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Maura pulled out her book and wand and turned to talk to Kevin. "Hey. Sorry I'm late."Maura said out of breath. "Um, your hair."Kevin repiled. "What about it?"She pulled a straid down and saw that is back to green,"Oh,I liked green better so I changed it back." Maura looked around and twirled her wand while Kevin turned back to talk with the girls on his other side. Maura noticed that her wand was starting to spark and she quickly put the wand down on the desk. Prof.Flitwick was taking role as Maura flipped through her book. He reached her name and it toke Maura a while to respond because she was busy looking at an intresting charm. She finally answered when Kevin nudged her. Maura blushed and said that she was here. Prof.Flitwick told them to open their books to chapter one and read the first chapter and then to partner up and practice the charm to make things fly. OOC: sry I don't know the charms name.
A Hufflepuff perfect had helped Maura out of the step and gave handed her the schedule. Maura said a quick thank-you and asked him where the Owerly was. After she recived the inroemation Maura climbed up the many stairs that lead their. Maura was greated by many hooting owls. She looked around at the many racks of school owls. They all moved around rustling their wings trying to get her attection. Maura finally settled on a tawny and a barn owl. She strapped the lletter to her mother on the younger barn owl because she was bond to be somewhere far off. Maura watched the two owls fly off over the forest. Turning Maura walked out of the Owlery and back down the stairs. She pulled out the already crumpled schedule from her pocket. She glanced down looking for potions. [I]Yes I got double potions! Good thing it's not with the Slytherins.[/I] Maura saw that she had two classes with them: Transfiguration and Herbology. She noticed that the Herbology teacher was her Head of House. Maura said the password and walked into the common room.
I have a comment. Has anybody other than me noticed the odd similaites between Son Goku from Saiyuki and Son Goku from DB,DBZ,DBGT? I mean other than the name. Like their endless disire for food? Or that fact that bothe are monkeys(Monkey King)(Goku(DB)turning into a gaint ape)? Anybody else notice these or other similaites?
[COLOR=DarkRed]Carrie looked around for the nearest phonebooth. She spotted one and walked over. SHe pulled out some change and looked over at Kayla. " I'm calling a friend of mine to meet us over at the skatepark that ok with you?" Kalya nodded and looked around.A few minutes later Carrie walked up to Kayla. "Hey remember Python?" "YA, why?" "Well he's meeting us at the skatepark so lets go.BTW his name Chad." They soon were infront of the park. A boy with dusty brown hair waved them over. Carrie ran over and started talking at him. They laghed and Kayla walked over. "Hey Kayla guess what Lois new name is!" "What do you mean?" "I hack into his account once in a while and change his login name." "Your a hacker?" "He is and he's one of the best. But anyway Lois is now Buttwipe_the_hedgehog!" They all lafghed and smiled. [/COLOR]
Name: Maura Trepas Alias: none. Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/maggirl.jpg]here add black leather pants[/URL] Personality: Badgirl. Doesn't like it when people tell her what to do. Bio: She grew up in a very protective family who came from a long line of shamens. Her father died when she was seven and her mother became even more protective. She always amired her older brother who had become a shamen master. He was on a misson to and came across one of Hao minions. Though he defeated the minion the spirt that controled him destroyed her brother's spirt and toke over his body. Maura promised her mother that she would save her brother. Maura entered the SKT with her twin brother. Style: Sworddance Dream: To free her older brothers soul. Weapon: A board sword and many hidden daggers. Spirit's Name: Ranpu Spirit's Alias: none Spirit's Appearance: [URL=http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:qiFoIvsgiCEJ:www.cannonspike.com/CamFan/neo-geo/samurai-spirits2/ngp-shizumaru.jpg]here[/URL] Spirit's Personality: Childish and loves playing pranks. Spirit's Bio: Ranpu had a deadly virus when he was born. He was only espected to live for five years. Yet he didn't die. He was able to get away with anything though he never understood why. Ranpu died when he turned eight. He wondered by a tree where his older sister told him about his illness and where they spent many fun times together. She was killed in a car crash when he was five. He noticed Maura from a distance and noticed the simalrty between her and his sister. he followed her a bugged her intill she let him be her spirt. He will do anything to protect Maura even though he knows she isn't his sister, but he fells like if he protect her he'll be able to see his sister again one day, because of her being a shamen.
Thanks! It looks alsome!
ilike them both but can you put my name on the avatar or if it won't fit just put SM13. And can you make the color of the text black and put a bloody background behind the writing. If you can't just keep the text the same and just but a black background.
Can somebody make me a banner and avatar with Goku from Saiyuki on it? I'd like the banner to have the text-[I]"Since the day I was born, till the day I die the only side I'm on is mine"![/I] I have a picture i want on the avatar.I'll attach it. I want the banner to have a picture of Goku in full demon form.Thanks in advance. Note: It doesn't matter which pic you chose for the avatar but the first one is my main favorite. I'd like the last two on the banner. If you can't put both of them on the banner the third on is the one I want the most on the banner.
name: Maura Trepas age: 15 Pokemon dream: to be a ghost master starter: Raichu description: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/maggirl.jpg]here add black leather pants[/URL] short bio: She grew up in a very protective family who raised ghost pokemon. Her father dies when she was seven and her mother became even more protective. She always amired her older brother who had become a ghost pokemon master and a gymleader. She strives to become as good as he was. personality: protective over her pokemon and hates when people make fun of them or her. she's not very competive yet she loves to battle. she's very suportive for her friends. OOC: that okay now.
After of few moments Maura had closed the book and had started to looked through [I]Magical Drafts and Potions[/I]. She went through the pages aborbing the procedures, ingredents, and temprutures the potions required. Okibi was now laying in her lap scanning the area. A few times he was getting ready to ponce at something, but Maura put her hand down on the boncey kitten without looking up from the book. Her eye's never left the crisp, new pages of the book. Once in a while she looked up to see if any teacher were around, yet there were none so her haed went back down into the book. Maura closed the book suddlenly causing Okibi to jump and hiss at her. "Oh hush. Listen I'm going to write letter to mum and dad. Then well find the Owerly. You can stay in common room." Maura added after he hissed again. Maura placed the books back into her backpack and picked up Okibi. Maura ran towards the school and slide down the banister to the badger. Okibi hissed at her as they slide. "Ridge-back!" The badger moved aside and Maura stumbled in. Some first years looked at her and went back to what they where doing. Maura went into the girls dormintory and dropped Okibi on her bed. She put her books back and grabbed two seats of parchment and a quill with ink and set went back down to the common room. Looking around Maura spotted a bare table with nobody around it and walked over and sat down. She spread out the parchment and started to write : [I]Dad, You wanted to now what house I got sorted into well I got sorted into Hufflepuff. Yep first one in the family unless I have a distant family member that was in Hufflepuff. Oh well. I hope next year I get on the Quidditch team. I hope you don't get ot hurt playing with those dragons. Love, Maura[/I] Maura looked at the letter and smiled. She copied it with a few changes and addressed it to her mom. Maura sighed and closed them both. She grapped the letters and went throuh the door and headed up the stairs. She stopped and looked down. [I]Oh great my foots caught in the step.Darn it![/I]Maura leaned against the side railing and started to try to pull her foot out of the step.
Name: Iris Element: Wood Xenosins: Terradra Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/maggirl.jpg]click here add black leather pants[/URL] Weapon Type: Gloves with retrackable(sp?) whips Weapon: Heavens Gift Upgraded Weapons(3): Fallen, Death's Grasp, No Return Special Ability: Can turn into a tree and heal and or proteat self from attacks. Evo Form 1: Hair and eyes turn moss green Evo Form 2: Hair becomes longer and more lefty and skin hardens and turns brown Evo Form 3: Skin becomes even more harder and deflects magical attacks, hair is longer and has gaint leaf-like wings. OOC: I'm new at this Final Fanstey stuff so sorry if my sign-up is a little poor.
Maura finshed her meal and started to walk back to the common room. She was going to grab Okibi and one of her school books and sit by the lake. Maura looked around and noticed that the area she was at didn't look familar, but she kept walking. She soon came to a large picture of a fruit. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a scrap of paper under a silver knight. Maura looked around quickly and bent over to pick it up.[I] For future mischeif makers-to enter the kitcen tickle the pear and pull the knob.- FW&GW.[/I] Maura looked from the note to the picture. She reached up but stopped. [I]What if its a trap? It could lead right to Finch's office. I'll try later.[/I] Maura retraced he steps and found that she had taken a wrong turn, she went down the right way and spoke the password. The yellow clawed badger lept aside and Maura stepped through the hole and went up to the girls dormitory and saw that okibi was asleep on her trunk. She moved Okibi to the bed and looked through the trunk. She saw the album that her dad gave her so that she would remember her home if she got homesick. She reach in and grabbed it. On the cover a dragon was craved into the thick dragon hide. She looked back inside and saw her potions book. Smiling she grabed it also and put it onto of the album. Potions had always been her faviorite subject and her best skill. Maura heared that the potions teacher Prof. Snape was mean and hard. He also favored his house and the Defence Against Dark Arts class. He was turned down for the job each year though. Maura stood up with her books in hand and placed them carefully into her dragon hide backback that her father got for her as a gift for gitting into Hogwarts. She put the bag over her shoulders and grabbed Okibi. She placed him under her robes, afird that she might get trouble for bringing her cat out of the Hufflepuff house. She walked up the stairs that lead to the Great Hall and walked out the huge wooden doors. Wet dew filled the air as Maura walked to the lake. It simmered in the day and looked much more inviting than it had the prevouis night when they crossed it. maura sat down near a tree and leaned against its trunk. Okibi fussed under her robes and she let him out. "Okibi stay close I don't want to get in trouble." The cat climbed the tree and laid down on one of the branches and fell asleep. Maura opened the album and smiled as her father looked up at her and waved. His burns shone bright in the sun. As she turned the pages drgons flew through the pictures fighting with each other but, never harming. Maura stopped on a picture of her mother and father standing together at there gradution. The slytherins in the background snarled at her. Though her face glowed with much pride. Her father had been caption of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and Maura hoped to be caption of the Hufflepuff team or a least the seeker which her mother had been for Slytherin. She turned the page and saw a picture of a dragon family. The mother was feeding the babies: the father keeping a watchful eye in the skys and all around, protecting his family from harm. Maura's eyes filled with tears, for that had been her family before the split up. Maura missed the union of her mother and father and how they seemed so perfect for each other. Maura stared at the picture through teary eyes.
Sign Up Heaven Falling [PG-13, Blood, Cursing, Sexual Referencing]
Flo replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Theater
Name: Maura Trepas Gender: female Age: 14 Human/Demon/Half-Breed: Half-Breed 1/2 Demon 1/2 Human Biography: Her mother was a who was raped by a demon when her house was attacked by demons. She gave birth to the demons child and kept it secert from the hunters and her family that Maura was a demon. Maura didn't know herself that she was a demon intill her mother died and told her. Her mother was killed by the demon that had caused her to have Maura. He stole Maura away and trained her to kill humans and thought her demon magic. Once Maura learned all that he could teach her she killed him. She then ran from the demon hordes. Maura is hunted by many demons because of her crime she comited against one of there most powerful demon leaders. If Maura uses to much magic she passes out. When she does pass out her ice demon dog, Suno-Ranpu(Ranpu for short), protects her body intill she awakens. Ranpu shows no mercy for his prey but attacks depending on Maura's feelings. Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/maggirl.jpg]here add black leather pants[/URL] Weapons: Gloves with retracklable knifes, board sword, and shurikens Special Skills/Fighting Styles: Magic: Blood Rebirth- reopens any wounds that an enemy may have. Heavens Gift-Heals self and allies. Banshing Shadows-Creates a ball of light that is shot at the enemy. Skugga Blast-Creates a ball of darkness that is fired at enemy. Shining Aura-Increases strengh temperaly, though it tries user out quicker than usal. Elemental Blast-Fires a blast of different elements.(ex.fire,rock,water,wind....) -
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Flo replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
I'm reading many manga titles.I pretty far in all of them. [U]Here's my list[/U] [B]Dragon Knights[/B](Rath Is MINE!!!)-Vol.13 Ranma1/2-all of them (so far) Saiyuki-vol.2 Chobits-vol.7 .hack//legace of twilight-vol.2 Naruto-all of them(so far) --------------------------------- I think I'll start reading Demon Diaries it soundes good.And alot of you guys seem to like it. -
Maura didn't eat much she mostly kept her eyes on a brown haired boy at the Slytherin table who sat far away from the other Slytherins. They were all pointing and lafting at him. Maura felt a little sorry for him and walked over to him. "Hey". She said softly. "What here to make fun of the mudblood in Slytherin!" He snarled at her. "Sorry I didn't know. They making fun of you? You don't really belong in Slytherin do you?" Maura said a little token back. " Oh. I'm sorry., it's just that one of them put a dead rat in my bed". Maura lafted. "Sorry, but it's a little funny. I know what could fix your intruder problem. I can lend you my cat for a bit. He'll attack anbody strange. But don't worry get to know him and he won't hurt you too much." "Thanks I'll think about it." "Hope they go better on you. If you need a break tell me." Maura walked back to the Hufflepuff table and sat back down across from Kevin.
Maura awoke with her hand in pain. She sat up and noticed that all of the girls in the dorm where alseep yet the sun was peeking over that lake that all the first years had crossed when they arrived at Hogwarts. Maura got dressed quickly and crept slowly towards the door trying not to wake the other girls. She walked down the stairs and into the common room looking around. She saw the boy that had sat next to her at the table in the great hall. She walked up to him. "Hi." He jumped a little startled but said hi back. He stared at her as she sat down in one of the chairs across from him. "What?" Maura asked him. "You die your to"? He asked. "Huh"? Maura said and pulled a piece of her hair down infront of her face and noticed that it had turned a bright pink. "I understand I mean who would want pink hair." "No it... well alright people are bound to find out soon". Maura thought about the Hufflepuff colors, thinking about the shade of yellow.There was a pop and Maura's hair changed to the same shade of yellow as on the Hufflepuff banner with strips of black in random places. "Wow how did you do that"? "I'm a Metamorphmangus",seeing his questioning look,"it mean I can change my appearance at will." "Cool wish I could." "It isn't that great.I rather be normal.Truly it's a bother. ihave to fill out forms and tons of paper work." "Why?" "Same reason you need to register when your an animgus. By the why my names Maura Trepas". "Mine's Kevin Sanders". Maura smiled and looked down seeing Okibi jump up int her lap. She petted him behind his ears.His purring grew louder. "That your cat?" Kevin asked. "Ya why?" "Nothing. What's her name?" "Okibi and his a boy". "Oh sorry.What's his name mean?" "It's okay.His name means blazing fire".
[COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia watched as Jerid burned the girl the smell of burning flesh was nothing to her after knowing Jerid for so long. She watched him play a grin streched across his face. " Jerid that's enough!" Clesia said.Jerid looked at her frowning but his grin came back as he relized that the girl was waking. Clesia turned and walked away towards the stone door. " Jerid come now. You can watch her suffer from my crystal ball. But let us leave now". As they walked out the door and shut it Clesia formed a wall of wind in front of the door.[/COLOR]
Name: Maura Trepas Age: 16 Race: Half-demon Bio: Her mother was a legondary hunter who was raped by a demon when her house was attacked by demons. She gave birth to the demons child and kept it secert from the hunters and her family that Maura was a demon. Maura didn't know herself that she was a demon intill her mother died and told her. Her mother was killed by the demon that had caused her to have Maura. He stole Maura away and trained her to kill humans and thought her demon magic. Once Maura learned all that he could teach her she killed him. She then ran from the demon hordes and joined the Hunters. They don't fully trust her becaues of her demon side but she has proved herself as a powerful ally. She has a great knowledge of demons and where they hide when not in the underworld. Maura is hunted by many demons because of her crime she comited against one of there most powerful demon leaders. If Maura uses to much magic she passes out. When she does pass out her ice demon dog, Suno-Ranpu(Ranpu for short), protects her body intill she awakens. Ranpu shows no mercy for his prey but attacks depending on Maura's feelings. Weapon: Long spear and two daggers Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/maggirl.jpg]here[/URL] add black leather pants. Talisman: Soul Talisman Magic: Blood Rebirth- reopens any wounds that an enemy may have. Heavens Gift-Heals self and allies. Banshing Shadows-Creates a light in darkness Shining Aura-Increases strengh temperaly, though it tries user out quicker than usal.
OOC: I don'y want to be the leader either.I'm not organized and I don't make a good leader. Maura shighed she was the first in her family to be in Hufflepuff. Her father had been in Gryffindor; her mother in Slytherin. They had been an unlikely combination and dated in secert. She smiled though and sat down on the black sheets and glanced at the yellow drapes around all of the beds. She tugged at her green hair and opened her trunk at the end of her bed. It was covered with stickers from other countries. As she opened it a small animal ran out. "NO!! Okibi come back!!" Maura jumped off her bed and chased the calco kitten under her bed. She reached under the bed but pulled it out quickly for the cat had scrathed her hand. "Oh. Come on Okibi I didn't know you were in there. I thought I had left you at home. Please come out." Maura had gotten the attention of some of the other girls in the dorm. She looked under the bed and saw her little kitten shaking under the bed. Maura reached back undere the bed a little slower than before. A few minutes later Maura was sitting back on her bed with the little kitten on her lap purring. "You know what okibi your one bad little boy. I hope this cut isn't infected."She whispered into the cat's ear.[I]Though it's nothing compared to the cuts dad comes home with.[/I] Maura closed the drapes around her bed and laid down. Falling asleap before she got under the covers. Okibi curled up near her head.
[QUOTE=Monkey_Orange][COLOR=DarkOrange]Honestly, the main thing that drew my into [B]Saiyuki[/B] is the fact that it's LOOSELY based from [I]Journey to the West[/I]. AND I do mean loosely. I grew up knowing the story of the Monkey King so I thought I'd take a jab at this series. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I love saiyuki!Yes saiyuki is based on [I]Journey to the West[/I]. The anime is alsome and the manga rates right up with it.Unlike most of you who seem too have stuck to Hakkai or Sanzo.GOKU IS MY MAN!!!The monkey king rocks hard!!!! [spoiler] Like Imi said Sanzo doesn't die but Goku goes berserk.In other words his power limter breaks off and he turns demon.He is even more cute as a demon!"THE GREAT SAGE GOKU!!!!The demon created from where the earthly aura gathers."-Hakkai.[/spoiler] Not spoiling anymore for you guys.If you must find out how it ends get the SaiYuki dvd.
Name: Maura Trepas Gender: Female Age: 13 small bio: Maura is Mikco cousin. Maura can be a little morbid at time and makes fun of people causeing her to have a sortage of friends. Maura tends to have the feeling of proving herself to others. Her parents left her alone thinking thats what she wanted put she never really wanted to be alone. Her parents never said 'no' to her, letting her do as she pleased.she might had turned out different if her parents laid down some guidelines. Maura has a very close bond with her navi. description: Long black hair iwith dark red bangs in a thight braid.Grey eyes.Red tee and torn black jeans with flames on the bottom.Black scarf tied around neck. 3 of your battle chips: Blade of Dispair,Zetsumei Cannon,Flame Armor personality: cold-hearted, and mean.Caring toward her navi.Hates people trying to be nice to her. [U]net navi pro[/U] Name: Okibi Gender: male description: red armor with flames around feet and hands.Helment is black with flames running on the side.Cold-hard black eyes with red specks and short spicky bright red hair.Long black scarf tied around neck. personality: Loyal. Kind and caring towards Maura. Untrustworthy towards other navis and their owners.
OOC: I belive Unborn is correct about the age thing. [COLOR=Red] Name: Maura Trepas Age: 11 Sex: Female Eye: Purple Hair: Green Wand: Core: Dragon heartstring Wood: rosewood Length: 12 and a third. House: ??? Year: 1st Personality: Maura is normaly shy and quite kepping to herself when she needs to let things out. Yet when she lets people get to know her she can get really hyper and perky. Maura doesn't like it when people bring her into arguments or when her friends argue. It remindes her of her parents arguments. Biography: Maura grew up in a normal wizarding family.Her father is a dragon breeder in Romania; her mother a worker at Gringotts,the wizarding bank. Maura is the first metamepohis(if that's ok) since her great-great-great grandfather on her fathers side. She doesn't have comptle control over her abilty,like when she's nervous or scared her hair changes color quickly, but she can take on a person's apperance, change her hair or eye color at will when she's calm.Her family traveled alot becaues of her mother's job, but she didn't mind. She actully enjoyed it, getting to see different wizarding towns and seeing how they were different from others. Maura has no problem with mudbloods or mudblood haters as long as they don't bother her. Unfortally her parents divorced because of many disacgements. maura lives with her father now spending the hoildays and some of the summer with her mother who swiches to desk job when Maura is their with her.[/COLOR]
Wolf human: Name: Scarlet Occupation: waitress Living Quarters: Small apartment Appearance: Dark long red hair, red eyes, tan skin, red dragon tee, black torn jeans, tennis shoes. Human Pesonality: Scarlet likes her space.She is very calm and motherly with children. Wolf Species: Red Wolf Type: wanderer/savage Appearance: Small like a coyote yet a little bigger,dark red fur w/ black belly,red eyes with scar over both eyes. Wolf Personality: Murdurious when in a bad mood.A little nicer and less cold than normal when a wolf.
[COLOR=DarkRed]"My friend Viper is in a coma because of your losy game!You listen to them or I'll get my dad to make sure your replaced by a more respectful person.My mom's dead because of your system errors!" Carrie shouted in perfect english thursting a finger at Lios. "Really how did you mother die"? He asked smugley. "Your game put her in a coma and caused a power failure at the hostipal she was at!And as for my player name it's Flame!Do what ever the **** you want to my player but I'm not leaving till you fix what you've done!" "We can't bring people back from the dead little girl". "My father Tran Intore I belive he owns one of the largest industys. So I may be 'little' but my father isn't".Carrie smiled at his open mouth and walked back and leaned against the wall grinning. OOC: I'M BACK !!!!!! Thanks Mai !!!! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]"You go play some sticks and fire.I'll finsh whats left of him." Clesia said smiling as she summoned her Wind Staff.Jerid ran gleefully toward the wooden building.Kayin stood up and grapped at his chest. "Awww. Dose it hurt.I can fix it up for you. For a cost though." "What do want?"Kayin barked. "You"!Clesia waved the staff and wind gathered into a giant ball then it shot out at Kayin befor he could reach for his sword.The swriling wind thighted around him forming invisable and strong ropes. "Let me go"! "Be a good boy and I'll spare your little friends." "Kristen". "Oh thats right one them is sister.How awful if she died because you couldn't behave yourself." Kayin fell silent. "That's what I thought.Jerid hurry set the place on fire.We're taking this one.And leave a note so they'll worry more.With another wave of her staff Torinte grew. "My sweet baby can you hold on to this worm without killing him for mommy?" The beast grolwed and picked Kayin up in his sharp claws giving Kayin deep cuts, Clesia jumped up on Torinte and waited for Jerid, petting Torinte's shiny scales.[/COLOR]