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This is my avatar tell me if you like it.I know its kinda basic but I don't have a good panitshop.Be honest I'm open to all comments good or bad.
I live in Georgia,Gwinnett County.Here its sometimes warm sometimes cold.If it weren't for the wind it would be perfect.The high school of the school go to has been on the news befor and so has mine.I attend Dacula Middle(the school with the trailer problems).The high school had the police involed because rumer said that a shotting was going to take place.But I still like my school.We are #1 in gwinnett county.
This is my avatar tell me if you like it.I know its kinda basic but I don't have a good panitshop.Be honest I'm open to all comments good or bad.
This is a thread wear all you InuYasha fans can post your fav Inu websites and post what you like about peoples sites. Here's my fav. site: [url]http://www.inuyashaworld.com/[/url]
Honra kicked a car down the street Magemon was floting in the air watching her.Magemon heard poeple talking and disapeared Honra looked up and saw that he wasn't there. "What the"?She looked around and spotted a girl skating down the street.She skidded to a stop. "Hi what are you doing here"?Kari asked. "I should be asking you".Honra answered with a cold stare. "Well I was going to find some of my friends and ask them if they wanted to play some sports".Kari said. "Oh, I'm just walking". "Hey do you play sports"? "Sometimes why"?Honra asked her eyebrow raised. "Well maybe you could play some games with me and my friend". "I'll think about it". "O.K if you do we'll be at the playground". "Well see you later or not". "If you do deside to come be there in 10".
Name: Tara Sky Species: Human Gender: female Class: Jedi Homeworld: Cloud City Weapons: Blaster, Blue LIght Saber Other Gear: Helment Force Abilities: Lightning and mind control Abilities: Mind power and piolet Favored Attribute: Speed and Accuracy Appearance: Blue hair,grey eyes,purple cloak,blue poilet outfit Biography: Her father is a piolet and she never knew her mother.She learned to fly a ship when she was young and her mind powers had always been strong.She was found by a jedi whos ship broke down and reconized her skills. Other needed info: Dosen't talk much.
Tara smiled at the power of the gloves she sat down on the hill and thought back to the day that her village was killed by the lava she frowned but smiled at her new skill. "The Flame Master" Tara spoke out loud smiling.She stood up and walked down to were the feild she had set on fire and looked at the ground not burn.She stuided her gloved hands wondering if the fire was brought back into her body she was so wrapped up in to looking at the gloves that she didn't notice Zeo walking up to her.
Name: Tara Hicku Age: 15 Occupation: explorer and dueslist Bio: Her father is the head of the dig at the site and he asked her to come with him.She said yes but when he metioned duelist she was more happy to go.She has always loved to explore since her mom died and her dad had to take her to all his dig sites.She loves to deul also she is really good but she never had time to enter into tornments because she never had time because of all the traveling.She deuled with some of the locals and has became popular with the people she has deuled.Her deck has manly dragons but some warriors too and lots of trap cards and not as much magic cards. Shadow realm monster: Baby Dragon Reason for going: Her dad is the site director
Tara stood on a hill bored she was looking at the Flame Gloves on her hands she wondered what they could do.SHe extened her hand and foused energy on the gloves a fire ball formed Tara threw it down at a feild.She heard horses nigh and run around scared for the fireball had started a feild fie.Tara looked aroound hopping no one had seen her;she walked down to the feild and saw people running toward the firey feild with bukets. "Oh poo they're going to put the fire out".Tara sat down on the grass and watched them run around trying to put the fire out.Tara could fell the heat from the fire raging inside of her she disconted herself from the fire and it started to die down.She then felt someone watching her she looked towards the people and one of them had their eyes on her.Tara got up and stood their she would not answer any of their questions truthfully if they approted her.
Honra stood in front of a huge metal gate a box on the side of the gate spoke,"Welcome home Ms.Honra wait a minute and I'll open the gate". "Don't bother I'm going for a walk".Honra spoke coldly. "Don't be late miss". "Thats what I inteed to do".Honra mumbled under her breath as she was walking away.She came to an abandned playground and sat down on one of the old swings with its chains rusting.A shadowey figure came out of the forest nearby but, she stared stragiht through it. "So you found me Magemon". "Yes I figured you would be hear". "Oh look who's the smart one". "What's that suppose to mean"? "Nothing".Honru got up and walked down town Magemon followed her through the uncrowed and quite streets.
HAs anyone seen the new Sonic show Sonic X? Its really cool,I haven't seen Knucles on it yet but Rouge the Bat was on there. I'm really looking foward to seeing Shadow on there.I love Shadow he's the best.If you've seen it tell your fav. character and why you like it.Its on Fox Box at 7:30 and 10:30 A.M. on Sunday.
Name: Hikaru Tomar Age: 14 Gender: Female Height: 5'6 Weight: 98lbs. Animal DNA Donors: Wolf,Raven,Cheeata(sp?) Special Abilities: Black wings(Raven),Speed(Cheeata(sp?),fangs, claws,and hieghtened senses(Wolf). Personality: A loner for life and dosen't talk much. She's antisocial and keeps quite even when she wants to say something important. She likes to be alone and hates being around people.When she talks its ussally a insult, she can be very rude and hates loud people. Faction: Evans
Name: Camie Kitron gender: female description: Red hair,grey eyes,purple clothes,black boots. Bio: Was a servent to Skelator because her parents where loyal to him but when they were killed. Skelator took her in and treated her as a slave. Whenever she got any free time she practiced with an old sword she found in an a cell.The sword was wavy and ahd seen much better days,but it had werid powers such as no matter how hard she hit it it would not break though it looked as if it could. After Skelator was defeted she escaped and found her way to a town and found work. occupation: Blacksmith home: Earth weapon: A wavy sword(see bio for more info).
OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting in a while. SHonya stared out she was looking around. Shadow crouched by her side he hadn't let her out of her site sence the wild shotting had been going on.Shonya spotted Julia a while away. Shonya perked up and ran towards Julia and the others with her. There were alot more than there had been befor Shadow was running with her. She stopped and looked closer at the crowd with Julia. Her eyes widened and she smiled. "Vash".Shonya shouted as she ran towards him she hugged him. Julia and some of the others looked a little confused. Vash looked down at her. "Shonya how have you been"? Shadow barked and Vash laughed,"I haven't forgotten about you Shadow"! Shonya smiled up at Vash the others looked at her and Vash standing together like close friends.Shonya then frowned at Vash. "Your not your going to leave me again are you Vash"? "Not if I have to". Julia was even more confused now.
Name: Honra Age: 15 Description: Shoulder lengh black hair, grey eyes,tan skin,red shirt, black shorts,black boots,black bomber jacket. Personality:Quite and shy but once you get to know her she can be loud and rude. Digimon: Magemon Digivolutions: In-Training: Magicmon Rookie: Magemon Champion: Wizardmon Ultimate: Phantomon Mega: VenomMyotismon,Megas Piedmon Crest: Intelligence Bio: Her parents inorgered her when she was young and still do.She worked hard to impress them but they never did ,but because of her work she became very smart and countiued to work hard.She could always be found in the libary or with her nose in a book she mostly enjoyed advuture books.She was working on her computer when a weird site popped up and numbers scrolled up and down the screen and a egg formed on the screen and landed in her lap she was shocked after a few weeks it hatched. Magicmon became her only friend and soon a Digivice appeared. Side:Bad but turns good later on. OOC:Sorry I don't many of Wizardmons evolions if anyone dose know them can you tell me.Thanks Blanko if any are wrong let me know.
Alex and Liz sat down at a table near the back Alex sneezed one of the plants must have affected her allgerys.The pudgy teacher at the front of the room started talking about what they were going to cover that year then she said her name was Professer Spourt she started taking role.When she finshed she told them to get out their books and take notes on the first two chapters.Alex and Liz took out thier books and quills and started reading and taking notes. OOC: Sry its short I don't have much time to write.
Lita sighed it seemed like there where more and more missions each day,but she didn't complain.Jack ran out and Lita followed at a slower pace. "Lita hurry up".Jack said looking behind him. "I'm hurring".Lita anwered and ran up next to him they soon stood in front of the jeep they rode Jake toke his postion as driver and Lita sat beside him with her legs crossed.Jack started the engene and speed toward the location where the killer was.Lita watched as the plan dirt senery.She wished her parents hadn't moved from the Keys.There was no place to surf in Texas and even if she did find a place she would probley be rusty and make a fool of herself also she barly had any free time sence she joined hunters.BEing in the hunters was fun at times but she couldn't really use her powers because of the storge of lakes,rivers, and oceans.What she missed most about the Keys was her boyfriend they barly wrote to each other or called she amussed that he had a new girlfriend.Lita always hoped that they would have a mission near the costline or the Keys. then she could really show Jack what she could do.Lita foused back on what was ahead of her and not what was behind.
Walked to the Hufflepuff common room she wondered why many people didn't like Hufflepuff most of the people there where full witches and wizards.Her hair had stopped changing color and people had stopped staring at her hair.She walked up to girls dormentor and fell asleep quickly. *The Next Morning* Alex was first awake and walked down to the dinning room and grabbed some food and sat down at a table next to the girl named Karen Black. "Hi ".Alex said. "Uh oh hi ,your the girl whos hair keep changing color aren't you". "Ya I am". "That spell wear off"? "It wasn't a spell I'm a metamorpes". "A what"? "I can change my appearnce it was a little out of control last night".Alex said. The red haired boy came to the table and another person followed.
"How did you know my father"!Kay said angerly. "My father knew him and I've meet him once or twice".Fantra said,"and don't worry his not an elder his a messenger any way its getting dark we should settle down and head out tomarrow its no use going out now ". "I agree".Mary said still catituos around her.Fantra shelfed her sword and said she was going to find wood.Kay followed her sinently.
Gemra darted though the forest her scanner beeped and she followed the map on her scanner.She spotted a blue hedgehog and she stopped right in front of it.She flipped her scanner up and looked at the hedgehog. "What are you doing Shadow"? "HA not likly my names Gemra". "How do you know Sonic or the others in other words why are you here"? "My brother is Shadow and I'm hopeing he'll show up here."
"My grandfather wants me back at the Elders Castle so I can learn to be a stupid Elder."Fantra said saying grandfather with great distaste. "That's not Elder run the whole wolf clan they also make very important dissions".Kay said angerly.She drew her sword and tried to attack Fantra but Fantra drew her sword and blocked the attack like it was nothing. "Meteo she has another shard in her sword"!Mary said. "What"!!Meteo said. He looked at her a little scarded. "This sword was my fathers his last wish was for me to weild". "You... have three jewel shards"?Kay said. "Listen I don't want to hurt it seems where all after the same man or demon and kill him you can't kill alone I've witnessed his full power he used it to kill my father".
Name: Lita Young Age: 21 Gender: Female Hunter Name: Aqua Ability: Can control water and dosen't need to breath when she goes under water. Personality: Quite and but hides her emotions.She can be a flirt sometimes. Appearance: Shoulder lenght blue hair, grey eyes, wears skin thight midnight blue leather pants, combat boots, and a baby blue tank top. BIO: Born in the Flordia Keys and swam every day she noticed that she could stay under water for as long as she wants.She surfs and one day the surf was down so she was playing around andmoved herr hands up thinking rise water rise and just like that the water rose and she was astionished.Her parents moved to Texas and she was devasted because her boyfriend was left in the Keys.She became more quite and soon she meet Jack and they became close friends. Favored Weapon: Bow and arrows, throwing knives, and three hidden daggers.
Name:Shonra Juno Age:16 Home: Colonies Affiliation:Preventers Description:Shoulder lenth brown hair,grery eyes,tan skin,6'3, nice body,wears skin thight leather pants or baggy black pants,thight red tee-shirt with a wolf on it,red gloves(no fingers) with a wolf imprinted on them Bio:Born and never knew her father.Her mother protected her but she fell ill and her father appeared to care for her when her mother died her father moved the colonies and explanded that he had gone there after she was born because he was asamed of having a girl.Once at the colnies he toke her to the engerneering department and told her to learn to be the best dang engneer posible.She later learned of secert plans to rebuild the mobile gundums.Even though she knew she told no one.She worked hard and became the best engneer at the colnies.After that her father started to warm up to her.She's also a pretty desent piolet the best female piolet at least. Fighter Jet Speed:4 Power:3 Control:2 Are we suppose to name our fighter jet if so mines called Sykhawk.
InuYasha is the best show ever.Sesshoumaru has a way better name meanning than InuYasha. Name Meanings Sesshoumaru=The Killing Perfection InuYasha=Dog Demon See isn't it better.I don't understand whypeople don't like Sessy more.I've been working on reading the manga's of Inuyasha and vol.15 has the battle with Kagru(sp?) in it but not Goshinki(sp?).I think it will end with the deffet off Narku but would not do InuYasha's father 's mortal enemy I know I can't spell his name way to long but his a dragon. What to find more then go to this site [url]www.InuYashaWorld.com[/url] or [url]www.InuYashaWorlddot.com[/url]
"Don't get to emoinaile Seth".Shonya said satanding at the top of the stairs. "Ms Ms.Shonya I thought you left!"Seth said uneasily.He stared up at her. "Oh and as for you Seto time for",she paused as she toke two cards from her deck and countioned,"a change in senery."She slide down the banitser. "I play Giant Iron Cage and Blue-Eyes Ulitmite Dragon".The cage fell untop Seto and a bottom closed. "What the",Seto said angerly,"but I conralte you on optaining three blue-eyes". "Uh, well time to go",Shonya jumped onto her dragon,"Blue-eyes pick up that cage and let us fly to the holding location,Seth you'll no where to find bu-bye".The dragon toke off and Shonya blew Seth a kiss.