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My account name is InuYasha924.I haven't been on in a while my pets are probley dead but I'll live.I have two one's a lupe the other is a shonryu.
Name: Lee Age: 16 Gender: Female Bio: Knew InuYasha when they where younger and grew up with him.She moved to the Elder's Castle to live with her father and he trained her.She is good at dession making and enjoyes frendly battles.Dosen't like to fight but will when she has too. Apperence:Short brown hair,blue eyes,dark brown fur pants and red shirt.She's a wolf demon. Wepon(s)/Attack(s):A black creasent shaped boomarange that has a hidden blade inside and a normal sword at her hip. Claws of Blood,Soul Capture(Removes the soul of oppent for a breif period giving her the cance to get away.Gloves with retrackble whips that have sharp points on the ends and can cause deep cuts when whips are not in and also when they are out. Good/Evil: Good
[COLOR=darkred] Name: Lee Hinu Race/ Species: Human and a quarter elven. Special Powers You'd Like To Have: Power over fire. Weapon:Gloves with retractble whips that have sharp points at the ends and a sword. Age: 15 Place of Birth: Spaceship Personality:Mean and solitary,but can be nice once you get to know her. What she looks like: see attachment [/COLOR] [COLOR=firebrick]I think this should be serious but with a little comic relif.[/COLOR]
Real World Name: Carrie Intore Age: 15 Gender: Female Occupation: Student(High School) Description:Short black hair,blue eyes,green camo shirt,black pants,and combat boots. Bio: Carrie doesn't have many friend so she spends most of her time in the world.Even though she stays in the world alot she has surpisingly good grades.Carrie enjoyes just walking around town when she's bored.She loves books and is working on writing one of her own.Carrie was first intrused to the game when her dad bought her one and she started to play it none stop.He now regreats getting for her. "The World" Character Name: Flame Gender: Female Level: 19 Class: Long Arm Weapon: Million$ Spear Weapon Level: 14 Attributes: Repulse Doom, Juk Wipe Description: see attachment Edit: Thanks DDG.
Name: Trunks Gender: Male Description: see attachment weapon: Broad Sword Bio: Trunks is the son of Bulma and Vegita.He's best friend is Goten.He is a very good fighter and can become supersayian even though he's half sayian.He has no idea that Riku likes him.He hangs out with Goten alot and thinks Riku is a little creppy. Personality: Nice and mature. Side: good
OOC:I have question is this paced on the card swip thing.Because I didn't really watch seson three. IC: Honru walkd down the street and walked in to the park.She saw a boy with a digimon dissappear into a swirly vortex . "What the"?Honru said.She pushed a button on her black and blue digi-vice and Magemon appeared. "What"?Magemon asked. "What is that protal"? "It leads to the digtal world". "Oh lets go". "What but why"? "I want to see what it looks like there now come on". Magemon didn't move for a few seconds but then followed Honru.The wind blew harder and she felt like she was being sucked in.As soon as she put her hand in the vortex both her and Magemon went into the hole.When Honru opened her eyes she looked around her and noticed that she was in a forest.When she looked over at Magemon he wasn't there.Instead there was another digimon that had a hat and a brown hair sticking out. "Who are you".Honru asked. "I'm Wizardmon the digivolved form of Magemon". "Wait your Magemon just another step up the ladder"? "Yes I guess". "Where are we"? "In a digatal forest in the digital world." "Oh". Honru stood up and dusted herself off Wizardmon flew up into the air and looked around and came back down. "I can fly us out of here but if we get attackedwe'll have to go down". "Okay". Wizardmon picked her up and flotted up and flew towards the nearest valley.
"Well your arm be o.k Jason"? "Ya,but you should be woried about yourself not me". "Don't worry I can take care of myself".Alex toke of her sunglasses and stared at Jason. "Woh your eyes are red really red". "I know if my parents saw them I'd be on the street". "Oh listen I better get going befor they find me with you". "They would know anyway wouldn't they"? "Ya I guess but still". "Why do you listen to them you should go out on your own". "No matter what I do I'll still be conected with them". Alex stepped closer to Jason and grabbed his hand. "Leave then but don't forget me okay,I really like you Jason".
"Jason I wish you would stop sneaking up on me".Alex said. "Why do you always wear those glasses"? "Becaues I need to". "But why"? "Fine I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone and I mean it". "Just tell me I won't tell". "I'm a demon". "Really you don't look it". "My eyes are red that's all and it's kinda creepy don't you think". "Should I"? "I don't know why don't you come in befor some neighbors might see you". J6 flew in and his wings dissappeared Fang growled but stopped when Alex looked at him.
Alex walked up to her room and spootted a black wolf curled up on her bed.She went over and petted him. "Hey Fang sorry sorry I was late I was busy".Fang licked her hand and laid his head down on her lap.Alex grabbed a book from one of her many book shelves and sat back down on the huge and soft bed.Dhe leaned aganist one of the big feather pillows and moved her sunglasses up on her forehead.She opened the thick book and started to read.Fang moved next to her and fell asleap.A few mintues later Alex heard a rap at her window she looked over and saw one of Jason's clones floting there.SHe quickly moved her sunglasses back over her eyes and ran over to the window and hissed,"What are you doing here"? Befor he could answer Fang had awoken and had sank his large fangs into Jasons arm. "Fang no"!Alex said grabbing Fang and petting him as he growled at Jason.
Alex kicked a can down the street and sighed.SHe nade a left and slamed into a tall red haired boy.Her sunglasses where thrown aside.She shut her eyes so that her eyes would not be seen.She felt for her galsses. "Sorry here are these yours"?The boy said handeding her the glasses. "Thanks".She put the glasses on and looked at the boy.His red hair was long and he wore a dark pink jumpsuit. "Are you ok"?He asked handeding her his hand she toke it and he pulled her up. "I'm fine thanks for asking". "Sorry I should of been watching where I was going." "No it's alright she pushed her hair behind her ear and walked around him and started to walk away. "Sorry I didn't get your name mines Korrama". Thats because I didn't give it she tought but smiled and said, "Mines Alex well see you later".Alex turned the naxt corner and walked towards her house she walked up to the door unlocked it and entered the lavious and fansyly decorted interior.
Alex leaned against the building. "You need some more practice Jason".J6 looked down at her and leaped down in front of her. "What do you mean I've never seen you fight". "You might if take a step out of the box". "What box"? "Well don't always listen to the big man". "What he'll kill me". "I don't mean don't listen to him I mean don't do it right then". "What"? Alex walked away and j6 followed her.Alex looked back at him but keep walking.
Tara stood talking with her father but stopped when she saw Keith walk in with some other people. "Oh hey".Tara said waving at them. "She's one of the people that I gave a deul disk to."Keith whispered to Hayato. "Are this some of your friends sweetie".Mr.Hicku said.Tara looked down and frowned. "Well I have to get going dad".Tara said waving goodbye.Tara walked outside and headed back to her trailer.She was soon there and unlocked and locked the door and walked over to a darwer and unlocked it with the key around her neck.She pulled out her deck and pulled out one card and looked at it.It was her faovrite card Baby Dragon.
Honru sat in front of her computer screen and was busy typing.the screen suddlenly went blank. "What the?" The screen turned back on and it was fuzzy a dark figure appeared and looked a lot like a digimon. "Your a tamer are you not"?The figure asked. "Uh ya I guess".Honru stamered. "Join us".The voice said then the screen blacked out again and the orignal screen appeared.Honru stared baffled then noticed something floating in the air. "Magemon, don't do that"! "Do what"? "Sneak up on me". "Oh,you remeber when you said that if attacked that digimon you would own". "Ya why"? "Well were you being seroius"? "No your my only friend". "Well I was only trying to protect you". "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know".Honru got up and walked to the window and opened it up. "Where are you going"? "For a walk".Honru climbed out the window and jumped to the tree outside her window and jumped out of the tree.She climbed over the thick stone wall surrunding her house and jumped into the street and walked down the street.
Honru walked down the street and noticed a digimon. "Another human great"!Turuiemon laughed,"Lightning Kung-Fu". Honru felt herself be lifted into the air and looked up it was Magemon he had saved her from the attack.He put her down on the ground out of firing range and turned to the digimon that had fired. "You should not harm her".Magemon said angerly. "I was just having fun".Turuiemon said.Honru walked off saying to Magemon, "Don't fight you have no need to I'm not hurt". "But".Magemon said. "If you harm that thing you will not belong to me". Turuiemon raised her brow in suspence and quickly hide in the ally.Honru wa in front of the iron gate and it creaked open.She had felt something following her but paid no attention to it.Turuiemon ran in to the gate after her keeping quite.
Your all in.I'm still need some people for the orgainal cast and some baddies.If you know anyone who likes inuyasha p.m them and ask them to join.Thanks for joining all. Edit:I'm saving a spot for Fallen_Angel she's a friend of mine.She's going to be Kagura and Kanna.I might start this once we get a few more of the main cast.
Name: Carrie Blackstar Age: 15 Appearance: Dark brown hair with red tips,black tank top,red leather pants with black strips down the side,black boots,red cocker with a black gem,and dark brown gloves. Bio: One of the twins friends.Carrie is closer to the brother and is a tomboy.She hates school and normaly skips school with the brother.She loves videogames and has great reflexs.Her element is fire. Job(s): Whipmaster,Swordsman,Fighter and Knife Thrower Dimension: Earth Side: Allie
Alex stood outside the gate of the spirit world and shighed. "I hate this job".Alex grumbled.She soon apperaed in the human world.She walked down the street and noticed a dead girl laying in the ally through her dark sunglasses.She secnced that the girl's spirt was gone and frowned oh well other one dead.She noticed something out of the corner of her eye.A fist!She quickly doged it and kicked him out from under his feet and kicked him up into the air.He hit the ground hard the breath knocked out of him.Next time we meet it might be last killer.She walked down the street Jason's eyes following her.
This is my first RPG so sorry if it isn't all that good but I tried. [I]Narku stubbled across the Bone-Eaters Well and he crossed over into Kagomes time period.Evil is arising in the prresent and Narku is attacking and possing people and bring demons over to help him.Can InuYasha and Gang save Kagomes time period?[/I] I need people to play: InuYasha,Kagome,Miroko(sp?),Sango,Shippo,and Narku.I also need three to four people to be fighters from the present and some demons or humans frome Fedual Japen.It would be nice to have more baddies. [B]SIGN UP :[/B] Name: Age: Gender: Species: Human/Demon(what kind) Small Bio: Apperence: Wepon(s): Future/Past:(Where your from0 Bad/Good: ___________ [B]My sign up[/B] Name: Yoko Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Wolf demon Small Bio: Knew InuYasha when they where younger and grew up with him.She moved to the Elder's Castle to live with her father and he trained her.She is good at dession making and enjoyes frendly battles.Dosen't like to fight but will when she has too. Apperence:Short brown hair,blue eyes,dark brown fur pants and red shirt. Wepon(s):A black creasent shaped boomarange that has a hidden blade inside and a normal sword at her hip. Future/Past:Past Bad/Good:Good ________________________ Hope you all like it. :nervous:
Tara got a call on the walkie talkie on her hip and spoke into it. "YA what"?Tara asked. "We have two new people here your father's working now other wise he would take them to their trailers so." "All right i'll do it".Tara clicked off and turned to Keith. "You wanna help me get the newbies settled"? "Sure".Keith said.Tara unlocked the door Keith walked out and Tara locked the door and put the key into her pocket.She looked around and spotted three guys talking.Tara and Keith headed over. "I know you but you two are unfaimlar so you must be the ones that need help."Tara said. "Uh yah, can you help us".Joey asked. "So there you are Keith I've been wondering where you went off to."Luke said. "Sorry Luke". "Well come on you all can share a trailer".Tara said. "What those things are small".Luke shouted. "Gee can't you take a joke"?,Tara said rolling her eyes,"Come on I'll take you two to your trailer".Tara toke bith boys to a trailer near Luke and Keith's trailer. "Once you to get settled go to the dierctors trailor if you can't find it ask one of the workers".
Name: Alex Himaru Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: demon but looks human Appearence: Short black hair,red eyes wears sunglasses to cover them up,purple shirt,black leather pants,black with purple lining bomber jacket,and black spicked boots Bio: Rasied in the human world she learned to deal with her difference.Many people thinks she's a guy when they first she her.Her real parents where killed and she was rasied by humans.They never had time for her though.Her mother is the head of the school board and always getting her out of trouble even when she wants to be in trouble.Her dad's job is unknown.She has a spirt beast that King Yama gave her to allow her to be able to live in the human world.Her job is to report any strange happens in the human world.When her beast hatched it looked as if it would devoar her but it didn't.Her spirt beast is in the from of a small black wolf she named Fang because he bites anyone he saw expect for his owner and King Yama. Good or Bad: Bad but a spy for King Yama. Weapons: A huge black boomerage that has a blade that is realesed when she throws it and its power is based on her spirit energy.Purple spirit crossbow and her feet.
"Seto Kaiba is an over confendent jerk".Tara rapiled her face in a magzine. "How would you know"? "I've heard about him through my travels with my dad.". "Just open the door so I can give you this".He heard a rustle and a click the door opened.Tara waved him inside Keith looked around and saw alot of books and magiznes around the room.The room had three doors leading to different parts of the trailer most of the main room was black and purble with a little dark blue.He handed the disk to Tara and she toke it.Tara shut the door and looked it. "Why do you keep locking the door"? "Some of the workers here are looking for a little pleasure and besides I don't trust them." "Oh your place is a whole lot nicer than what we have". "Well I my dad is the director". As he looked around he saw no trace that see ever played deul monsters. "Looking to see if i'm really a deulist well I am so don't worry."SHe patted a pouch on her pants where her deck was.Tara sat down on the couch. "So what do wanna know"?
Tara walked back to the camp carring a paper bag.She noticed the two guys from befor standing outside the trailer one was looking around the site.She walked up carring the bag. "Hi again what you doing"?Tara asked. "Were helping the director".Luke said.Tara raised an eyebrow,"Your helping daddy how by just standing around"? "No",Tara started to walk toward the director's trailer to drop off the bag,"wait did you say daddy"?Keith asked looking shocked. Tara turned,"Ya,the director is my dad".She walked into the trailer and in a few minutes she came out bag less.She then walked towards a group of small trailers. "Hello I'm taking you guys to your trailer"! Tara shouted.Both boys quickly followed her to one of the small trailers.She quickly turned and the guys looked starled. "Well here you go make yourself comfy".Tara said and turned walking towards a trailer exackly like the director's trailer only a tad wider.While Luke went in their trailer Keith watched Tara pull a key out of her pocket and unlock the door and went in he heard a click and knew she had looked the door.Keith thought about going over to her trailer and talk with her.
I added a border and changed the background color.Yes I got the image of the net.I hope you like the change.
Tara saw dust rising in the distance she looked up from therock see was dusting off.Some of the diggers looked up but went back to their work.Soon she saw two motor bikes with their riders coming toward the site. "Ms.Hicku your father needs to see you he wants to go into town for a few things". "Uh",Tara said taking her eyes away from the two boys coming nearer,"ok I'll go see him".Tara walked towards her fathers tralior.A few minutes later she walked out and saw the bikes parked and two boys standing near them.Tara walked over. "Hi can I help you"?Tara asked. "Sure do you know where the site director is"?Kieth asked. "Over at that tralior but I wouldn't go in there now". "Why"?Luke asked. "He's charting right now".Tara aid as she walked out to the vast desert. "What.... where are you going"?Luke asked. "I'm running an arrend for my dad bye".She said making a peace sign with her fingures and walked away.
I like Seiya from the Salior Stars.I think he's really nice and cool even though he is a she.Oh well I still like him.I really hate Yaten he's moody and as for um I foreget the last ones name .