookies and there was always leftovers. I dunno there was always a part of me that wanted to still beileve in Santa simply because I could figure out were my parents hide all the stuff that 'magiclly' appeared the following morning. Yet with all that aside, I just can't wait to havw my own kids, just so that I can keep Santa alive. Now Aliens, ghosts, and God are all iffy to me. I mean I think theres a possiblity, that they may be real but who knows. When it comes to God all the other religions confuse me, I mean whos right? I personally think that there is a Higher Being but is it God? I don't really know, I was raise as a Southern Baptist but my church was never obessed with the fire and brimstone so maybe that has something to do with my lack of faith. Yet, I've always had trouble with faith in things I can't see, hense why I don't beileve in ghost but if theres a ghost show on, change channel. That stuff just freaks me out @.@[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]Cyri dat staring forward, but not really paying much attention to what had happened. She had seen it, but hadn't beileved what her eyes were showing her and so she sat frozen in shock. This was unnatural, and they were going to be teaching it to the students at the Dueling Club. [B]"Hey, Cyri wasn't that so cool. I can't wait for the next deuling club meeting."[/B] Cyri broke out of her daze and looked to her left, Marie was leaning forward, memorized by the display. She looked back over at Cyri smiling, [B]"You really should join the club, its so much fun."[/B] She shook her head, [B]"I don't think the Dueling Club is for me. I've got Quidditch and that's good enough for me."[/B] Marie shurged,[B] "Speaking of Quidditch, do you know when the first practice is? I'm looking forward to beating some bludgers around the pitch."[/B] [B]"Nope, 'fraid not. I did hear that Patch was gonna be Captian this year though."[/B] [B]"Yeah, though he isn't rushing into that postion anytime soon."[/B] Laughing she turned her attention back to pitch, leaving Cyri in her own thoughts. People like Marie weren't to be trusted with such a spell, not that she didn't like Marie. No it wasn't a matter of favor, it was just she was careless. Cyri feared what could happen if that spell got out of control. What if someone summoned something beyond their control, sure right now Professor Corvidae and Conroy could probly clean up whatever messes the students made but still. There was alot of danger in this magic, alot of unpredictable things could happen. Sighing, she leaned forward elbows on her knees as she watched to see what the Professors had in store next. Despite her uneasyness about the magic, she couldn't hide her intrest in the matter. What was the nature, other than protection, of this strange new, yet at the same time, old almost forgetten magic.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. Flo


    [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Really, so its similar to The Princess Bride? When you put it like that it makes we want to go see it. I'm head over heels in love with The Princess Bride and if this movie is just as good, then I'm all for it. The ads for Stardust haven't really caught my eye, I actually thought the movie was gonna be crappy, since I've never heard of the manga. But me thinks I'll give it a try.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]I just finished the Deathly Hallow today! Finally I know the ending and I just have to say, wow J.K Rowling was quite graffic in some parts. But alas, I think the best part is Snape, I've turned around completly with him. Well maybe not entirely the guy needs to learn some hygenie, but still I was almost in tears for him. As I was with Sirius, but this was different. Somehow...@.@ [spoiler]I really like how I finally got to know Lily Evans, I think that chapter is one of my favorites in the entire series of books. And there was some depth to Petunia as well, I mean after The Order of the Phoenix I did start looking at with a new light but this really opened me up. And Snape, once again, who would of thought? Not me at least! His obsesion was shocking yet sweet, it showed that he did have a heart at one time and wasn't like most Slytherin. Tough I do feel like James Potter is still a mystery, I mean all I've seen of him was his trouble-making, and bull-headed times. But, that's just mean. Oh and I would like to add, why must J.K Rowling kill off all the cool people. I mean Sirus, George, Lupin and freakin' Tonks! Not cool J.K., not cool at all.[/spoiler][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Panty Shot [/B]- [B]Mindless Self Indulgence[/B]. Child pornography? This song serves to remind me how much of a freak I am XD My life gains meaning when she spreads her leeeegs! [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"] Wow is all I can say. I'm not bashing this song, its actually a really good song, I remember my crew and me jamming out to it with the windows rolled down and laughing at the weird looks we kept getting. Okay then....past that flashback and to the point. I'm finding myself listening to "When Your Gone" by Avril Lavigne. Now normally I'm a complete Avril Hater but this song just soothes me. It kinda expresses my feelings over the loss of my mom last year and I really like the feel of the song. I swear however this is the only Avril song I like. : P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]Cyri rolled onto her side her eyes fluttering open, looking out the window watching the sky light up with bright pinks, blues and oranges as the sun rose. It had been a busy night, her first night back at Hogwarts and the Sorting Ceremony. They had gotten a handful of new students for Hufflepuff this year, hopefully some of them would lead to do something that brought recognition to Hufflepuff. Sitting up in her comfy four-poster bed Cyri's eyes fell onto her broom, that sat neatly atop her chest. Her fellow room mates had already gone down to the Great Hall for breakfast leaving her alone. Last night they told her how they wished that they could have such a great broom, the Firebolt 3.0 a wonder in itself. Her mother's parents had given it to her when they visited over the summer. It was a gift for becoming more and more like her mother, they had even gotten her name engraved on the handle. Cyri could read it from her postion, Cyrilla Leonte-Fieraru. They had insisted on using her full name even though she detested it and made it well known that she rather just be called Cyri. Cyri stood, walking towards her chest placing the broom on her bed and opened it pulling out a pair of jeans and a blue v-neck sweater. As she pulled the jeans on over her deeply tanned legs,proof of her summer in Egypt, she noticed that they were starting to tear in the knees and she cursed. Figures that her favorite pair of jeans would tear sooner or later. [I]Well it won't make much of a difference since we wear robes all day but still[/I], thought Cyri as she pulled her sweater down over her ample breasts. The mirror inside her chest reflected back to her a brighted eyed magenta haired girl and she laughed, she still couldn't control her powers escpially when she was asleep. Yet she had begun to adjust to waking up as a total stranger. Scrunching up her face she watched as her hair turn into a golden blonde, [B]"Much better."[/B] She didn't bother with her eyes today, the bright blue seemed to go well with her shirt despite now being hidden beneath her robes. As she walked down the tunnel that lead to the common room she glanced at the notice board pausing as she did, there would be a dueling club demonstration at the quidditch pitch and then the tryouts for the Hufflepuff quidditch team would be at the end of the week. As she started off again another sign caught her eye, Patch for Quidditch Captian! She laughed, Patch wasn't seriously considering not being the captian was he. She would have to talk to him about this. The common room was busy with first years discussing there schedules and other students were busy talking about the dueling club demonstration. Pushing her way through, Cyri reached the exit of the common room and entered into the dank dungeons just as the bust of Helga Hufflepuff went off yelling at whatever boy had stepped to close to the enterence to the girls dorms. As Cyri entered the Great Hall one of her fellow Hufflepuffs, a perfect, handed her schedule for the year to her. Giving a quick thanks she rushed over to the table and filled up her plate with what was leftover, since most of her house had seemed to eaten already. As she looked at her schedule it all seemed to be in order, though she would be missing her first two classes due to the demonstration. She knew why thwy made it mandatory, hopes to reruict new members for the rapidly growing deuling club. Cyri really was never a big fan of the deuling club, even though it would look great on her applications for an Auror. As she rolled these thoughts around in her mind she saw the mysterious girl from the night before take a seat across from her. Giving her a quick node she stood, as she noticed the student that had been in the Great Hall leaving. It was time for the demonstration, cursing she began walking swiftly after the group, most of which where Gryffindors. Her bright yellow and black badge stood out among the crowd gold and red. To lazy to find the rest of her house, she sat in the back of the Gryffindor group. However, a cheery Professor Crowe waved her over and she stood walking across the stands to him. [B]"Miss Leonte-Fieraru do join me in this spectacle."[/B] He grinned brightly as she sat next to him. A few Hufflepuffs turned there heads away from the pitch and looked back, wondering what there Head of House wanted with her. [B]"Yes Professor?" [/B] Before he could speak again, Professor Conroy's magically enhanced voice made annocements concerning the duel. She sighed, and after taking a quick glance at Crowe she saw that he was distracted by Conroy and toke her chance to dissapear amongest the other Hufflepuffs before he could get another word in. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]At first I liked the first banner, with the gray border, but the longer I looked at, looking more at the detail, I deceided on the second one. I think the white border goes better with the text, for some reason. With the gray border, it doesn't seem to flow as much, I dunno that's just what I think. But still thank you so much for the banner! I really like it, the sweeping colors in the back are really cool ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I dunno, I really didn't want Hermes to be the focus point in the first one, but its really up to you. I do like Hermes just as much as Kino, so it doesn't really make much of a difference to me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"] Boo I love the one with the newspapers, I don't know why but it just pulls the avatar together. Thanks so much. Boothten it be okay, but yeah Kino is the person and Hermes is the bike. Your comment about the picture had me thinking, and your not limited to that one or the one I'm linking. I tried to find one of better quality but, alas I couldn't. So I'm providing another picture for the banner, [URL="http://s98.photobucket.com/albums/l246/DekartheDragoon/Kino%20no%20Tabi/?action=view¤t=dcebafb5.jpg"]here.[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Cyri sat in silence for a bit, while he finshed off his sweets, and she picked through the bag of every flavor jellybeans. Patch, spoke up suddenly, [B]"Oh, I never asked you. How did your summer go?"[/B] Smiling at his question she gave him a short description of what her summer involoved, [B]"Well, I got to go to Egypt with my mum this summer. I didn't get to do much, since I was an underage witch and all so I spent alot of time in the tent but, it was still fun. Considering she normally leave me home or with her mum while she goes off doing stuff."[/B] As she finshed, her sentence the train, screeched to a stop and they both stood. Patch was already in his robes, proudly showing his Hufflepuff pride, whilst Cyri pulled her school robes from her backpack, and swiftly pulling them on. Cyri stumbled off the train, almost falling onto the hard ground of the platform, but Patch swifly grabbed her arm pulling her back to stablitly. She gave him a quick thanks as she dragged him to an almost empty carriage. There was plently of room since the only other occupent was another girl, whom Cyri had to admit she had never seen before. They rode in silence, as Cyri adjusted her robes and stealing some glances at the girl and her strange pet. She wasn't all that great in the Care of Magical Creatures, hense her lack on knowledge about the creature. She looked towards Patch, wondering if he knew what the thing was, but didn't bother to ask. The carriages pulled to a stop and Cyri climbed out, looking more put together than she did when she got off the train. Her Hufflepuff pride was begining to show, as she transformed her hair into a pretty mix of black and yellow, showing off her house colours in honour. Yet, she only did this transformation at the start and end of the year and a few random quidditch matches, choosing to leave it its standard blonde for the rest of school year. Patch gave her quizzled look, as he did every year. Brusing it off, they entered the Great Hall and like its name it certainly was great, with its changing ceiling and polished marble floors. Right now the clear, moonlite sky from outisde, seemed to have followed them inside. Cyri took a seat at the Hufflepuff table, only to be suprised as the girl from the carriage take a seat at the table a few minutes later. [B]"Hey, Patch do you remember that girl? I've never seen her in Hufflepuff before, and whats the deal with that pet?"[/B] Cyri couldn't hold in her curiousity anymore, as she blurted out her questions to Patch, who was just sitting down.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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