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Everything posted by Flo
Genim stared eyes wide open at the legondary pokemon battle.Genim thought to herself "I'm going to have to get my swap one of my pokemon for Lugia." A bolt of lighting brunt the ground next to her Genim quickly ran to a safer spot on the roof and waited for them to finsh befor she intodused her self she was very impressed with there battle.
"Wait a mintue we must be able to call out monsters even when where not in a duel."Shonya said "Well theres another rule we learned."Seth said. "I wonder if there allowed to attack outside a deul.?"Shonya said with an evil look on her face. "What are you thinking Shonya?"Masu asked. "You well find out soon info Masu."Shonya said Shonya walked out of the castle Seth called after her,"Wait don't do anything risky ok." "I won't" Shonya pulled a card out of her deck "Ok blue-eyes time to take action."Shonya rasied the card and her Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared."Thoes fools we'll probly think I'm Kaiba."Shonya climed on blue-eyes and he toke off. "Hey that must be Kaiba look its a blue-eyes!"Amanda said. "lets try this blue-eyes",Shonya said,"Blue-eyes White Lighting Attack now!" The attack hit the red-eyes and its body dissapered not to metion Jason lost life points but they were falling and falling fast. "Lets leave Blue-Eyes."Shonya said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue-Eyes landed in front of the castle and Shonya jumped off.Blue-eyes followed her inside the castle and Masu and Seth stared up at it Shonya smiled "Well Seth now we have an advantetge;I'll acept your sleince as a thank you." Shonya walked off to a corner and sat down and gazed up at her Blue-Eyes.
Shonya felt a chill rush up her spine and shivred but smiled.Seth hoped that he could bet that girl this time."Seth stop calling me Ms.Shonya its annoying and your making me fell old" "O.K i wont call you that anymore Ms.Shonya." "SETH I just told you not to call me that!" "WELL you two stop yuor starting to annoy me!"Masu yelled. Shonya and Seth srank back and Shonya whispered to Seth,"Wonder whats bugging him?"Seth shurged.
Shonya heard Shadow howl and got quick she left the money on the table and ran toward the back gate and sneaked around the gate to the front and whislted to Shadow.Shonya then strated to run and Shadow ran after her.Shonya knew what she would do next she'd find her friend Vash.Vash was the only guy she respected and she alao amired him.But then Shonya ran strat in to Dragus and looked up at him with horror in her eyes Shadow growled at him with his teeth flared while he stood by Shonya.
"Oh sorry",Shonya said,"Wait what dose this mean you dont think i have powerful cards!" "I didn't mean it that why Shonya"Seth said. Masu watched them argue and fight back and forth.
"I agree with you Seth but how can we get them to split up"?Shonya said.Shonya shullfed her deck and then the cards went flying,"Oh No!", Shonya grabed for her cards but Seth grabbed one and stared at it and frowned Shonya looked through the cards she had and found that one of her blue-eyes was missing she looked up at Seth and sasid,"Give it back Seth!"
Name:Kontra Weapon:Shoja and Tanu bio:A very talented swordwoman but uses her talents for bad not good.Quite and rude to some. Weapon Type:twin swords
When is this going to start and when are you going to tell us if where in?
"Masu your here"! Shonya excailmed. "Gee, your really hyper for a change."Masu said. "Sorry,I've been coped up here why Seth was deuling and lost" "Seth, you lost thats a surprise I tried to duel somebody but they refused"Masu said.
Shonya felt tears come to her eyes as she sat by Shadow. Shadow looked at her worried and had a sad look in his eyes. Shonya stod up and said "This shoudn't bother me." Shonya started walking toward the next town and Shadow followed closely behind. Shadow sat outside the town gate and wated for her.Shonya walked into a bar and sat down at a table in back and ordered a beer and drank it slowly. Outside Shadow saw people coming toward the town but payed no attenication.
Genim was shocked to see how feircly the two were fighting. She figured the two were rivals.She smiled at there feiceness.
Name:Genim Age:16 Affiliation:TR1 Pokémon: Umbroen(Dark) Espeon(Light) Hondoom Murkwow Feraligatr(Shark) Eveeve Appearance:Black hair w/ 2 red strips in the front,blood red shirt and black pants,gloves without fingers, black combat boots, a black and blood red pack Bio:Has a dark past and dosent know much about her family was abandon when she was young and donsent care about finding her family.Is cold hearted and hates most people.Had few friends when she was young mostly spent her time traning her pokemon.Her Eveeve stays outside its pokeball and either walks by her side or sits on her shoulder sometimes sleeps in her pack.Dark is Eveeve's father and Light is her mother. Teammate:none I fixed up my stuff.Hope this is better.
Genim stared at the poster and smiled "Good,I think i'll do it I could always use other dark pokemon" Genim walked to the hotel and stared up and heard traniers giving comands.Genim smiled again and walked up to the roof to watch the battle "Eveeve get up on my shoulder I dont want you geting hurt"Eveeve eagerly jumped up on her shoulder and nuzzled Genim sweetly.Genim opened the door to the roof and saw the battle raging on.
"Why dont we both go then we can lead them away from each other."Shonya said. "Your forgeting one of us has to watch Seto."Seth repiled. "He wont go anywhere" "What if one of the other people comes to ave him Shonya" "Your forgetting Seth that in order to find him they have to all be together" "Yes but shouldnt there be more people here trying to stop them from finding him" "I know its not right we cant do this on our own" Shonya looked hopfly at the screen hoping to see somone that would help them to keep the little rescue party from finding each other.
"Oh No,Seth there finding each other we have to stop them!"cried Shonya. "I know, I know Shonya be quite im trying to think"Seth said calmly
Shonya stoped wondering what was wrong with her when did she start caring about the people she hurt.SHe started to turn around and walk away but then a voice called out "Stop" Shonya turned her head to the voice and saw a friend of the guy she had shot then Shonya said,"Go away I dont what to hurt you." "What"Terran said. "You heard me now im leaving "Shonya said "Why did you shoot Nick" "Because i felt like it"Shonya stared to walk away then Terran pulled out his gun and shoot at her Shonya doged it and pulled her gun out and shoot his gun right out of his hand then his gun went flying and Shonya shoot the gun and broke it in two then ran off.
"He's been oftelly quite lately I wonder why" Shonya started to walk to the room were they had kept Seto in but Seth grabed her and said "No dont go to see him" "Why" "Becaues we need to consentrat at the task at hand" "Oh" a sreen poped up and showed another one of the people trying to save Seto then the Big 5 showed up on the sreen and said"This well help you track those fools who think they can save Seto Kaiba" "Thanks " then the screen showed all the people who were trying to save Seto.
"Seth im ready for anything"Shonya said. "But this new rules why didnt the Big 5 tell us about them?" "Im really confused Seth we cant win if we dont know the rules"
Shonyra jumped up and said, "Finally your here!" "What toke you so long?" "Did something happen tell me Seth".
Shonya stated wondering why the death of that girls family troubled her she had killed many familys and she didnt ever fell bad."Shadow lets go",Shadow looked at here and seemed to be asking "whats wrong".Shonya heard people walking toward her and there was no where to hide.She quickly put her hand to her gun. [color=green]I merged your two posts; please do not double post. --terra[/color] "What do you want" Nick reconised the girl's face from a poster he had seen she was the girl that was missing. "Why dont you come with us little girl"Nick said Shonya 's hand flew to her gun and she quickly shoot Nick in the shoulder"Im not a little girl!" Shonya ran off as fast as she could go she turned and yelled to Shadow,"Come on Shadow we have to go",Shadow jumped up and ran to catch up to Shonya.
" Its to quite here,"mumbled Shonya,"I wonder when Seth is coming back". Shonya picked up her deck and looked thourgh it and picked out her blue eyes and stared at it then quickly put it back.Shonya then sighed
Shonya stared at the ceiling of the cave with bordom "I hate this its no fun",Shonya jerked her toward Seto,"watching a prisinor I rather be out there deuling."Shonya frowned at Seto then went back to staeing at the ceiling.
Shonya stared at a poster with her face on it and frowned "Why dont they just give up im not going back there" She went to rip the poster off the pole but she stoped maybe she should go see her parents,No I dont care about them and they dont care about me.She quickly reached for the poster but then she heard voices coming and ran down the ally and jumped on a barrel and up to the roof of a building and whatched the people who were approaching th poster.
Name:Shonya Age: 15 Description:Wears a blood red shirt w/ black leather pants has black hair w/ two red strips in the front,black combat boots. Year(or grade): 10 Bio: Dosent talk much but is a big trouble maker gets into more fights than she can count.People call her Shon(pronounoced Shawn).Hates all.Is very tough and much like a tomboy.