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Everything posted by Flo

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Sweet freedom in dress! Anywho here's an idea I pitched to Forgotten-Hero: This is just an idea I'm throwing in to the air, one that you can either catch or let fall. But I think it would be intresting to have a bit of a love triangle between Galian, Kenso, and Dawn. To break it down, Dawn has already established a liking of Kenso and he has shown little intrest. Yet your character Galian has yet to make a desicion so I was think maybe, since Dawn doesn't really have an intrest...yet...that Galian could show some intrest whilst Dawn keeps going towards Kenso, somewhat unaware of Galian, as Kenso is unaware of Dawn's feelings. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Name: Marri Ovan Age: 25 Gender: Female Apperance: [URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/Amandag.jpg]Marri[/URL] - 5'4 - 115lbs Zoid: Orudios[URL=http://www5.big.or.jp/~aquarius/zoids/list/picture00/motor/helic/orudios.jpg](Pegasus Type)[/URL] Name: Faron Crew: 1 Weight: 140 tons Max Speed: 360 km/h, Mach 3.6 Weapon: - Thunder Blade - Great Buster - Missile Pod - Accelerated Shock Cannon Equipment: - High-Manoeuvrability Booster - Metal Protector - Cooling Radiator - Space Flight Capabilities Post: Marri blinked open her eyes, as Faron stured beneath her. She rolled onto her stomach and laid her hand on her beloved zoid's head. She smiled as she saw his eyes looking towards the small windows, she knew he wanted to be in the open air, just as much as she did. Running her head along the smooth metal of Faron's body, he began to settle as Marri's eyes began to shut again. For some reason, Marri just couldn't keep herself alert on space crafts, or any glying machine that wasn't her zoid. Whenever she was in Faron she was bursting with alertness, maybe it was her training or maybe just a love of politing herself but whatever it was it had no effect on her now. In a half-slumber, Marri watched the other zoids in the cargo hold. She huffed a bit, it wasn't right for the zoids to be locked up in the cargo hold with other stupid things, they sould be somewhere else. A place reserved for them.[I] Like that would ever happen.[/I] Out of the courner of her eye, Marri spotted another flying type zoid with its pilot. This brought a slight smile to her soft face. At least she wouldn't be the only one in the air, but then again Faron's type could also fight just as well on the ground as in the air. Though the air was his specialty. Rolling back onto her back, Marri stared dazily at the solid roof above them, how she wished that there was open sky above them in stead of this trapped musty air that she had been breathing for hours. Sleep finally grasped her as her eyes flutter shut and Marri driffed into dreams of the open air. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I don't really think that CN is doing down the drain with anime, if anything its rising up. I remember when I first started watching Adult Swim and they always switched out between the same group of shows. For example, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Neo Genes Evagalion, ect. Those are the ones that come to mind, but now they have a much broader variety and they still manage to keep their fan base by still showing Inu-Yasha and such but later in the evening. I have to say I like that their opening their horizon, they put on shows like Eureka 7(which the ending shocked and dissapointed me...cop-out) and Blood+. I haven't really had time to watch anime with my work keeping me till 11:30 and 12 on Saturday nights and by the time I get home I just wanna sleep. Plus our cable is being funny, so I can't really watch an entire show through without the screen going blank. However, I'm still glad that CN is expanding and opening up to the demands of its veiwers, heck their even giving kids a curisity in forgein countries. I'm just going to throw this one in just for random, but people say T.V makes kids lazy, but I saw some kids playing Naruto a few days ago and I'll tell you it was pretty funny. If anything T.V makes kids more creative in their games, but that's for another descion.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dawn let the now cool water run over her body as she let the lather of her soap be sucked into the drain. The water felt good and Dawn wan't to keen on getting out into the cold air of her dorm. She sighed and twisted the knob to turn the steady stream of water off. Pushing open the shower door she reached out for her towel on the counter. Wrapping her shiving body into the warm, soft folds of the towel, that stuck to her curves from the water on her body. After drying and spending a few minutes of fixing her hair up into a tight pony-tail and applying a lite amount of make-up Dawn bbegan to dress. She pulled on a pair of black short-shorts, that made her long, tanned legs appear endless. Pulling on a black sports bra with a white cami over it, Dawn headed for the door, her white coat resting at her elbows. At the door she slid on a pair of worn sneakers and exited her dorm, heading for the track. She glanced at a clock on the wall and smiled. [I]Kenso should still be at the track, if I'm lucky.[/I] She had been targeting the dashing student for a while, now. He was cute, and had a wild streak that just screamed at her, and she liked it. Sighing she tucked a strand of blonde hair that had fallen out of her tight up-do and into her face, behind her ear. Dawn paused for a few moments as she saw Mira near a group of guys, one of which was Kenso. She felt a little jealousy rise in her, but quickly dismissed it as Galian told her off. Mira, was one of Dawn's friends and she was full aware of her infatuaion with Galian. Dawn, never really understood the attraction, one sided as it was, but as long as Mira kept her long-lashes away from Kenso she would be fine. Yet what irriated Dawn was that she couldn't figure out why so many girls seemed stricken by Cupid's Arrow for Galian, he wasn't that attractive. Sure he had his points, but his personality seemed so distant and she just couldn't crack his code. She shooked her head and began making a few steps towards the bleachers, till Mira caught sight of her and ran over towards her. "Hey Dawn, your up rather early. What for?" Even though Mira was talking to her, Dawn could tell that her attentions were still on Galian. "Oh, no particular reason. I mean I noramlly get up at this time and run the track, but it seems like its occupied. Not that I mind, seems like a spars gonna break out." Dawn had reached the bleachers and sat down on the cold steel. Mira, nodded her head, "Oh yeah. Some guy walked up and challenged Kenso to a spar. Kenso, so weird I don't get why you like him. Oh, and then [I]Galian [/I] came up and challenged Kenso too, you think they'll three way?" Mira spoke Galian's name with much lust and looked over at him. Dawn had to laughed a bit, it was funny, Mira was just as confused as Dawn over the men that had taken intrest in. She smiled and closed her big, blue eyes, "I'm not sure, Kenso's pretty decent at his drive abilities, but so is Galian and they spar all the time, since their such an even match. That other guy though. I have no idea about him, I guess he's just not that outstanding to get my attention." Mira dropped her jaw, "Wow! You really know alot about Galian and Kenso. Are you really that into strategy and stuff?" "Well they stand out and its hard to not notice their skills. But yes strageties important as for 'stuff' I don't know what you mean." Dawn opened her eyes and leaned forward on the bench, her eyes were locked on the kid she didn't know. What was his deal? Challenging Kenso like that, when she didn't even know anything about him. "I'm actually hoping the triple spar. It would be nice to see how that kid deals with two of the best drive users." [I]And good for me to get some info on him, as well as more on Galian and Kenso. [/I] The former was a more personal thought. Mira had quieted down and now was staring at Galian likea love-struck puppy and Dawn rolled her eyes. She wouldn't be caught dead looking at Kenso like that but, whatever, it wasn't her problem. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]A beam of sun light laid lazily across the buxum blonde's face. Half of her sheets were on the floor as was most of her bedding. The alarm had been buzzing for a good thirty minutes now and Dawn was still nodding in and out of sleep. Her eyes had yet to open but she was fully aware of her surroundings. She mummbled some random words as she streched about in her torn apart bed.Her grey-blue eyes fluttered open, this action was proceeded by her rolling onto her stomach to open the blinds of her window. The sun greeted her harshly as its rays temporarily blinded Dawn's vision. Curling up in a ball in a very cat like manner, Dawn laid there for a few more moments before she stood to finally shut off her alarm. Rubbing her face in a downward motion Dawn stepped out of her cozy, yet cluttered bedroom into a small tidy living space, identical to all the other rooms of the students at the Academy. Still in her sleepwear Dawn tenderly walked to fridge the retreive a bottle water. After draining the bottle, Dawn tossed it into the trashcan that was almost overflowing. She sighed and leaned up against the counter, attempting to remember what the day had in store for her. A note slide under Dawn's door causing her to huff. She walked over and picked up the folded paper onyl to find, instead one of the standard love notes, that always seemed to find her everyday, a note from Sakura. Opening the letter, she saw that Sakkura had requested a meeting with her for reasons unknown to her. She began to sigh, but instead shurged. "Well, at least it gives me something to do today."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. Flo


    [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Oh I want a Bonsly! I think their pretty nifty so....anyone wanna trade me one? I can trade a Mime Jr. or some other pokemon that's Diamond only(execpt Diagla) that I've caught so far. Concerning the park: So you have to walk a ceratin amount of steps? Well that makes sense I guess. That is my quest for this even-a-ing and I shall complete it. Oh anyone think that Spiritomb is the pwnage pokemon?? And Gible? It has such a cute name. I think I drove my nephew crazy with that all day.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. Flo


    [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Shy][size=1] I'm having a lot of fun with this game so far, and filling up my Pokedex isn't nearly as tedious as it has been in past games. If anyone wants to battle or trade just let me know: I'm looking for a Mr. Mime Jr.! -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] Mime Jr. Is actually really easy to find. Right outside the Pokemon Graveyard Tower in that wee' little patch of tall grass is were the Mime Jr.'s play. They noramllay appear at night as well as a few Chanseys. [quote name='Inuyasha7271']Quick question can you catch Pikachu in this game and if so where at exactly.[/quote] Yes you CAN catch a Pikachu in this game by simply going into the Trophey Garden behind the Pokemon Mansion. I'm not sure of the exact route number but I'm pretty sure that it south of Hearthrome City. Now I have a question in the park at Hearthrome how do I check to see if my pokemon picked anything up? I try to talk to my pokemon but I can't seem to postion it right. Is there some kind of trick or something so obviuous that I just can't seem to see it?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]My Pokemon Diamond Friend Code: 3565 8079 9124 Name: Jack My Brawl Friend Code 0344-9072-1855 I'll edit later with my other codes and stuff.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. Flo


    [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I seem to be stuck on the fifth gym and since I think I need time away from Diamond I think I'll post some Trainer Info. [B]IDNo.[/B]: 13120 [B]Name[/B]: Jack( Female. Yes I know that 'Jack' is a boys name but I can't seem to tear myself from it since Pokemon Yellow.) [B]PokeDex[/B]: Seen: 88 Obtained: 31 [B]Score[/B]: 1833 [B]Badges:[/B] 4 [U][B]Pokemon[/B][/U] Infernape AKA Goku- 38 Staravia- 38 Chingling- 33 Pachirisu- 31 Roselia- 28 Psyduck- 27 I'm totally loving my Fire Starter which is a first for me since I'm normally all for the Water Starter but a pengiun just wasn't hitting it for me. And with Infernape being based of Son Goku I couldn't not pick him! [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  10. Flo


    [QUOTE=White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma] I had the same problem, actually. What I did was I caught a [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/436.shtml]Bronzor[/url] and a [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/203.shtml]Girafarig[/url] and slaughtered the fighting Pokemon with Psybeam and Extrasensory (psychic pwns fighting, FYI). You could also catch an [url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/063.shtml]Abra[/url] (and a Kadabra/Alakazam [i]would[/i] be better than the other two) but those are a pain and a half to catch/level.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]You can trade a Machop for an Abra in the mining town, I can't really thin k of the name right now. Which since traded pokemon level faster it seems to work. I'm trying to get my now evolved Abra/Kadabra to get up to thirty, forty for the fifth ghost-type gym leader. I hate ghost type and my quest for a dark pokemon has lead my no where. Maylene was actually pretty simple, I beat her with just my Staravia. But beside that I do agree on the leveling issue. More so on the fact that most of the moves a pokemon can get are pretty sorry, more status affecting and few of the kick-*** moves in the past. There are very few wild pokemon that can raise my levels the best thing I can suggest is to just use the VS Seeker and battle Ace Trainers since they have pretty strong pokemon that hand out a pretty penny of EXP. I would be glad to compete in a pokemon tournment, and if anyone wants to exchange codes to battle/trade PM me.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Does anyone know if Adult Swim is still going to play the anime tonight? Or any of their normal line-up? I know its Apirl Fools and they like to mess with people but, are they going to still show the noraml shows at their repeat time, and what time would that be?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name: Dawn Faustine Age: 18 Blood Type: AB+ Battle Type: Gunner Magic Type: Chaos and Summoning magic. Weapon: [URL=http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200512/27/29/c0027129_23571524.jpg]Sleeping Lion[/URL] Abilities: Current- Gunblade Mode: Simplist of Dawn's abilities and the most used. Nistead of using strick attacks, her keyblade takes on a projectile based attack. The basic projectile is a bullet of energy. The bullets can evolove based on the magic Dawn has learned. Sniper Shot: A single concerntrated blast of pure energy is shot from the keyblade. This attack can only be used when Dawn is behind her target, or the target is out of range by 5ft. Target Lock: This abilitiy, if activated at the right time, lets Dawn get the first strike. Later- Explosion: A close-range blast that lets off an explosion when the blade hits its target. Summon: [list] [/list] [list] [*]Pol- A White Magic summon, that heals Dawn and whom ever she wishes, as well as takes damage for Dawn acting as a sheild so she can fight without a worry, at least til Pol's power is used up. Pol is used the most by Dawn. [*]Hidki- A Black Magic summon, that repeatly deals damage to target. Can turn invivible, or create illiusions to trick the target. Used by Dawn when she is solo fighting so that she can fight from a distance. [*]Kuhn- A Chaos summon, that is pure illusion. Also teleports Dawn so that she can avoid getting hit and can create duplicate Dawn's to better her chances on winning. Used mainly when Dawn is by herself. [/list] Personality: Dawn is a natural beauty and cares greatly for her friends. She is very brave and once she has something set in her mind she won't change her vision for anyone. With her upbringing this causes some people to veiw this behavior as concited and snobbish, to which Dawn does don't dissagree with. Though it does hurt her when people mark her as a frilly, spoiled heiress without even getting to know her. History: Dawn is the only daughter from the prestigious Faustine family of Arabiaus. She lives a very spoiled and privilaged life with her future already planned out for her. Dawn was pretty accepting of her life until she attended a battle arena. It was on her fifteenth birthday that her parents toke her to a battle arena to veiw one the sport. This event drew intrest to Dawn's predestioned life, she felt like for once she had a goal that was her own and not something that her parents had picked for her. With much prodding and begging towards her parents, Dawn a was able to attend the Academy. Appearance:[URL=http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/Tripphat/Amandag.jpg]Dawn[/URL] in her school attire. However when she is forced to attend a formal event of some kind she is dressed in a rather simple blue [URL=http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e264/MewMewPink/033a2fba.jpg]dress.[/URL] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]As of Now: [B]Changes (Three Doors Down)[/B] I simply love the guitar at the begining, it just makes the song oh so perfect. I'm not one who really listens to the words of a song, moe of the beeat, don't get me wrong because I DO listen to the lyrics its just their not that important to me. I figure its the beat that graps you at first but the words are what makes you cling. Changes in my veiw is an amazing song, with lyrics that aren't so snazzy but, they do fit my mood at this time. Lots of changes and transitions, but hey its always fun.[/COLOR]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR] Jessica Hun [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Gender:[/B][/COLOR] Female [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Age:[/B][/COLOR] 34 [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Appearance:[/B] [/COLOR] [URL=http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n32/1Anime_Princess/hp29.jpg]{Cickith}[/URL] [COLOR=DarkRed] [B]Specialty:[/B][/COLOR] Hun specializes in the feild of research, she's always burying her nose in anything she can find that can tell her about unknown subjects. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Weapons/Spells:[/B][/COLOR] [list] [*][URL=http://files.turbosquid.com/Preview/Content_on_4_2_2006_18_33_18/Falshion%20duals.jpgf001eccd-b960-4922-b90a-9a67fb82c328Large.jpg]Temperance-[/URL] These weapons serve more of a cermonial purpose and do not fare well in batttle. In Jessica's case she only uses them as a last resort, though they are rather effective at keeping dark spirits at bay. Their inner core is made of a mix of white gold and silver and coated with ivory. [/list] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Personality:[/B][/COLOR] There's almost nothing that Jessica doesn't know about people or places and not knowing isn't an option for her. This isn't always her best feature, but it can be helpful when a listening ear is needed. Jessica has spent many nights passed out on top of a book and on other ocasions woken up with keyboards imprints on her face. The never ending quest for knowledge is her uncurable disease. When she can, Jessica likes to play the ditzy female depending on others to do the dirty work. More people know about her past as a model due to the media mainstream, but few know of her other occupations, making her acting rather believable. Especially since through all her book smarts she has almost no common sense. Her greatest social weakness is that she still believes in a thing called love. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Bio or Writing Sample:[/B][/COLOR] Jessica Angelika Hun orginally lived in Britain till her family moved to the United States when her father's company decieded to expand. He was offered a promotion and a much larger paycheck without hesitation the family moved to Texas in hopes of prusuing the American dream. Jessica adapted well to the move and proudly admitted that see perfered this America better than Britain. Yet as life became more mundane for Jessica she felt the need to creat some flavor in her dull life. A poster advertising a beauty pagent sparked intrest in this young teen. With parental support Jessica worked her way up the harsh and greuling world of modeling and by the age of17 she became Jr.Miss Texas. However,after a few more years on the modeling circuit Jessica felt a calling elsewhere like her life wasn't meant to be consumed by the light and delicate and at the same time demanding and twisted world of way to skinny models.No, Jessica felt drawn to a dependable career, not one that would replace her as soon as she gained 5 pounds. Her persuit led her to and intellegance group that assisted espionages, it was then that she first experianced failure after a long record of perfect work. Miscaculating a sercuity feature ended up costing the team dearly. This failure was too much for a perfectanist like Jessica. Even though her superoirs reassured her that it could happen to anybody, yet she counldn't let it go. They had depended her and one simple overlook had cost them their lives. Jessica left the agency and went back home, her tail between her legs, defeated. Once home, she applied to work as a tour guide fat the historic Alamo. The job was no where as thrilling to the work she had grown accusmed too, but it was safe and she made a decent penny. At least enough to afford a few pleasures. It was like her former life was slipping down the drain. A second spark began to take over Jessica as she began to fell burdened with her mundane life. It was like her her life was stuck on repeat. Gaining the courage, once lost, Jessica started to search for a more thrilling occupation. Her second wind called for something with more fire and flare. Something she could sweat about and force her to find every single minute detail she can find and know as much as she could. Jessica craved a limitless knowledge, one without bias or prejuidies. It was difficult to fin da place that fit her vision, but eventually she came across a place that made her dream real. Though there was a darker side to this place that seemed innocent, The Order of Piercing Light. The Order of Piercing Light held many secerts beneath its gleaming exterior. Jessica was ready handle the mystery of the Order though. After all it was the excitement she longed for and needed. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name: Dawn Faustine Age: 19 Blood Type: a+, a-, o+, o-. Or any other bloodtype. As long as it exists. If you become a member of organization 13 you can put none for a bloodtype. Battle Type: Gunfighting Magic Type: Copycat magic, Summoning magic Weapon: Leonblade (I'll get a picture later, but its like, or is, Squall's gunblade. Abilities: What magic and keyblade skills does the character have. Tell thre then give three more that your charecter will learn later on. Personality: What he/she is like. Is he/she nice or mean? History: What happened to let him/her into the academy? Did something change them? The characters past is all here. Appearence (image, or discription, or even both): what he/she looks like. What clothes does the character usually wear. OOC: The rest will be finshed. Gotta a bunch of tests to study for.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Dang, you sure got yourself a big place here." Dawn whistled in amazment. If only here brother's could see this place, man would they have a field day. Hearing the metion of picking roomies, a playful grin glowed on her face. She watched, her pale blue eyes watched as to were Ronyo would go. Seeing him stay in the living room only arroused her more. Flicking her hair back over her should, Dawn made her move.Sliding up next to his slender form, Dawn batted her eyes, smiling inncoently. "I noticed you didn't go up with the others, are you not used to sharing a room with others?" She placed her manicured hand on his arm, slidding it down slowly in a seductive manner, "Cause I could always help you get used to the idea." She let her eyes met his and held his gaze, her look soft and innocent, but her intentions were nothing of that sort.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Chase smirked at the first rule, this was going to be great and with a party on their first night their, what a kicking place. Though it did have its downfalls, for one he felt trapped. Being in space was not Chase's cup of tea, he didn't have anywhere to run to and the chances of snagging a SOUL module and taking it on a joy ride. Where would he take it anyway? It was to far to go back to Earth with it and space was an unfamiliar field for him. Shaking his head, Chase picked up his duffle bag and following Switch to the boy's dorms. They had individual rooms in this place, a big difference from their old accomindations, it wasn't always fun sharing a room with two other guys, but now they had a fresh start. New women to pray on and officers to pester. Chase figured he might look into hanging out a little more with Emi this time around. THey could become a team, more than just a Ground sector team. Dropping onto his single bed, Chase threw his duffle bag to the floor only to find himself digging through it to make sure his music was unharmed. [i]No damage, good.[/i] After assuringn that his one other pleasure, other than the female body that is, was safe he threw some partying threads onto his bed. He had almopst forgetten about the slam fest. Changing rather quickly into a camoflauge shirt that showed off his well toned arms, with the sleaves torn off, and some tan shorts with standard worn brown combat boots. He hung a chain from his studded belt and after he had fixed his hair into that oh so perfect mess he pulled out his most important survial item. His stero. Knocking the lamp from the bedstand onto the floor, causing it to break, Chase placed his stero on the now empty stand and plugged it in. He didn't turn it on just yet, he saved that thrill for latter and instead stuck his head outside his room shouting down the hall to Switch. "I'm heading out Switch, meet me at the party and we can scope for some chick-a-dees." Slamming his door shut, Chase headed down the hall through the common's room and towards the secondary hanger. Following the pulsating music Chase soon found his way. He smiled as he pushed open the doors and to feel the rush of the booming music run through him. This was his place. The place was already hopping and passing by the food, Chase stood against the wall for a while waiting for Emi to get through her rounds before approching the human firecracker. After seeing her display he was a little more hesitany, but pushed onward anyway. Stepping towards her, he tapped her on the shoulder speaking his most alluring voice. "Slamming party, though its a bit more than that with you disturbing the peace." [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The blonde haired, blue eyed girl entered the musty smelling hell hole called a bar. She looked around and once she had a lock on her future empolyer. Someone had already beaten her to Mayhony. Smiling she skipped over to the table, jumping up onto the table in a sitting manner. "Yo! I'm here and ready to serve." She smiled not caring that all eyes were on her. Dawn looked over at the shadowed man, winking at him as she snatched the ad from infront ogf him. She looked it up and down trying to figure out what they were doing exactly.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Chase leaned against his locker as he stared at the newest transfer, a cute little number with mid-length blonde hair and soft brown eyes. She was a looker and right now all her attention on him, as was his on her. "Big night for you tonight? I mean your so lucky to be graduating this year, I have to wait another two years." Smiling at her, "You'll be fine and I should still be stationed here." She jumped up a little bit from excitement, "Oh that would be so perfect!" Chase was about to reply back when another warning annocement came over the intercome system. [I]"All cadets to the ceremony area immediately. The graduation will begin in 15 minutes."[/I] [I]You'd better hurry.[/I] His eyes darting around, Chase found the source of the voice. A long slender cobra ,transparent to the rest of the world and silent, slithered up towards Chase. The black beady eyes looked over at the girl and hissed. This caused Chase to laugh and the cobra now angrier, as if she had read his thought bulleted towards him, ready to attack. He pulled his leg up only to get a strange look from his latest fling. "Chase are you okay?" "Huh?" He looked up at her worried face and flashed her a grin, "Aw, don't worry baby I'm fine. I just hurt my leg a bit in the last feild test and I can't put to much presure on it, that's all." A pure lie. "Oh, okay. Well I better leave you to getting packed. 12 minutes till the graduation starts afterall. See you after the ceramony!" She ran off leaving Chase alone beside his locker still unopened. [I]I was not jealous.[/I] Slamming his fist into his locker the door opened and Chase began tossing his junk into a box that sat below him. "Then why'd you hiss at her? Seems like a pretty jealous action to me." [I]Please, jealousy is so trival. I'm past that and do you even know that young woman's name?[/I] "Ya, Paris something. Anyway bug off I've gotta change into this crap of a uniform." [I]You are a very rude man.[/I] "No, just impatient." [CENTER][B]+ + + +[/B] [/CENTER] Smoothing his desert colored hair down, Chase sighed, it was going to take forever for his name to be called. All he could do was pull his stupid white glove on and off. And even that small act was getting stares from the annoucer as he had already been late and recieved a yelling at for that. "Our next cadet, who has been a frequent trouble maker surprised us all with the fact that he even made it to this level. Lieutenant Chase Revelin." One glove off Chase looked up at the meatino of his name and relized that it was his turn to be spotlighted. As he stood he pulled his glove on and strolled up to the Air Chief Marshall standing next to him. "Through many strict disciplinary actions, he's shown notonly great manoeuvrability, speed but, as well as our fastest stricker. Being one of the top cadets, we are confident you will be able to perform even better in actual battle than in our simulators, many of which you have placed in the shop. Still I will ask the question, do you accept the invitation to join ANGEL Wire, Lieutenant Revelin?" A dark look from the announcer as to warn Chase to not try anything smart. Brushing off his houlder, Chase held out his hand, "Hell ya'." The Air Chief Marshall laughed a bit and shook his hand, pushing Chase away after a firm handshake. "Back to your seat Lieutenant Revelin, lets spotlight another fine graduate." Saluting the Marshall with two fingers, Chase strolled straight off the stage, making sure to first 'acciendently' bump into the announcer knocking his false hair off his head. He snorted as he ducked a blow and rushed to his seat, next to Switch. He held out his hand for a low five and after feeling the slap from his friend, Chase went back to crossing his legs acting innocent like a angel. Down the row however, he heard the girl's that had made beats argueing over Chase's actions calling it interference while another said it counted. He laughed to himself, enjoying this moment of bliss for as soon as the cermaony was over he was going to get another scolding from his upper officers, but right now that didn't matter. Feeling pressure on his boot, Chase looked down to see the cobra and though it couldn't smile he knew she was on the inside. "Sharne." He whisper down to the cobra. She instantly knew that he had named her without her even asking that of him. Maybe he wasn't as rude as she thought.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] [B]Name:[/B] Chase Revelin [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Country:[/B] Ireland [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality/Biography:[/B] WILL EDIT [B]Appearence:[/B] [URL=http://img477.imageshack.us/my.php?image=weiss413tp.jpg][IMG]http://img477.imageshack.us/img477/5592/weiss413tp.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [U][B]Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks:[/B][/U] Baby: Ketomon Attacks: Bubble Blow Pic: [URL=http://giffactory.joeyteel.com/big/virusmetalgarurumon/ketomon.gif]{CLICK}[/URL] In-Training: Hopmon Attacks: Hop Hip Pic: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/Hopmon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Rookie: Monodramon Attacks: Beat Knuckle Pic: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/monodramon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Champion: Strikedramon Attacks: Strike Fang, Strike Claw Pic: [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Strikedramon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Ultimate: Cyberdramon Attacks: Cyber Nail, Desolation Claw Pic: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/cyberdramon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Mega: Justimon Attacks: Justice Kick, Trinity Arm, Accel Arm, Critical Arm Pic: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/justimon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] [U][B]Miscellaneous[/B][/U] [B]Digivice:[/B] [I]Main:[/I] Dark Slate Blue [I]Secondary:[/I] Dark Red and Silver [CENTER]+ + + +[/CENTER] [I][B]OOC:[/B][/I] All finish this sometime this weekend. Name and Gender may not stay the same, as goes for the picture.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][I]A young boy, around the age of seven laid still on the dusty ground of the desert. He kept as still as he could, trying hard not to breath. It was only a few moments ago that he had been chasing a lizard under and around rocks. He had slipped and landed square in the middle of a snake nest. Now his chin was only inches above the delicate eggs of the reptile and the beady black eyes of the mother stared at him. This was not a good spot to be in and death was staring him in the eye. ?Chase!? A rusty male voice yelled from a distance. How he wished he hadn?t run off ahead of his father, because of that chain of events Chase was now stuck in a death or death sitution and he couldn?t even answer his father, ?Chase.? His eyes darted around, this time the voice was closer and a woman?s. He shut his eyes tightly thinking he was close to the gates of death and that the voice was his mother?s come to lead him to the afterlife with her. ?Chase open your eyes.? Doing as he was told, Chase was shocked as to what he saw. It was not the light at the end of a tunnel but, the snake, no not just any snake it was a cobra. The cobra had the tip of its head pressed against his nose. Sweat began to pour from his brow. ?Don?t? be afraid Chase. I won?t hurt you.? Confusion flooded Chase?s mind, was this cobra really talking to him or had the heat from the desert gotten to him. He opened his mouth a bit, wanting to ask a question of the cobra but, he felt his body being snatched up by strong shaking arms. He was turned and saw the terrified look on his father?s face. He couldn?t stand that look and turned back looking for the cobra. It was clearly upset, hissing as it sank into the shade of a nearby rock.[/I] [CENTER]+ + + +[/CENTER] ?Chase!? A young man, 21 years of age, was shaken awake by his commanding officer. Grabbing his arm Commander Ingmen halted. ?Chill, I?m fine.? Releasing the Commander?s arm her ran his hand through his own hair as he fell back onto the rocky terrain, wincing as a rock jabbed him, he prepared himself for another scolding and one more accident report to add to his already large file. ?Cadet Revelin, now that I am certain that you are not dead, yet, I would like to ask you what gave you the notion to just take a trainer and go on a joy ride?? ?Hm.....what will my excuse by today?,? Tapping his chin Chase drummed his fingers on the ground. ?Have I used the one were I was trying to save a hot chick?? ?Yes, yesterday?, The commander sighed with frustration. ?What if she was really hot? Like super model hot?? ?A super model all the way out here?? ?Hey, you never know it could be for a photo shot or something.? ?The perimeter of this entire base if off limits to civilians.? Chase shot up, growing restless, ?Okay fine I was bored, can you just take the information now?? ?Yes, it?s best to get this out of the way. I?ve already had the nurses run a scan on you and your fine just a few scratches. Wish I could say the same for the Trainer.? Looking over at the crash site he winced, boy was he gonna get it. There was no way anyone was gonna be in that thing for about a month, maybe more. Shaking his head he shut his eyes only yo open them shortly after. As soon as his lids had closed the memory of his dream had come back. ?Cadet?? ?Hm, what?? ?I need your I.D. and, lets see, your still a ground unit right?? ?That I am, as for my I.D., it would be 773403.? ?Alright, good. You?ll report to kitchen duty tonight and clean up the dishes and Dining Hall. ? ?Seem?s like a pretty light load for practically destroying a Ground Unit Trainer.? ?Well considering tonight is the Graduation of you Cadets, you?ll have your work cut out for you, and since you think it?s suck a light load you can clean up the hanger as well. I wanna be able to eat off that floor, Cadet Revelin.? ?Yeah, yeah whatever. If that?s your life long dream then I will make it happen.? ?Well then, I?m going to turn this report in and I?ll be sending a clean-up crew for the Trainer.? Flashing Commander Ingmen a thumbs up Chase leaned back on his palms, looking up at the sky. He had always wanted to be an Air Unit, but his father had told him that in the Ground Unit he would get more hand to hand combat and had hoped that would calm his rebellious streak. To bad, it only gave him bigger toys to break the rules with. But, at this moment he didn?t care the sky was at a calm and since he had learned to pilot both he thought about skipping kitchen duty and going for another ?joy ride?. Maybe taking one of the female cadet?s with him. [CENTER]+ + + +[/CENTER] OOC: Hope that works for ya'll. Here's what [URL=http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e244/BlackRose164/Anime%20Guys/Guy1.jpg][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Chase[/COLOR][/URL] looks like. Toodles!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Name:[/B] Dawn Faustine [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Specialty:[/B] Distractions and hacking [B]Weapons:[/B] A few smoke bombs, her handy laptop, and other explosives [B]Personality:[/B] Her devil may care attiude can be a shock to some and expected by others. Dawn is always ready for a fight and will do anything to win. Anything. People may call her heartless but, Dawn perfers to put her heart into something more creative, cooking. Her passion for the stove is her most well keep sercet and she plans to keep it that way. Though with her skills in the kitchen(unknown to others), and with her knowledge of posions create a deadly combination. [B]Bio:[/B] Dawn had little female influence in her life so that explains her tempermete. Her mother died when she was young and she has no memory of her what's so ever. This never really had an effect on Dawn though, since she had her five older borthers to take care of her when her father was away at his job working as a electrian. Her father was always busy working to support the large family and Dawn was left in the care of her borthers. Her brother's were born trouble makers and Dawn was raised into it. They ,as a group, reeked havoc trough the local area of Crotan. They came to a point of just causing trouble was dull. That was when they decieded to start stealing. Dawn was made the look out and she soon came to points where she had no choice but, to lie and to make a scene so that her brothers could get away and that became her. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m181/Music_Sugar/Anime%20girls/thief.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] OOC: Bio suck's but whatever.[/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=1]Once inside the team's guild house, Talia went into the nearby, kitchen rummaging through the many bags of food. Xaiver joined her following her lead as she began to pull aside rabbit meat, garlic, salt and pepper, red bell peppers, asparagus, red onion and beer. As she started to prepare the meal, Xaiver put the other food and supplies away. After preheating the grill to a medium high Talia began perparing the rabbit meat by seasoning it with garlic and salt. She poured three beers into a bowl and waited for the meat to cook for 15 minutes before basting it. In the time she waited for the meat to heat up Talia began to chop vegatable with Xaiver. They sprinkled the vegatables on both sides with salt and pepper and added them to the grill. About thirty minutes later, Talia and Xaiver toke out plates and set the Grilled Vegatables and Beer Basted Rabbit on the table. Talia walked towards, Boushin and Melchior as Xaiver performed some finshing touches on their meal. Tapping Melchior on his shoulder, Talia smiled as he turned. "Dinner is done," and stealing a glance at Boushin she spoke again, "No help from you though." Smirking, Boushin yawned as he stood, "Well I figured it best to leave a woman's work to a woman, no offense Xiaver." Her face turning red from anger, Talia pushed Boushin towards the floor, yet he caught himself before he face planted. "Sexist bastard." She hissed as she turned on a heel, sitting at the table next to Xaiver. OOC; Neh, crappy post....all I could think of at the time, I [B]really[/B] don't want this to die so early.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ya, I kinda figured you did have Holland in your mind, and yes it is Holland. Though I don't see the banner? Sorry I'm being so nit-picky. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Neh, its fine with out the name on the avis, I'll live. Though for the banner I lurve it, but could you get rid of the 'my girlfriend is cooler than yours'. It dosen't seem me, plus I think people would get the wrong idea, with me being a girl and all. As, for you seeing only four episodes, I've only missed one, and sadly it was the one I [B]really[/B] wanted to see. Mucho thanks![/COLOR][/SIZE]
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