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Everything posted by Flo
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Actually, Sandy I think it was Darren's character who made that statement. But I agree it's going to be very intresting, considering we have people in every house and at least two players on the team. I have a hunch that Kitty's character is a Beater, by the way. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Or just Kino's Journey. I've recently gotten back into my obsession for this series after I was cleaning my room and found my DVDs. So hense the request. I'm not looking for any specfic color scheme, but I do have a few pictures picked out. I'd like this picture used for the [URL="http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o234/XxChronoxRosettexX/Kinos%20Journey/?action=view¤t=KinosJourney2.jpg"]Banner[/URL]. The text at the bottom doesn't have to be included, I mainly want just Kino and Hermes, or part of Hermes. I want the the phrase, "Watching from above" or "Picking you up whenever you fall" or " No matter which direction you start it's always against the wind coming back" somewhere on the banner, but I don't want it to be the center of attention. For the [URL="http://s98.photobucket.com/albums/l246/DekartheDragoon/Kino%20no%20Tabi/?action=view¤t=a5c58bc5.jpg"]avatar[/URL] I don't want my name on it, just the picture. Gratz for anyone who takes this up.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Growing irrated, Cyri stood streching up and glancing around. It would be a while before the train left and it was getting lonely in this cabin. Cyri decieded it was in her best intrest to wander about, and so she did. She picked up Elliot's cage and slung her backpack over her shoulder as she closed the door behind her. Cyri exchanged a few friendly conversations with fellow housemates and a few friends from other houses. Out of almost all of her friends, Cyri had the most eventful summer. A business trip with her mum to Egypt, which meant finding intresting relics and decoding runes. Some of her friends had teased her that she should of taken a Rune's class, which caused Cyri to laugh. That would of spelled disaster for her. In the previous year at Hogwarts one of her fellow Quidditch team members had tried to teach her some simple runes, but it had only made her head spin. Waving farewell to a group of girls in a cabin that she had spent a good fourty minutes in, Cyri stumbled into the next. There was to much gossip fluttering about in her blonde head. She spotted someone bent over a notebook, drawing or writing something with a pen. Strange, wasn't that a muggle tool? His black hair cover most of his face, but his shirt gave it away. Cuddley Cannons? Sure they had been doing good recently, but still. "Well, well, well look who I found all by his lonesome." Patch's head shot up and Cyri's clear bluish green eyes met his golden yellow ones. She gave him a smile and sat pack across from the Chaser. Elliot sqauked his greeting. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Cyri received many odd stares from the muggles that wandered the train station with her large trunk and owl, going about there normal days. This happened every year, despite her attempts to appear like a trendy muggle with her faded ripped jeans and a tight green v-neck sweater, that rose up aroound the bottom showing off some skin. Her mother, Andora, walked swifly beside her, her blode hair loose, from rushing out of the house. Yet, even though her hair was a mess, Cyri always thought that her mother held a certain degree of elegence and no matter how scruffed up she was she still was beautiful. An untameable marvol, was what her father, Victor describe her as. "Cyri, dear, are you ready for another year?" Andora questioned her only child. "Yeah, of course mum. I am still I bit nervous about being the seeker this year though." Cyri grimaced at the last part. This year she would be the seeker for her team, all that pressure was unwanted. "Oh, you'll be fine. You beat the pants of my realtives at the family picnic just a few months ago, so don't worry sweetie." Andora's words were comferting, "And if anyone gives you any heck, don't forget that even though your not in Slytherin, you still have that blood flowing through your veins." Cyri laughed as she rushed towards the gateway to the train, that was her mom all right. Always hinting about violence solving problems, "Thanks mom, I'll see over winter break right?" She slowed a bit waiting for her mother's reply. "Actually dear, you'll be with your father this Christmas. I'm busy-" And that was that. Cyri felt a gust of wind as she entered the platform of 9 3/4. Of course her mom was busy, she always was. Heck, even over the summer she barely saw her mom so it wasn't anything new. Elliot finally stired awake from his cage at the top of her luggage. Swifly, she snached him from the top of the trunk as well as her backpack which held her robes and wand and pushed the rest of her belongings towards the loading area for Hufflepuff. "We're gonna have lots of fun this year right Elliot." Cyri held the cage infront of her, smilng at her owl. He chirped a reply and Cyri smiled, as she walked towards one of the open train comparments. There were two Gryfindors already in one of the compartments, both 5th years. She gave them a wave as she moved to the next empty room and settled down next to the window. She was hoping that she would see a few of her fellow Hufflepuff's soon.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]So I still wanna go with my 'sexy' theme for my set, but now I want me some Tinkerbell. Hopefully someone gets intrested and then I can be uber grateful. Anywho, for the general setup, I kinda want blue and green swirls with a white background. I really like [URL="http://s171.photobucket.com/albums/u305/shadazy/?action=view¤t=tink.jpg"]this[/URL] picture for the avatar, mainly the face though. But for the banner, I like [URL="http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x207/XxXLaurenThaStuckUpLoserXxX/?action=view¤t=SassyTinkerbell.jpg"]this[/URL] pose but not the picture style. If you can find a better picture with that pose, I want it sideways. I don't really want a border, kinda free form. Hopefully someone fills this request and whoever does gratz in advance.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I'm really loving the Hufflepuff love here. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][B]Name:[/B] Cyrilla "Cyri" Leonte-Fieraru [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Year:[/B] 4th [B]House:[/B] Hufflepuff (cause its the house of pure OWNAGE) [B]Wand:[/B] Dragon heartstring core and Rosewood, 12 and a third [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://s203.photobucket.com/albums/aa90/Asami_Nina/Anime/Blonde/?action=view¤t=shimmeringmisty1.jpg"]Cyri[/URL] stands 5'3 and is barely over 110lbs. [B]Personality:[/B] Cyri is anything but soft-spoken, when she has something on her mind your going to know what it is. And if she wants your attention bad enough she won't hesistate to throw a book at you and her advice can be tend to be quite blunt and sometimes rude. She doesn't mean harm to any of her friends though, in fact her loyality to her friends is top notch. She'd do anything in honour of friendship and is willing to shut her trap to listen to whatever is on your mind. Her close friends know her her as a passionate person, with lots of love and support unlike most people who just see her an dumb blonde. However, Cyri is bit of a clutz from time to time, due to her eratic behavior. But despite this she manages to have a steady hand in potions and because she's eager to speak up in classes she's gained the favor of most of her teachers. What also makes her such a great student is that she takes critiism rather harshly and strives to perfect her mistakes. Grades are very important to Cyri since her dream to become an Auror requires Outstanding grades. [B]Bio:[/B] Cyri grew up in a normal wizarding family or as normal as gets when your parents are from rivaling houses when they went to Hogwarts. Her father, a former Gryffindor, a dragon breeder in Romania; her mother, a former Slytherin, and a worker at Gringotts, the wizarding bank. Cyri is the first metamorphmagus since her great-great-great grandfather on her father’s side of the family. She doesn't have complete control over her ability for example, when she's nervous or shocked her hair changes color quickly and she still has trouble taking on a person's appearance. Though when she’s her normal self she can change her appearance at will. Her family traveled a lot because of her mother's job, but she didn't mind it gave her a lot of stories to tell and a knowledge of many different places in the wizarding community. Her father on the other hand stayed in one place and offered Cyri the stability of a permeant home, to which she was glad to have incase her mother’s work got to dangerous for a untrained witch to tag along. Cyri has no problem with mudbloods or mudblood haters as long as they don't bother her with trying to pester those that fall under that category. Unfortunately her parents decided it would be best if they lived apart but, still remained married because of many disagreements in travel and family issues. Cyri now lives with her father most of the time do to the fact that he doesn’t travel and because of his location in Romania she was originally going to attend Durmstrang Institute for Magical Study. However, do to her mother’s persuasion she was able to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Both of her parents hoped desperately for her to be sorted into either one of their house so that they could be closer to her if she was in their old house. Though when the Sorting Hat decided her best suited for Hufflepuff they where both shocked as was Cyri herself. No one before in their family had ever been in any other house but, Gryffindor or Slytherin. Secretly a calm came over both her mother and her father because now they no longer felt the urge to vine for Cyri’s attention. As Cyri’s years at the school increased so did her parents connections for instance her mother would pop in for visits during the summer or take a few weeks of to spend time with together. Though it was decided that Cyri was to spend the school holidays that she could leave for, if she wanted to, and at least two weeks of the summer with her mother who volunteers to switch to a desk job when Cyri is there with her and if can’t she merely takes her with her on her travels. The rest of the time is spent with her father. Quidditch has also played an important part in Cyri’s school life. She was a Keeper her first year for playing the broom sport. Her true skill was reveled after the Hufflepuff Seeker graduated. She was naturally a first draft pick due to her thinness and smaller stature that the others that tried out for the position at the beginning of her third year. Plus her experience from the pervious year helped greatly. Cyri has yet to play a game a seeker yet, only practiced and though she thinks its an honor she still much rather had remained the Keeper. [B]Classes:[/B] • Defense Against the Dark Arts (Outstanding) • Care of Magical Creatures (Acceptable) • Transfiguration (Outstanding) • Divination (Acceptable) • Herbology (Acceptable) • Charms (Outstanding) • Astronomy (Acceptable) • Potions (Exceeds Expectations ) [B]Tidbits:[/B] • Cyri has plans on becoming an Auror after she gratuates Hogwarts • Her Patronus is in the form of a sparrow; small but effective as she like to call it • She is working on her animagus form in her spare time, and has tried to get private classes with the Transfiguration teacher, without any sucuess so far. Her attempts in the transformation has resulted in many visits to the hospital wing of Hogwarts, for cases of paws and a black shaggy tail similiar to that of a dog. • Cyri also has an [URL="http://s114.photobucket.com/albums/n267/pluskon/?action=view¤t=Great_Horned_Owl_2_LG.jpg"]owl, named Elliot.[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]"Will you go out with me?" Gailian's words bored into her mind. Was he being serious? Butterflies grew in her stomach and she blushed a litte. Gailian's eyes were on her clenched fist and she smiled. He thought she was going to hit him or something. "What about Sakura?" Dawn's voice quivered in anticapation of his answer. "Sakura is just I friend Dawn. I like you, not her. I was just worried that you would reject me, so it was eaiser for me to just lie than be honest with my feelings." As Gailian spoke, Dawn spotted Ryoku in the corner. Why was he here? She watched as he smiled at her and then upon seeing Gailian he turned away. Was he really that scared of Gailian or was he scared of her? She never really saw him around many girls before, despite his good looks he just laked the charm. Though some girls found the shyness appealing, Dawn just found it as a barrier. "All guys are the same." Dawn gave Gailian a gentle hug, "Yeah, I'll go out with you."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Dawn's face turned a deep red as she stared at Gailian, she turned quickly catching a glance at Ryoku. She pushed past him and headed towards her room. Why was she so mad about Gailian liking Sakura. She didn't even know Sakura, so what was her deal? Her vision became blurry as she walked back to her room. As Dawn was walking she saw a tall dark haired girl, one she hadn't seen before. She brushed it off, it wasn't in her intrest to know every single girl at the Academy, though she did know most of them. But, right now she wasn't in the mood for introductions. Just incase she did knwo the girl but, couldn't recognize her through her anger, she gave her a quick wave and ran up into her room. Shutting the door behind her, she frowned, sliding to the ground. Why did she feel this way, why couldn't Gailian and her ever be on the same track? It was so confusing, it was like the instant he lost intrest she gained his feelings. Was it just lust? No, it didn't feel like that, that how she was with Kenso. Holding her head in her hands, Dawn fought back the tears. But they burned and she let them fall, the tears of frustration that she fought of for so long. Could this all this rage be, from the encounter with that man in the forest? She hadn't felt like this before then, so why now? The last bitter tear fell, and Dawn leaned back onto the door of her dorm. This was hopeless, and right now she felt uselsss.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I personally second the recomindation of .Hack G.U.//Rebirth and now Reminisce. As meationed before these games are very easy to get used to. The fighting sytem, to me, gets a little confusing in VOl.2, but the game quailty defentially improves. The main character, Haseo is a bit different from his anime counter-part in that he is less naive and I guess hopeful. It takes a while to get used to his attitude, but he's not that bad, iin comparison to Tales of the Abyss's main Luke. Now that was a game I was looking forward to but alas, the main dude was so annoying and , neh I really don't want to discuss my dissapointment in that game. But, back to .Hack G.U. I really hope that Des gets this games series, assuming Des likes RPGS.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Pro Life or Pro Choice? Mature discussions please
Flo replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Pro-choice. I strongly support abortion is consideration that we're human and at times we may mess up. That drunken one night stand may not be one of those you can just turn aside. I think that if a woman gets pregent then its in her own morals to decide weither or not to keep the baby. And I find a small bit of comfert in that if I ever mess up bad enough that I get pregent before I want to then theres a place that I can go. There are some crimamstances that I then oppose of from abortion. For example, one of my friends has been trying to get pregent for a second time after good results with her first son. However, this time the artifical insemination has reseulted in her having twins now. This isn't an uncommon result, but she began to freak out and wanted an abortion. SHe knew my thoughts on what she should do and in turn after thinking about it she realized that it wasn't the right thing for her to do. I mean if your trying to have children and, like her, if you got twins, or a girl and wanted a boy then that's really no reason to get an abortion. [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Flo replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]So yes, I was bored today and when I'm bored my hair suffers. So now I'm a bleach blonde babe. XD These pictures pretty recent, if you want to count just today. XD They were both taken with my phone but, one turned out better so yeah.... [URL="http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/Image007.jpg"]Bleach rules[/URL] [URL="http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/Image006.jpg"]I'm cool and you know it.[/URL] [URL="http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/Gordon.jpg"]Now for a family picture taken just last week with a fake Jeff Gordon. I be the one in the back with the pink shirt.[/URL] [URL="http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/056_56.jpg"]Me in the car....bored. But never forget boys anf girls seatbelts are important! XD[/URL] [URL="http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/057_57.jpg"]Again in the car[/URL] [URL="http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/061_61.jpg"]One of me looking up. At what though?[/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Dawn smiled at Ryoku and walked forward, stroking his cheek as she walked behind him. "Sorry, I'm not really in the mood to duel right now." She blew hot air onto his neck and walked away. She need to find Gailian and talk to him. Why did it bother her that he liked Sakura? Earlier she had been freaking out that he may of possibly liked her so why was she feeling these feelings now? Sighing, Dawn turned around and saw that Ryoku was still standing in the spot she had left him. She laughed a bit, it was always amussing to now that she had some power over males. Ryoku would snap out of it sooner or later, hopefully he wouldn't come after her. Pestering her about a duel. If anything it would be an easy win, which was why Dawn was uncertain as to why Gailian wanted her to duel Ryoku. Her icy blue eyes scanned the campus for Gailan's dark hair, she wanted to knwo why he wanted her to fight Ryoku, and she made no plans to fight him till she got a straight answer. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Flo replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]New pictures! More guys need to post here, me thinks it becoming a chick thing. Anywho here be a picture of me and my brother. [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/?action=view¤t=100_0582.jpg]Clickith[/URL] ...It may be a little bright, my sister took the picture. [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/100_0629.jpg]And one, my sister took in CVS, we was bored[/URL] Thats all for know holmes.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dawn stood in the rain, a pressure on her heart lifting as Gailian said that he only liked her a friend. Warmth filled her again and she smiled, realived that Gailian didin't have any romantic feelings towards her. "Well I'm gald I was able to help you Gailian." Dawn began to turn away and but, paused when she saw a tall red head coming towards them. What was his name? Something that started with a R...Ryo? That didn't sound right. "Galian, I hope I'm not interupting anything, but I wanted to talk to you. My name is Ryoku Tenshiba, we had a few classes together, though I don't expect you to recognize me. I heard about the attack yesterday and I wanted to know if there is anyting I can do to help the next time. I have some fighting abilities that are rather...unique." Ryoku Tenshiba, if he had been in some of Gailian's classes then he must of been in a few of hers. Which would explain as to why he looked so familiar. "Hey, Ryoku! We haven't talked in like forever" Dawn gave Ryoku a friendly hug, she felt him shaking and smiled. He was a shy one and appartly worried about weither or not he would able to handle Gailian in a duel. Releasing him from the embrace she gave him a playful smile. He was actually attractive, the rain made his red hair stand out even more. She had never dated a red head, and if she was lucky she might be able to accomplish a first. "Gailan if you do deciede to duel him, go easy on him. I wouldn't be very happy if Ryoku got hurt."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]It was getting dark in the training ground, yet the time was still ticking away slowly. Every now and then a teacher would walk by reminding the remaining students that they all had a hour left till the the training ground closed. Sweat was thick on Dawn's brow as she attempted summons. Her training had been fruitless so far, and it didn't look like she would get any where today even though she had been practicing since the heartless attack. Dawn was about to give up and turn in for the night when at the tip of her keyblade there was a purple glow and Dawn began to smile. She was doing it! Focusing her energies on the summon she working on. The purple glow meant that the creature she was summoning was a chaotic being. It figured that the first summon she would be able to do was a chaos sonce that was her own alinment. Falling back onto the ground, thr purple glow burst and in its place stood a smiling boy. He gave Dawn a quizzical look and suddenly smiled, "Hi! My name is Kuhn! Your the one who summoned me right?" "Um, yes. How was I supposed to do this again?" Dawn paused, trying to remember how to bind the summon to her keyblade, "Oh, yeah I, Dawn Faustine, request a pact with you Kuhn." Kuhn, smiled and tapped Dawn's keyblade giving it at temporary purple glow, "Yes I accept your pact and promise to assist you in any way that I can." With that said Kuhn vanished and the purple glow from Dawn's keyblade dissappeared. Fatigue began to take over Dawn as he energies were wore out from her numerous summoning attempts. Ready for a shower and sleep, Dawn stumbled out of the training area and headed for her dorm. Opening the door to her dorm, her eyes were heavy as she walked to her shower, turning it on. She stripped of her clothes and leaned against the wall as the cold water flowed over her tired body. She felt realived as the water seemed to wash away the events of the day went down the drain along with the dirty water.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Well I must say that my dogs are up there in the cuteness scale. At my house we have a total of 4 dogs, by age, Sam, Buster, Zeus and Raider. Sam is a border-collie mix, that was taken in after being abused by his prevouis owners. He is more commonly known as the 'closet dog'. While Buster is a rat terrier, with a big heart. He loves to snuggle at night and is fit as a whistle. Though he hates loud noices, so New Year's and Fourth of July aren't his favorite holidays. And then there's the two babies of the family, who have their own [URL=http://www.myspace.com/raiderandzeus]myspace[/URL]. They do share the spotlight with their big brothers though. These little pups are Chiweiner both from the same litter, but not many people beleive us since they look so different from eachother. I think I've bragged enough about my dogs, though so I bid you all ado![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dawn walked silently behind Gailain, her mind buzzing. If this was a forshadow of what was to come, she would need to become stronger. Gailian had asked her to summon and at this time that wasn't her forte. Hell, she couldn't even summon the things they worked on in class, which was the main reason as to why she failing at this time. But, know she had a reason to try and master her summoning ablities. As a gunner Dawn had to be careful as to what summons she choosed to focus on. Her mind went to three in particular, ones that would assist her class the best. Pol, Hidki, and Kuhn. She nodded to herself and received a strange glance, from Gailian. Dawn just smiled back at him, and turned away. [I]"Dawn look! Your very cute and interesting."[/I] The words, Gailian had said eailer, were repeated in her head. Dawn stumbled a bit, why had Gailian said that to her and what did he mean by it? It wasn't like him to tell her such things, she knew he was quite popular amongst the girls at the academy, but why was he acting like this towards her?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][quote name='Ushima][COLOR=DarkRed][B]my bad. i guess i should think things through first huh?[/B'][/COLOR][/quote] ......Um, yeah that would be important don't you think? Read over your posts before you hit the 'Submit Reply' button on fix any grammar or spelling errors. Because someimtes wheny ou typ e to fast and don' treally paty attention to what yuor typing and it can turn out like thsi. THat's a little exerrated but, still please, if you haven't been going over your post, do it from know on. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Yes, Neko that would be safe to assume. I think unless, you want to put your character in a place to abserve the heartless attack, read XYZ's post. It's about the assembly that we were supposed to attend. Thanks, Ushima but could you try and make your posts more clear from now on?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I'm a bit confused. Okay so Ushima why is Fuza with Domsu if, Premotion already stated that Dawn and Gailian were taking him to the imfirmory? Can someone clear this up for me please? Either Ushima or Premontion. So confizzling....O.o[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dawn fell to the ground, shocked and afraid. That could of been her or even Gailian and even though Dosmu had just been turned into a being called a nobody she didn't fell any pity for him. Sure he had the bravery to do what she was to shaken to do, but she never really knew him that well. Still on the ground, Dawn looked over at Gailian. She felt bad for him, his father had killed his mother. He had also given himself to the darkness. She felt gulity that she had learned all this about Gailian. As Dawn looked over at Dosmu's lifeless body she felt sick in her stomach, why wasn't she able to act when she was needed. She coulod of at least tried to summon, Kuhn and then maybe no one would of died. Kuhn could of created an illuison so that they could of gotten away, but still there was no promise that Dosmu would of lived. He was hiding in the bushes and Troobadore might of found him, or even his heartless if they had started looking for Gailian.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]"Gailan how can this guy be bad? He helped me help you." Dawn was still under the effects of the man's trance, nothing Gailian was saying was making any sense to her. She watched as Gailan gave her strange look. "Dawn, what's the deal? I told you this guy is bad news." Parts of Dawn wanted to break away from this man's control of her, but she felt over powered. She stood on middle ground, not knowing what to do at this time. She was confused and stared at Gailian, emotionless. Troobadore laughed as he stared at Dawn and then towards Gailin. "You know Gailian, girls are so much easier to prusade, all you have to do is give them a sweet smile and a few comferting words. But, you wouldn't know anything about that would you." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dawn's head was spinning with confusion, did Gailian just drag her out here to watch him suffer? No, he wasn't like that. Sighing Dawn began to stand, Gailian's weight pulling her back down. "Well. He's about to break..." Said a deep booming voice above them. Dawn turned, her deep blue eyes examining the man who had spoken. He was tall and older than most students at the Academy. Dark, wispy blonde hair covered his head and fell above his eyes. His eyes, they where so strange the longer she stared at them the more Dawn felt like she was in a trance. It was Gailian's heavy breathing that broke her out and she remembered that he needed help. "Sir, can you help me? I need to take my friend to the infirmary and I can't take him by myself." The man gave Dawn a friendly smile as he leaned down next to Gailian and picked him up in his strong arms. Dawn was still untrustin gof this man but, her friend was in trouble andhe needed help, and in Dawn's mind it didn't matter who the help came from at this time. She would ask questions later. "Which way madam?" The man asked with a playful sound to his voice. It was almost as if he was a different person from the one who had been dark and twisty only a few minutes ago. Now he was more friendly, and had a lighter air about him, whic drew Dawn in making her begin to trust him. "Just follow me, sir. And thank you so much for helping me with Gailian, by the way my name is Dawn." Something inside her started screaming, why didn she just tell this man both of their names when she didn't even know his. Stupid and careless was what she was being right now and she didn't understand why. Most of the time she had an iron wall up but, it seemed as though just being in the presense of this man was making it fade away. As they got back on the campus, Dawn made a sharp right towards the infirmary building.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Name: Jessica Hun Age: 23 Gender: Female Blood type: B+ Personality: There's almost nothing that Jessica doesn't know about people or places and not knowing isn't an option for her. This isn't always her best feature, but it can be helpful when a listening ear is needed. Jessica has spent many nights passed out on top of a book and on other ocasions woken up with keyboards imprints on her face. The never ending quest for knowledge is her uncurable disease. Biography: tell us what happened before you were asked to go to TTS. If your character was aware of his powers before had tell how they found out. Powers: Accelerated healing process which regenerates damaged or destroyed areas of her body far beyond the capabilities of an ordinary human and renders her immune to most toxins and diseases. Appearance: [URL=http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n32/1Anime_Princess/hp29.jpg]{Cickith}[/URL] Other: other info Your thoughts: Well for one, I think that in Personality you mean [i]how your character acts[/i] not, what your character looks like. OOC: I'm gonna finish this tomarrow cause I'm le' tired any my brainn be dead right now.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]