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Everything posted by Flo

  1. [COLOR=Red]Juno looked around the loud room of her fellow Wildfebeasts and frowned. She leaned back in the chair and stared at the ceiling. A door slammed and the room became very quite. Juno put her chair back on all fours and looked at the teacher. [I]Dogman[/I], she thought as he started to give out books telling the students not to chew them,sread them,or do any damage to them what so ever.sShe tuned out.Falco had already told her all the rules of all the teachers.Juno looked out the window she was sitting next.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red]Juno flew through the air as fast as she could go. [I]Oh, I can't be late.If I am I'll be in sooooo much trouble!!![/I] The school came in to veiw. Juno dived down slowly bringing her black wings closer to her body. As the ground grew closer she pullled out of her dive and let herself fall slowly to the ground. Once her feet hit the ground she ran threw the gate and smiled. Juno looked around and saw two students standing near some of the teachers. She quickly ran over. "Hi!"Juno said happily. "Hi".The female student replied first. "Who are you".One of the teachers asked. "I'm Juno but my codename's Winger.Nice to meet you"!Juno smilled reveiling a pair of very sharp fangs. Juno looked up on the roof and noticed a man with a large set of wings standing on the roof. She spread her wings and flew up to him. Once landed Juno looked up into his face and smilled brightly. "Told you I wouldn't be late"!She said.[/COLOR]
  3. I didn't like Yahiko voice in the movie it sounded to mature for him.Oh well.i've two of the Samuri X movies both are alsome.The only flaw I saw was the fact that the blood at thee begining didn't look right,i meanit just expoled right out and sounded like a deflating ballon.But beside that it was good.
  4. I got out of school alot with headaches and still do.I get really bad headaches like vicky and i get them alot.The throw-up trick stopped working for me because my mom heard the water running.yet i still have my ways.which i shall not tell.cause school is important!!(gag)
  5. OOC: can i still sign-up? Name: Juno Davis Code-Name: Winger Age: 14 Class: Wildfebeast Personality: Fun-loving,perky,hyperactive,and a bit crazy. Animal: Vampire Bat Appearance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18903&stc=1[/IMG] Short Bio: Juno was always was perky and never let anything get in her way.though poeple were scared of her andmade fun af her she didn't let that hurt her.Her parents left her in an oparnage but, she was adopted by Kevin Falcon(if that's okay).She respected him greatly and always hopped to be like him when she got older. Techniques: She can fly and is very good with airal attacks.
  6. Flo

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia stood outside the castle leaning against the wall.Torinte was flying around above her.Clesia shot him a mean look and He flew down on her shoulder. "Torinte, I want you to be nicer to Jerid." Torinte blew a puff of smoke and sulked up to the top of the wall.A few minutes later Jerid came outof the mist with a shocked look on his face. "I was expecting to wait for you".Jerid said. "Well lets not worry about that now.Lets go."Clesia said as she jumped over the wall her blood red cloak swirlling around her.Jerid followed with Torinte nipping his heels.Once over they ran off into the night.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Red]Name: Clesia Age: 13 Appearance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18832&stc=1[/IMG] Bio: Trunks younger sister who follows him everywhere.Vegeta trained her since she was very young.She can transform into a super sayian and can go up to level 3.Though it tires her out greatly. Personality: Calm and caring but when it comes to fighting she's ferice and deadly. Weapon(s) : Gloves with retrakable whips,fist and feet,two swords,and almost anything she can get her hands on. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia's eyes widened as she saw a man running toward her palm in front of him..[I]He's gonna try to kill me like he did the others.This well be fun.[/I]clesia raised her Wind Staff and held it in front of her.A force came to her blocking out all thoughts.An emptness.CLesia closed her eyes.Wind whirled around her.Raven stopped.The wind was blocking his mind waves.The wind died down but the girl was no longer there.A blade fell heavy on his back.He turned quickly only to have a foot in his face.Clesia smiled.That always worked.She saw the man several paces away. "Gee,you didn't put up much of a fight now did ya?Well see ya later."Clesia turned only to face a girl with her hand outstretched. "Hi,you want to join us"? "Who's us"? "Me and that dude you just knocked out.Name's Leonie.He's Raven".She said pointing to the man that was rising to his feet. "Sure why not.My name's Clesia.And I'm a Wind Sorresses and a wercat.Nice ta meet ya." [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh the book"!Clesia said sudlenly dropping her backpack and rumening through it. "What book"?Rodney asked. "The books... Hunter.... told.... us...to...find." "What about them?"Maria asked also. "I found one.Here it is!"Clesia said happily pulling a very old book out of her backpack. "Good now lets go".Rodney said running off.Maria not to far behid.Clesia ran after thetm keeping up as they pasted the library doors Clesia felt a chill. "Hold up I think Hunter's in here". "The library"?Maria said. "Somethings not right about it.THere's a chill in the air.Please can we look and see?"Begged Clesia. "Fine".Rodney grumbled. [/COLOR]
  10. Flo


    [COLOR=DarkRed]Glad that's over with".Flame remarked."Oh crap"! "What"?Kayla asked. "I forgot that that I was going on a dungoen adventure with Python.Man this sucks". "Can't you tell him to come here and join our party"?Shadow said. "I guess I could.Could always use another fighter.I'll e-mail him".Flame sent a quick e-mail to Python and stood still for a while. "So what class is your friend in"?Crim asked. "He's a wavemaster.Wan't to be one so we didn't haft to invite along another one." "Oh.Tell your dad I won't be at work tomarrow okay". "Why you planning skippen work." "Hey you skip school all the time and I haven't told your dad yet.So do this favor for me". "Fine." It turned out that Flame knew Crim very well becaues he worked for her father.A wavemaster appeared. "Hey Flame!You said this would be a small group.Don't look small to me.Hey Crim's here alsome!" "Ya well I lied.Sorry."Flame said sarcatly.After Flame introudused Python to everyone they waited for what Kayla wanted them to do next.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia walked into her fathers library and shut the door behind her.She walked over to the bookshelf in the back.She reached for a book and pulled it off the shelf.TH bookshelf opened up makeing a door.[I]So it wasn't a dream when I saw dad do this eairliar.[/I]Clesia walked in and saw a starnge light in the back.As she walked closer a glass case came into veiw.Her jaw dropped as she saw what it contained.A old book stared back at her through the thick glass.Clesia went to open it but noticed that an old brass lock held the case shut.[I]I wonder?[/I]Clesia pulled a chain out from behind her shirt.An old key was at the end.She slide the key into the lock.[I]This is stupid it probley won't work.This key was my grandmothers.Like it would...[/I]CLICK.The lock fell off and hit the floor with a loud clang. "That's just creepy".Clesia stood still for a moment but something made her grab the book.A few minutes later she was on the computer doing a search on the book's title.A page appered. "Lets see only six copies remain.There were orginally twenty but most were burned in a fire.Resones unknown.Copies are very rare most are in musems.They carry bad luck with them every were they go.Unnatural happenings come to the owners."Clesai couln't finsh because the screen went blank. "No!" "Clesia something wrong"?Her mother asked stopping at her door. "Nothing mum just studying". "Okay dear.Dinner be ready soon.Oh and another thing you got a phone call from some boy." "Okay I'll be down soon".Clesia walked over to her bed and shoved the book under it wondering who had called her.Clesia quickly changed out of her school uniform and into a sheer purple lacy shirt and black leather pants.She walked down stairs.Her parents were in to a deep conversation.A few minutes later the doorbell rang.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC:My person is a fighter and is the only child of Jin. Name: Clesia Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Wind Demon but looks human Appearence: Short black hair,red eyes wears sunglasses to cover them up,purple shirt,black leather pants,black with purple lining bomber jacket,and black spicked boots Bio: Rasied in the human world she learned to deal with her difference.Many people thinks she's a guy when they first she her.Her real parents where killed and she was rasied by humans.They never had time for her though.Her mother is the head of the school board and always getting her out of trouble even when she wants to be in trouble.Her dad's job is unknown.She has a spirt beast that King Yama gave her to allow her to be able to live in the human world.Her job is to report any strange happens in the human world.When her beast hatched it looked as if it would devoar her but it didn't.Her spirt beast is in the from of a small black wolf she named Fang because he bites anyone he saw expect for his owner. Weapons: A huge black boomerage that has a blade that is realesed when she throws it and its power is based on her spirit energy.Purple spirit crossbow,kicking,and wind magic. [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Clesia Age: 16 Gender: Girl Appearance: Long black hair kept up in a braid.She has purple bangs.A really thight purple t-shirt and thight nlack leather pants.Combat boots and purple gloves w/out fingers. Biography: Clesia enjoys forture telling and owns a froture telling hut.She's quite popular because of her skills.Some think she's a witch but she's not.She can enhance the power of those in close proximity(near) to her.She's lived in many towns and has traveled alot.Clesia dosen't know who or where her family is. Type: Wind Side: Dark Weapon: Wind Staff-allows user to harness and control wind magic,read peoples minds,heal.Two kantanas one at her side the other on her back. Abilities/Skills: Can control the wind Personality: Loud-mouthed,peeky,and short-thempered.At times she can be shy and solitary.[/COLOR]
  14. Flo

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkRed]"Your soldiers are very proteive aren't they"? "Yes.Our meeting is over.I have witnessed your strengh and it is up to you if you will join or not.Come Jerid.",Torinte swaked,"You to Torinte".Torinte landed on her shoulder and chirpped sweetly.Jerid looked at the little dragon with his mouth open.Clesia turned back to Soul Taker,"I'll look forward to your desion". Clesia walked back to the castle Jerid following her.Shs walked up the stone stairs that lead up to the roof.Once Clesia got up on the roof Torinte flew to one of the gargolyes and curled up around it's horns and fell asleep.Clesia moved her hands in a circle and a ball appeared.Three people became visable in the ball.There where two girls and one boy.One of the girls looked a lot like the boy.Clesia closed her eyes then opened them. "So thunder,lighting, and water have found there master.I knew it wounldn't take them long to find their new users since I killed their former owners.Lets hope this ninja's are stronger.but lets test their strengh". Clesia closed her eyes again this time wind swirled around her Torinte woke up and changed his size.Soon he became as large as a hous.He roared and landed beside Clesia. "Torinte,my sweet dragon,find these poeple for mommy.And find out their strengh.But don't go kill yourself I don't what I would do it you got hurt.Well acutally I would kill the one who killed you.But lets not talk that why.Come back if it gets to ruff.I mean it just transform and fly back." Torinte nodded and flew off leaving Clesia alone on the roof.Clesia looked down and shighed. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Thank you".Clesia turned and walked away.[I]I will be there tomarrow.These books the note asks about.I think I've seen something about in father's library.I'll cheak when I get home.[/I]Clesia walked to her next classroom and sat down in the back.This would be the first time in class.The day before the princpal had told her about the school and where everything was.Though Rodney or Crazy as he said most poeple called him had already shown her around.students filled the room as the bell rang.A few minutes later the teacher came in a started to disuss today's work.Clesia flipped through the textbook as the teacher explaned the assinment.When the teacher finshed everyone started to work.Clesia worked speedly and looked up noticing that a boy was staring at her.Clesia looked back down and countined to work she glanced up again and noticed he was still staring.[/COLOR]
  16. Flo

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkRed]Wow really that's just freaky!There must be this curse .THat any kid named Jacob is insane in some way.OH YA I'M UP AGAINST SHIKYO FOR THE TITLE OF INANSTY ON OUR TEAM AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia sat in her room looking at the ceiling.She reached over and grabbed the note that she had found in her locker.[I]Why didn't I go?[/I]Clesia sighed.[I]may be I'll talk with this Hunter tomarrow.[/I]Clesia grapped her drawing pad from under her bed and opened it up to the drawing she was working on last night.It was a strange picture it almost looked paranormal.A knock was at her door Clesia quickly shoved th picture back under her bed.A blond haired woman entered. "Clesia how was your first day a public school?" "Different". "What do you mean by that?" "It was different thats all". The woman walked up to her and held Clesia's face in her hand. "Clesia,my dear is something wrong.I'm your mother you should tell me these things". "Nothings wrong.I'm just tired". "Oh wel your dinners getting cold". "I'm not hungry." "Okay." She left shutting the door and went down stairs.CLesia laid on her bed and shut her eyes.The chill came back ,Clesia felt another presence in the room.SHe openned her eyes the feeling went away.When she shut her eyes again it didn't happen.Clesia soon fell asleep. [/COLOR]
  18. Flo

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkRed] Okibi Masurao finsh up your sign-up.Oh ya and another thing there are two Jacobs in this rpg. Shikyo and Okibi Masurao and they're both insane and go to my school.How weird is that? [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia looked around the library and shighed.[I]This school is strange.[/I]She walked down an isle of books scanning the titles.She stopped and felt a chill.Clesia looked around and the chill went away.As she turned a boy ran into her. "Sorry!" "It's okay". He gave her his had and helped her up. "Hi my names Rodney.Who are you?" "I'm Clesia." "You new here"? "Ya.This is my first time being in a public school". "Really?Cool!Let me show you around".Rodney said perking up and grapped her hand and lead her out of the library. OOC: Sorry it short I'm grounded from the net and the rents could come home at any time.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed] Name: Clesia Devlin Age: 14 Parent(s): Duke & Tea Favorite Card: Magician of Faith Bio: Clesia has a passion for Dungon Dice Monsters like her father and likes to create games.She's the a master at the game and also likes to play Deul Monsters.She's a brillant stagist(sp?) and likes compalcate puzzles.She doesn't like her mother and is a major tomboy.She hopes to become better duelist.Though she hates to amiit it she has a sencitve side.She loves poetry and has a good eye for fashion.Her means of transportion are skateboarding. Apperance: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17078&stc=1&thumb=1]here[/URL] Millennium Item: Millennium Dice [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed] Name: Clesia Davis Age: 14 Gender: female Spells: Whirlwind Spell,Gardean Wind,Song of the Wind Spell Effects: Whirlwind Spell~Creates a whirlwind;size depends on users will.Gardean Wind~A sheild of wind force.Song of the Wind~By playing a different meldoy on an oracarina she can summen strong gust of wind or light breezes. Description: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17078&stc=1&thumb=1]here[/URL] Bio: Clesia grew up never knowing or having ant relationships with the outside world.Her parents constinally moved not wanting Clesai to get to attached to a place.They homeschooled her intill now,changing her teachers often.Clesia grew a pasion for drawing and became very talkented at it.Though her parents triend to keep her ditrated from drawing by making her do other things.Clesia still found time to draw though.Her parents sent her to public school in hoping that school would keep her from drawing. OOC: This sounds cool.Can't wait for it to start! [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hey Goku!Hey Trunks!"Nimimi shouted waving at Goku and Trunks. "Hey Nimimi where'd you go off to"?Trunks asked. "Oh I went with Zoma down to his tree fort." Riku looked at Zoma by Nimimi's side and noticed that he looked familair but,he quickly shot his head back behind Nimimi. "So Goku do you know where Goten is"? "I think he went to go see Gohan." "Oh good cause Chi-chi didn't know where he was and told me that you probley knew.Well better go find him.Bye"! "Wait Nimimi lets all go together".Trunks said. "Okay.Lets go then". Nimimi,Zoma,Goku,Trunks and Riku walked towards Gohan's home.Zoma walking very close to Nimimi keeping out of site of Riku.[/COLOR]
  23. Flo

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia stood at the gate of the castle seeing Jerid running toward her. "I thought I told you to stay on the castle grounds." "I know I'm sorry". "Whatever just don't leave again.Or else you'll get in more trouble".Clesia walked to the back of the castle and noticed that Jerid was following her. "What Jerid". "I know this is a little inaporpate but what's your real name". "It's Clesia.Now I have a meeting with a new partner his name is Soul Taker". "Oh well see you later". "Watch Torinte for me".Clesia said as she walked away.Her little dragon flew over to Jerid and landed on his shouldere looking very upset.[/COLOR]
  24. Flo

    The Evolutionaries

    [COLOR=Purple]Hikaru ran each step she toke she got faster.She heard quickened footsteps behind her.As she speed up the area around her became a blur.She turned down the many halls moving her head back and forth looking for the exit of the corputed building.A heavy door with exit in bright red letters.She burst through the doors the light splashed over her.A huge steel wall stood infront of her.She turned seeing the men who had been chasing her raise their guns and point them at her. "Be good and we won?t have to hurt you if you come with us peacefully!"One guard said. "Sorry I have no plans to return to that building.Bye"!Hikaru jumped up and spred her wings and flew over the wall bullets wizedpast her one hit her shoulder sending cold bllod down her arm.She landed and ran off.She grasped her arm trying to stop the blood flow as she ran the area blurred again as she ran.The cold blood countined to flow.Hikaru stopped the surrondings unfamilar she leaned against a nerby tree slowing down her breath. OOC:sorry it's short can't think straight.sick.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed]Alex walked behind Liz wondering why she was here looking for a girl that she didn't even know.Alex heard footsteps. "Guys over here".Alex said pulling Liz behind a wall.Prof.Snape walked by his beady black eyes scanning the area.He turned down the hall that they were hiding along.Alex changed her appearence into Flich lukily for her Flich was short. "Why are these students out of class Fich"?Snape asked. "That's what I was about to ask them sir".Alex replied in her best Flich voice. "Good make sure they're punished".Snape said as he walked away.Alex chaged back to herself and stuck out her tounge at Snape. "Wow that was cool"!Hermione said. "I didn't know that you could change your whole appearence Alex"!Liz said. "Ya well I can't change my hieght I think.".Alex repiled. "Your pretty handy to have around".Ron said.Alex blushed a little but recovered. "We better get going".hArry stated as he started runing off.Liz grabbed Alex's hand again almost ripping her arm out of the soket.[/COLOR]
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