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Everything posted by Flo
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Sweet immunity rocks, reminds me of Surivior. And creepy random person coming out of nowhere. OMFG, really bizzare. And don't worry I'll keep on going like the pink bunny.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Oh, its been taken baby. But who be Sakura? Just some random NPC? Or a second character of someone? Oh, and I like how this RPG has suddenly taken a dark twist, it makes things all the funner. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Gailian's hand was tight on her's as he dragged her through the forest. What was he trying to show her? Something about his past and it wasn't all bright and sunny daisies either. Dawn had heard that Gailian didn't have it easy but, knowing someone with control over heartless. She wasn't entirly sure as to why her face was still red and why her heart was pounding. She like Kenso not Gailian, he was just a friend. Unless somewhere inside her, there was a part of her that wanted to give into her feelings. Yet, it didn't feel right, not yet.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Dawn frowned as she left the bleacherse and headed towards the gym for an assembly. It was a total bummer to her since the fight wasn't finshed and als o that they had to go to a assembly on their day off. She sensed that the others were equally upset about this, maybe even more since they were the ones whoes fight was broken up. As she walking towards the gym she paused for a minute only to watch as Gailian began heading in the oppiste direction. A quizical look over came her as she saw the worried look of Gailian. He was a friend and right now it looked like he needed a friends support. Maybe she was wrong but, it didn't matter to her as she began to follow him. Dawn didn't catch up to Gailian till he stopped and yelled at someone who was hiding. She quickly sped up and ran over to him, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. "Gailian what's wrong? And before you answer don't blow me off with some stupid fake ass reply. Okay, got it? Your skipping the assembly and because of that you could get in trouble." [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Flo replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Premonition][COLOR=Navy][I]Not if I don't get there first! Why are almost all of the girls on OB cute?[/I'][/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] That's not very nice. What's with the [I]almost [/I] part of that sentence. Kinda mean if you ask me.[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Name- Midori Real Life- Jessica Lower Age- 17 Gender- Female Personality- Jessica has a very strong personality and acts a leader, yet in the World she tries to tone down this dominate nature since it normally results in her getting into trouble. Not that Jessica tries to get in trouble, its just her nature to rebel and follow her heart. In the World she still follows her gut feeling. Likes- Boys, spicy food, limes, boys, exictement, new places, cute boys, nice people, learning new things, and boys Dislikes- Rude people, people who don't say what they mean, being confined, helpless people, PKs Class- Heavy Blade Appearance- [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/Grandadmiral-MountainMonk.jpg]Midori[/URL] [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/untitled-1.jpg]Jessica[/URL] Bio- Jessica first wa introuduced to the World as a freshmen in highschool by her college-bound brother. Apparently the game was a big hit on campus and since her brother was going out of state she felt the need to somehow stay in touch with him. However, as he got more wrapped up in college the siblings began losing touch until one day he just stopped logging in. Jessica was upset that her brother had abandoned her but, she still plays the game, more seriously this time though. Acting as a defender for the weak, Jessica AKA Midori hunts the blacklist of player killers. She's fought most of them and come out the victor. She began making friends who had a common intrest evening going as far to join a bounty hunter's guild. Most of her friends list of the world is composed of information gathers and other hunters. Through her valent actions against PKs she, strangly enough, has received an invite to join the Colbat Brigade. Occupation- Bounty Hunter Weapons- The sword in the picture, has +10% critical hit. Snippet- Jessica makes sure to have at least five hours set aside each day to play the World. On the weekends she can play for an entire day, not needing to go to the bathroom if she doesn't eat or drink. This manner makes her parent's worry and they've restricted her play time by dropping her off at the mall to hang out with some friends. Jessica spends her time in the World gathering information about Pkers, tracking them down, and going to dungeons with her guild members as well as other players.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Flo replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OMG! A picture thread! I rememeber the second one a while ago. [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/myhairturnedout.jpg]Picture[/URL] Woot, it 'tis me. And now a more resent picture....resent like halloween resent. [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/untitled2.jpg]Picture[/URL] Naw let's do a New Year's picture. I'm the one on the far left(facing the computer) [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/100_0571.jpg]Picture [/URL] Maybe I'll add more pictures later...maybe.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Premonition][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Time to get our FREAK ON PEOPLEZ! Now's the time we started this sharade! We will make this go for over 100 posts! That is if your devoted enough! let's hear it...[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]WOOT! Let's do it baby! Lwt the good times roll.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Hell yeah. I'm getting bored of just sitting and making up useless posts.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well as of now most of my favorite youtube video's revolve arounf the World of Warcraft. [URL=http://youtube.com/watch?v=eWEjvCRPrCo]The Internet is For Porn[/URL] is a rather funny video that you really don't have to play WOW to understand. The song itself is by Avenue Q. [URL=http://youtube.com/watch?v=y25XCwOBSUQ]Illegal Danish-Super Snacks[/URL] is a brillant video based on WOW. You do however have to know a little about WOW but, still if you know nothing its still funny.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]As much as you would love to have definate fighting style, you can't really unless you post. Just make up crap as to why you did what you normally don't do. I can understand what you mean by not being used to this RPing style as I've been a member of a site with RPGs like the one your taking about. I just couldn't find pleasure in the waiting for someone to post for thier reply. The RPG's noramally consist of many pages of text between two people, and yeah not much fun. And I also feel like OB cares about their members and don't let their admins go crazy with power...to much...It's much more eaiser for me and evently you in this style of RPGs. Its more like a story with many authors.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]I thought so, I meant to say DBZ, as Kakarott would actually be his Saiyan name. Any other 'mon of yours have a Journey to the West name ?[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Bah Vegeta will always be stronger... he was just uhhh... pretending >_>
[quote name='MoyakuKeramushe][size=1][font=Verdana]I'm still waiting on an answer for the amount of control we're getting here. As it stands, it appears we're going to have a problem of one fighting style bleeding into the wrong character. Kenso isn't the type to push an attack. If the shot is blocked, he'd be out of there and planning the next attack, not shoving forward (which is tactically insanely dumb in a swordfight in the first place).[/font'][/size][/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Dude, just reply it doesn't really matter the great thing about RPGs is that its not just one person devolping your character its everyone. I mean there's been plently on times where my characters have been so driven off their planned course thatI don't even reconginze them. But, hey, thats the fun part. You just have to go in with an open mind and be ready for change. OH and FYI like Neko I have done something stupid so I probly will be grounded from the computer *sigh*. Stupid chores....but assuming this RPG hasn't DIED by the time I get back I'll still but posting.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']I'm glad I'm not the only one giving a Saiyan name to that Pokémon.[/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]It wasn't actually a 'sayian name' more of a Saiyuki name aka Journey to The West but yes they are based off the same thing. Ugh I haven't been able to play in a while since...well...I lost my DS. Yeah I'm a loser. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[color=darkslateblue][size=1]Marri flew around the sky, avoiding the relentless attacks of the Griffen type zoids. This was unplanned and frightening, why would someone just attack them with on reason. She knew the mission, by why? Her cockpit flaced red as she was rammed from behind and she cirused. Some stupid music was playing and distracting her so she shut off communications. The sounds of the battle outside and the beepings of her control panel were all that she heard now. Taking a hair-band from her wrist she tied her hair up, a sign that she wasn't playing anymore. Faron kicked up, charging towards the Griffen's. They formed a wall and Faron stopped, Marri hissed. Why was this so hard? Looking down at the controls she frowned, what she was thinking was stupid almost sucidial. Staring forawrd she watched the wall of Griffen's what was the point in attacking just one, she knew it would best to take out as many as she could. Marri was hesitent about attack but, Faron charged forward showing his courage and willingness, his wings outstreached, guns firring toward the mass. The guns didn't do much damage but, it did scatter them. The most damage was done to the griffen's she rammed directly. Red flashed everywhere and diagrams of Faron's wings flashed showing his damages. Marri cursed as their speed was cut down and they began to fall. In a last stich effort, Marri turned Faron straight to the ground his horn gleaming, bursting with electricty. It struck a few Griffen's killing one from that was from the wing ram attack. Bracing herself for impact, Marri closed her eyes praying to God that she would live. Then the world when blank. [/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Glancing back towards Alex, she watched as he became a distrubence. Rolling her eyes she frowned, why was she forced to room with such an annoying pilot. Yet she wondered how far off she was from being like him. Sure she tried to hide her unqiuness but it was hard, he already knew about her sleeping condition. Rubbing her eyes, she watched as the groups split up and frowned, well at least she wouldn't have to spend all her time with Alex. Marri saw her new commander by his self and walked over to Vincent Vira, giving him a coy smile and offering him a handshake. "It's a pleasure to work under you Captain Vira. I'm Marri Ovan, pilot of the Oridus unit and I hope to serve you at the best I can in the air."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Sadly, I'm growing tired of my Talho set and feel the need for a change, but alas that doesn't mean I'll stop using Talho. Anywho onto the change as the title says I'm looking for a Ouran Host Club Set featureing the elusive Twins. I've found a few pictures but, please don't limit yourself to them. [URL=http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t137/teddybearofdoom13/Ouran%20High%20School%20Host%20Club/Pinky_St__Ouran_Host_Club_by_c2lan.jpg ]Picture Numero Uno[/URL] is one I would perfer for the avi. Just the twins though but I'f you have a better picture I'm fine with that I just like the chibiness for the avatar. Though I don't want chibi on the banner, heck the avatar doesn't even half to be chibi. This is basicly a free for all, with few restrictions those being OB's size standards and a few of my own. I don't really want anything serious, more playing on the fun side of the twins. With bright fun colors, since summer is coming. So have fun! Mucho Thanks to anyone who takes up this request![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Eyes fluttering open, Marri saw the room at a new level, from the floor. Sighing she pushed her self up and looked around. Alex was no longer in his bed but instead at the window staring out. She walked over to him and placed her hand on his back. He didn't seem to notice at first but once he turned, there was breif moment of surpirse but it only for few seconds. "Your cute when you sleep." He spoke in a manner that made Marri blush. She turned suddenly and began walking out the door. "Its almost 4, so I think we should go." She heard him following her and walked towards the zoid's environment. Climbing into Faron she let him fly so that they wouldn't be late. It wasn't long until the reached the training area. She slide down Faron's wing, seeing Alex's Shadow Fox entering the area as well. She was late and that bothered her, however she was in time to hear the captians. The female Weathers and Vincent Vira. She knew Vincent a little bit, as they were from the same aerial training base, but he had left before her. Marri wasn't affected all that much from the choice of Captians and smiled over at Vincent, before walking back to Faron.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Name: Andrea Petterson Power: Andrea's powers can be best described as a torpedo. The torpedo? Herself. Using bursts of air to push herself forward was the beginning of her powers, however now she can use it to force other items forward like the torpedo's of a submarine. Andrea is just starting to realize that she can send out bursts of air from her own palms, however this is still being trained. Personality and Description: A former, little angel [URL=http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w101/RosedHeart_2007/Anime/AnimePinkandblack.jpg]Andrea[/URL] flipped her personality once she entered high school. Staying out late with boys, partying, and giving her parents grief are her current agenda. Becoming a college freshmen has made this rebellion eaiser for her, as she was able to dye her hair a pale purple from its standard angelic blonde. At 5'4 she never stood out in crowds but, she never let that stop her and was eager to please. This bright, cheerful girl with a big heart has yet to learn the defination of the word no. This is the side of her that her parents have lost access to by Andrea. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Marri felt the blue in her eyes, fade as she watched Alex leave. Even though he was annoying he was intresting and kept her on her toes. That was what a partner was supposed to do right? She waved a slight goof-bye to Faron and Alex's Shadow Fox even though she was certain that he hadn't seen that gesture as he was busy with the Lightning Saix. Exiting the envirnoment, she realized that she was also tired. It had been a busy day and she hadn't napped since the flight, but now jet lag was taking hold of her. She had to walk with her hand along the wall, to keep herself steady from her weariness. Marri assumed that she looked drunk and decieded that it would be best to stick with that story if anyone stopped her. Hittingthe door-knob she twisted it and pshed open the door. Alex was already adjusted on his bed, she couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake. Falling on her bed, Marri pulled a blanket over her slender body passing out as soon as her head hit the bed. However, like always Marri had fallen onto the floor of the room, twisted in the blanket. As a restless sleeper, Marri could never stay in her bed. Even when she was still living with her parents they had put up a bar to prevent this action. In cased in a deep slumber, she had a warm smile and with a serene look on her face, her blonde hair laying sexly around her.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dawn was completly entranced by the duel that was going on beneath them, on the feild and track. It was amazing, seeing them twist and turn, dodge and strick, flip and roll. It was all a rough dance and that tiwisted art was what had drew Dawn into the world of Keyblades. It wasn't as pretty as it seemed, but Dawn still loved every minute of the battle. Weither she was watching them, or fighting in them it was all beautiful to her. Yet her eyes widened with shock as she watched Gailian unlease his Oblivion's Strike. The move seemed pointless and risky, something that Dawn would never do. Another mystrey was added to Gailian, why would he have an attack that could harm him? Sure, summoning was a drain on her body, more so since she wasn't all that great at the art of summoning. She had focused her current skills on her abilites as a Gunner, not really all that intrested in summoning. Summoning was more of something that she hoped would come to her. Something that would fill her with an amazing power that she grow to love, just as much as gunning. She cursed, she had let herself get distracted by her own problems, when it was obvious that either Gailian or Kenso wouldget hurt, she really had no intrest in Domsu. Though one thing was for certain, she wouldn't want to get in a fight with Domsu, simply because he was a Fighter and that wasn't good for her as a Gunner.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Marri was still inside Faron, when he reared screaming old memories filled her mind. She remembered the first time she had seen the Orudios, as a young trainiee. [I]The blonde was shaking with fear, this was the first time she had left the training base, and it would be for good. The base she was sent to was known for its aerial prodigies and always had their pick of the litter when it came to new pilots. Marri was selected simply because she was good at what she did, though grades never really showed character. They gave a window but, that window wasn't always clear. As they reached the base a large dark blue zoid was running about, pilots chasing after it. Was this the way zoids really acted? She began to feel sick in her stomach as the officer next to her frowned out at the site. "They still can't get that stupid zoid to behave? I swear this base is supposed to have a good reputation, but that Orudios is going to be the downfall of us." Marri's eyes followed the raging zoid, an Orudios was what the capition had called it, it reminded her of a mustang. The wild, untamable horses that lived in the wild, long ago. As they pulled into the hanger, Marri didn't see the great Pegaus zoid again for another few months. That few months had changed Marri, she wasn't the scared, shaking little girl that had arrived on the base a few months ago. She was piloting a command wolf, standard of most new pilots. It had basic controls, though as her commander had told her eailer that day she would soon be making the transaction into a flying zoid. They had a special one for her. "I think you'll be happy with our recomindation. You've grown alot since you've come her Miss Ovan and I know you'l make us proud." Marri smiled up at the commander, "Thank you Commander Wallace, just knowing that your proud of what I've done so far is enough to make me strive even harder to make you proud." A slight, blush grew on the commander's face, "W-well I'm glad your so motivated. Ah, here we are, now be careful this zoid has a bit of a temper. No one's been able to pilot him before, but we think you just may be the person who can take the reigns." The commander, punched in a code that lead to a special hanger. The door slide open and light flooded the room. Marri stepped forward only to fall back as the ground shook from a mighty zoid. She looked up and the fear that had abandonned her came rushing back. The horn of the Orudios glimmered in the bright light and she screamed as it reared again.[/I] Marri shook her head, pulling her long blonde hair away from her face and let it fall, " I'd never seen a Shadow Fox in action before. They really can go invisible." "Not only to the eyes, but it doesn't show up on radar or sonar either. My friend here is almost impossible to find. Unless Sly wants to be found of course." His voice held a arrogent tone, and Marri sighed. Would she really be stuck with this guy? Releasing herself from the pilot's seat and climbing out of the cockpit, Marri slid down Faron's wing to the ground. Her deep blue eyes, stared up at the Shadow Fox.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Marri's big blue eyes followed her new roommate. She wasn't all that happy with sharing a room with a male, but she would get used to it. An annocement was made for all pilots to head to the main looby. Standing she hurried out along with her roomate, it was then that he had inquired about her name. "Alright, let's get go there, uh...." Marri glanced up at the man, still a tad uneasy, "It's Marri. And your name, please?" She watched an impish grin grow on his face, he seemed almost amused by her. "They call me Alex." Nodding rather quickly, she quickened her pace and smiled a bit to herself. Reaching the lobby, a few orders were issued, the most important being that there would be a training session at 1600. [I]1600, that's 4 o'clock, simple enough. [/I] Marri converted the bothersome miltary time to standard time as she headed towards the area where she had left Faron. As she approched he became rather exicted and moved about like a young horse. Climbing into his all, familiar cockpit, she heard Alex speaking from his cockpit, "He's big fella there, isnt' he." Marri looked down from Faron and smiled, giving Alex a playful smile, "Well I like them big." She noticed that he was the owner of the Shadow Fox, she had seen on the hanger earlier and smiled a bit. Now fully inside the cockpit of Faron, she made the realization that she wouldn't have to worry to much about fighting on land, as the Shadow Fox was perfectly capable of handling ground battles. She could keep her focus on air strickes, and that her heart flutter. It wasn't long before the Zoid habitat came into veiw, and Marri was giving Faron another farewell. Yet, instead of leaving right away, she decieded to wait a bit for Alex, and his zoid. If anything it would give her more time to spend with Faron.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The musty air that had filled the hanger was now replaced with the fresh, crisp open air of the planet. One thing Marri loved about traveling was that no matter were you went the air was always different, but the sky and stars always remained the same. She embraced change, and smiled brightly as Faron exiteed the holder, streching his massive wings. His horn glimmered in the sun, it was funny something so beautiful that was his most deadly weapon. A quizzical look fell on Marri's face as she made the realization that she had no idea what was next. A man in a uniform came towards her smilng as he looked her up and down. She smiled at him, but felt sick on the inside. Faron seemed to sense this, but he always seemed to know what was going inside her head, and threw back his head. Marri touched the dark blue metal of his leg, sending him comferting thoughts. "You look lost, little lady, can I help you?" He voice was smooth, a bit to smooth for her liking but she grateful for the chance to get to some information. "Actually, yes. I was wondering if you knew we're we I'm supposed to go?" Marri spoke in her sweetest voice, her blue eyes shimmering. "Well, I'd like it if you could stay around here a bit, but all incoming piliots are to report to the living quarters just east of here, about a mile away." He gave her a toothy grin. Faron knelt down, so that Marri could get into the cockpit of her beloved Faron. She gave that officer a wink, "Thanks!" She smiled as the cover shut over her head, and she sat in the darkness of the cockpit. Her power-grid woke up and inluminated the one person seater. Hitting a button, the dome that protected her became transparent and she smiled at the hight she was at. "What do you want to do Faron? Fly or run, it makes no difference to me." His answer was provided by the beat of his large crimson wings, that with the help of the boosters lifted them off the ground and, headed towards the dome, only traveling at Mach 1, only a third of his actual speed. Even though he flying at such a speed, he reached the dome in no time. Taking his place, near the other zoids, that had already arived, his cockpit popped open and Marri climbed out. She flipped her blonde hair back and slid down Faron's wing to the ground, she patted him a temporary farewell and headed inside. A few pilots had already arrived but, not many at this time. As she walked by the rooms, she saw the men and women were sharing rooms and slight look of shock grew on her face, but she quickly recovered. She didn't have anything to hide. Shaking her head, she reached her room and saw that she was the first to arrive. Setting her luggage down next to a bed, with a wide window, she laid down on the bed, looking outside. After a few minutes, she stood and opened her suitcase, setting it onto of her bed, and opened a few drawers and put some of her clothes inside. At the bottom of her case, was her lingere and opening the top drawer, she started placing her intimates inside.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dawn felt her body tense a bit from the sheer exictment in observing a duel, but not just any a duel a triple duel. She smiled to herself, her thought purely focused on the information she would be gathering. She rolled her eyes at Galian's smile, he was justing trying to give Mira false hopes. Though Mira would probely never catch on, which is what her such an wasy target. Even though Dawn didn't approve much of Galian's charms and actions it didn't mean that she didn't respect him. He was actally quite an intresting person, soming from nothing and rising almost in a phoenix like way. He wasn't exactly a friend, she simply didn't know him well enough, but he certainly wasn't a stranger. She waved lighty at him, meeting his blazing eyes with her cold blue ones. She blinked away,for some reson she couldn't look him in the eyes for long, perhaps it was the fire that seemd to burn within him. She shook her head and sighed, waiting for Kanso to make the first move.[/SIZE][/COLOR]