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Everything posted by Flo

  1. Name:Shorya "Dragon" Age:14 Apperence:shoulder lengh black hair with two red strips in the front,a blood red tank with black leather pants and black combat boots,black gloves without fingers. Weapon(s):a black colt long barrel and a pistol in each off her boots,carrys a ruby dagger and hundreds of tiny knives that she throws. Bio:A firey young girl who comes from a very welthy family, but ran away when she was 12.Out on her own for 2 years thoght her how to take care off herself.She is the fastest gun in the west and dosent mind killing.Hates it when people call her a lilttle kid.Her familys been looking for since she ran away and offers a reward for who ever brings her back but all that go looken end up dead.She travels around with a black wolf she saved when it was a pup she named it Shadow.Shadow protects her from wild animals and sometimes people.They share a really close bond and seem to understand each other.Has no respect for the attoraty at all.Normally quite but speaks her mind when see has to. Good or Bad:Bad at first but turns good later on
  2. Flo

    poke'mon journey

    Name:Genim Age:15 Apperance:Blood Red shirt and black pants,black comdo boots, black gloves with out fingers,black hair with red strips Personality:cold hearted and mean,can be nice at times,very serious,her Eveeve never stayes in its ball it always stayes by her side or on her shoulder no mater what when tired it sleeps in her pack.When its night Umbroen(Dark) stayes out and walks by her.Eveeve is Umbroens child.Has an Espeon but it dosent travel. weapon:twin swords boyfriend:none Pokemon Umbreon(Dark) Seansel Murkwow Hondoom Feraligatr(Shark) Eveeve
  3. Name:Sonya Konam Age:14 Apperence:Shoulder lengh black hair w/ red strips,red shirt w/ dragon on it and black pants,black camo boots Deck Type: Dragon Bio:Never really liked people and has no friends was asined to gaurd Seto.Her step-father was Pegues but the only people that know are Pegues himself and the Big 5.Nothing else is know. Good or Bad:Bad
  4. First Name:Genim Last Name:Hurmaru Nickname:None Age:13 Year finishing at School: 3 Desired Starting pokemon:Eveeve,Houndour,Murkwow,Seasenl, Totodile(nickname:Shark) Hometown: Lapine Falls Appearance: Shoulder lengh black hair w/ 2 red strips in front, tan skin,brown eyes,wears a dark red shirt and black pants,a black and red pack. Personality: Thinks pokemon can be true friends and trust her pokemon.Specal attack the cold shoulder,dosent talk much.One of the top students in her class.Started school at age 9 because her parents bribed the school with cash.Comes from a rich family.
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