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Everything posted by Flo

  1. [COLOR=Purple]Name: Naomi Whitford Age: 12 Gender: Female Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg17/senpai2.jpg]minus hat and broom and add school uniform[/URL] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg44/kaw_018.jpg]when she's not in school uniform[/URL] Bio: Naomi was sent to the school not to long ago. Her older sister has been there longer and is more mature than Naomi . Her parents waited eagerly for her to turn old enough to enter the school because they were never to found of her. Naomi always wished for her parents to take notice of her. She long up to her sister and admires her greatly. She's very catious and protective over her loved ones. BEcause she is new to the school she hasn't seen many strange things. She's only heard of them form some of the older students. Power: Naomi has the abilty to control water. She can morph it and create beasts with it. She has kept it a secret because she didn't want to be seen as a freak. [B]Kindred Spirit [/B] Name: Genevieve Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Vampire Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg50/Hayou03.jpg]clicky-clat[/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]OOC: older sister saved for amgoddess. [/COLOR].
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]" Ranpu smell the air for a blood change. Quick!" Maura said angerly at the white dog now at her side. Ranpu barked and dissapeared running back to the castle. " Maura why's that thing running off?" Akuma asked. " We're going in the right direction. Ranpu said somethings not right back there. I wounldn't follow him if I was you he'll kill anyone in his way, even a hunter." Maura said coldly. " Maura are you okay?" Night asked as he joined them. " Fine!" Maura toke off with an alarming speed as she raised her hand before her face she saw that her scars were bleeding and her nails were getting longer.[I] **** I'm revirting back! Crap were's Ranpu when I need him.[/I] THe curse her father had placed on her at his death was starting to work. Whenever Maura emotions reached a high point she would turn demon. Ranpu normally clamed her down whenever it happened. Her fathers curse was placed on her so that she would lose her human blood and it would be replaced with demon blood. Maura felt all that she cared for slip away as the blood gushed out of her old cuts and scars. Maura stoped and slumped down her hair falling in her face. She still had a concouis part of her that knew that in this state she would lash out at anything even if they were friends. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Maura was once again in a place that she knew nothing of. As she looked around she noticed she was at some kinda graveyard she then saw Tapirmon emited a beam of something at a ghost. " Deleting Virus!" Tapirmon shouted. The purple beam hit the ghost though not doing much damage. " Tapirmon what is that?" Maura questioned. " It's a Bakemon." " You can destroy it right?" " I don't think I can. I'm only a Rookie level digimon he's a Champion. Unless I digivole I won't win." " Enough talk time to make your graves! You'll be needing them." Bakemon said adding," Ghost Chop!" THe attack hit Tapirmon head on. Maura grew woried, [I]How were Tapirmon and her to get out of this place?[/I] Looking around Maura noticed a stone on the ground near her. Picking it up and standing she threw it a Bakemon hitting him inbetween the eyes. " OW! You little! Dark Claw!" A shadowed hand with claws came at Maura with alarming speed. Closeing her eyes tight as the claw grew closer. The digivice attacked to her skirt glowed bright, realesing a bright blue light that shone on Tapirmon. Engulfing Tapirmon, he shouted, "Tapirmon digivole to Sorcerimon!" Maura opened her eyes and saw a white clothed digimon stood in front of her blocking the blast with a staff that had a snowflake at the end. THe claw disinagrated leaving Maura to wonder who was this digimon infront of her. " Are you harmed Lady Maura?" Asked the digimon in a gentle female voice. " Tapirmon?" " No, I am Sorcerimon the Champion form of Tapirmon. I'll destroy this pest now if you don't mind." " No go ahead." Maura answered in a confused voice. Sorcerimon nodded and rushed forward towards Bakemon pointing her staff at Bakemon as she rushed forward. " Aquarius Fill!" A blue beam shot out of the staff destroing the Bakemon in one hit. data flowed up into the air as Sorcerimon halted to a stop and in a flash Tapirmon returned and fell to the ground. Maura ran towards him and gently picked him up smiling at him. The surrounding changed and Maura toke notice that they were back in Witchmon's hut and that her cousins and the others were alseep. The little fireballs were surounding Maura as soon as she appeared. One of the DemiMeramon floated forward and Maura stepped back a little. " Don't worry we won't eat up. We just had our lunch, so your safe." " Okay." Maura still a little startled. The DemiMeramon that was talking to her held out a bluish silver chain with a pendent on it. " Take it. It's yours." Maura reached for it slowly, the digimon growing bored shoved it into her hand. Studying it she saw that the pendent was shaped exactly like the snowflake at the end of Sorcerimon staff. In the center there was a hole that looked like it should have a jewel or something there. " Why is it missing the jewel?" " You have to find it like the other Digidestined. It does something cool when you get it. I forgot what it does though." Tapirmon was starting to wake up and the DemiMeramon dissapeared[/COLOR].
  4. Can somebody make me an avatar using the pic. I've attached. I'd like SM13 some place where it doesn't mess up the picture. The color of the text doesn't matter. Please and thank-you.
  5. Flo

    Unbalanced World

    [U][SIZE=5][CENTER][B]Unbalanced World[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] This is an rpg brought to you by Swordmaster13 and Okibi Masurao. We hope you like it. [CENTER][U]Background Story[/U][/CENTER] [I]" Takal why must you do this?" A female voice rang out. " Why you ask? Because I want power my dear sister. Power!" Repiled another female voice. " I still don't understand?" " Then join me Hikaru! Together we can rule!" " Never, if I join you than I will be killing inocent people." " HA! When will you learn no one is inocent. Your purpose is to create mine is to destroy. You have done your task now join me and watch me destroy ." " But, what is the point?" " That is what I shall ask you. Anything I destroy you can recreate. It is life. Things die every day. But if you have chosen to oppose me I shall have to destroy you also." " No please." A tall slender women stepped out of the shadows dressed in black she raised her hand. Dark matter from the far corners of the earth flowed into her hand, creating a massive ball of dark energy. Hikaru formed a ball of light in her hand ready to defend herself. The two hurled the balls at each other. The balls colided and sealed the women inside. They were seprated to different parts of the world. Hikaru to a land of darkness; Takal to a castle of light. A young man stumbled across Takal's orb and released her. She drained the man down to his last thread of life and left him for dead. In a castle were Hikaru lay Takal smilied. " I shall have my way sister dear." Hikaru lay on the floor, unconcious. She finally came to conciousness and looked at the dark world around her. "Oh no", she said quietly. She was in a barren wasteland. Off in the distance, she could see a city. "Takal, what have you done', she said. Hikaru stood, a headed in the direction of the city. "I must get back to my world at once. Who knows what kind of chaos Takal could be causing?!"... The planet Musou has gone under. The world is unblaced, things die but nothing replaces them. Nothing is growing time stands still. Villages are becoming curious they pray to the creater yet nothing changes. Beast from the deepest darkest part of the land of Shikyo, came forth attacking random villagers who wondered from there peaceful homes. No one was safe. Yet in the land of Suno the man who had realesed Takal called forth brave warriors to come to the capitol willing to save their world. They come from the village of Elmtraila where clans with control of the elements of the world joined to created a way of living. And to stay away from conflicts the clans had in the past. The village sent the strongest of each clan to help the world that they share a bond with to peace. [/I] [B][U]Cast[/U][/B] [COLOR=Blue]Water- Swordmaster13- Zet Sumei[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Steel- Imi- Imi Kagami[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Fire- [B]Okibi Masurao- Akuma[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Brown]Earth-[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]Light- `hEvN- Aurora[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Thunder- yotska-L ance Forine[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]Wind- Xra- Saru/[B]Mage15- Jim Mishima[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Sound-[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Darkness- [B]Cysword-Reis Terras[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Spirit- amgoddess- Chloe Evangelia[/COLOR] The names in bold mean that they're evil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zet sat on a hill watching the sun rise over the highlands. Soon she would leaving the land she called home to save the world from Takal. Picking up her staff she ran back to the village. Going down the street that lead to the Aqua Clan's area. A note was nailed to her door, ripping it off and looking at it she entered the house and crushed the note. She grapped her sword the Water Blade and hooked it on her side. She walked outside and breathed in the dewy air and recalled what the note had said, [I]Elemental Warrior come to the city hall to here your task. Bring what you find important.[/I] Zet headed for the center of the village. Few of the villagers had woken, the ones who were awake were farmers or herders. After a short walk Zet was at the center of the Elmtraila. She sat on the Fountion of Control and glanced at it. Being the first one there Zet sighed and started playing with water in the fountion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Well take it from there people. If you have any questions pm me or Okibi. Everyone should metion getting a note. And then go to the Fountion of Control. Have fun!!
  6. Flo

    Unbalanced World

    These profiles are great! I'll probley start this tomarrow or maybe later tonight if I'm bored inof. `hEvN delte your first post since you posted your finshed profile in another post. Keep the profiles rolling!! I'll leave this open for a few more days. I'll ask Okibi when he wants to start this.
  7. Rika raced out of math and smilied. Thinking ,[I]Freedom from the cursed math class![/I] Walking out of the school and grabbing her bike she peddled home. " Hey did you notice they were selling copies of the World today at school?" A male voice asked her as he rode his bike along side her. " Ya. Now the World shall become overpopulated with newbies." Rika answered. " Hey it could be fun." " Who knows see you at school tomarrow!" Rika pulled into her driveway as the boy went on. Parking her bike and unlocking the door she dropped her bookbag in the hallway and kicked of her shoes. Seeing a note on her door she pulled it off and read it,[I] Rika, won't be home till late. Love Mum[/I]. " What else is new." OPened her bedroom door and closeing it behind her she walked over to her computer and put on her Neuro Goggles and logged in. Username: Star Password: ***** THE WORLD Star looked around smiling as she noticed a boy and two female characters talking to eachother. Walking over to them she introudced herself. " Hi I'm Star and you are?" " I'm Hunter. And I was just getting the names of these two." " Cool." " Well I'm Sara and this is Kite who's a girl in the real world." " So is there a problem with that?" " Nope. Some characters perfer to play as the opposite gender in the World. Yet I am a female in both the World and in the real world." " Oh." Kite said looking down. " Hey if you guys ever wanna got on an adventure. Look me up. Here's my player address. See you later." Walking off she noticed Hunter was running after her. Stopping leaning on the hilt of her blade she waited for her.
  8. Maura in a loose white shirt with brown pants was trying to hold Ranpu back as he was trying to devore the head, in al its bloody and decaying glory. As she turned her head she smilied as Akuma walked forward his eyes widened from the site. But he didn't run off like Ziarre. Night ran out a quesy looking Ziarre following him. " Keep your pet restrained Maura." Night said as he came closer. " But, he hasn't had his daily flesh yet. And he has this thing for decaied flesh. I kniw because when I went to take him some new flesh last night and he was eating the flesh I toke him the night before. All decaied and stuf." " That's inof Maura, we'll dicuse your punshiment later." Night said as he steped toward the head. After Maura's little talk about flesh Ziarre looked even more sick. " What punshiment? What I do?" " Going out on the grounds before a Hunt is anouced. And without another Hunter." " But Ranpu would of known if I was in trouble. And you'd be surprised how fast he can run." Akuma leaned over to her. " Your in trouble." He whispered with a smirk. Maura crossed her arms and as soon as she let Ranpu go he lept at the head swollowing it in one gulp.
  9. Flo


    " Man I hurt all over what happened?" Zet's eyes examined her suroundings a old shamen sat in a corner. Her eyes windened. " Jukusei? What how did I get here?" " Your friend brought you here." Turning his head to the still sleeping Ziarre, "Tatsujiin is injuried as well, but his wounds aren't as bad. You know Zetsumei you can be troublesome, rushing without thinking." " SHUT UP! and don't call me by that name you old gezzer!" Zet went to stand up but noticed something laying next to her. A small blue dragon lay there sleeping. " Aisu spent alot of energy keeping you alive. He didn't even have enough power to stay in your body. Though he did have just enough to make himself smaller." Zet sighed and laid back down noticing that Ziarre was starting to move. Jukusei got up and went to tend to Tatsujiin wounds.
  10. Dead demons bodies lay around them after a few minutes. Maura leaned against the stone wall breathing deeply. " You okay?" Ziarre asked. She sneezed lighly. " Ya, somebody must be thinking about you." " Don't tell me you belived that junk." " Could it be... Night?" Maura said smiling looking up at the dark sky. " Oh shut up Maura! Your so imature!" Maura looked down no one ever spoke to her like that before. Ranpu rubbed up against her and looked up at her. His cold,hard eyes seemed to look right through her. Maura tried to think of her mother but, couldn't recall any happy memories of her. The reason she stuck close with Ziarre was becaues she was like a motherly figure to her. She was one of the few hunters she really conected with. A drop of water hit her head. Glanceing up as the rain poured down. " Oh shot its raining what are we going to do know?"Ziarre asked. " How 'bout the sewers." Maura said smiling. " Why?" " Demon presence." Maura kicked of the sewer top near her and jumped in Ranpu after her, Ziarre following. Ranpu growled his fangs bared. A man stood with a child on his back.
  11. " Can we eat her?" " No! Lady Witchmon wouldn't want that!" " But, see looks tasty and we haven't had lunch yet." " I'll say this again, No!" Maura opened her eyes slowly and sat up moving her hair out of her face. Her mouth opened. The boar like monster was floating in front of her with tiny fireballs floating around. They were ghost like things with fangs. " What are you!" " I'm Tapirmon and these are the DemiMeramon I am their protector. And you are tamer." " Wait does this have anything to do with this thing?" Maura asked as she pulled out the blue digivice and looked at it. " Yep, and we must go to Lady Witchmon now!" " Who is she?" " She is the one who brought you here. Now come we must hurry the other have arrived, and Lady Witchmon does not tollarte lateness well." " Okay lets go then." As she stood up she looked around her she was in a grubby street. Tapirmon turned toward her and mtioned for her to follow him. " Let us go to Lady Witchmon's hut." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: This is a great rpg. I hope it doesn't die.
  12. Flo

    Unbalanced World

    Great sign-ups for thoughs who finshed theirs. Hope more people become intrested. Name: Zet Sumei Age: 17 Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg6/misc13.jpg]click[/URL] Bio: Her family and Akuma's family were close friends and that caused Zet and Akuma to become the best of friends. Yet Akuma left the village for some unknown reason. Zet didn't follow him him for reasons of her own. Her mother trained her because her father disappeared when she was young. Zet hopes to find Akuma on the quest. Weapon(s): Iron Staff, needles with poison on the tips, and the Water Blade Element: Water Magic: Ice Daggers- throws shards of ice at foe. Water Dragon- A huge dragon of water is formed with sharp, ice fangs and breaths snow, ice or water. Icey Wind- A cold blast mixed with raged peices of ice and chunks of snow are hurled at the enemy, freezing them temporaly. Side: Good
  13. Can someone make mean avatar with Horo-Horo on it. The pic doesn't matter nor, does the background color. I'd like SM13 on it some where. Color or text doesn't matter either. I'm not going to be picky. Please and Thank-You!
  14. [U][SIZE=5][CENTER][B]Unbalanced World[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/U] This is an rpg brought to you by Swordmaster13 and Okibi Masurao. We hope you like it. [CENTER][U]Background Story[/U][/CENTER] [I]" Takal why must you do this?" A female voice rang out. " Why you ask? Because I want power my dear sister. Power!" Repiled another female voice. " I still don't understand?" " Then join me Hikaru! Together we can rule!" " Never, if I join you than I will be killing inocent people." " HA! When will you learn no one is inocent. Your purpose is to create mine is to destroy. You have done your task now join me and watch me destroy ." " But, what is the point?" " That is what I shall ask you. Anything I destroy you can recreate. It is life. Things die every day. But if you have chosen to oppose me I shall have to destroy you also." " No please." A tall slender women stepped out of the shadows dressed in black she raised her hand. Dark matter from the far corners of the earth flowed into her hand, creating a massive ball of dark energy. Hikaru formed a ball of light in her hand ready to defend herself. The two hurled the balls at each other. The balls colided and sealed the women inside. They were seprated to different parts of the world. Hikaru to a land of darkness; Takal to a castle of light. A young man stumbled across Takal's orb and released her. She drained the man down to his last thread of life and left him for dead. In a castle were Hikaru lay Takal smilied. " I shall have my way sister dear." Hikaru lay on the floor, unconcious. She finally came to conciousness and looked at the dark world around her. "Oh no", she said quietly. She was in a barren wasteland. Off in the distance, she could see a city. "Takal, what have you done', she said. Hikaru stood, a headed in the direction of the city. "I must get back to my world at once. Who knows what kind of chaos Takal could be causing?!"... The planet Musou has gone under. The world is unblaced, things die but nothing replaces them. Nothing is growing time stands still. Villages are becoming curious they pray to the creater yet nothing changes. Beast from the deepest darkest part of the land of Shikyo, came forth attacking random villagers who wondered from there peaceful homes. No one was safe. Yet in the land of Suno the man who had realesed Takal called forth brave warriors to come to the capitol willing to save their world. They come from the village of Elmtraila where clans with control of the elements of the world joined to created a way of living. And to stay away from conflicts the clans had in the past. The village sent the strongest of each clan to help the world that they share a bond with to peace. [/I] [CENTER][U]Sign-Ups[/U][/CENTER] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] We need at least seven fighters to start, we can have more but once I get seven or close to that I'll start this. Some can be fighting along side Takal. If you have any questions pm me. Sign Up Name: Age: 16-40 Description: pic. or written Bio: short or long, just don't make it to short. At least four sentences. Weapon(s): limit four. Element: water, steel, fire, earth, shadows, light, thunder(includes lighting), wind, sound, darkness, sand, or spirit (two people can have the same element( If you pick a element someone else already has you'll have to be an evil fighter. ) Magic: you don't have to have magic but if you do it's a limit to three spells. Side: Good/Bad[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Water- Swordmaster13- Zet Sumei[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]Steel- Imi- Imi Kagami[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Fire- [B]Okibi Masurao- Akuma[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Brown]Earth-[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]Light- `hEvN- Aurora[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Thunder- yotska-L ance Forine[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]Wind- Xra- Saru/[B]Mage15- Jim Mishima[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Sound-[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Darkness- [B]Cysword-Reis Terras[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Spirit- amgoddess- Chloe Evangelia[/COLOR] EDIT- the names in bold mean that they're evil. And remember darkness isn't limited to evilness. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I'll put my sign-up later. I also need somebody to play Takal. If you want to play her pm me with a your sign-up for her. I'm including some pictures of what Takal and Hikaru look like. If whoever plays as Takal has picture they'd like to use go ahead. Have fun!!! Here's [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg47/Akemi_Angel.jpg]Hikaru[/URL] Add here is [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg53/ks_003.jpg]Takal[/URL] [/COLOR]
  15. Maura walked back to the others with a small brown pokemon in her hands. Carter looked at the pokemon. " How did you get that?" Carter asked. " I toke it to the pokecenter in Virdean and they cured it, but I guess it liked me." " How did it get here though?" " Pokemon Transport System or the PTS. My brother told me about it. He also sent me my pokemon that I let him borrow." Petting the eevee she now held in her hands, pulling a pokeball from her belt and sent the small brown pokemon back into its new ball. Shin looking up at her frowned a little jealous of Maura's two other pokemon he would be sharing the attection with. " I'm ready to get my next badge how about you guys." OOC: Maura's other pokemon is a Misdreavus nicknamed Missy.
  16. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Name: Maura Trepas Age: 15 Apperance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg36/hane.jpg]clicky( minus the wings)[/URL] Bio: Maura never really enjoyed the news because it always brought bad news. With her parents nearing a divorce she didn't really need any more bad things in her life. After her father had stormed out of the house she went to turn the t.v off but noticed a small boarlike animal with clouds wear its hind feet would be. Smiling and thinking that is wasn't bad she told her mother that she was going out. Running along the silent streets a white light stopped her. It shined brightly as she rasied her hand towards it. She slowly touched with the tip of her finger. The light grew brighter and in a blinding flash the light faded and as she looked into her hand an odd device sat in the palm of her hand. She's cousins with Coal and Aurora. Power Gem: Belief Power Gem Color: white Digivice Color: Sky Blue and Blue Digimon Partner: Tapirmon [B]Digimon[/B] Rookie: Tapirmon ( Deleting Virus, Walking Dream, Nightmare Syndrome) Champion: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/Sorcerimon.jpg]Sorcerimon[/URL] ( Crystal Cloud, Aquarius Fill) Ultimate: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/wx/Wisemon.jpg]Wisemon[/URL] ( Eternal Nirvana, Pandora Dialog) Mega: ChoasGallantmon ( Judecca Prison, Demon's Disaster) Human Fusion: ChaosGallantmon Crimson ( Twilight Spear, Night Shade)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]OOC: Hope that's good.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Green]Zet picked up the ball next to her and threw it at Odell hitting him square in the face. Caley stared at her oddly, while Odell and his followers ran off. " Zet, why did you.. I mean this is the first time I've ever seen you like this." " Well, There is one person I can stand up to. And that would Odell." She leaned down next to Hiroshi and toke a pulse. Looking back up at Caley and moving a stray hair out of her face she frowned. " We should get her to Nurse." " Okay you grap the head and I'll.." Bafore Caley could finsh the gym teacher came over and said that he would take Hiroshi to the Nurse. Once he left Caley and Zet went back to the changing rooms to get ready for their next class. Lily walked up to Zet. " Can you come to a get together I'm having at my place tommrow?" " I guess, I'm not sure if I'll make it but I'll try." " Thanks! Here's an invation with directions and stuff. I hope you make it." After that Lily walked of to finsh changing. Zet had finshed and turned towards Caley. " I guess I'll see you after advance algbra. Bye Caley!" Zet headed for her class hopeing not to be late.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Green]Zet had finshed the homework and stood up putting everything back into her backpack. " Where you off to Zet?" Caley said smiling. " I'm going to the Library to get my book back from Hiroshi." " Knew it you can't stay away from any of books for more than an hour can you?" " Nope I guess not. See you in later." Zet walked quickly to the Library and smilied when she reached the large oak doors. Good I got her insidents free. Sliding throgh the open doors she walked towards the back. As she looked down the isles of books she noticed the new girl looking at a book. She walked towards her. " Hi, Mr.Dwelling didn't give you much time to talk did he." " No, but I don't mind. My name's Lily White, you probley already knew that though. So what's your name?" " Its Zet, Zet Sumei. Nice to meet you. I'd better go I have to get something." Zet turned and walked to the Study Room figuring Hiroshi would be there.[/COLOR]
  19. OOC: This is before imi's chara. left. [COLOR=Green]" Don't really know yet. She didn't get to talk much. Mr.Delling just told us her name and made her sit down." Zet said in her soft vocie. " Some teachers never change. He was like that with us remember Hiro-chan," Hiroshi nodded as she flipped through a book Zet had lended her," Hey Zet why can't you come over tonight? I had it all planned out and everything." " I'm busy." Turning to her backpack and pulling out some paper, pens, and a twelth grade algebra text book. She set to work on the problems on the page she was working on. " Your still doing homework for bullies! Come on Zet, you need to stand for yourself!" "Its not like she doesn't like it Caley. Let her do what she wants. Its her life." Hiroshi said looking up from the book.[/COLOR]
  20. OOC: I agree with JoyKaiba on the whole background thing. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name: Maura Aurora Age: 12 Gender: Female Apperance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg36/hane.jpg]clicky[/URL] minus the wings Crest: Reliability Alinment: Good Digimon Baby: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Mokumon.gif]Mokumon[/URL] ( Smokey blow) In-Training: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/DemiMeramon.gif]DemiMeramon[/URL] ( Fireball) Rookie: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/Tapirmon.gif]Tapirmon[/URL] ( Deleting Virus, Walking Dream, Nightmare Syndrome) Champion: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/Sorcerimon.jpg]Sorcerimon[/URL] ( Crystal Cloud, Aquarius Fill) Ultimate: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/wx/Wisemon.jpg]Wisemon[/URL] ( Enternal Nirvana, Pandora Dialog) Mega: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/ChaosGallantmon.gif]ChoasGallantmon[/URL] ( Judecca Prison, Demon's Disaster) armor(s): [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/ChaosGallantmonC.gif]ChoasGallantmonCrimson[/URL] ( Twilight Spear, Night Shade) OOC: Not sure what you want for the biomerge and DNA. Adding them makes this just a tad more confusing. You still haven't done anything to the background. [/COLOR]
  21. Maura climbed back into the window to her dormitory and sat at the base. A slow, moldly voice startled her. " Ah. Miss Maura gald to see your awake. Sneaking out again I suppose?" " Aw, come on! All I was doing was feeding Ranpu!" " He has already been fead." " He doesn't like crap you give him." " Really than what does Mr. Ranpu like." A smilie crossed Maura's face as she spoke," Flesh, demon flesh." " Well then.. the hunt shall start soon." The man left and went to the next room, leaving Maura alone. She turned back to the window and whistled. A large snowy, white beast ran towards the window, as Maura moved out of the way the demon bounded in. " Hey Ranpu buddy. Guess what, we're going hunting!" Maura whispered. She turned and grapped her spear placing it on her back and turning back to Ranpu smiling. " Come on lets go!" Maura looked out of her door and turned her head bothe ways seeing another hunter already up and the old man wasn't in the hallway she ran towards the hunter, Ranpu behind her. " Hey Ziarre! Ready to go hunt and kill demons! I am!" " You know if you keep talking that loud Selino won't have to go and wake everyone up. And is that dog aloud inside?" " Nope!"
  22. Name: Rika Gender: female Age: 16 Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/61-1.htm]click me[/URL] Short Bio: Rika is no newbie to the world. She's been playing it since she was 12. She doesn't know everything about the world and doesn't brag saying that she does. Rika is more intrested in leveling up and fighting monsters than collecting rare items, but if there's a monsters evoled in any way you can bet she'll be there. Personality: Rika is a spunky, short-tempered tomboy. She hates it when peolpe tell her what to do. Though Rika may be a little morbid at times she has many friends. She belives in the saying," Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer". In the World Name: Star Gender: female Class: Heavy Blade(see wepon in pic.) Level: 35 Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/57-2.htm]clicky[/URL] were it's white it's purple(expect for hair) [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/56-2.htm]here's another pic.[/URL] Personality: same
  23. Name: Zet Sumei Age: 16 Gender: female Elemental Key: Sound Elemental Key: The Voice Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg41/09.jpg]here[/URL] Bio: Zet is a soft-spoken girl who is always picked on and teased. She lives with her grandparents and knows nothing of her mother or father. Zet has trouble reveiling her emotions and is normally the subject of many cruel pranks at school. She finds scantrey in books. Zet spends most of her time doing homework for bullies and her so called friends that only hang out with her so that they can get a passing grade. Odell was the only boyfriend she ever had yet he only went out with her so that she could do his homework. The only time she ever stood up for herself was when she dumped him. She soon met Caley who became her only true friend. At home Zet has a rather large collection of paper-back books that she bought at second-hand bookstores. She spends most of her time studing for exams and reading her books.
  24. Race: human Name: Zet Age: 18 Gender: Female Starting class: Amazoness Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/61-9.htm]click[/URL] Personality: Zet has few friends, but those she does have she has a close bond with them. Shes generly laid back, yet she can get hyper at times. She is a tad of a prankster and cares little about her family. When Zet has something on her mind she will do anything to acompilsh it no matter what.
  25. " Go Pidgeotto!" Josh shouted as he realesed his pokemon. "Guess that means it's my turn. Take him down Shin!" Maura stepped forward with Shin runnig out from behind her, sparks flying from his body. " Pidgeotto wing attack!" " Shin agiltly!" Pidgeotto's attack hit Shin before he could even move knocking him down. " Shin qucik attack!" " Please this is going to be easy! Pidgeotto use gust!" Josh said smircking. This time Shin's attack hit causeing Josh's smilie to fade. " You'll pay for that!" The pokemon went back and forth attacking eachother, each getting their own share in the damamge. Josh's pokemon with a little more hp than Shin was paralized from his parlize wave. " Shin let's finsh this! Quick Attack followed by Thunder Shock now!" Slaming into the pokemon and moving back quickly Shin charged up his Thunder Shock and blasted Pidgeotto with it. Josh's face red with anger recalled the now fainted Pidgeotto and reached for another ball as Maura stepped back. Shin at her heels looking as though he would faint soon.
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