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[COLOR=DarkRed] [U]Name:[/U] Alex Glosintien [U]Age:[/U] 15 [U]Sign:[/U] Libra-Venus [U]Element:[/U] Air [U]Special Powers:[/U] Can control the wind [U]Description:[/U] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17870&stc=1]here[/URL] [U]Personality:[/U] She likes solitude,but can be fun at times.She is also arrogent when times get rough.She is also very senstive on the inside but on the outside she's tough.She is cold-hearted and quite. [U]Biogrpahy:[/U] She lived a life of soliude because her parents keep her away from the world.She read alot to pass time.has lived in riches sence she was born.She was trained in the art of battle and enjoys fighting.She likes to live the life of solitude and she can be arrgent.She is great at.She likes to hang out at the libary and has a rather large libray at her home.She has many books containing spells [U]Others:[/U] She has a staff called the Wind Staff that allows her harness and control wind magic,read peoples minds,and heal. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] Lets bring in the ditzy blond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrity: Briteny Spears Picture: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17869&stc=1]here[/URL] Three Items: Hair-produts,make-up,& pepper spray Skills: Knows karte,kung-fu,& pillates What Usually Goes Through Your Head: -"I can see my feet!More implants!"- Bio: Briteny lived a life of peace and harmony.Her parents were both hippies put Briteny left them to find her dreams of singing.She soon hit top records.Each day becoming more famous.She left her boyfriend in the dust moving on to bigger men.She is still a rivil of Cristen Agilair(sp?). [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] Shaman Name: Clesia Uzuma Age : 16 Description: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17861&stc=1[/IMG] Personallity: Soltary,cold-hearted,silent,and stirct Bio: She was told that she was to marry a young man who had been friends with the family for a long time.She became angrey with her family and keep herself distate from the rest of the world.She stay quite when she felt that she should speak.Clesia doesn't like many people and the ones she does have a hard time telling if she does like them. Fighting style:Intergration and little Over Soul Ghost Name: Fantra Jumico Bio: Fantra does not remamber her past.She follows Clesia around.She is the only one that Clesia expresses her true feelings with. Personallity: Quite and mercyful Both Main Weapons: Bow and twin swords Side Weapons: Throwing stars and knives. Techniques: Ni-Blast--energy is concentrated to her arrows and is realesed in any form that she chooses(ex.fire,water,ice). ~more to come~ [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Thanks I love them![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Can somebody make me an avatar and banner with Yahiko on it?The pictures don't matter.I'd like the banner to say in a dark red DON"T CALL ME LITTLE!! somewhere on it.For the avatar I want a plain picture of him with Swordmaster13 in a dark red vertial on the right side.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Nimimi stood beside Trunks looking at the girl that had appeared. "Who are you"?Nimimi demanded.Trunks looked at her oddly his sister she never actted this way. "I'm Riku daughter of Goku". "What but how can that be"?Trunks asked looking even more shocked. "Ni!"A voice called out.They all turned and saw a small messy haired boy running toward them.He ran at Nimimi and hugged her legs looking up at her with a smile. "Zoma!",Nimimi bent down and hugged him,"How wonderful to see you.You didn't come and see me yesterday.Why not"? "Uh Nimimi who is this kid?"Trunks asked. "Oh you never meet Zoma.Zoma my friend". "Oh you meet him befor"? "I've known Zoma for a while". Zoma looked up at Trunks then cowered behind Nimimi.Trunks bent down to him. "Hi,I'm Trunks Nimimi's brother". Zoma looked back up at Nimimi and hugged her legs tighter. "Stop Trunks your scaring him.Come on Zoma lets go!" Nimimi turned and walked away Zoma ran after her and reached for her hand.Nimimi gave it to him and he held on to her hand. OOC: We find out Zoma's sercret later much later.See his profile(relationship part).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]This has started.Your all in.Hhave fun.I will still exept sign-ups.Click [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37948]here[/URL] to go to it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed] [I] A evil queen takes over the peaceful land of Junhimer.Demon swormed the land and killed people for no reason.A group of elite ninjas triend to stop her evil plans but,they fail and never return.A new group of ninjas hope to try there luck at it.The only difference is that they younger and there ninja in-trtaining.The queen has a partner and he's equally evil.The queen is from a different land where the people are trained since birth under all kinds of contidions.They're sent away to take over a colney and distroy all life there.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------- A woman stood in the center of a dark forest.She shut her eyes,wind rising carring the snent of blood.She opened her eyes shocked to see a young man sitting in one of the now bare trees. "What troubles you my Queen"?He asked. "I smell blood in the wind.Fresh blood". "That's a good thing.Isn't it". "Normally yes,but it is the blood of a comrad." "So we have a new enemy.Big deal we can beat them easily"! "True but,it feels stronger than the other enemies". "Maybe we can convice them to join us". "No". "I understand your desion,but why not try?" "We are not here to make to allies Jerid". "I know but," "But nothing,we are going back to the castle." As she turned a small silvery white and grey dragon flew to her shoulder and wrapped its small body around Clesia's neck.It turned it's head toward Jerid and opened its small mouth reviling a row of sharp fangs and hissed at him.It turned and rubbed its tiny head against Clesia's cheek. OOC: Well it has begun.Have fun!!!Any questions p.m me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Clesia awoke to the sound of banging pots. "Clesia wake up!You can't sleep the day away"!Morgin shouted. "Sorry Morgin". "Din't be now get up and get dressed.I need you to pick me some more herbs." "Okay". Clesia roes out of bed and went to the closet and pulled out a white and blue outfit.Once she was dressed she walked into the small living room. "Here's a list of the herbs I need.Hurry and don't be late coming home" "I won't be Morgin.Trust me!"Clesia said as she walked out the door into the bright sunshine.She put her hand on her brow and noticed a man leaning on the fence that went around the house.She smiled put didn't look his way.Instead of going through the gate she hopped over the fence and walked to the forest.She glaced down out the list to make sure that the herbs were in the forest and found that they were and countned.She looked back and saw that the man was still following her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Nimimi Firebolt Age: 13 Gender: Female Year: Third Bio: Nimimi's great-great-grandfather created the Firebolt and her family line has contiuned the broomstick bussiness.She is an exellent flyer and has great eye-sight.She's the seeker of her house.Nimimi has a dark past hidden form her.She has always been good in potions becaues her parents let her hang out in the lab all the time.She thinks that wand-waving is pointless unless your useing it to perform dark arts. Personality: Spunky,smart,creative,and moody.She's antisocial yet has quite a few friends. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17716&stc=1[/IMG] I attached my pic.Weird I can see the pic on my computer. House: Familiar (pet): Black Owl with silver specks named Starry Wand type: 13in. Phoenix Feater,Dragon Blood Special Traits: She's a metamorpious Strongest subject: Potions Special Ability: eagle-eye sight Worst Subject: Charms Dislikes (food): Sweets Likes (food): Meat Dislikes (teachers): Mr. Potter and Miss. Granger Likes:Mr. Snypeling Schedule: Class 1-Defense Against The Dark Arts Class 2-Transfiguration Class 3-Charms Class 4-Sciences Class 5-Arithmetic Class 6-Potions Class 7-Extra Class (Quiddich practice) Class 8-Extra Class (Quiddich practice) Other items: Her Firebolt 5000 Protype [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Nimimi leaned against a wall her hand one of her swords.Her eyes scaning the crowd a man walked toward her. "You hand over the swords!",he said more quitely,"This is the second time today". "Why should give you my swords"? "Because its against the law to have possion of a sword". "Well if I'm not mistagion that's a sword on hip is it not"? "Yes but,I use for law". "And mine too",In a swift motion Nimimi drew one of her swrods and pointed the edge and his throt,"tell me where is Himoto!" "I will not tell you". "Well that's going cost you your life.Hope you don't attached to it".Nimimi thurt her sword into the mans neck and placed her sword back into its shelf.She noticed a red haired man and girl and a young black haired boy.Nimimi stared at them and walked away with her back turned to them a hand on her sword.she frowned thinking,how am I going to find Himoto father will not be pleased if I come back and not have killed Himoto.She turned her head and noticed that the red haired man and his friend where following her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Clesia Age: 12 Gender: Female Race: Human Class: Mage Weapon: Wind Magic and the Wind Staff(allows user to control wind and heal) Partner: Naero Personality: Naive and spunky yet she's coldhearted.She has few friends and doesn't try to make any. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17078&stc=1&thumb=1[/IMG] History:Her past is a big mystery.She has no idea who her real family is.Ever sence she can remeber she was in the care of a kind old lady.The old lady adopted her and thought her magic.The lady name was Morgin.She lived outside the village and never went into the village.Morgin kept Clesia away from comenments and made sure that she wold never swager away.The older Clesia became the harder it became to keep her out of the village.When news about the Summer Solstice reached Clesia she couldn't wait to go. OOC:This sound really cool.Can't wait for it to start.Tell me if anythings wrong with my sign up.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Thunder and Lighting on the GOOD side are twins.But ones on the DARK side can be which ever. Here's my Sign up: Name: Queen Clesia Age: 21 Apperance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17705&stc=1[/IMG] Bio: Nimimi a far away land where the people are trained since birth under all kinds of contidions.She easily rose to the top like her parents exepeted her too.Her parents were King and Queen intill they died at an early age forcing her to take over the duties.She was favored by all that she ruled under for her evilness.A boy that she shared classes with,Jerid,roes to her favorites.He's skills where almost equll to hers.She figured that he would make a great King but,never told him this. she also has a Wind Dragon that changes sizes.Sometimes he's small inof to rest on her shoulder and other times he's a normal sized dragon. Element: Dark Wind Skill(s): Can create Whirlwind Spells,Vacuum Charms,and Fog Illusions Weapon(s): Wind Staff(Allows user to harness and control wind magic,read peoples minds,and heal),throwing stars and knives,and two twin swords. Personality:Calm,pacient,mature and serious.She can also be ruthless and moddy. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Me and my boyfriend FirePheonix727 made this up.So hope you all like it!! [B]Background[/B] [I]A evil queen takes over the peaceful land of Junhimer.Demon swormed the land and killed people for no reason.A group of elite ninjas triend to stop her evil plans but,they fail and never return.A new group of ninjas hope to try there luck at it.The only difference is that they younger and there ninja in-trtaining.The queen has a partner and he's equally evil.The queen is from a different land where the people are trained since birth under all kinds of contidions.They're sent away to take over a colney and distroy all life there.[/I] [U][B]Sign-Up[/B][/U] Name: simple Age: any age Apperance: pic. or word Bio: short or long Element: if your a good guy put the word light in front(ex.Light Water)if your bad put dark infront(ex.Dark Fire) Skill(s): Weapon(s): Personality:how your person acts -------------------------------------- [U]The Cast[/U] [B]Good:[/B] Light Water: Mai_Miase-Yuki Ayaki Light Fire: Light Earth: Light Thunder*: Duorocks17-Kristen Cloud Light Lighting*: Keiji-Kayin Cloud Light Steel: [B]Bad:[/B] Dark Wind: Swordmaster13-Queen Clesia Dark Fire: FirePheonix727-Jerid Dark Water: Dark Earth: Dark Steel: SilpheedPilot-Ryo Ryuji Dark Thunder*: Dark Lighting*: Shikyo-Soul Taker ------------------------------------ *I'd like Thunder and Lighting to be twins on the light side and on the dark side to just be siblings.One person can play both but,if someone else wants to be one of the siblings they can.If you be both put the one you want to be more first. ----------------------------------- I'll post my sign-up later. has a spot resurvered so if you take the one he wants well you can't have it!!!!Well enjoy and have fun!!!!!! [/COLOR]
Name: Nimimi Age: 16 Height: 5'8 Weight: 113lbs Personality: Hyper,very talkitive and spunky Apperance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17687&stc=1[/IMG] Magic: wind over drive: Wind Dragon-a huge dragon made of wind that fights and creates a giant wind storm. Weapon:Wind Staff-allows user to harness and control wind magic,read peoples minds,resurrect the dead and heal Bio: Nimimi enjoys forture telling and owns a froturn telling hut.She's quite popular because of her skills.Some think she's a witch but she's not.She can enhance the power of those in close proximity(near) to her.She's lived in many towns and has traveled alot.Nimimi dosen't know who or where her family is.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Thick tenciles wraped around Alex's waist. "What the"!!Alex said trying to get out of the machines grasp.Alex noticed a boy and girl come out of the smoke.They stopped and looked at each other then at Alex.Damn Alex thought guess I'll have to dewire this thing.Alex moved her hands behind her and released her claws into the machines torso.It blew up sending ALex up in the air but,she landed crouched down with her claws still out.She stood up and drew her claws back into her fingers.Alex gave the two people a cold and hard look and turned on her heel and started to walk away.Alex wondred what that thing was and why did it grab her? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Five pointed whips shot out of Scarletts gloves peircing the Wolf's heart.Two pairs of eyes landed on her as the whips snaped back into her gloves.She waved and streched out her wings.They flew down infront of her. "Who are you"?One boy asked. "Duh I'm a Winged One.Oh you mean my name.Names Scarlett yours". "I'm Dario." "And I'm Wryth." "Why don't you two come to my place it's not not that far." "Sure why not"Dario said. "We better hurry befor those Low Ones come back". "You know what there called"?Dario asked. "Ys I read about them".Scarlett said walking to her home with the boys behide her. "Wait that woman"!Dario ran to the wolf and as he got there the injuryed Low One stood up and charged at Scarlett and Wryth. OOC:sorry I fixed my post.If there are anymore complants P.M me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Can someone make an avatar with Ikki from Knights of the Zodic? He's my favorite and the cutest.I'd like flames or fire in the background.Thanks in advance!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Alex looked out of the detection room window and saw that some students were already coming in the doors.She looked at the teacher in front of the room.Good he's asleep she got up and hunched down and walked to the door and slowly opened the door.She sneaked out and shut the door queitly.She walked down the hall and ran into a boy. "Hey watch your going"!Alex said coldly and walked around him and to her locker.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Nimimi Age: 16 Bio: Nimimi is full sayian unlike her brother Trunks.She trains alot and doesn't have much of a social life yet she's very chiper.She also very hyper and can get annoying. Nimimi idolizes her brother and looks up to him.Her boyfriend is Goten and she trains with him.Vegeta doesn't like it when she stays out long becaues he says it distracts her from her training.When she heard that a tournament was going on.It was a perfect test to prove to her father that she didn't need any more training. Description: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17636&stc=1[/IMG] Relation to Original Character: Trunk's sister Skills: Kame-kame wave,power disks,criton blast(a purple beam that shots out of the palm of her hand) Weapon: Gloves w/ retractable whips,feet,fist,and a sword(doesn,t use it that much) [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Name: Zoma Age: 8 Bio: Zoma is a mysterious boy who hangs out with Nimimi.He's parents are unknown and he dosen't remember his past.He dosen't talk much but when he does he address Nimimi only.He lives in a treehouse that Nimimi helped him build.That was how they first meet.He follows Nimimi everywhere and looks up to her.For some reason he knows alot about the torunment. Description: Short messy black hair,white shirt,and brown shorts,and black shoes. Relation to Original Character: Goten's and Nimimi's child from the future but no one knows that. Skills: none known Weapon: a dagger [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]OOC:Sorry i've benn grouded from the net.But here it goes! June stared at the cards in her hand and frowned."Damn what a crappy hand",June said to herself,"I play Baby Dragon in defence mode and one card face down on the feild".Try to attack my trap card will destroy you June thought in her head."Go girlie-girl to bad blind I'd like you cry again."June stated evily snarrowing her eyes. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I think the game looks alsome.The graphics are cool but,I don't really like the main dude.He looks to um..I don't how bout evil.I mean his eyes and the weird sleves kinda creepy.It would be alome if you could choose to play as a boy or girl like in ruby and shappire.I think that would be a great improvment.I mean hello video games creaters don't be so rasiest put some girls games and colored people![/COLOR]
Name: Nimimi(Ni-mimi) Hinko Age: 32 Relationship to Kenshin: Kenshin's half-sister and oldest Description: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17544&stc=1[/IMG] Bio: She shares Kenshins mother but her father secks revenge on her mother for leaving him.Her father raised her in the art of the sword.Her father plans to kill Kenshin and the rest of his dead wives children all of them.Nimimi loved her father and vowed to never to leave his side.She trained hard to please him and takes the abuse he had gave her as a sign to work harder.One day though she worked herself to hard and passed out and feel ill.When her father found out he toke care of her to she became well again and soon found out that he had pushed her to far.He had pushed her to her limits.Nimimi did not blame him at all and still loved him.He is the only one that she trust and kills anyone you insults him.She is his most loyal and strongest follower.She fights with two swords at the same time. Weapon(s): Throwing knives and stars and twin swords. Good or Evil: Evil OOC:My person is the daughter of the main evil dude just to let you know.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Can someone make me a banner and Avatar with Zeal(Beyblade V-Force) on it.I think he's the cutest!I think his name is also Zeo Zagat.I'd like the banner to have at least three pictures of him.And I'd like my name on the banner somewhere..I'd like the text on both to be colored blood red or dark red whichever is fine.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh my head.I feel like I truck.I now know not to stay up and watch late night docuerterys".Scarlet said as she rubed her head walking to her huge library.A small orange kitten brushed by her feet.She leaned down to pick him up. "Hey Blazin how are you this morning"?Blazin meowed and curled up in her arms.Scarlet smiled and pushed the huge oak doors open with her back.The room was very hot and Blazin sturred looking over Scarlets shoulder and hissed. "Um what is it Blazin"?.She asked as she turned around and saw a scarlet claoked man standing in the center of the library. "Who are you are you and what doing here?"Scarlet said narrowing her eyes at him.She put Blazin down and crossed her arms. "Well for one thing I'm Insiadre King". "King of Fire.I read about you but what do you want with me a mer human.I thought you dealed with th Winged Ones.Who are extinct aren't they"?Scarlet said raseing an eyebrow. "Yes all true but there are half-bloods who have the powers of the Winged Ones". "So why are here"? "You are a half-blood of the Winged Ones". "What wait a sec one thing the Winged Ones have wings hint their names and if I was half-blood I would...",Scarlet put her hand on her back and turned around and saw a pair of dark red wings with a hint of yellow and orange,"would have wings". "Appears that you that you do.I leave you poder I'll come back though".He said and dissappeared.Scarlet just stood baffled. [/COLOR]