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Everything posted by Flo
"O.K."Shonya repiled. "Good".Seth said. "Black skull dive down to that car and blast it!" The car speed up but the fire-ball was to fast in hit the car and blew it up.The riders climed out of the car.Seth jumped down quickly. "I chanllege two of you to a tag team duel".Seth said angerly. "Who's your parter"?Amanda asked smugly. "Me."Shonya said as she jumped gracfly and swiftly off her black-skull and called it back into her deck.Shonya was right Amanda was the girl who had won her stepfathers tornment.Shonya presence was wanted by Pegues.He had wished for her to ses the deul.
"We must be getting close".Seth said watching the Harpie Brother zoom away. "Either that or where not even close".Shonya said. "What do mean by that Ms.Shonya" "Please don't call me that younger I should be calling you Mr.Seth" "Call me whatever". "Well my stepfather told me to look at all perspective". "You had a stepfather?" "Ya, but I don't like to talk about it". "We have to win this battle". "I know we have to,wait I know that girl!" "You know who?" "The girl that logged you out". "How do know her?" "She won my stepfathers duel monsters tornment". "Whos your stepfather?" "Um never mind I think were almost there."
Kontra stared at the man amd frowned at his words. "To bad I only like men who are brave info to fight a woman". "Did you do all this?!"roy said. "Yes",Kontra said stepping out of the shadows,"Do you like my masterpiece?"She said moveing her arm over the bloody masecure.
Shonya smiled,"Yes I will be your partner Seth." "Good then we must get going".Seth said. "right we have to stop them from finding the last member." Shonya followed Seth out of the dark castle.Seth turned,"Ms.Shonya would you provide us a ride?" "O.K",Shonya drew a card,"Black Skull Dragon arise!" Seth looked at the dark monster and smiled faintly. "You like I was working on it while you were gone".
"Well I guess...we...could".Shonya said,"But what if I mess up." "I'll be there if you mess up well then we'll have to clean it up",Seth said calmly,"Thats what a tag teams for." "Seth why are you so calm."Shonya said looked at him, Seth simply said,"I guess I just learned to be calm and painent."
"Ummm."Shonya said. "What."Seth said angerly. Shonya remanied quit for a while and rocked back and forth on her heels. "Well there looking for thier last member". "Damn,you need to deul." "W..hat"! "I can't deul with deck" "Uh,Seth I'm not all that good sure I may have powerful monsters but." "But nothing Ms.Shonya you have to do this." Shonya looked down and grabed her deck from her side and pulled out one of her Blue-eyes and stared at it it was old her step-father had made it for her along with her other Blue-eyes.She looked up at Seth.
Genim looked over at Nitsuke and Kyo and laughed to herself those two wounld do anything to bet each other.She then felt a tug on her line and she quickly pulled the line out with ease.The fishers near her looked shocked she smiled back and then turned her attenction back to the pokemon on her line. "Darn a Marikarp".Genim unhooked the poor Marikarp and threw it back into the lake.The Pichu she catched was asleap beside her she had nicknamed it Sparky.She cast her line back into the clear blue water. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC I nicknamed all my pokemon here are there nicknames. Cronow=Shark Vulpix=Tails Pichu=Sparky Murkwow=Ziggy
Genim walked through the thick forest as she walked on the forest grew dencer.There was a rustle in the bushes and she looked toward bush.A small yellow pokemon with brown strips and a lighting shaped tail."A pichu, i'll try to catch it." She threw a ball"Go Shark". Shark:Totdile Genim:"Shark bite" The attack hit the pichu but shark got shock when he bit it. Genim:"Lets see I know,Shark water gun then bite it" The plan worked and the pichu fainted from its own attack Genim threw an emtey pokeball at it the shock a little but then it stoped and Genim picked it up.When she turned to congralt SHark but when she looked at him he was glowing. Genim:"What the?" As she stared the light went away and a crownow was in totadiles place. Genim:"Cool you evoled".
Kontra stared down at the men she had just slauthed blood gushing from there cuts.She smiled,"Don't under every estmate a womans sterenth".Kontra herd people coming towards the town she had just killed she then frowned thinking people coming to ruin my fun.She dased behind a building her hand on her sword.
Shonya stood up,"I don't understand why your upset",Shonya said coldly,"Everything dies," she pointed a finger at Julia,"You know your just like Vash always caring and getting all emonal if someone you care about dies, everything dies and your suppose to just get over and pretend like nothing happened." "But you can't do".Julia said. Everyone was shocked to hear such strong word coming from such a young girl.Shonya then ran past them the tears swelling up in her eyes to afriad to cry.For once Shadow didn't speed off after her.
Genim stared in awe at the firceness of Nitsuke's eveeve.She then relized that her pokemon where healed and that she could start towards the next gym.She got up and walked out the door Sam whatched her leave wondering why she was not staying to battle.Genim entered the center and retrived her pokemon then turned and left.She walked toward a dirt road and walked into the thick woods.
Walked into the pokecenter glad she had won her match.SHe brought her pokeballs up to the counter."I need this healed befor I head out". "O.K they'll be ready in a hour".Joy repiled."O.K".Genim said then walked over to the chairs and stared at her first badge the battle was alot hardder then the ones at the school.Her first match ended in faliure becaues her murkwow flew out of the ring.The rest of the match was good thanks to her vulpix."Uh Nurse Joy I'm going to the gym to whatch the other battle." "O.K just don't forget to come back." Genim walked out of the center and walked to the plam tree thaked roof and walked in to see a battle raging on she quickly grabed a sit.
Genim frowned thinking I don't look that young.She followed the girl that was leading her,by the looks of her uniform she must be a have a high ranking.Genim looked around her seeing that they where walking down a grungy ally.Her eveeve jumped down into her pack and curled up and feel asleep Geim smiled her eveeve had a long day on its small feet running to keep up when they had gotten closer to where she was supposed to meet the TR2 person she had picked eveeve up and carried him for a while then her eveeve jumped up on her shoulder.Genim didn't understand why Geovoin wanted her to join TR2 when she counld of easily infortralted one of there bases which was her specialty she could get into any base and get out without being noticed.The girl that was leading her turned around and Genim almost walked right into her.
Genim sighed as she walked into the pokecenter.She would of had gotten there eariler but she desiced to go at a slower pace.On the way she caught a Vulpix. "Welcome do your pokemon need to be healed".Nurce Joy said. "Uh oh sure".Genim handed her the three balls."Thanks". "Oh no problem thats what I'm here for",Nurce Joy repiled,"Just wondering why where you late"? "Uh what do you mean"? "I mean alot of the other tranieres got here much eailrer". "Oh I was taking my time",Genim looked over at the phones,"Are they still working"? "Yes you need to call someone"?Nures Joy asked. "Ya,I promised my brother I would call him when I got to the first town".Genim repiled.Genim heard a crash. "What was that!" "I don't know oh your pokemon are healed".Joy said handing her the balls "Thanks,Go Vulpix"!Genim said and then raced to where she heard the chrash with Vulpix at her heels.Her call could wait and plus it really late.She then saw Kain and the others.
'You called me sir".Genim said."Yes I called you".Geovoin said. "Well sir what did you need me for". "I want you to go and apply for a job at TR2" "What!"Genim said."But there the enemy". "I'm well aware of that,I won't you to work undercover there you here me". "Uh yes sir"Genim said. "Then get going".
Befor Shonya got on her blue-eyes she turned and said,"You well pay for what you have done".Amanda Jason and Lily wonderend what she ment by that.She looked back at Seth who was looking very cross about what happened."You know Seth you ca't win every deul."
Genim looked at the ball that held Murkow not paying attention she walked right into the clearing wear Kain was she looked up and smiled."Oh hi Kain." "Uh oh Genim fancy seeing you here."Kain said.
Genim stared at him with evil eyes she had always hated electric pokemon.She cheacked to see if her eveeve was ok.Eveeve jumpedd up on her shoulder and shivered frightened.Genim looked affectily at eveeve and nuzzled it then followed the others.
Shonya stood beside her blue-eyes it was ready for battle.Shonya shivered in the darkness it was so cold and creepy it felt like eyes where everywhere.Shonya looked at Seth he had the look of a killer on his face then two figures walked into the shadows.
Genim started walking though the thick forest Shark dancing happily beside her.Genim smiled Kai well be happy i got a Totodile that was his starting pokemon.Genim heard a rustling in the busses she turned her head sharply and saw a Murkow standing in front of them ready to attack."Shark bite",the Murkow hollored in pain and ran around Genim stared then threw a ball the ball shoke and then it went still.
"Wait Seth i'm going with you"Shonya said. "What"Seth replied. "You cant do this on your own Seth",Shonya said,"Plus we can find them easier if we take my blu-eyes." "Fine just dont get in my way"Shonya's Blue-Eyes fly down behind her Shonya and Seth jumped on
Shonya stared at him then blurted out,"He has yellow spiked hair and wears a long red coat."Shonya didn't know what made her say that she then looked down she felt bad and then said,"I'm sorry".
Genim stared at her Totodile dancing around."You know I'm going to call you Shark",Shark jumped up and down,"I guess you like that."Genim smiled and leaned agansit a tree and saw the girl with the the Syther walking toward her Genim frowed remembering how her Syther tried to cut her Totodile.Then she thought about here hometown and how her brother Kai.The girl with the Syther was getting closer Genim wondered what she wanted.
Genim walked behind all the others and looked down on the ground she was bored and didn't think much off the others one they where to talktive and two it seemed they didn't notice she was even there.She sighed and looked over at her Eveeve.
Genim walked slowly to the Auditorium and wished her parents weren't there."Genim stop lollygaging around and hurry up to the Auditrium after you get you stuff."A teacher called to her."OK sir." Genim repiled.Genim walked to her room and grabed all the things that were important then she made her way to the Auditrium.She walked in and found herself a good seat and stared up at the ceiling bored.