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Everything posted by Flo

  1. Flo


    Zet looked behind her but, turned back to Kumori. Aming her good hand at the ground she realesed water from her hand, drenching the soil. " What are you doing you fool. Oh I get it your making the ground soft so it would be easier to dig your grave." Concertrating on the flow of water she had soon made a moat of water cirlcing her. " You think that will stop me?" "No but this well, ",the water swirled fast making a tornado of water around Zet,"COME FORTH! I NEED YOUR POWER!" The water soon toke the form of a gaint dragon with huge fangs of ice. The pendent that belonged to her mother glowed brightly virbrating. Grabbing it from her pocket she placed it around her neck. The great beast lunged at Kumori tearing at him with his fangs. It leaned back aiming it mouth at the sky and realesed a tornet of snow. " Finsh him Aisu!" Aisu raceing towards Kumori fanging ready to tear him to screads. " Please show mercy!" " Me show mercy? Not in a million years buddy!" " Ple...." Before he could finsh Aisu had meet contact and ripped of the demons head. Once the dragon had devored Kumori it turned it's large head toward Zet and spoke. " You bear my old masters summing charm who are you?" " I am your old master child. She was killed by the demon you have just destroyed." " You share a likeness with her. And only her heir would now my name. From this moment on you are my new master." Moving close to her he touched her body with his nose and slowly was absorbed inside of Zet. From deep inside of Zet Aisu spoke words that only she could hear. [I]Rest now dear Zetsumei, I will protect you with your mother love.[/I] Zet smilied and nodded. She closed her eyes and fell to the ground to venom's effects had started to work.
  2. Flo


    Zet ran through the forest killing the demons in a flash as they came at her. She slowed down and looked around she had been to this place before. [I]Damn it is him.[/I] " Come out you murder! I know here this illusion can only be done you! So get your *** out here!!!" A tall slender demon jumped down from above. He simlied a smilie that could strick terror into anyone's hearts. " So you found me. Good your father was such a waste of time. Didn't even taste good." " Kumori! You'll pay for did to my mother! I really don't about my father so your down one." " Not for long though child. Though I must your not the sad eyed child I rememered you as. You have grown quite a bit." " Your right I have changed so that I could kick your *** back to were you came form!" "Big talk. Let us see if you can fight without that boy by your side." The demon ran towards Zet claws ready. Ready Zet sidestepped and hit Kumori with her staff. He came up behind her and slashed her right arm with his claws. Grabbing at her arm as a pain raced up it. " My poison claws shall kill you in a few hours. It shall be slow and painful I promise you." Zet stood up inorging the pain and stood ready to fight. " The more you move the faster the venom will spread don't you?" " Yes but, I made a vow that I would kill you no matter what!"
  3. Name: Kagai Age: 16 Gender: Female Human Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg44/kaw_018.jpg]here[/URL] Wolf Appearance: [URL=http://www.production-ig.co.jp/anime/jin-roh/images/wolf01.gif]here[/URL] Bio: Kagai lived with Kikira since her parents left her in the streets for dead. Kagai owes her life to Kikira even though she told her she didn't owe her anything. She cares deeply about her and would do anything to protect her even if it cost her life. She can be a bit of a prankster at times. She seem s to have some relation with Coal. Side: good
  4. I've been drawing a few pictures of my favorite anime and manga characters lately and well I really want them to look good. So how better to help me get better than my fellow OBers. Constructive criticism is needed. If oyu have any sugestions please tell me! The first one is of Hinata from Nartuo and the second one is of Rath from the manga Dragon Knights.
  5. Flo


    " OH MY GOD!!! ZIARRE!!",leanimg down next to her," Are you okay?!" " I'm fine. I'm immune to lighting becaues it already flows through my body." "But your arm! I'm not that good with healing, but maybe we can get you to the local ..." Zet had turned to the now dead demon and noticed something around its neck. Moving her hand to it's neck she removed the chain. Eyes widened as she examined it, a steel pendent hung from the chain. The pendent seemed to let of an bluishglow, which brighted in her hands. " My mo...", standing up so quickly that Ziarre and Tatsujin moved back a little," I have some business to take care of." Zet fiinshed in a cold icey voice. She shoved the chain in her pocket and went to grab her staff to notice Ziarre was holding it. " Give it to me!" Zet said angerly. Tatsujin looked a little shocked he had never seen zet so angry before, and they had grown up together. " No, I'm not letting you hurt!" Ziarre said while shaking her head. " Fine then I'll just take it from you!" Zet moved her hand infront of her and whatched as the staff quivered in Ziarre's hands. It vibrate so much that Ziarre counldn't hold it any longer in her weakened state. As soon as the staff thouched the palm of her hand, Zet took off running. " Don't you DARE follow me!" And with that a thick wall of ice blocked the path that Zet toke. " Can you melt it?" Ziarre asked. " No, it's to strong and this is something Zet has to take care of on her own." " What was that chain?" " I think it belong to her mother." After that final coment Tatsujin turned and walked off." Come we must tend to your wonds."
  6. Flo


    The balls combined and shot throew the demons, it hit them many times. The ball dissapeared and body parts where all over the ground surounding them. The ground was drenched with blood. " Uh! I think I'm going to be sick!" Zet said crouching down. Ziarre losened her grip on her whip a lttle. " Zet do you sence any demons? And you've seen more blood and dead bodies than this before what's your problem?" Tatsujin asked looking at her. Shaking her head she spoke," No I don't feel any demon presence. That kid got must of gotten away. Last question does not matter any more. I think I just used to much water magic." Standing up and using her staff as to support her. Smiling to assure that she was okay. " See it worked Ziarre." Zet said looking up into the sky and the trees above.
  7. I love Saiyuki!!!! I own the first three dvds and I'm working on getting some cash to get the 4th. Let me clear one thing since everyone is holding there fav. char. hostage I shall reveal mine. You can tell one of the by looking at my banner and ava.(I love Goku with the long hair). If not well then Goku is MINE!!! Along with Kougaiji. So hands off Goku and Kougaiji!!!!!! I Saiyuki is a mixture of some of my fav.elements of anime. Comedy and action. I was wondering if anyone has seen the saiyuki movie(there's only one(i think)), and if so is it worth buying? The movie's name is Requiem. And there are 50 ep. in the first season. Another char. that I like is Lirin. I find her humurous and love when her and her brother fight in ep.9. Fight Party or Lethal Trap. Whichever.
  8. Flo


    Zet gripped her staff and looked around. Demons ran at them from the clearing. Turning and seeing that Ziarre and Tatsujin where dealing with their own demons. Firing ice spears at the demons she jumped up into a tree and made an ice spear tip on the top of her staff. Diving down and spearing two demons at once she turned to help Ziarre or Tatsujin. Both had killed the demons they where fighting. "That was easier than I thought it would be."Ziarre said looking around. Tatsujin nodded but then gripped his katana again. "They're moving again!"Tatsujin shouted. "Wait that must mean..."Ziarre started. "They're reanimted corpes! Crap that demon must pretty darn powerful!"
  9. Flo


    Zet scowled and started to play with the water in her hand. Giving it a shape she froze it and unfreezing it making it into another shape. "Don't you dare throw another snowball at me Zet!" Inorging him Zet keep on playing with the water happily. She formed the water into an ice all and with a wave of her hand she moved it slowly towards Tatsujin's head. Ziarre noticed what she ws doing and smiled. The ball of ice was above his head now, letting it drip abit Zet smiled. As the dorp of water hit his head Tatsujin looked up and Zet quickly unfroze it giving Tatsujin a faceful of water. He turned quickly. "ZET!" "What you said don't throw 'snowballs' and I didn't. Ask Ziarre. It wasn't a snowball was it?" "Nope".She answered through her lafter.
  10. "Crap! And I was starting to think I was going to have a good day!" Extending the daggers in her gloves she went at two of the demons. She slashed at them and flipped over to a a tree branch and muttered some words. "!" A blast of light went racing at the demons. It spilt into three different beams. Two hit the demons she was fighting killing them, the other destroyed the demon that was sneaking up on Leon. Maura turned towards Leon watching him attack the demons with his axes.
  11. Flo


    Zet formed another ball of water and looked at Ziarre. "Water!" Zet smiled and looked around a corner her smile faded. She let the water run threw her fingers. A child sat crying over a body. [I]"Daddie why won't won't mommie wake up and why is red water coming out of her?"Zet said in a worried voice, tears fell from her eyes. "It's okay stay next to me Zetsumei."Her father picked up the limp body and grapped Zet's hand harshly and ran back towards Mura.[/I] Zet had known that her mother was dead and since her mother had died and her father had left her all alone she had never let anyone call her by her full name again. She walked over to the child and bent down. "Did a demon do this?" The child nodded with a tear stained face. "I'll avenge your parent." Zet stood up with a furry in her eye and looked down. A path of footprints lead to the exit of the town. Grapping her staff and summuning water Zet ran off. The water circled the staff.
  12. Flo


    "Come on Tatsujin don't be so mean." After Zet spoke Tatsujin lowered his sword. "Fine you can come with us. I'm going to gather some info."Tatsujin walked of and turned a corner. Zet smiled and turned to Ziarre. "Hi sorry about him. He can get a little moody. By the way my name's Zetsumei but most people call me Zet.What's your name?" " Ziarre it means sky goddess." "Cool my name means death. Well I'm gonna go and find Tatsujin either that or hang out with you. Your pick my friend."
  13. Flo


    Running after Tatsujin through the forest and Zetsumei tripped and fell forward. "Ow!" Tatsujin turned around."What do you want Zetsumei?" "I told you it's ZET!"She rose to her feet and gave him an evil look. "Sorry 'Zet'! Anyway what do you want?" "Well duh! I'm coming with you to protect Mura! Now lets go. Come on I'm hyped up!"Jumping up and down smiling her midevous grin. "Your always hyper Zet."He said as he rolled his eyes. Trying to put on a seroius face he broke out lafting. They both smiled and walked or rather Tatsujin walked will Zet ran along his side playing with a ball of water in her hands. She slowed down till she was a good distance away from him. She freezed the water and turned it into snow. Holding it infront of her she threw it at Tatsujin head and hit it dead on. He turned and cast her an angry look. Looking around with her hands behind her back whistling.
  14. Flo


    Name: Zetsumei (nickname- Zet) Age: 18 Gender:female Side: Mura Race: human Bio: Her family and Tatsujin family were close friends and that caused Zet and Tatsujin to become the best of friends. They are very close and wouldn't go anywhere without the other. Her mother was killed by a demon and he father went after the killers, leaving Zet alone. Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/maggirl.jpg]here add black leather pants[/URL] Magic Element: water Weapon: iron staff and gloves with retractble daggers
  15. Maura smiled at the dead demon at her feet. She had watched the man kill the beast. Trailing after him into the forest trying to keep quite, not wanting him to know that she was following him. Hiding behind a tree as he looked behind him. Maura stood behind the trunk of the tree and tried to slow down her breathing. she looked around the tree and saw that the man had started walking again. She followed him again realesing the daggers in one of her cloves. Becoming more catious the further they went into the forest. Her eyes wondered forward and she noticed the man was gone. Cold metal was against her neck. "Why are you following me?" "I was bored."Maura repiled smugly.
  16. Maura shighed she never really wanted to go and capture rare pokemon. She looked out the window she was sitting nears. Keeping quite during Rorohiko speech. Shin was asleep curled up in a ball by her foot. She pulled her legs to her chest and frowned. Maura saw some of the other trainers leave the room. She leaned against the wall and wondered who she should travel with. Kazu's name came to mind but, she wasn't certain. Shin woke up sudden and looked around. He growled and ran towards the door. Maura got up and ran after him. Something moved in the bushes and Maura stepped back. Something small stumbled out. Maura bent down to see what it was. "Oh!!!" An injuried eevee laid crumbled on the ground. Maura picked it up and saw that it had a braken leg. She hurried it to the pokecenter. After she had given it to the Nurse Joy there she sat in the waiting room, petting Shin.
  17. Iris destroyed the three demons she was practicing on and sighed. The corpes started to move again and Iris waited intill they were back at full strengh again. "Uhh! The only problem with fitting reanimted corpes is that they don't know when to DIE!!!" Letting the whips extend to their full lengh she spun slicing them and removing body parts. She keep spinning intill there was nothing left. Iris threw her back behind her and started to walk back to Timber. The thick and maze-like forest that surrounded Timber was almost impossable for a forginer to make there way through the woods. Iris grinned as she walked past a skull, the rest of the body was problely beeing devored by the wild animals that wondered the woods. She entered the village many of the houses where in the trees. Wooden planked bridges conected the shops above. Long woodend stairs cirled the trunks of the trees. Iris ran up one of them and pushed open the door. Her father wasn't there.[I] The jerk is problely getting drunk somewhere.[/I] Iris walked into her room and locked the door. She changed out of her training clothes and fixed her hair. She walked over to the window and looked out of it a familair looking person walked out of the forest. She smiled and ran out of her room. She walked slower down the steps so as not to draw attention to herself. Once down the stairs she leaned against a tree trunk and felt the power coming into her body. The man noticed her started to walk over.
  18. Flo

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia looked around and sighed. There was nothing to do or was there? "Jerid do you wanna go and play with the guards?" His smile widded and did some more cartwheels. "Lets go come on!"Jerid said happily. Clesia smiled and followed him and smiled. They crouched behind the wall and looked over. Most of them where alseep or talking in hushed voices. One guard stood up and looked around he went through the door that lead to dungeons. She lifted a brow. Jerid didn't notice he was to busy making tiny fireballs. "Don't hurt them too much we need them." Jerid scowled but went back to making his fireballs. [/COLOR]
  19. Oak handed them their pokeballs. Aura had gotten the Charmander,Kazu was given the Bulbasaur. There were two pokeball left. One was going to another girl, Prof Oak pressed the button again and thpokeball cam back up. As soon as the glass came off a pokemon came brusting out and looked around. "Maura this is your pokemon. It would be a Pikachu but well this Raichu got in the way." Maura smiled a elertic pokemon was perfect for her goal. "It's okay prof." "Great! Well why don't you all bond with your pokemon before will I get your pokedexs. OH and Maura Raichus don't really like to be in pokeballs. So it would probley be better if you didn't put him in one."Prof.Oak said will walking off Carter following him.Maura bent down and smiled at the pokemon that was now hers. "It will be eaiser to catch ghost pokemon with you! What do you think about a nickname?" The pokemon tilted its head and fell over causeing Maura to giggle. "What about Shin?" The pokemon jumped up and down and shocked Maura when his tail hit her. Maura quickly recovered and smiled.
  20. Maura casted a glance at the girl who had grapped the Charmander. She never really favored fire pokemon, not to say that she hated them. The boy that was in eariler had ran in and looked over at her and Aura. She tried to remember his name.[I]Oh what was it? I think it started with a c? Carter? Ya that was it![/I] Maura nodded her head and noticed that one of the pokeballs was shaking. She watched it and arched an eyebrow. "Um? Prof.Oak." "Yes Maura?" "One of the pokeballs its.." "Oh dear!" Prof Oak hurried over and pushed a button a small glass thing closed over it and the pokeball went back inside the machine under it. "Aura could I have that Charmander back?" "Oh sure!" Aura handed Prof.Oak the orange pokemon back and smiled. The pokemon dissappeared it a flash of red light and it toke its place on the machine. Another boy came in yet, he was out of breath.
  21. Maura had finshed talk with her brother on the phone and looked at the clock it was already 11:00. She sighed,[I] time flies[/I]. Maura went over to her dsk and started packing her things into her pack. Her brother had sent her some pokeball as a gift and a special one too. Maura picked it up and looked at it her brother said it was a Ghost Ball(if that's okay).He said it can catch ghost pokemon much more easily. The stientists near his gym been working on them. The one she held in her hand was the one of the few that he had been givin. Maura clasped it onto her belt and smiled. She picked up her cloves and slide them on she clenched her fist and looked out the window smiling. Sure she was probley the oldest new trainer but that didn't matter it just ment that she had more experice. She would of started earilar like the other trainers at her age. Her brother had needed her help at his gym and she willing went to his aid. She learned much about ghost pokemon and studied his battles. He had trained her to make up for her missing out on stating on her pokemon jounreny. Maura slung her pack over her shoulder and walked down the stairs. "Maura you have enough potions right? And my number? If things get bad you can call your brother and he can pick you up."Her mother had been asking and telling her things ever since Maura had signed-up to resive a pokemon and start her joureny. "Mum, I not a kid anymore. I probley know about the dangers out there tan the younger trainers. And I won't need Greg's help. Ican take care of myself." Maura said the last part angerly. "Oh, well call me you get a town." "I will don't worry". Maura said a little more happier. She turned and opened the door, bright sunshine washed over her face. Taking out her sunglasses she put them on and waved good-bye to her mother. Maura shut the door and leaned against it and glanced at her watch. "AH! Its 11:20!"Maura took of and ran towards the lab. She grapped open the door and walked inside. "Hey." Maura said out of breath and saw that she was the first girl there. A boy around 11 stood near Prof.Oak. Prof.Oak looked a little woried about something but, Maura just leaned agasnit the cool wall not bothering to take off her sunglasses.
  22. Flo


    ya but, I've never read Journey to the West. I know that saiyuki is based on it though because I own one of the dvd's of saiyuki.
  23. Flo

    Wolf's Rain

    Scarlet heard a crash outside on her porch and went to see what had caused it. Her eyes widdened as she saw a young boy holding a baby. "OH ****!" She ran over and opened the glass sliding door. She dragged the boy inside and looked around outside. She shut the door and locked it and shut the curtains. "What the hell did you do! And why are you holding tat kid?!He belonges to the lady up stairs!" "Calm down llady. Their ani't nobody up there now anyway. Well there was but that lady was just killed." Scarlet turned pale and looked around she grapped a few thingss and shoved them into an old backpack. "Listen kid you better get the hell out of here.Those men could come here next."
  24. Maura shihed and watched her partner try to get the feather to levitate. Her feather was already up in the air. Maura had noticed it had been twirling because she played around with the feather making it do loops and tricks in the air. She had been the first to make the feather fly in Hufflepuff and gained them 5 points. Her partner became flabergasted as he finally manged to get the feather to levitate a few inches off the table top. "Congrats Luke." Maura said in a bored tone. "Tthanks!" Luke stuttered. He turned back to his feather and tried to get it to go higher. Maura looked to the board and noticed that Professor Flitwick had wrote the homework,[I] Practice the Levitatvion Charm[/I]. Maura wrote it down and was jumped, Luke had just blew up his feather. Maura hair fell into her face and was now fire red. She moved her hair out of her face and watched Prof.Flitwick hand Luke another feather and was showing him the right wrist movements. The bell rang and Prof.Flitwick reminded them of their homework. As they all filed out Kevin walked over to her. "We got Transfiguration with the snakes."Kevin said. Maura lafted at his joke and smiled following him to the Transfiguration room.
  25. Flo

    Wolf's Rain

    Scarlet walked into her aparment and open the door. She didn't bother to lock the door. She didn't have anything worth stealing anyway. She flicked on her small black and white t.v andstarted making her dinner. The word raid made her turn her head quickly and her eyes widened. [I]Crap! just when i was thinking things may work out here.[/I] She turned off the t.v and went back to making her meal. When she put it on the stove she ran over and picked up the phone and started to dial Kikira's number. The phone rang and a male voiced answered. "Hey, who's calling?" "Get Kikira and tell her it's Scarlet from work." There was a pause and she figured he had gone to get Kikira. The familar voice she had heard many times at work answered. "Hello Scarlet?"Kikira questioned. "Ya hey, you see the news. Listen we have to get out of here." "What do mean 'we'?" "Listen I know your a wolf and so am I. I overheard some raiders at the resterrant talking about the next raid they were planning." "What how did they know!" "Don't have a clue but, you can stay at my place if you want your friend can to if he wants. He could be in danger too. I have to go I have to get ready for my night job. See you at work tomarrow."
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