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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]To fuel the fire of my latest obsession I'd like a new banner and avatar set featuring Talho from Eureka Seven. Any picture will do and as for the color scheme light blue and black will work. And if you can find a quote that would work with Talho go ahead. Username on the upper right corner of the avatar. No unsername on the banner please. Thanks bunches to whoever takes on this request! Toodles![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Growing tired of Boushin's continuous humming, Talia turned towards him elbowing him in his side. Keeping her pace she waited for Boushin to hit her back, but he did not. Looking up she saw that Xavier was giving Booushin a dirty look. He must of found his humming irritating as well. Shivering from the dark power that had been growing. This was not normal, especially in Elysium, the main city of Delta and the starting point for most new players. Something was going down, and it wasn?t going to be good. Callipso [I]had[/I] to be found so that this world could return to normal. That darkness had something to do with Callipso?s disappearance and she wanted to find out why. She sucked in the air around her as she thought. What was going on, why where they forced to stay here and search for him. It was Callipso?s kidnaping had been a game. All these events. Talia glanced over at Boushin, how dare he try to understand her feelings of Callipso. They were only out of loyalty. While his teasing only made her more interested Boushin, the misfit in their team. A darkness user, why would she be so intrigued by him. She was so confused about him and particularly why she was found herself aroused by his ways. Xavier?s spell had not keep the chill from the darkness at full bay as Talia shivered once more from the cold. Rubbing her temple Talia wondered how much longer Melchoir had planned to let them walk around aimlessly as she was growing tired. Yet, determined not to show her weakness Talia pressed on, not speaking. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I've only read about this series and have yet to find any DVDs. No place has them! Though if your looking for a site with good, true information try [URL=http://www.lelola.net/wk/index.shtml][SIZE=1]Lelola[/SIZE][/URL]. Now to my favorite, assassin. Ken Hidaka takes that spot. My reasons are simple, he's not as messed up as the others and is one of the nicest. I love his outfit and weapon, its different and pretty kick arse. His reasons for killing are verey remarkable and caring. I love that he fights not to avenge someone, but to make sure that no one else has to go through the same things that happened to him. Very honorable. Not to say that the others don't have honor.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Real Name:[/B] Harley Jahn [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Delta Name:[/B] Talia [B]Delta Age:[/B] 23 [B]Team Name:[/B] [I]Giga Omega Ki[/I] [B]Class: [/B] [I]Paladin[/I]- With their incredible divine abilities, defensive capabilities, and melee aptitude, they make more than a match for the undead. [I]Advantage[/I]: Extremely good defense, some MP abilities [I]Disadvantage[/I]: Low MP [B]Player Rank:[/B] 2 [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://imagescommerce.bcentral.com/merchantfiles/5077181/40%20Inch%20Spear.jpg]Carnos Spear[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Talia is a stick in the mud when it comes to breaking rules, which at times makes her teammates angry. She is serious about her duty to find Callipso and return order to Delta. When it comes to fighting, Talia carries her strictness into battle with her as she rather sit back and formulate a strategy before rushing into any fight. At times her serious attitude may lead others to believe that she doesn't care for the well being of others, but in fact she remains stern because she cares. One of Talia's faults is her naive nature that almost always gets her in trouble, which is why she covers up with her strict and sometimes, biased opinions. [B]Abilities/Magic:[/B] Holy Joust- Charging her spear up with divine forces, Talia runs forward towards her target, like a raging bull. Her speed is increased will using this attack. The downfall to this attack however is that she will hit whatever comes in her way first and she can not change direction unless she sacrifices the rest of her MP. [B]Picture: [/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/LanHikari89/gok02.png[/IMG] OOC: Hope I did this right. Oh and Dare, sometimes I really hate how you get to these RPGs before me....taking the character I wanted....psh...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Mar'Krol groups led the way of the King's ground forces. Many Tamers walked, keeping the Mar'Krols under their control, as well as Necromancers. The semll of death was thick in the air, and sickened Maura, she covered her mouth and nose with her hand. A voice so thick with death, broke through her hand, came from behind her, neck to her ear. "Something bothering you Maura?" [I]Harlin[/I], Maura cursed her luck, why oh why did she have to be stuck in the same group as [I]him[/I]. Smiling, up at Harlin Maura spoke. "Oh, nothing bothers me. I was judt yawning, this is a tad boring after all." "Going off to war is boring to you?" "No, [I]Harlin[/I], just all this walking." "Well why don't you call one of your little animal friends to help you." "Because I can handle the boredum." After saying that Maura stumbled forward, falling to her knees. She looked up at Harlin who has vanished and cursed. Russel raced forward and went into a fit. Maura worked to calm him down, grabbing hold of him and petting and nuzzeling his furry head. Standing herself up, Maura brushed herself off and looked to see that most of the group had gone off without her. The only remaining life forms where a few bats, cougars, and wolves under her guidence. Smilng at them, Maura pulled one of the younger cougars close to her and petted its head. "You guys know the drill right? I don't want any of you getting killed so if your hurt then back off. Got it? You guys are important to me and I really care about each and everyone one of you. So be careful, please." The bats fluttered around, and the cougars nodded as did the wolves. After kissing the top of the cougar's head that she was holding she realeased him. Lookin down the path that the others had taken, Maura raced after them, her animal's behind her.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I must I am loving this. I don't come to this part of the forum very often, but by gon'it this sure makes me wanna visit this place more often. Never seen Pulp Fiction so I really have nothing to compare this to, but that dosen't make a difference to me. Can't wait till for the next installment of Otaku Fiction! I love the defination of Otaku at the beginging, never knew that's what an otaku was......maybe I should stop telling people that I is one......Oh well. You know I would of never thought of Onix as being so violent....kinda scary. -Toodles![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]#3 Some people don't like using me, they have their own way of getting what I provide. Regardless, I am there always... and with just one click you can be hearing what I have to say.[/I] Hm.....I'm gonna go with the Launch Jukebox. Final Answer![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Maura exited the throne room and went to a nearby window, looking out. She saw exactly what the King had said would be there. His elite squad of Dragon Rider's out to strick down the Haven. She rubbed her shoulder, a thin red line present there. The King was not happy that she had done nothing to save his son and taken out that anger on her. She sighed as she watched other Tamer's exit the castle as well as a few Necromancers. She sucked in her breath as she watched the top Necromancer exit. He had always hated Maura because of her control over spirits. She waited until he went into the woods before she breathed out. Once he was gone Maura raced down the hallways inorging her pain. This was not what she wanted to dp, but she had to. Walking into the stables, Maura grabbed her horse and raced out of the stables and across the Castle grounds. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Maura was lost in what she should do, she hadn't suspected this in the least bit. The hole in the elf's chest stared at her. There was only one thing that could possibly help this woman who wished for her death. A larpx. She had met one only once before by mere chance and prayed that this healing beast would come to her need. Sending out a call with her mind she repeated the call five times over. No answer. She sighed as she moved her hand over to her side, pulling out the same liquid that she had used on Vincent before. Pouring it out onto a cloth she turned to the dragon before she applied the bacteria fighter. "This may sting, but it is for the best. It will kill any bacteria that are trying to cause her harm." The dragon nodded for her to procede and she covered the elven woman's mouth with her hand and wiped the wound. She felt the body move under her and winced, looking over to the dragon. "Sorry." Yet, the dragon's eyes were not on her, but a beautiful creature with pure white fur. The larpx! It was as wonderous as she remembered it to be. The beast that was in the shape of a cat, walked over to the elf and set a paw over her open wound. By magic, skin began to regrow over the hole and the elf's color turned to a more normal color. After a few more second's the elf's eyes fluttered open. The larpx taking its leave ran off, back into the woods making what happened to appear a miracle to all who had not seen what had happen with their own eyes. Leaning down over the elf, Maura smiled, "Are you feeling well?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Maura looked up at the strange man who had just srrived literally out of no where. This was the worst situtaion she had ever been in, all she wanted to do was help Vincent, but she couldn't do that not with this man here. "I'm' greatly sorry, but I don't know any healing [I]magic[/I]. I know how to heal the old fashioned way though", It was then when she broke down, she couldn't stop the tears, "I'm sorry I was just trying to help her and now the King's going to kill me since I didn't do anything to save his son even though I couldn't. Now Vincent's hurt and you won't let me help him, I just hate this all." As her tears ran down her face she looked up at the stranger praying that he wouldn't hurt her.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Maura rushed down the halls, quickly pulling on a black robe to cover up her risque clothing. She had stolen it from one of the guard's rooms, she had to be careful though if one of the guards caught her in there, she may not get out as fast as she got in. Reaching the throne room, she knocked on the oak doors. A gruff voice answered, telling her to enter. Letting to solder's open the doors as she entered. The King looked over at her as she entered and smiled. "Maura nice to see you so soon after I got your message." he smirked as he pointed over to the window where a dead bird laid, broken. Maura's face remained hard, no emotion seeping out. "I'm glad you did." The King stepped off his chair and walked towards Maura, circling her while running his hand along her body. "Why are you covering up that perfect body of yours my dear." "Sire, your son has seemed to catch a Heoul rider and taken her to be tortured. I thought you may wish to know this." "Did he now? Good, Maura not only will you keep an eye on Vincent I also want you to make sure my son does not cause to great of harm to our 'guest'." "Yes, sire." Bowing, Maura made her exit and tossed off the robe once she had exited. Heading out of the castle she followed the sound of screams and soon reached the source. The Prince had already caused a great deal of damage from the short amount of time. He looked over at her. "Your lord, the King wishes to speak with you in the Throne room. I shall handle this elf." "Whatever." Throwing the whip down the King's son left after he threw the last of the salt water of Arya's back though. Maura winsed the elf girl's scream and rushed forward untieing her. "I hope your not hurt to bad, but by the looks of it you aren't doing to well. Mordrik get some normal water please and Frense get some bandages. Make sure their the best you can get", she waited until the other Tamer's left before she spoke again, "I'll fix you up in no time okay? Mordrik and Frense are pretty fast so they should be back soon."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Grinning back, Maura stood and pushed her pale blue hair behind her ear. She wasn't sure who 'she' was but 'she' had to be important. Seeing a shadow pass over the land, Maura looked up. A dragon and its rider. "I try", looking back at Vincent she smiled widely, "Plus I don't think the King would be very happy with me if I stood back and let one of his Hell Rider's die." A small bluish bird flew down from the sky, and landed on Maura's shoulder. She petted its head, nuzzling it carefully, as she tied a note to its leg. "To the king." She whisper faintly to the bird and opened her hands letting the little blue bird take flight, smiling after it. Turning back at Vincent, Maura looked at him with her deep emerald green eyes. She was so close to the person she had claimed to love that she felt her face blush. Adverting her eyes she spoke. "So what next? I sent my messenger though I should probely stay and make sure your being honest. Is that okay with you? If I go around with you, that is?" [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Maura screamed as the blackish purple dragon lifted her up and shortly dropped her at his master's feet, which so happened to be Vincent. She saw him look her up and down as if trying to remember if he had met her. "I wouldn't try escaping. He hasn't been fed yet. Now what would an Impire scout be spying on me for?" [I]Scout![/I] Her jaw dropped open at the mention of this. No matter how infatuated she was with him there was no way she was going to let him call her a simple scout. She was about to retaliate a strange beast like person appeared and made well sure that she knew that he wanted nothing to do with her. This only added to the fire, and as she listened her anger only grew as she learned that this creature planned to harm Vincent. Quickly going into action she stepped in between the two and stood still, ready to call any beasts that where near to tear this 'Stranger' limb from limb. "My conflict is not with you, it is with him. Now get out of the way, we need to settle this." Choosing to answer by entering a fighting stance, Maura narrowed her eyes at the Stranger. A hand fell on her shoulder and she turned back to look. "He's right, this is between me and him. Don't get involved." Looking down with regret, she paused slightly before moving out of the way. She watched as Vincent moved forward and presented himself for battle. It wasn't until Stranger pointed out Vincent's wound that she also noticed. She pulled out a vile of and found it empty.With her mind she sent out a call for Russell, a small ferret that she had rescued from an early death when he was only a baby. Since then was never far from Maura and always willing to help her. Just like she expected, Russell jumped from the roof of a near by building and ran forward to Maura, inorging the dragon completly. She bent down and held the empty vile out to her little friend and once he got the smell of it, he ran back towards the woods. Feeling eyes on her Maura turned to see Vincent staring at her with curiosity. She smiled at him and sat back down. "What was that?" "A wild ferret, aren't they just the cutest?" Maura watched as he rubbed his temple, "No I mean you aren't sending for help are you?" "Yes." Maura smiled as she said this, knowing that it wasn't the best thing to admit. Anger appeared to rise in Vincent's face. "What? You remember what I said earlier about Maelstrom not eating yet." "Yes, but the help is for you. Your hurt and that wound should be taken care of. I just told Russell to get a plant that fights bacteria. Oh, and speaking of that you said earlier, I'm here on the King's orders. He has some reason to believe that your not following orders. I don't believe that though Vincent, in fact I wouldn't have even accepted this mission if it was anyone else. Right when I heard your name Vincent, I knew I had to prove the King wrong, I don't want any harm to come to you. None at all."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Smiling at the family she had helped the day before and she was ready to move on. Heading towards the outskirts of town where she had tied her horse. She had gotten a message to find Vincent and make sure that he was following the orders as planned. He was showing some resistance according to the King, which wasn't good. At least in the King's eyes. To be honest with herself she wasn't to into the mission, yet she got to see Vincent which was an obvious plus. She had always tried to catch his eye though he always seemed to have something else on his mind. She wasn't going to give up anytime soon. Reaching her horse she petted his nose and rubbed his side as she jumped atop of him. The horse instantly rushed forward in the direction Vincent was rumored to be in. ~Five hours later~ Slowing the horse down, Maura jumped off and patted the horse's nose. Speaking to him in a gentle tone she told him to stay and not to wander to far. She figured it would be best to continue on foot through the woods. Stepping carefully through the woods Maura toke care where she stepped and keep her noise to a mininamum. Creeping she felt the presence of a beast, more specifically a dragon. She sucked in a sharp breath and crouched as she peeped around trying to figure how to get out of this situation.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][B]Name:[/B] Maura Trepas [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Side:[/B] Impire, but willing to change [B]Specifaction:[/B] Tamer [B]Bio:[/B] Maura, though young, is a quite skilled in her Tamer abilities. Trained from a very young age, as she was spotted as a worthy canadate as an apprenatice for a traveling Tamer who served under the Impire. Her family supported the Impire as the wealthly who did where given lower taxes and a promise to be kept safe from the war. While they were uneasy about their only daughter being taken away from them, they decieded it for the best and agread to the Tamer's conditaions. Leaving in the early morning, Maura and her new teacher traveled far and wide learning all that needed to be learned. Throughout the entire time it seemed to Maura as though her teacher was looking for someone, or something. It wasn't long before she met the King and was deammed worthy as being one of his personal Tamers. Her teacher quickly agreed to the King's request. Maura wasn't to happy about this occupation yet, followed her orders. However, when she was visiting a town on the King's orders, Maura found her true calling. After witnessing a a funeral she watched as the spirit of the departed left. This sadness upset her and she went to the family and offered them a chance to have an oppertunity to say anything they wanted to their lost loved one. They agreed and she summened up the departed spirit. The family was very grateful for her kindness and their minds seemed at peace. This made Maura happy and she wanted to makes more people happy. So it was decieded in her mind, Maura set out on her own and worked for whoever needed her skills. She only has on request, a place to sleep(and a small amount of cash) because whenever she calls the spirits she is knocked out from the drain(and everyone needs some cash). [B]Apperance:[/B] [URL=http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j229/ddspeed2000/Anime%20Girls/1136412746_tuffferret.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] [B]Weapons:[/B] Her magic [B]Magic:[/B] Lightning [B]Personality:[/B] Maura is a people pleaser and almost nothing can get her down. In her line of work her cheerful attiude is rare, so rare that people don't belilve that she is a Tamer who deals with death. She appears to be a ditzy female, but she actually knows more than she lets on. Maura likes to use that to her advantage, she'll play the ditz card as long as she can. [/size][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B][U]Deus Information[/U][/B] [I]Name:[/I] Larissa Pera [I]Age:[/I] 18 [I]Sex:[/I] Female [I]Country representing:[/I] Brazil [I]Appearance:[/I] [URL=http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f376/Rebel_Greed/Eureka%207/6793b12d.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] [I]Experience:[/I] Carson is considered a great force to be recon with. Fighting for twelve years on the Angelic Layer circuit, she knows the ins and outs of the Layer. [B][U]Angel Information[/U][/B] [I]Angel's Name:[/I] Mari [I]Entry Phrase:[/I] Ready, Steady, Fight Mari! [I]Appearance:[/I] [URL=http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e372/TrueSoul/Anime%20Girls/Blonde_girl.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] [I]Stats:[/I] [I][U]Strength[/U][/I] - 5 [I][U]Defense[/U][/I] - 1 [I][U]Agility[/U][/I] - 9 [I][U]Evasion[/U][/I] - 6 [I][U]Morale[/U][/I] - 4 [I]Style:[/I] Mari fights in a distance style. The farther away from her oppenent she is the better. She fights in hopes to tire out her oppenent and the strick when least expected. With her high speed and evasion she is a hard target to hit, or lock onto. Though her weak defense is her downfall it isn't much of an issue do to her speed and evasion.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I have to agree with silver_blade on the fan girl part. I l-o-v-e Crimson Hero, its one of my favorite shojos. Nobara's fashion style is close to my own as is her attitude. I'd also perfer her to end up with the spiky haired guy....can't think of his name.... Anywho, this is a really great sport shojo, and hopefully it won't have as bad of an ending as Girl Got Game. No offense to those that actually liked it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Blackjack shock her hands from the force of the impact. It had taken longer than expected to find Soma, but she had finally found her and in what looked like a troubled spot. Putting the lead pipe that she had smashed into the back of the ice dude's neck, knocking him out, down she ran over to Soma. "Are you okay?" Blackjack asked in a rushed tone. She saw Snake Eyes looking at her funny only to shurg and go back to whatever she was doing. "Fine, why are you here anyway?" "I wanna help with the government thing. Please?" She saw Soma roll her eyes, shaking her head. "What about your bounty?" "Justice said he would handle it and before you start I did do some work. I drew out a map to their location as well as his bounties' location. So can I help? I really wanna avenge Bluff in any way that I can, since its my fault that he's...dead." Jack looked up at Soma with pleading eyes and a sincere look upon her face.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Eliska sat up instantly, knocking Justice off the bed. He rubbed his head and looked up at Eliska. She was clenching her head and crying a bit. He went to grab her shoulder and she pushed him away. "Bluff's dead and it's all my fault." "No-" "Just go, please." Eliska looked at Justice, her green eyes pale. He nodded, picking up his jean jacket and left. Once he was gone, Eliska stood and walked over to her window, she could hear laughing and her tears increased. That Dimes was trouble and she had walked right into it. Wiping away her tears she stood strait and looked down towards the street. This was another part of her power that she hated, when finding people she knew when they died. It was stronger the closer the person was to her and Bluff had been like a brother to her. The entire trio had, though now they were a duo. Slamming her fist into the wall behind her she left a dent and sighed, at least Green and Buck were safe. Justice would be happy about that, his brother was still alive.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]Eliska stepped farther back in shock from Dimes sudden testament. She opened her mouth ready to come back asking him if he thought she was stupid, but a plan formed in her mind. He didn?t know what group she was apart of therefore he wouldn?t know where the hideout was. Bluff, Buck, and Green, members of the Lucky Devils who she was close to, should be able to help her out. Tonight was their gambling night and they would be at the rundown gas station playing. Clenching her fist her set her plan into action. ?Fine, but you better not be lying.? ?I?m not.? Eliska kept her worried look on as she lead Dimes out of his house and to the street. She felt his eyes on her. She knew he was doubting her, this was her chance to run off and leave him in the dust. Ignoring him she scanned the area and once she got a map in her mind she followed the route silently till they reached the slums. She turned to make sure that Dimes was still with her and once she saw him she looked into his eyes smiling kindly. ?We?re almost there don?t worry.? Stepping forward she neared the gas station and paused one block before it. Eliska pointed at the rundown building with two out-of-order gas pumps in front on it. A closed sign was barely visible through the grimy windows. ?That?s your hideout? It?s so small.? Dimes asked shocked. He had to admit he was expecting something better for such a notorious group of Fate?s Children. ?Ya, well it goes underground. I?ll be back so stay here, I want to make sure Soma doesn?t flip when I bring you down.? She smiled and ran to the door opening and shutting it behind her. Three heads shot up and looked at her, recognizing Eliska they smirked and began to stand. She rushed toward the nearest man and hugged him tightly. ?Whoa, Black Jack what?s this for?? The man with blond hair asked as he stumbled back into the table that they were using to play cards. ?Oh, Buck I need your help.? Eliska used her most pitiful voice. ?Hey, Jack what?s wrong?? Another blond asked stepping forward as Eliska let go of Buck who put his arm on her shoulder. ?Green I ran into a Fate?s child, but I didn?t know he was when I met him and he toke me to a bar-? ?A bar! Did he know how old you are?? A burly brown haired man asked. ?What does it matter Bluff let her finish.? Buck snapped., laughing Green pulled Eliska over to him. ?Go on tell us what else happened.? Well after that he toke me to his apartment and told me what he was and he worked for the government. I could tell from the his apartment, all three floors belonged to him, and then he wanted to know about Soma. He even thought I was her. So then he locked me in a room till I would talk and some guy crashed through the ceiling. That?s when he said he was turning over a new leaf and wanted to join the Lucky Devils. He?s outside right now, can you please help get ride of him for me?? She watched their faces change form concern to anger. Bluff slammed his fist on the card table and cracked his knuckles. Buck cursed at Bluff for knocking down their playing table. Green just laughed and patted Eliska on the back. ?Don?t you worry, we?ll take him down.? ?Right, no one messes with our Jack.? ?For once I agree with you Bluff.? Eliska smiled and hugged each of them she hoped they would fair well. Bluff had his ability to turn his body into and any substance, Green could make force fields, and Buck could move fast. As they went to exit Eliska grabbed Buck. ?Wait his power I think he can teleport. That?s how he got me into the bar.? ?Right thanks.? Buck ruffled her hair and exited with Green and Bluff. She heard Buck shouting off at Dimes and Bluff following up with some other comments. Green of course kept to himself, most likely making sure Buck and Bluff kept their eyes on the goal and being the voice of reason. ?You need some help getting back to the hideout?? A smooth voice asked, Eliska turned to see a dirty blond smilng at her. ?Justice!? Eliska ran forward leaping up and hugging the 20 year old. ?Hey, Jack my love how?s it going?? ?Wonderful and yes I really need some rest, as you heard I had a pretty rough day.? ?I did hear and if I wasn?t sure those guys could handle their selves I would be out their helping them now lets go.? Justice grasped Eliska?s hand and lead her out the back door and through a maze of streets. Occasionally he would look to her for help and laughing she would lead them in the right direction. Once the reached their home Eliska let go of Justice?s hand and entered. She looked around for Soma and not seeing her she grabbed a piece of paper from the floor and a pen and wrote a note to Judgement scribbling what had happened and that the gov. had ideas about them and where trying to get information. Folding the paper she wandered over to Judgement?s room and slide the note under her door. Standing strait she felt arm around her and smiled up at Justice, he leaned down and kissed her passionately, leading her to her room. He pushed her up against the door and Eliska opened the door pulling away from a disappointed Justice. ?I?m sorry its just that I?m tired.? ?Can I still come in?? She nodded and stepped to the side and shut her door. She climbed onto her bed and Justice laid next to her, putting an arm over her. With his warmth she soon fell asleep.[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Eliska's eyes fell to the floor of the room. Her mind was blank, she couldn't think of anything to get her out of this mess. Nothing, zip, nadda. Everything that was happening had been a blur. Not caring anymore Eliska let her eys wander up. "Why do you care about the Fate's Children who live in the slums? You look like you've made quite a comfertable living here as some rich basterd's pet. Your working for that Don guy aren't you, why else would you care about his men getting killed. Your sick. Helping the enemy. You've probely had no one ever care about you have you? Well I hope no ever does, I hope you live a long a lonely life full of regret for siding with those popious jerks who make life a living hell for the Fate's Children who don't want to help them with their own self pleasure." With all that out a single tear streamed down from Eliska's emerald eyes. She covered her eyes with her hands and turned away not wanting this man to see her at a time of such weakness. Her tears were of hoplessness. Why, oh why, could she not have been gifted with a different power. One that could get her out of this mess, one that could protect her and help her protect the people she cared about. No, she had to be given the power of direction. What good was that if she was stuck somewhere. She already knew the quickest way to the hideout from here, but how could she get there if she couldn't get out of this room. Trapped. Her tears slowed, but still flowed. SHe had to find a way out of here.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Eliska flinched at his sudden harshness and began to form lies in her head. She needed a plan and all that she could think of was how the hell was she going to get out of this mess. "Fine, I'll tell you what you want. I worked for Soma once or twice for a bounty. My power lets me find things and places", she figured it would be best to leave out that she could find people as well, "She needed some help in that field so I offered my services. She lives with a few other Fate's Children. There, that's all I know." During her entire spill she keep her eyes locked onto the man's eyes. Eliska prayed to God that he would take her story. It wasn't a big lie, most of it was true minus the part about the times she had helped Soma and her powers. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[size=1][color=darkslateblue]"So that's why-" Eliska cut herself off as she noticed that she was begining to revealve her own powers though she knew he probely figured out she was one from her large marking that covered her right arm. Then again maybe he hadn't she did have a few other tattoos on her body which made most people assume she was just an ink addict. "Why what?" The man had asked. She remember that the bartender called him Retia and wondered if that was his real name or cust a code name. She didn't have time to worry about that now, she had walked herself into a hole and needed some way to get out. An excuse popped into her mind almost instantly. "Why you moved so fast when I tapped your shoulder. I've never seen anyone other than a person with the gift move that fast." She smiled warmly, her beautiful green eyes sparkling enhansing their color. She was still nervous around this guy, but like all things she had started to grow accustomed to him and his strange behavior. She had an idea of what 'hunters' he had inquired about an if things go t messy or dangerous she was already ready with an escape route that would take her far out of her way, but was diffucult to follow for anyone. That is unless you shared the same gift as Eliska. "So where is your apartment anyway?" Eliska questioned as she walked a few steps behind the man whose name was still a mystrey to her.[/color][/size]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]"Outta my way kid. I've got places to be, things to do." Eliska paused for a moment, a normal person would of said thanks but this guy. This guy began to walk on ice in her mind, thin ice. Running up she tapped him on the shoulder her mouth open ready to speak when her put her in a full headlock and a dagger at her neck. "Nobody touches me! You got that?" Looking down she felt her face turn dark red as she muttered in gasping breths as he help her airway thight, "Y-yes. Please. L-let go!" The man with the kick ass hair released her and brushed his shoulder off. A little frightened wasn't the word to describe how Eliska felt right now, but, as her nature was too, she decided to speak anyway, "I just wanted to ask if you minded if I come along...with you..." She flinched as the man turned sighing and frowning. "Ugh. Fine, I suppose you can tag along. But don't think it's because I like you." Eliska's face lit up with a smile and followed the man down the street, in the direction of some very crowded districts. She knew what was in this direction but felt the need to ask anyway. "So. Where are we headed?" She watched as he paused fora millisecond before speaking, "Well, we're going to the pub. I need a drink." Eliskafrowned at this, she [i]hated[/i] pubs or any place for drinkers. She remembered a vow she made after seeing the inside of her first pub. Eliska vowed to never drink anything, but water for the rest of her life. Yet if she wanted to stick around with this guy she would have to go in. "Umm, do you think they'll let me in there?" "How old are you?" As he spoke he looked at her as trying to determine her age. "Seventeen." "Hmm. I'll get you in." Smiling Eliska followed th man closer and began to try to start up some converstation. Maybe learn about this man. "So what are oding on the side of town?" No answer. "Your shirts pretty cool too." SHe went to touch it, but a warning glance from the man told her not to and her previous headlock flashed before her. "Oh, sorry forgot about the whole no touching thing. Maybe you do need to drink I mean it does seem to make people relax more. Then again I heard that some people get more edgy when their drinking. I hope your not one of those." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]As Eliska enyered her room one of her fellow devils grapped her shoulder just as she dropped her plastic bag. "Meeting in the living room." She frowned and shut her door following the darked haired Lucky Devil to the living room to see Soma standing with a stack of papers. Eliska stood back as Soma spoke telling them about the bountys and that they we're to take one and to take out the target. Bust seemed extremly exicted after hearing that they could kill. She rolled her eyes at her reaction and waited for the wanted posters to be taken up and walked up to take once once the rush had left. She really didn't care who she got, as long as she got someone. She glanced at the paper, [i]Roger Igor. The hell is that?[/i] Shurgging Eliska crumpled up the paper and figured she would look for him later as she walked out of the compound. The street light where on as she walked out onto the street as she looked around she saw Judgement and Roll walking off in one direction. She smirked as she headed in the reverse direction. Closing her eyes she walked along the street once again letting her power take over. It wasn't until she bumped into someone that her power left her. She was a little shocked since that hadn't happpened to her before, normally when she bumped into people her power still remained in control forcing her to go on. Opening her eyes to mutter apologize Eliska saw an attractive man with black hair and blond highlights. "Sorry about running into you, I wasn't paying attention. Name's Eliska and I think your hair style kicks ass." OCC: Cue xliquidousx for when they get back.[/COLOR][/SIZE]