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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Name:[/B] Eliska [B]Nickname:[/B] Black Jack or just Jack for short [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e225/_Unmarked_tomb_/n2gvah.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Eliska's markings are on her right arm and her eyes are green. The rest of the markings on her body are tattos. [B]Personality:[/B] Eliska, or Black Jack as she is known by the Lucky Devils, is the most carefree of the group. If you were to decribe Eliska as serious then you would dead wrong. Eliska hates think that require to much thought and when it comes to fighting stragety her is simple: Don't get killed. If theres any easy way out of anything she'll take it which may make her seem weak, but Eliska could care less what people think of her and her actions. Which makes her head strong and stubborn. [B]Power:[/B] She has an abonromally exellent sense of direction and can find any object or person or place almost instantly without the use of a map or GPS. On fact its almost like Jack is a GPS herself with a mind filled with locations that she's never seen or heard of before. [B]Bio/Character Snippet:[/B] {I Hope that you don't mind if I write this in response to your character snippet} Eliska let her dark green eyes scan the area around the outside of the bar where Judgement was doing 'business'. As her eyes passed over the rodes that lead away from their current position, she knew exectly where each of them lead. Most went to other bars, but two where different. One lead to a local one stop store while the other lead to a group of houses. [i]That most likely where all these drunkards live.[/i] A man's angry shouting could be heard from the street and Eliska figured them to be owned by the target. A few seconds later their was a crash(no t a big one, just big enough to make noise), and Judgement exited the 'target' drapped over her shoulders. "Black Jack, lets move. I'm done here." Her violet eyes darted towards her as she walked without diffuculty despite carrying such a large load. "I think I'll pass. I have some stuff of my own to do." Her own eyes darted to the street that lead to the store. "Fine, do what you want, but don't stay out to late." Judgement was already moving but, paused slightly until Eliska spoke, "Go strait and then take a left from there you should remember." "That's not the way we ca-" "I know, I toke us on the long route. That's the fasted route to the police station from here. Have fun!" With that the two went their seprate ways, Judgement going to deposit her ticket for a prize and Eliska going somewhere, where exactly she did not know. This one of the things she just did, let her natural sense of direction take her where it wanted to. First ,however, she needed to buy something from the store and as she reached its front doors, she pushed them open with a look of disguest. They even had a bar in here. The sent of booze and ethanol mixed with sweaty, greasy men trying to drown their sorrows was enough to make her want to puke. She resisted the temptation and walked down the isles and grabbed a bottle of water along with the newest edition of her favorite tatoo magazine and a bottle of hair bleach. She was longing for a new style for her hair and as she paid and watched the clerk put the items in a plastic bag she thought of the what she could do. Exiting the store, a wave of calmness swept over her and she mutter to herself, "Fine lead away." Closing her eyes she felt a pull to her left and went with it and after many turns and mutter sorrys from bumping into people she felt the pull release her and she opened her eyes. Infront of her was the hidout of the Lucky Devils. Her own extended family filled with enough nuts to drive one to death. But hey that's what a family was. Right? She brushed the thought aside, it was to complecated and she didn't feel like wasting time thinking about what a real family was like. She never had one, couldn't even remember her mother. All she had was a tatto on the inside of her left wrist(which she kept covered) with the name Eliska and a number 5874. That was all she needed to know. She gained her last name from a dirty street urchin who had raised her till he found out that she was a Fate's Children. Then he left her alone to find other Fate's Children. However, she still had no idea what the number meant and as far as she knew only one other of the Lucky Devil's knew of the number. Sighing, Eliska entered the hideout tossing the water bottle that she had drank as her power guided her home into a trashcan and a thought came into her mind as she glanced down at the wrist where her number was. Didn't the government number the Fate's Children that they tested? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Character Name: Cyri 'Quake' Heartwell Age: 16 Gender: Female Powers: Trigger earthquakes and move the earth. Cyri has little control over her power to create earthquakes. When she has any extreme emotions the earth rumbles. Her problem has made her keep her distance from close relationships because she fears being hurt which would cause her to make an earthquake that not even she could control. By moving the earth she can make it softer or lift it from the ground and make pillars of rock or dirt. Appearance: [URL=http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c254/IlovTrunks16/Prep.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Equipment: A small bag of rocks and soil incase their is none around. Biography: Cyri never knew her parents all that well but, still loved them with all her heart. Both her paretns lived very busy lives and wer never home in fact Cyri once told one of her many foster parents that they had never sat down and talked to her or hugged her. The foster parenting started when Cyri turned seven. The child services had heard rumers about her and were watching the house to see if any adults ever came to the house. After a week and with no sign of her parents they came and toke her away from the house with a strugle though. Cyri was devasted and that was the first day she discovered her powers. The earth began to shake violently and pictures on the walls feel shattering. The child services thought it was just a consedence. They never suspected the weaping blond seven year old. She swiched from foster home to foster home untill she finally could no longer handle to consant changes in her life and ran away. One night after two months of hiding from the police and C.S Cyri stood on the edge of a cliff over looking many jagged rocks and crashing waves. Sea spary hit her face and Cyri flinched and she clenched her eyes shut as she moved one foot over the threating ocean. She had expected to feel nothing when her foot fell to meet the bitter air but she felt seomthing hard. Opening one eye she saw a metal plate. Stepping back she backed into a person, who remained silent. She turned to face the person, fear creeping through her body. Their stood an elderly man, his eyes dark. He began to speak in a relaxing tone that calmed Cyri and erased her suciedial thoughts. He told her that she was special and to kill herself would be a waste of her potentinal. He then offered her her protection as long as she promised to help him, and some others like her, protect Earth. Cyri looked back to the ocean that was still waiting for her, but the sound of sirens made her turn quickly back to the man and nod. She promised she would do what he requested and so Cyri was found and her new journey had begun. Her new journey that could lead to death but as Magento had told her when she heard this from him it was a better death than the one she was going to attempmt by jumping into the sea. Additional Info: {NONE} OOC: Hope this is okay...and to your liking, I can edit it if dosen't work for you.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Clipper cursed to herself as the monster struck out at her. She jumped up skillfully, twirling in the air while pointing her spear at the monster as she cast Rue Doom. Landing gracefully she watched her attack cut through the monster but, it didn't seem to notice. "Kya, I hope you know I was right. Hackers are nothing, but trouble." After reseving a hate filled glance Clipper smirked as she lunged forward only to be knocked back by the beast's sword. "Not saying trouble is a bad thing. Thanks to Nomaru I get to fight an undefeatable monster. Just like our dads and Kite but instead of a data draining legendary hacker we got stuck with a Skull Knight, joy." She didn't bother to hide her distaste for the Skull Knight. It wasn't that she hated all Skull Knights, her idol was once one. He even helped form the faction, Crim the Crimson Lightning. She liked Subaru as well, they were a perfect team and Clipper always wished she could meet a guy and pair up with him like Subaru had with Crim. Not in the exact way though, she didn't need her reputation as a tough girl to be ruined. Though that all depened on their defeat of the monster before them. If she survived this she might even be nicer to Caspin, in the game and the real world. Shaking her head she watched as Juno was knocked back and frowned. This was not going well. Sighing deeply she turned to face the beast and raised her spear with one hand, the staff running along the under side of her arm. In a blur Clipper faded as she darted forward with much speed, she hit the beast five times in a row with all her power and faded back in the exact spot she was in before. She smirked slightly at Kya's surprised look. Even though she had seen Clipper perform her Assasin's Strike a few times before she new it was rare for Clipper to do it. Though after looking back to the beast her strongest attack seemed to do little damage, yet it seemed as though it did have an effect.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Clenching his fist Haru cursed mulitple times under his breath as he watched the other digimon fight, or try to, against Bleezemon who had turned into his Blast Mode. He stole a glance at Monodramon who stood infront of him tense as him. [i]Why can't I make him digivolve,[/i] Haru asked himself, [i] All I want to do is protect him, but if I send him out to fight that wouldn't be keeping my promise, would it? Damn I wish things were simpler.[/i] Haru reached into his pocket and pulled out his digivice and stared at the smooth surface. The screen was blank and the longer Haru stared at the blank screen the blank his face grew, untill his eyes were just a dull grey. He had completly zoned out absorbed in his own self doubt. It was then that Monodramon turned back to see his tamer in such a state. Rushing towards Haru, he shook him hoping that would stir Haru from his daze. "Haru, Haru? Are you okay? Hey, Haru why won't you talk?" It was then that Bleezemon turned his hate filled eyes to Monodramon and Haru. He remembered them from an eailer meeting and smirked. He shouted an attack as he aimed his cannon towards the duo. "Death Slinger!" The energy blast hurlted towards Haru and Monodramon. Feeling the heat from the attack, Monodramon turned and his eyes widened, yet the quickly changed into a look of sheer determination. He stepped infront of Haru and at that exact moment, Haru's digivice began to glow as well as Monodramon. Jarred from his dorment state Haru looked up to see Monodramon glowing and stepped back as Monodramon shouted, "Monodramon Digivolve to...." "Strikedramon!" A larger digimon stood infront of Haru. Haru was in utter shock as he stared at Strikedramon who held his claws infront of him ready to receive the attack from Bleezemon. As the digmon and energy blast connected, the force sent Strikedramon flying back and crashing into Haru as the attack did its damage on to Strikedramon. "You, you digivolved!" Haru stuttered from beneath Strikedramon. Quickly standing the digimon helped his tamer up onto his feet. "I know isn't it awesome?" "Ya, but how?" "I don't know it just happened, suddenly I felt a great power surging inside of me, trying to escape and then I digivolved." "Well we'll worry about the fine print later, but now lets focus on getting rid of him." Haru pointed at Beelzemon and the same determination that was on Strikedramon's face as he digivolved now was on Haru's. OOC: Can our digimon digivolve to their Ultimate level yet? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][U]Server: Carmina Gadelica[/U] Clipper walked quickly throw the crowds of players not paying attention to any of the players that spoke to her. Right now she had to get away from a certain someone. Somewhere he wouldn't expect. That was when a hand shot out, grabbing her shoulder. "Hey Clippy, mind slowing for a friend." Her face reddened as she turned back and stared coldly at the face of a Class Were in his human form. His name was Caspin and even though Clipper thought of him as a friend she wasn't in the mood to mess with him. "My name is Clipper, not Clippy, Clip, or any other stupid nickname you happen to think is cute." Caspin looked hurt as he spoke once again, " Oh, the coldness. What's wrong with you all I wanted was for you and me to go off to a dungeon and hang out?" "Caspin I have better things to do at the moment so please bug off." "Hey, is that anyway to treat a friend?" "Well-", A message appeared before her and Clipper smiled, "Hold on." As she read the note her grin grew wider and she smirked as she closed it, quickly making up a lie to get her away from Caspin. "Well my dear friend, I have a few matters to take care of. Mod only, so I bid you a fair ado." Caspin frowned as he crossed his arms in a rather childish manner, "You know your the only person I know who would be happy to do mod work." Winking Clipper pushed her orange wrap around glasses down over her crystal blue eyes and shouted as she ran off towards the Choas Gate. "Its not that I'm happy to work I'm just happy to get away from you, love." She knew her inbox would soon be filled with hate messages from Caspin but, all Clipper could think of at the time was how grateful she was of Kya for giving her an excuse to get away from Caspin. Typing in the keywords she was transported to Fort Ouph in only a few short seconds. [U]Server: Fort Ouph[/U] As Clipper wandered around she looked around for Kya and the weapons shop she had meationed in the note. She was never good at finding certain places in the World so she sent a message to Kya, telling her that she had arrived in Fort Ouph and was looking for her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Nah, don't worry about it, they'll dry on their own." Haru said as he walked behind Mira and her digimon. Monodramon walked beside Haru, wary of this group they were soon to met. ooking up towards Haru, Monodramon let a frown come across his purple face. He wanted to protect his tamer, even more so now since the defeat from that digimon. Beelzemon. Even though he knew that Haru wanted to go forward with these people he worried that they may bring him into more danger. [i]More danger that I can't protect him from.[/i] "Hey Monodramon, everything alright?" Haru asked as he looked over at his digimon who wore a worried expression on his face, which was replaced quickly by one of glee. "Ya, I was just thinking back." Haru's face turned depressed as well and smiled slightly, "Hey don't worry buddy. We're gonna do fine." [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Noticing the pair of eyes on him, Haru quuickly grabbed his sleeping friend and ducked between a dark gap inbetween two nearby buildings. Holding a golved hand over Monodramon's mouth he waited untill the group passed by before he spoke in a whisper, "So there's really more kids trapped here." Feeling a struggle in his arm he looked down and saw Monodramon fighting for air. quickly realseing his hand he muttered a quick sorry and motioned for slince as he creaped out of his temporary hiding space. In a mere second of time, haru decieded it best for him to follow the group and find out all that they knew of the events. The events that were causing the downfall of this world that he loved. He followed till they reached a quite famous reasturant. He paused slightly, though enough for Monodramon to bump into him. The motion for slince appeared again as, Haru heard a fush coming from the reasturant. A few moments later he saw a girl walk out with a rather huffed look on her face. Taking a chance, Haru followed the girl shortly after she had left, going in the direction she had gone. It was then that he saw her take a fall into the river and something inside him snapped causing him to jump in after her. With his googles pushed down over his eyes, Haru grasped the girl that had fallen into the rushing water. Lucky for him he was on swim team back in the real world, otherwise all he could of done if stand and watch as the waters carried her away. Or get carried away with her. "Hey, you okay?" Haru asked as he pulled the girl up onto the shore, his moved his goolges up into his wet hair and waited for a reply, which came in the form of a sputtering couth. "Ya, ya I'm fine." "Haru I got the bucket." Haru turned to Monodramon and frowned, "Oh, ya that's reallly important. You could of help." "But, you seemed like you were doing fine on your own....I'm sorry." Seeing that he had hurt his friend's feelings he quickly looked down apoligizing remembering that was all Monodramon could really do since he lost the abilty to digivolve. "No forget it, you did good Monodramon," turning back to the girl he smiled at her, "I'm glad your okay, afterall it would be a shame for someone as pretty as you to lose your life in those harsh waters."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: This seems to be a good place to jump in. Sorry for my extended absence, it was something I couldn't prevent. IC: The dark haired, goggle wearing boy sat atop a barrel thossing a pebble up in down in his palm. He had heard the of all the fighting that was going on because of the 'darkness' as he had heard some digimon say. Haru himself had almost become a victim of this growing evil. Luckly for him though he had been saved by Leomon, who he was repaying at the time. According to what Leomon had told him there where more kids like him, stranded here though they were fighting the evilness the was devolping in the land. Sighing Haru looked down on the ground seeing Monodramon sleeping up against the barrel. Haru would of loved to be fighting along side those other kids but, he was worried about Monodramon. After all he still couldn't digivolve past his current level. Something happened during that battle, normally Monodramon could digvolve to Strickedramon but, it didn't work this time for some strange reason. Yet, as Haru looked up away from his digmon he saw a group of people coming towards the town.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Rubbing his head, Haru opened his eyes seeing nothing infront of him expect the sky. He closed his eyes as he sat, to avoid dizzness and looked around, he was alone. Which was strange, considering that he had been in a fight only moments before when funny things had started to happen. "Alright Haru, calm down and try and remember what happened." He spoke to himself. It started off as his oppenents digimon dissappearing and at the time Haru had been stunned, he hadn't barely attacked the digimon and then his tamer began to fade.And then....what happened after that? He couldn't remember, no matter how hard he tried. As he pushed himself off the ground he felt something smooth and retreated his hand quickly and looked beside him. His eyes widened as he grinned, so he wasn't alone. "Monodramon!" The purple dragon-like digimon stirred and looked over at Haru, rubbing its scaly horn with his hand that had drill like claws on the tips. "My head hurts." "Do you remember what happened to us after that tamer and his digimon dissappeared?" "Ya, you went down like a sack of potatoes, why?" "You don't think it's weird that we're all alone?" "A little but, hey, why worry?" "True, I guess your right." With that said, Haru pushed himself off the ground and stood looking around the barren field. "It's just way to quite for the digital world." He whispered to himself causeing his digimon to stare at him funny. Catching the gaze Haru smiled and instantly became very animated, rubbing the back of his head in a embarised way, "Nothing, nothing don't worry about it! Come on Monodramon lets get out of here." Doing as his tamer said, Monodramon stood also and started off in no particular direction, keeping his ears open for any abnormal distrubences. If his tamer didn't feel combertable here then he shouldn't either.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Name:[/B] Haru [B]Color of Digivice IC:[/B] Dark Slate Blue [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearence:[/B] [URL=http://img477.imageshack.us/my.php?image=weiss413tp.jpg][IMG]http://img477.imageshack.us/img477/5592/weiss413tp.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B]Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks:[/B] Baby: Ketomon Attacks: Bubble Blow Pic: [URL=http://giffactory.joeyteel.com/big/virusmetalgarurumon/ketomon.gif]{CLICK}[/URL] In-Training: Hopmon Attacks: Hop Hip Pic: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/Hopmon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Rookie: Monodramon Attacks: Beat Knuckle Pic: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/monodramon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Champion: Strikedramon Attacks: Strike Fang, Strike Claw Pic: [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Strikedramon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Ultimate: Cyberdramon Attacks: Cyber Nail, Desolation Claw Pic: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/cyberdramon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] Mega: Justimon Attacks: Justice Kick, Trinity Arm, Accel Arm, Critical Arm Pic: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/justimon.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] OOC: Mucho thanks to Frankie! Your always saving my rear with things like this.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Neh, its okay. Hoping for my character to have a bit of bigger part, like Reiku's I mean my character's father is the reason Balmung has his wings and such. But, I'm fine with it. I'm thinking about introducing a career were soon...since my charay dosen't have many people to talk to. Oh and for the first week in April I won't get a chance to get on at all so no posting for me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Hearing her father's voice she stood and toke off her headset and opened the door to stare at her father. "Kira something else is bothering you, now tell what it is. I want to understand you." "I don't want you to understand me, we are to different." "Can I come in." Kira stepped to the side letting her father enter. She watched as he walked towards her computer and laughed as he picked up the headset. "So this is what you've been doing..." "So." "So, we are not that different. Oh, I see your a moderator. Congrats." "Whatever, oh and are you ever going to delete your character." Her father sat and clicked a few things, smiling. "Brings back memories, hey we should play together. You know like go to a dungeon and clear it out. Sound fun?" Crossing her arms Kira turned away from her father, "No why would I want to go to a dungeon with my dad?" "Aw, come on Kira, or should I saw Clipper? It wouldn't be embarrissing I mean I'm pretty famous you know? It could improve your status." "Don't call me Clipper." Her father stood, wrapping his big arms around her. "Fine but, don't you think it would fun and people don't have to know we're related." "It would be embarassing to my self esteem." With that Kira struggled free from her father's hug. He let her go and watched as she sat infront of the computer, staring hard at the screen. "I don't understand why you fight me so hard. I just want to help you improve, get better at what you struggle with." Grasping her headset she paused before putting it on and then breathing deeply she put it back down and turned to face her father by spinning the chair. "You helped me enough when I was a nebie. You showed me how the World worked and I'm grateful but, I want to do things on m y own now. When I'm with you, with Orka of The Azure Sea, I feel like I'm not being me. I feel like I'm cheating and I don't want to lower myself to that level." Kira suddenly turned in a fluid motion putting her headset back on and entered the World again. Her father had a shocked look on his face and stood leaving her room quietly. When Kira heard the door click shut she typed in three keywords, Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground.[/I] [B]Server: Theta- Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground[/B] The golden rings disappeared around her as Clipper appeared on the craggly stone bridge that lead to an errie cathedral. She walked forwards entering the dark building leaving the dark ocean below the bridge behind her as the doors shut, sending a chilling echo around the cathedral. As she walked deeper into the dark palace she looked at the alter where a statue should have been. She sat in one of the pews that was masked by the shadows and cluched her legs towrds her. She sighed as an E-Mail flashed before her. grabbing it she read it and frowned. She had been a complte and utter jerk to Kya, not minding her friend's own feelings. She repiled back apoligizing for her own actions and telling Kya that if she wanted to find her and tell her about the Hacker's info then to go to the Hidden Forbidden Holy Grounds. Clipper sent the E-Mail and streched her legs out onto the pew infront of her. This was her favorite server and though she liked the Highland City Dun Loreiag, she perfered the darkness and loniless that this server provided. For some reason it comferted her and that was what she needed right now. Peace and quiet and a little comfert from solitude.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]The dirty blonde girl stood at the top of the stairs grinning down at a man who had just gotten home and was taking off his coat. He looked up and smiled. "Kira did you finsh your homework?" The man asked as put his briefcase down next to the door after locking it. "Yes, just like every other day." "Want to go over it? I've noticed that your grades are slipping and if you want to be a doctor then you can't start slaking off now." "When did I say I wanted to be a doctor?" Anger starting to rise in the girl's voice. "Why not? Doctors make great money." "That's not what I want to be though." "The man looked up, smilng, "Then what is your career goal?" "To be a journlist or writer." His smile sank into a frown as he looked up at Kira, "Those aren't very stable jobs," laughing he smiled again. "Lets not joke around, grab your work and come on down stairs I'll go over it with you to make sure you did everything right." That was the key. "See, just like I told you on the phone today, you never let me do anything on my own! Your always making desicions for me, without asking me if I want to do it or not. I'm sick of it so just leave me alone!" Storming back towards her room, Kira stood in the doorway turning after hearing her father call to her. "Kira, stop there! I'm only doing what's best for you." "Maybe I don't want the best!" "Kira, what are you saying?" "I'm saying that I hate you and the worst dad ever! If mom was still around you wouldn't be treating me like this." With that Kira slammed the door and went back over to her computer, looking at the screen. She sat back down placing her headset back on and entered the world again.[/I] [B]Server: Theta - Highland City Dun Loreiag[/B] Appearing in the golden rings Clipper looked around the field as the rings faded and she pushed up her orange wrap around glasses up as she looked around for Kya. Kicking the ground she cursed as her glasses fell back into place. "She left! I wasn't gone that long, ugh!" Crossing her arms she walked over towards the Choas Gate that stood in the field and typed in [i]Random Field[/i]. [B]Server: Lambda - Field: Oblivious Forbidden Fort Walls[/B] Looking around the field Clipper grasped her spear halbred combo tighter, as she saw in the distance balls of light releasing monsters. She'd have to be on her guard after all this was a monster field and a pretty high level one. Well not that high, she had been in higher and escaped with barely a scrape. Hearing talking Clipper investagated to find Kya alone with the hacker from before. Her anger boiled as she saw him send his belts around Kya's blade. Clipper was sure Kya could handle herself but as the hacker came closer to her friend she let herself go. Running forward Clipper brought her weapon down infront of the hacker, what was his name, Nom something. "Back away Hacker, I'm not afraid to become a player killer got it? I'm not a good mood so you better get out of here before I decied to cut you down to size." With that she slide her halbred's tip towards his neck. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Sitting in front of a computer screen sat a girl who busied herself with reading an email from the admistrators of a popular game. She smiled slightly as she repiled by clicking the button at the bottom of the screen entitled, Apply for Moderator. Being transfored to a new screen she sighed as she looked at the questoinare required for the application. Rolling her hazel eyes as she pulled back her dirty blond hair in a way of concentrationing on the form on the computer. Several minutes later she clicked the Enter button, submiting her application and pulled on her headset. After typing in a few her username and password the headset came alive, progecting a blank screen untill white words flew across the headset. [/I] [CENTER]//.......Logging in.........// //.......Username: Clipper Of The Azure Sea......// //.......Class: Long Arm.........// //.......Rank: Pending on approval for moderator....// //.......[[Application Approved. Now upgrading character rank to Moderator]].....//[/CENTER] //====Loading=====// +------- Welcome to The World ----------+ [Now logging in as Clippper of The Azure Sea] [B]Feild: Aqua Capital Mac Anu[/B] Clipper sighed heavily as she looked around seeing other people entering the world, some of them novices. She hated them the most, they always thought they where better than everyone else and tried consently to break rules or cheat. That was the reason she toke up the offer as a moderator without a second thought. In the past Clipper couldn't do anything really about the cheaters or hackers ,but now that she has an opprautinity she grabbed it, embraced it, and was about to live it. All that was left to do was to find the meeting place, which was given to her as her mail popped up before her. Looking at the first letter she saw that she was supposed to go to some place called Hidden Solitary Cat Market. "Never heard of it." She muttered as she opened the other letter, this one from a close friend of hers before The World was closed. She smiled at the letter and after closing out of the email she reopened the one from the admins and read the rules and whatnot involed in being a Moderator of The World. Once finshed she closed the message and looked around the busy streets of Aqua Capital Mac Anu. Most people where just talking metting up with old friends already organizing groups together to go out on quests. With one final look around she transfered herself to the meeting place of the moderators, Hidden Solitary Cat Market. As she golden rings of liht appeared around her avatar she dissappeared, entering the feild. [B]Feild: Hidden Solitary Cat Market[/B] Glancing around in the wooded area she appeared in she sighed as she assumed that she was alone, though once turning towards the right she saw Kya of the Twilight Sky. She smiled towards her friend and headed towards her apeaking as she did. "Hey guess you toke up the offer too, huh. Finally I can attepmt to bring order here, especially among those newbs and hackers, eh?" OOC: Hope you don't mind that I kinda copied your format Reiku.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Try this website: [URL=http://www.limebarb.com/cosplay/costumegallery.htm] {CLICK}[/URL] Hope it works for you, its helped me out a few times. Oh and good look in making your cosplay.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=D. Resurrected] I soar without wings, I see without eyes. I've traveled the universe to and fro. I've conquered the world, yet I've never been anywhere but home. Who am I? enjoy[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Um, a bat? Did I get it right? Wow this message feels spammy.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ya, maybe once we start some other people might get intrested and join as a career werethings or something. Changed my name BTW well the of the part. Did a little research and found it. Seemed intresting to me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]As soon as the bell rang, Kaiya shot up, crumbling the paper and threw it towards the waste basket. It landed in cleanly, not even hitting the rim. Smirking she stalked out of the class after rewarding Mr. Yevon with a flash of her middle finger. "See ya tomarrow, Mr. Don't-Care-Enough-To-Remember-Your-Stupid-Name, sir." Once Kaiya was out the door she streched, yawning. Returning to a slouched postion she looked around, seeing a few of the class members gathered together, deep in discussion. Smirking she walked over and drapped her arm around Haiku. "Hey buddy! How's the drug deal going, if you guys get any leftovers tell me. I just might be able to buy a few off ya'll." She smiled and released him, starting to walk off to her next class, gym. [I]Perfect, more sleep.[/I][/COLOR]
Hey I wanna be a mod. That sounds better, since I'm not much of sword person myself. Yes, Reiku now that you metioned that little information I think people can put two and two together.
Neh, I'm not so certain about wearing a mask. Not so sure about anything that hides my beautiful avatar face, J/K.
Alright in advance anyone who takes this request Mucho Thanks! 'Kay for the avatar I'd like the first attachment to be used for it. A close up on the face, no name. Tha banner gets tricky. Okay attachment 2, I want the picutre to be rotated vertical his head at the right. On the left put these stats: Name: Ken Hidaka Code Name: Siberian Age: 19 Height: 175cm Blood Type: B I mainly want the first four, if you can't fit the blood type don't worry. Also give the banner a worn look, kinda wanted poster like, but not western. Color theme should be [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Dark Slate Blue[/COLOR] and [COLOR=DarkRed]Dark Red[/COLOR]. Once again, Please and Thank-You!!
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Kaiya slouched deeper in her chair as she watched Mr. Yevon attempted cut down her fellow classmates. She rolled her eyes he thought he ruled this class but, oh he was wrong. This room of misfits ruled the classroom, well as long as Mr. Forester was gone. If Kaiya felt like putting forth the effort she would of joined her classmates in disrupting Mr. Yevon. Luckily for Kaiya she didn?t feel like putting forth the effort. She smirked as she stared at Mr. Yevon, if the class keep pushing his buttons he was bound to snap and Kaiya wasn?t looking forward to being around him when he did. Something wasn?t right about the sub. He was strange and not normal teacher strange, he had some kind of air around him. A twisted air. Shrugging Kaiya pushed the thought to the back of her mind and closed her eyes. She tried to sleep but, with Mr. Yevon?s voice telling the students to quiet down she opened her eyes and raised her hand. ?Yes, Ms. um.....? ?Kaiya.? ?Yes, Ms. Kaiya, what is your question.? ?Mr. Yevon could you talk a little quieter? I?m trying to sleep. Or perhaps give us an assignment so that I can pretend to work on it and throw it in the trash can when you ask for us to turn it in?? Mr. Yevon?s face redden slightly and he began to pass out some papers and as he passed Kaiya he muttered, ?Could you at least make an effort to this assignment Kira, I would appreciate it if you did.? ?It?s Kaiya and I don?t need your approval. All I need is to catch some Z?s.? Spoke Kaiya as she pushed the paper out of the way and laid her head back on the desk, shutting her eyes. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Username:[/B] Clipper of the Azure Sea [B]Type:[/B] Long Arm/Pro(dosen't have much respect for newbies) [B]Avatar:[/B] [IMG]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/3761/tek060313233f947ty.png[/IMG] [URL=http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/3761/tek060313233f947ty.png]{CLICK}[/URL][/COLOR] EDIT- Felt a need to change my [I]of the[/I] after doing some research. Hope its not a problem.
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Next to Dred, Kaiya sat with her head flat against the table. Her eyes were closed but, she wasn?t asleep, yet. Right about as she was slipping into dreamland the teacher?s voice disturbed her. Frowning she looked up, pushing her medium length black hair out of her face. She raised her hand slightly as Mr. Yevon looked around for someone by the name of Miso, Kaiya. ?Right here sir.? ?Oh, Kaiya there you are. Sorry I didn?t see you, try sitting up in class and maybe I?ll spot you quicker next time.? ?Like I wanna be seen by you.? Muttered Kaiya as she leaned down into her chair. She rolled her eyes as she stared straight ahead listening to Mr. Yevon stumble over more names. [I] He?s just like the rest of the bogus teachers in this school. Wish Mr. Forester would get back already. At least he was a semi cool teacher.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Name:[/B] Kaiya Miso [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg12/tri45.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Kaiya is headstrong and prides herself in her work. She never confesses her doubt in any situtaion, its part of her risky disposition. It also takes alot to make Kaiya mad but, if she's under pressure for a deadline or what not then she may snap at anytime. Though in general Kaiya is very easy to get along with a try, try agian attitude. [B]Fact:[/B] Kaiya lives a double life, she has particapated in many extreme sport contests out of school and even has earned a scholarship for her skills but, in school she is know as one of the laziest people around, with a temper,, she's actually failed P.E. three times already. [B]Home Life:[/B] Kaiya's parents raised her to exel in school yet, when she got a pair of in-line skates from her uncle she dropped the books and went off to skate parks, to improve her new found passion. Both her parents agrue against the sport but, with different motives. Her mother's is fear that Kaiya may get hurt; her father's that she won't get anywhere in life. Though they do support her in her choice. THe only family who dosen't is her brother, and her cat but, that's only because Kaiya ran over his tail when she was younger. Her elder brother always jokes to her that her extreme sporting is just an escape that one day she'll escape from but, Kaiya feels different about that. [B]Quote:[/B] "I have great belief in the fact that whenever there is chaos, it creates wonderful thinking, therefore, I consider chaos a gift."[/COLOR]