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[B]Name:[/B] Celia [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.nnm.ru/imagez/gallery/other/anime_wallpapers-1120639877_i_9375_full.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Celia is headstrong and prides herself in her work. She never confesses her doubt in any situtaion, its part of her risky disposition. It also takes alot to make Celia made but, if she's under pressure for a deadline or what not then she may snap at anytime. Though in general Celia is very easy to get along with a try, try agian attitude. [B]Bio:[/B] Celia?s main reason for trying to fight against Lisiae is because it?s a risk. Celia is big on taking risks in fact her entire life has been a risk. When she was born her mother was killed in child birth and then he father committed suicide because he couldn?t live on without he beloved wife. Left alone in the world Celia was taken to her only living relative that would take her in, her aunt on her father's side. Her aunt wasn't a fan of her brother's marriage though she never told Celia about that. Celia was a reader and loved to learn about plants. She wanted to future her knowledge of herbs and plants so she went to the local apothecary and asked for an apprenticeship. She was granted her request and went to tell her aunt the news. Celia expected the same warmth that she had always received but, instead got hatred and cold words. That's when her life of taking risks began. Her aunt threatened to lock her up saying that Celia belonged to her and she was going to decide her fate. Under lock in key in her room, Celia toke risk number one: Disobey her aunt by running away and becoming an apprentice to the local apothecary. Which she did in the dead of the night, after she heard her aunt fall asleep she worked on breaking the lock on her door. Once that was done, Celia ran towards the village as the dawn was rapidly approaching. Risk Two: Keep herself hidden long enough from her aunt, who was only a few miles away, for her to learn everything she needed to know about being an apothecary. Risk Three: Leave the only place she had ever known and try and find a new place to live and become that village?s apothecary. She heard about a city not to far from the village she grew p in and traveled there. The city was called Alsoto and she figured even if they already had an apothecary then the city might just be big enough for two apothecaries. Or more. Celia has taken many more risks in her life but, the most recent is her choice to fight against Lisiae. [B]Skills/abilities:[/B] Celia is very skilled in the arts of mixing herbs as it is her perfecsion, or job. Due to her upbringings she has learned to be persuasive and uses that skill to get people o by her potions and elixirs. When forced to fight, Celia rather fight from afar and attack indirectly, with needles dipped in homemade poisons or bombs. Her poisons vary from quick acting deadly
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][b]Name:[/b] Brittany(Bri -Pronounced like Bree) Hodges [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg12/tri45.jpg]{CLICK}[/URL] [b]Sphere:[/b] Fire [b]Powers:[/b] Bri can heat her body to high temperatures, though as hard as she tries she still cannot produce fire, though she can burn or melt someone?s skin. [b]Country:[/b] Milan, Italy [b]Personality:[/b] Bri is generally a wild and fun person. At least that?s what friends say, others may call her annoying or crazy, some even go as far to call her an escapie from the loony bin . If you hear a loud voice in a normally quite place, its Bri. Not that she likes to disturb the peace, no she loves disrupting the ?norms?. Bri has been arrested for just that. When Bri isn?t driving people to drink she simply chilling out at home, leading her parents to drink. Though on a serious note, Bri can spout random bits of knowledge every once in a while. When she?s ?chillen? she listens to music or reads, which many people doubt, even her friends. [b]Weapon:[/b] Marbles, that she can heat up till they explode. [b]Bio/Snippet:[/b] When Bri was young she had a speech problem and it wasn?t taken care of until she entered Kindergarten, which was when she first started taking speech classes. Before she attended the classes Bri was easily frustrated because she knew what she was saying because it sounded right to her but, everyone else around her hadn?t the slightest idea what she was saying. Which is probably why through out her first few years of school she kept to herself. When she entered Middle school however, that all changed. Bri started speaking up and trying to get people to notice her. How she did that was simple, dress in all black. Though that was only a temporary attention getter. After meeting two new friends both by the name Jacob, Bri went crazy. She did weird things, like wearing her cloths backwards. In her first year of high school Bri still caries on the strange behavior though saves most of it for after school hours due to an event involving a water gun and school rules. Let?s just say two weeks of suspension fits the price. With every high there?s a low though and Bri?s is her gullible behavior when dealing with relationships. The belt on her wrist is her promise to never be in a relationship after having her heart torn to pieces and the belt being the only thing she had left to remember her mistake. [b]OOC:[/b] I know you said no one else sign-up for fire but, I'm not a very good baddie so I hope you don't mind if I use it. But, if you wan tme to try for being the dark side then I will. Tornado probely. Oh, and hope my chary is good enough, though no hurt feelings if you don?t pick me! [/COLOR]
Name: Zera Yang Age: 20 Race: Human Gender: Female Appearance: Pic or description Personality: Zera may act care free and seem that she doesn't know what she's talking about but, she actually has a frime grasp on life. She understands a great deal even though if you she her family you might see how she understands so much. Bio: Zeta grew up in a wealthy family were she could have what ever she wanted. She was spoiled and proud of it. Untill she witnessed crime for the first time. Sure she had seen it on telvison many times before but, it's one thing to see it acted out and other thing to actually feel the cold, wet blood of a person running down your face. This event happen when Zera was only seven years of age. Her nanny was taking Zera out for a walk in their family garden when a man jumped over the stone fence that stood eight feet tall and had bits of glas and metal mixed in at the top. Another man followed and shot the first man in the back with a gun. Weapon: Throwing Neddles, Daggers, a Crossbow and a Bo-Staff Powers: Other: OOC: Finsh this later.
[COLOR=Indigo]Celia walked out of her mother's warm house into the freezing streets that lead to the school. As Celia turned to wave good-bye to her Mother she slipped and fell on her butt. "Oww." Celia stated as she pulled herself up and saw a red haired girl next to her. "Klutz." The girl said wiith a frown but, then smiled and laughed. She toke Celia's arm and ran ran towards the school. Celia alsomsmiled as Kasey led her through the streets towards the school. [B]First Break[/B] Celia looked around the hallways trying to find her brotherr but she soon remebered her project and rushed towards the libary almost hitting the doors. Smiling at herself she glanced around and saw Dyna and a few other of her friends gather around a book. Dyna was reading from the book as Celia apporched. In a sudden light Celia felt herself vanish from the area she was standing. ~~~~~~ A gust of wind from an open window, woke Celia as she looked around trying to find were she was. See appeared to be in some kind of tavern and having her head layin gon the table rather sleeply. A voice spoke to her startling her as she raised her head toward the speaker. "You know your not the first person to just appear here. A few other kids came in to my well, inn asking were they were." The voice came from a strange looking man who smiled at her strangly. "Um, sorry to repeat questions but, were am I exactly?" Celia asked as she looked at herself. she let lose a little screech and the man pointed towards a mirror hanging on the wall as he began to speak again. "Your at the Sprohm Pub in the world of Ivalice." He said with a smile. Celia nodded as she examined herself. Her hair was long and white and her ears were long and almost rabbit like. Celia even noticed that she looked older but, not as old as her grandmother, more around eighteen She wore a light tan halter with strings hanging down over her tanned skin. On her right arm she bore a bleeding rose tatoo. [I]Oh! Mom would never let me have a tatoo![/I] She began rubbing it witch olny made it appear more visable and the blood dripping from the rose looked more real. "Celia?" A voice called and she turned to see Sakura standing looking almost the same as she had at school. Running over to her Celia embraced her and smiled. "I thought I was the only on here in theis place! I'm glad to see you Sakura!" Celia spoke in a rushed tone. "But how did you get here? I don't remember seeing you around the book." "Well I was walking into the libary when I saw you all around Dyna, who was reading to you all. Then after this bright light hit me I appeared here." As Celia spoke she waved her arm towards the table she had been sleeping on. "Oh wait is Dyna and the others here too?" Celia sked as she galanced around and put her arms to her side. She felt smooth leather with ovals cut along the sides and when she looked down that was what she saw. She also toke in the sight of heavy leather combat boots with metal around the front before she looked back towards Sakura.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][U]Real World-[/U] [B]Name:[/B] Celia Roberts [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg9/17.jpg]The one leaning on the steps[/URL] Her normal outfit is a pair of purple cargos and a black tee-shirt with a shiny purple heart on it. Depending on the weather she might wear her white windbreaker. [B]Personality:[/B] Celia is your average happy-go lucky girl. She can be a little ditzy at times but tries to maintain her stupid moments. Though she can never hide her natural clumseness. Sure enough every day she trips, falls flat on her face, drops something, or almost kills herself. Even though she's such a klutz she is actually rather smart, even if her grades don't show it. Her friends all try to keep her on her feet and wouldn't replace for anyone in the world. Celia holds friendship and trust above all else and choses to be loyal no matter what happens. [B]History:[/B] Celia grew upp in a loving and nutruting household were her parents rarely fought. Her childhood friend, Kasey(the one sitting down in the picture), always stood by her side in anything she did. Celia and Kasey always staied together in the hardest of times and looked to eachother for advice, though it was always Celia giving the advice. Kasey's turn to explain cmae after Celia's parents began to fignt more and more each day. Soon both parents sought for a divorce and Celia's perfect family began to fall apart. Her parents fougnt for custody over Celia and her twin brother, [URL=http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy3/10.jpg]Leon[/URL]. The judge ruled that Leon would live with their father and Celia would live with her mother but, Leon also has a joint custody. He would live with his father for two weeks and live with Celia and their mother for two to three weeks. This didn't effect school since the parents lived onl;y three blocks away from eachother. Her brother also plays the game as Leon the Black Heart. [U]Ivalice-[/U] [B]Name:[/B] Celia the Bloody Rose [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg37/ks_010.jpg]Here[/URL] She also wears black leather pants with combat boots overlapping her pants near the bottom. The boot stop at her knees. The leather pants have oval shaped holes running down the side with about an inch between them. The ovals are used for ventailtion and also because they look cool. On her right arm she has a tatto of a red rose with blood falling out from it. [B]Race:[/B] Viera [B]Starting job:[/B] Fencer [B]Weapon:[/B] Djinn Flyssa OOC: BTW great job amgoddess[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]"It was some short of creature from the Realm of the Dead." Azuru said as she glanced over her shoulder at the boy dissappered. Eyes went towads Ziarre who was already on the edge from expirence she had in the morning. "What! Why don't you all just saw it! I have the blood of a traitor flowing through my veins! None of you trust me!" Ziarre shouted out as she ran out of the room and otwards her own sancurary. Phayt looked down and followed Azuru out of the room as she went to comfert Ziarre. Mizu stood her head down with her red hair in fromt of her eyes. Exiting the room Mizu felt a great wave of tiredness rushing over her. Stumbling towards her room she was barley able to make it to her bed before she passed out slumping onto the firm maitress. She entered the dream world. She was flying throught the dream she had in the morning seeing everthing she had dreamed but, it was much faster. All halted as she was standing infront of the corpe that had woken her up. This time she stayed asleep. In a gust of wind that caused Mizu to cover her eyes from debre. When she uncovered her eyes she saw a boy. His hair was long and raven black a white streak raced through the middle of his hair. He looked like he around the same age as Mizu. His body was slumped against a tree looking down at his black boots with a jagged white streak down the sides. When Mizu sucked in a the stale air around her he lifted his head a stared at her with clod sad eyes. His eyes were almost the same color as hers yet, they were a little darker. " Who are you?" He asked in a dry hallowed voice that raised the hairs on Mizu's neck. "Mi..zu." She spoke in a worried voice. [I]I've never spoke in my dreams.[/I] "Mizu. Water. My name is Lazarus. Don't forget now you will here it again." He said with a small grin. Before Mizu could answer she was jerked awake by someone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: don't care who wakes Mizu up.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]OOC: I think people are confused, Hiroshi is [B]NOT[/B] the Hero of Life. THe actually Hero of Life hasn't even posted yet. Hiroshi is a descent of the Hero of Life he has no powers. ~~~~~~ IC: Mizu stood in the doorway and watched as the unfamliar boy intreduced himself as the Hero of Sound. Stepping forward Mizu chuckled causeing Ziarre, Phayt, and the 'Hero of Sound' to turn and look at her. "Hi I'm Jacob the Hero of Sound." The imposter spoke. "Really? Are you?", Mizu asked with a smile. "Ya, why?" The boy looked around. Tilting her towards Ziarre Mizu spoke," Ziarre you can see that this person has shadows within him can't you? I would think that [I]you[/I] would be able to see the turth." "Yes you don't seem like the Hero of Sound." Ziarre spoke. "What?" Phayt asked confused. "Why don't you believe me? I am the Hero of Sound!" Jacob shouted. "No, Azuru is the Hero of Sound." Ziarre spoke. "Hiroshi's getting rusty. We should take care of his mistake or matbe the [B][I]real[/I] [/B] Hero of Sound would like to take out her imperstaner."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]OOC: I'll finsh this when I get the chance. Name: Zeta Blake Age: 13 Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg25/calandergirl01.jpg]Zeta[/URL] Bio: Zeta's lived a normal life with her elder siblings, Coal and Aurora. She loves ice-skating and photography. She looks up to her older brother Coal more than Aurora. She's well reseved and keeps her feeling wrapped up in her smile. Her parents never understand why she comes home with letters from her teachers saying that she beat up another kid or cussed out a teacher. Not even her siblings can figure out their cheerful sister. Zeta stays in her room most of time and only expresses her feelings to Coal. Digimon: [URL=http://www.boesveld.biz/digimon/Digidex/penguinmon.jpg]Penguimon[/URL] Crest: Sorrow, looks like a snowflake Crest Color: Clear Digi-Vice Color: Dark Blue and white[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Name: Maura Trepas Nickname: Hornet Age: 140 Gender: Female Species: Vampire Clan: Zugai Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg53/image5a.jpg]Maura 1[/URL] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg51/image3a.jpg]Maura 2[/URL] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg50/image2a.jpg]Maura 3[/URL] Weapons: Throwing Neddles, Daggers, bow and arrows, and a long sword. Powers: Little telekinesis uses mainly to keep neddles, arrows and daggers on track. Personality: Maura is your basic Zugai with some anger issues. She'll do anything to win and trains consentially. Because of her telekinesis she is either hated by other Zugais or envied. She loves teasing male vampires and humans. She knows that she's strong and isn't afried to hide her strengh. Ready to kill anyone that gets in her way of becoming the strongest in her clan. She hide her emotions untill she's on the battle feild. She's such a strong warrior because if this. Bio: Maura Trepas, her first name mean dark and her last name death. Her mother was killed in a battle while her father lived on training Maura. She shows no regret for the lose of her mother. Her mother lost her life in a proud way. The proudest among the Zugai. Her father protects Maura because he fells to blame for his wifes death. Maura left her father's sheltering hands to join the leaders of Zugai. She bacame an appreantice of one of the leaders. Maura also is in love with one of the Ijuuj soilders and rumors are that she has a child. Other: My spelling sux also so, hope you can stand it. OOC: Tell me if I need to change anything.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Hiroshi walked to the training room and stood beside Kayin staring at Ziarre. The pantoms of her past swirled around her. The truth was he felt sorry for Ziarre having to carry the burden of her ancestor. One shadiow of death floated above Ziarre. Hiroshi closed his eyes and saw the true image of the soul. A beautiful women with long raven hair looked down on Ziarre with a slight smile. That smile quickly vanished as the soul dissappeared. Hiroshi opened his eyes slowly and saw that the phantom had vanished. "Ziarre." Hiroshi spoke in a calm voice. She turned and stared at him hard. "What?" Ziarre spoke in an angered voice. "The Hero of Earth is somewhere in the forest." "So, what about it." "If I remeber I found you in the forest. I believe you know your way around the forest pretty well." "Ya, why?" "I want you lead the team through the forest and find the Hero of Earth. I have a feeling that you like to work alone but, I want you to pick two people to go with you. Pick people you get along with and be carful," Hiroshi added as he turned to leave,"Your ancestor wouldn't want you to get hurt because of her mistakes." Hiroshi left the room and walked down towards Mizu's room. He walked towards her dresser and removed her notebook opening her read what she had wrote this morning. Five minutes later he replaced the book, [I]They are getting worse[/I]. Hiroshi exited the room and walked towards his own room.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Mizu looked towards the voice and saw Azuru. A small smile quickly vanished as she repiled," Hey, Azuru." "Azuru's here now?" Said a male voice in the ajoining room. Mizu glanced towards Azuru and saw her looking around. A tall man with dark brown hair and gentle eyes walked out looking from Mizu to Azuru. He was dressed in a pair of worn blue jeans with a clean blue shirt that matched his eyes perfectly. In his hands he held a tattered white shirt. A wide smile came across his face. "I'm glad you guys actually listen to me. Training after breakfest." "Hiroshi, what are you doing here?" Azuru asked a little angry. "I'm helping Mizu with something. I want you to go back to the kitchen with Mizu. I have an assignment for you guys tonight and I need to pick the team." Mizu and Azuru walked out of the room and headed for the kitchen with confusing thought racing through there minds. ---------- Back in the training room Hiroshi sat down on a metal folding chair. "Another false led. I hope this one is right. I don't know what well happen if I leave the Hero of Earth alone for to long. Its time we went after him. I hope the others are up to this." Standing Hiroshi walked out of the room and slowly headed for the kitchens. ----------- As Mizu and Azuru entered Kayin stood up. "Did you find Hiroshi, Azuru?" Kayin asked. "Ya he was with Mizu." "Hiroshi was hellping me with something and I was helping him also. We'll be looking for the Hero of Earth tonight. In the woods." Mizu said softly as she sat down at the table.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]I'm thinking about creating a Hogwarts RPG. Its going to be a little different with the sign-up and the beginning. I'll be deciding what house characters get to be in based on their personality. And they won't find out untill the sorting to make it more like the books. I'm also thinking about having the characters begin when they get their letter of appsentence to Hogwarts. Or at the Platform Nine and Three-Quarters with the characters thinking about when they first get there letter or talking with other students about the letter. I really want to make this RPG different from other Hogwarts RPGs. I want suggestions from my fellow OBers about what else I could do to make this RPG special. OH, I might allow up to two pets for students. I'll put up the backstory when I finsh writing it and when I get out of my writers block. I'm open to all suggestions![/COLOR]
Thanks the banner is alsome! I like the avi. I guess it was hard to find a good picture. If anyone else wants to give it a try, go ahead.
[COLOR=Indigo]Shocked by the jab from Ziarre Mizu quickly regained her composer and moved a little farter away. She didn't even notice that someone else had entered the room because of her deep train of thought, she had even forgotten were she was. Looking around she saw Azuru walking over to the food line. "You okay? You look a little pale." Ziarre's voice broke Mizu out of her trance. "I'm fine."Mizu said with her cold demeaner lingering on her words. "Why aren't you eating then?" "I'm not hungry and I think I lost my appitite when I saw you." Mizu smirked when she added the last part. Standing up she grabbed a piece of toast and placed the tray in the washing section. As she passed by the table again she saw Azuru filling the spot she just left. Ziarre shot a look of hatred towards Mizu, but she didn't care. Heading towards the training room Mizu ate the toast even though it was hard to swallow.[/COLOR]
Name: Lilex Age: 20 Race: Fairy Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg48/A_14.jpg]Click[/URL] Personality: Lilex is sweet, inocent, kind, and a bit twisted. Her gentle demeaner makes poeple beleive anything she says. Her favorite past time is getting people lost. She has met many humens before and finds them strange and intresting, which is why she tricks them. She hides her malvolent side from the other fairies to protect herself from isolation. Because of her tickster ways she has become friends with some of the pixies who think of her as their own. She thinks on her feet and would save herself before she thinks about others. The only fairy she has respect for is Vyne. She shows her respect by listening to him and his problems.
I need a change of banner and avi since it is the new year. That's my excuse so get over it. Not that I don't like my previous banner and avi set I just found a new love. Orphen from Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. THe anime is alsome and so is the music. Anyway for the avi. I want the Tower of Fang dragon neckleace(excuse the spelling). Nothing else in it execpt my user name, if you can fit it in if not just put BM in small letters. Make the dragon neckleace stand out. For the banner I don't care to much about it I either want Orphen or Magik. Or both of them. Try to get Orphen casting a spell and please but my name on it small so it doesn't overlap the picture. Please and Thank-You!!!
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=6][U][B][CENTER]TABOO[/CENTER][/B][/U] [/SIZE] [COLOR=Navy][B]Taboo[/B][/COLOR] (also tabu) >noun (pl. taboos or tabus) a social or religious custom placing prohibition or restriction on a particular thing or person. >adjective 1 prohibited or restricted by social custom. 2 designated as sacred and prohibited. >verb (taboos, tabooed or tabus, tabued) place under such prohibition. -ORIGIN from Tongan, 'set apart, forbidden'. In every place something is forbidden; these forbidden things are taboo. It can be hard to understand why five simple letters can cause so much hate and sorrow. Everyday somebody is cast out because of something they did, the way they look, their religion. Far away though, in a village they took taboo to the extreme. For there in that very village a group of heros were accused of a crime they did not comment. These heros were the saviors of the village yet, one of these heros was not so hero-like. She began to stray from the set for her and decided to stray from that chosen path. She created a beast that attached and destroyed most of the village. When the rest of the group arrived they were startled to find that one of their own had turned against them. As they watched the beast create chaos they had no idea that they could create such a beast. Once the creator of the beast realized what she had done, she quickly lost control of the beast. The beast went on a rampage and destroyed building by building in mere-seconds. In a fiery blaze the beast killed five of the heros leaving the Hero of Life and Death. The Hero of Death, who had created the beast , stepped forward knowing the only way she could destroy the beast was by scarifying her own life. The Hero of Life watched with sad eyes as his beloved scarified herself to cleanse her soul and for the sake of the innocent lives of the village. In a flash that quickly changed the night to day for an instant; the Hero of Death disappeared with the beast leaving a demolished village with many questions. Like most confused people who are to confused to sit down and listen to reason instead of stating the first thing that came to their minds, The citizens cast an accusing finger at the Hero of Life. He was placed under trail and found guilty of creating the beast and killing the other six heros. The judge sentenced him to be hung of the tallest tree by the shortest rope and to be left there forever as a warning to future generations. Also the mayor made a law that stated, Anyone that with the abilities of any of the seven heros would be banished and/or killed. Thus this law was approved causing many young children to lose their lives by the gallows or by their lack of survival skills. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/COLOR] Ten years later, the descent of the Hero of Life had formed a santray under the village even though he did not posses the abilities that his ancestor had. He found an abandoned warehouse with an elevator that lend to the sewers of the village and built a hidden village for people that were taboo. He thought himself lucky when he found a child with the skills of one of the heros. He then decided to find the other six and train them to use their powers and give them a almost normal life. His name was Hiroshi. Hiroshi had found a few other children that had the skills of the taboo heros but not all of them. He sent spies to the upper village to find children that didn?t fit in or who were on trail. When he got a lead Hiroshi went to the upper village and at night and toke the children away with him. But, at the base of the tree were the Hero of Life was hanged stood a person with the skills of the Hero of Death and Life. That person was the forgotten child of the Hero of Life and Death. That child grew up alone in a separate village and was visited by its parents intill the tragedy that happened ten years ago. The child had witnessed the death of its father and at that moment a deadly flame burned the heart of the child. The child swore revenge on the village and trained for ten years, gathering supporters and creating evil monsters that could kill in seconds. Hiroshi had a feeling that this would happen one day but he never knew when and he didn?t linger on those thoughts. _______________________________________________________________ [COLOR=Indigo]A small child with deep red hair with still wet tears racing down the soft mournful face as she ran away from sticks of fire that were grasped in the hands of citizens of her village. Shouts filled with lust and hatred followed her fading footsteps. "Demon!" "Cursed One!" "Spawn of the Devil!" "Traitor!" "Villian!" The crowd shouted as they threw sticks and stones at the child. Such a way to treat a child of only three years of age. THe dhild stumbled out of the city gates and the noices stopped. Not a sound could be heard, not even the child's sobs of sorrow. In fact as the child went to touch her face she felt dired tears and warm liquid replacing the tears. As she moved her hand away to examine the warm wet matter that was flowing down her face she saw that it was a deep red color. "Blood." Spoke a hollowed voice in the distance. As the child strained to see who had spoken she wished she hadn't. A body hung from a rope. THis was no normal body though. It was gresume, groteste and rotting. As it blew in the wind bits of stinking flesh fell from the decaying body infromt of the child. The wind kept blowing untill it knocked the skeltons eye out of its socket. The eye rolled and stopped turning till it faced the girl. HEr own eyes widened as she opened her mouth. . . ~~~~~~~~~~~ Mizu awoke in a sweat. Jolting up Mizu looked around and wipped her face. Cold to the touch she knocked off a few ice crystals that were oringally sweat, but they became frozen as soon as they left her body. Beginging to feel the warmth return to her body Mizu watched the ice melt and turn into water once again. Leaning down she put a hand on her forehead and sighed. "Again with this dream. Why do I keep having it. I can't bother Hiroshi with MY problems he has inof on his hands with trying to find all the gifted children. We only need to find Earth." Mizu stood and made her bed. Glancing at her flacing clock she took note of the time, five am, and turned of the alram sheulded for six. Opening her door she smiled to see that it was completly silent. Shuting her door Mizu wandered over to her dresser and moved a few shirts out of the way to revile her journel. OPening it to the currnet date she wrote down the time she woke and her dream, or as much as she could remember of it in vivid detal. An hour later, she finshed her writing and returned the book to its hiding place and retreaved her comb. Hearing the awakings of the other residents she began to comb her deep redish brown hair. Once she finshed getting her hair just right Mizu pulled out her jeans and shirt. Stripping off her bed shirt and putting on her bra and shirt Mizu reached for her dark grey sweatshirt and pulled it over her burgendy shirt. After pulling on her worn black jeans she smiled at her dark appearence and worked on putting on her sneakers. [/COLOR] _______________________________________________________ OOC: I have finally started it. In your first post have your characters normal morning retuin and the wake up call is at six am if your intrested. HAve fun and I really hope this stays alive.
[COLOR=Indigo]"Damn it Phoenix. I know I cut you but come on, why slam me into a wall?" Zet yelled at him angrly. When she heard no reply she continued,"Night said no cottaral dammage remeber and now you broke a wall. Hey, Pheonix are you listening to me?", Looking down at the rubble surrounding her Zet spoke to herself this time, "Since when did Pheonix call me half-breed. I didn't think he knew being such a moron and all. Well he did get one thing wrong. I'm not your normal half-breed I'm two-thirds demon. Nothing to be proud of though." Zet rambled on untill Ranpu sat next to her. [I][COLOR=DarkOrchid]True, the Pheonix is not the same. But his is no moron.[/COLOR] I wonder why he's so different. He seems possessed. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I wonder that too, but we must return to the task at hand.[/COLOR] Everyone's already evacated. I should report back to Night. He'll want to know about Pheonix. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]You do have a brain.[/COLOR] Har-har. You know I'm begining to think some else is out there. Something much more powerful than Boru. Ick, remind me not to say that name again. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Can I hit you if you do?[/COLOR] No.[/I] Standing up Zet ran towards the new hideout with information that could possibly be of value. To bad she had to tell Night about the damage. OOC: This most likely the last post from me for the next two weeks. Please keep my chara. alive. My mum's late the rest of the week so I can't get on in the mornings. Maybe in the afternoon when I get home from school if my dad ain't home.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Zet sat beside Ranpu with her head down. Her raven black hair fell infront of her face. She had escaped with Night and the others though she didn't know why they were running intill she heard Night's roaring voice, " I HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT ZIARRE! IS YOUR NEW FOUND STRENGTH REALLY WORTH THIS DESTRUCTION!?" Ranpu sencing her sorrow licked her face only to be pushed away with a freezing hand. "If you a don't know already Ziarre has betreyed us for power. We're out numbered but, we may be able to win if we get her back. WE need somebody strong and who also knows Ziiarre, who has a close bond with her." Night spoke calmly yet Zet could here the anger and sadness in his voice. She knew that he never thought that one of his hunters would join the other side. As she glannce up she saw all the hunter's eyes on her. "Night, I have a request." Zet said in a worried voice. Night had never seen Zet this way before and didn't know what to make of it. "What is it Zet?" "I don't want to fight Ziarre." "You'll have to! She's our enemy now. So, sooner or later your going to face in a battle you that better than anyone." Night repiled angrly. "I know, but Ziarre was like a sister me. No, she was like the mothert I never had. You know my mother was killed when I was three. Ziarre was always there for me, she protected me, comferted me, everything. If I fight her I won't be able to fight at my full strengh. I'm sorry Night I just can't. Please try to understand." "Zet..." Phoenix said with concen as he reach towards her. "Don't touch me!" Zet said with an unfamilar fury. She hit him away and gglnaced at her hand to see blood on her nails that had grew to claws." Damn." Ranpu hunched over Zet licking her hand.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Zera smiled all the other people seemed nice. She deiced to tell the truth about why she was here instead of lying like she always tended to do. As she glanced towards her Umbreon, who she had dubbed Yang, she badan to speak. "I'm Zera Itamese and if my last name rings a bell its probley because my family is renowned for breeding dark and some ghost pokemon. They're kinda masters with with both. THough I have met some trainers who are pretty skilled with dark pokemon and even more who are masters with ghost. One twin brother being one of them. This quiet fellow is Yang, my very first pokemon who, started as an Eevee." Yang shifted towards Zera and crouched infront of her, growling a bit. Looking down Zera countioned, "Yang's pertective. But, inof about my family and Yang. Time for me to tell you all why I'm here and who I am exactally. Basiclly I'm here to start another Eevee Ranch. I have one in Jotho, Kanto, and Hoen. My roots are in Jotho along with my history, but that's my business. I'm a champion double battler. Which means I'm the best at fighting with two pokemon at the same time. I spend most of my life reserching Eevees and evotlion. If you wanna know what pokemon are around my belt you'll have to either pay attention OR battle me. Which ever, doesn't matter, though I perfer double battles. I'll sum up my life in three sentence. I was born. I grew up. So, now I'm here." As Zera sat down Yang jumped into the chair next to her placing his head on her lap. Zera petted his smooth black head to recieve to comferting purs that calmed her nerves. OOC: I'll try to post as often as I can, but I might not get an chance because I'm grounded. I hope my post was okay and if you have any problems with any of my posts P.M me. JUst for information here are the genders of my pokemon: Umbreon (Male), Espeon (Female), Jolton (Male), Vaporion (Female), Flareion (Female), Eevee (Male). THey're also in order that she obationed them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]OOC: Sounds intresting. [B]Name:[/B] Zeta [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Country of Origin:[/B] Central Asia( the Himalyas to be exact) [B]Companion:[/B] ? [B]Race:[/B] Snow Leoperd [B]Talents:[/B] Zeta's speed is out of the ordinary. She practally defines the phrase, " Run like the wind". Her fighting skills are normal but, she's not really a fighter unless she feels the need to. For example, when someone attacks her or her friends and of course when it comes to food. Being a nartrual born hunter Zeta can take down any game within a few minutes, depending on the size. [B]Personality:[/B] Zeta has a peaceful nature and will only attack if something attacks her first. She's a great comferter and will listen to anyones problems. Her heart is a big as her home country which makes her very caring. Yet for every pro there's a con. Zeta has a few anger issues. For one thing she goes berserk if she is hurt to bad or if she overworks herself. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Andes/4613/sl/sl01.jpg]Zeta[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] Living in the harsh winter climate made Zeta tohugh even though she doesn't act that way. Her pack travels with the food soure so she never stays in one place for long. Zeta tends to go her own thing during group hunts which angers her parents. Because her pack moved so much she never had time to get used to a place, meaning that she has never gone to a place that she loved. Even when she was born the pack move only three days after her mother, Kicera, gave birth to her.This cause Zeta to become sick. She was sick that she almost died. Had it not been for the nomadic humans who saved her she would of died. Since then Zeta has shown compassion towards humans, one reason being that she could understand their language. Keeping this to herself, as to prevent a lowering in her status since it had been lowered already for contact with the human race, Zeta began to wonder if living with a human was really so bad. Was there a place were she could live with humans? Without being shunned by her own kind? An elder that had also made contact with humans dilvered a message to her, telling her of a perfect place were humans and animals could get along. But, in order to enter this world she must abondon all that she loves and join a human who can hear her. A human who can hear her pain, who can hear her happiness, and wno can hear her sorrows. When she heard of this Eutopia from the dying elder she decided to set out for this place. This wonderful Sanctuary. [B]Items:[/B] Silver colar and leg bracers( smilliar to [URL=http://www.havenonline.com/moas/a_s_2002/P4060024.JPG]these[/URL] ecept they're silver and wrap around the area of the leg below the knee) with sapphires embrored. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]OOC: Sry if I spell pokemon names wrong. I'll finsh this asp. [B]Name:[/B] Zera Itamese [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg29/lain7.jpg]*clinking sound*[/URL] [B]Personallity:[/B] Zera possess the skill to be calm in the most hectic situatons, which can be creppy at times. She's very sensitive though and has anger mangegment issues and it dosen't take much to knock her off the deep end. She is also very misdevous and like to take long walks with Yang when she gets mad or has a tough desion to make. Zera has a strong bond with Yang and they have been through alot together. [B]History:[/B] Zera's family breeds dark pokemon and were a little dissappointed when she caught an Eevee. Yet, when it evoled into and Umbreon they soon changed their opions. After Zera bounded with Yang see grew to love the whole Eevee family and wanted to breed them. Her parents were angry but, encourged her dream. When Zera found another Eevee she trained it entill it evolved into an Espeon. Breeding these two together she soon had all of the different evoltions of Eevee. She left her twin brother, Zeke, in charge of her Eevee ranch when she heard of the new discovery. Zera has trained her pokemon together and become a master a double battles, even going far inof to name her pokemon's attack patterns. [B]Pokemon:[/B] Eevee, Jolton, Vaporion, Flareion, Umbreon(Yang)first pokemon), Espeon [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Thanks for fixing your sign-up Jagan. I still need a fire and earth hero and the baddie(if you want to sign-up as his/her underlings be my guest other wise he/she can have other power that I will p.m to them) but, if I can't get at least two of those spots filled I'll start this in two weeks. Have to work around my mum. Yet again grounded. Or I'll start it sometime this week. I hope people do sogn-up though. Anyway thanks to all thoughs that have signed-up.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]zet walked back into the room with her hands behind her neck. Sighing she sat down across from Chole and Arora. " Did your parents say it was okay for you to stay?" Arora asked. "No." Zet repiled calmly. "Then your leaving?" Arora questioned. "No." "What! Zet not be rude but, I thought your parents said that you couldn't stay?" Chole repied shocked. "Chole, Chole, Chole. In all the years you've known me, have [I]I[/I] ever listened, or given a thought, to what my rents say?" Zet said will she stood up. "No, but." "Oh get over it." Zet said angrly as she stormed off leaving Arora and Chole bafled. Zet walked outside the shire and sat on the top steep sighing. "Why does my life have to suck so much. And why do I have to give everyone a hard time. I hate my life, no! I hate myself. Lowering her head she saw the same white cat she had seen before. It was running up the steeps and as it passed Zet she grabbed it. "Ah! I'm sorry! Please forgive me! OH, and don't hurt me!" "Why would I hurt you?" "Well your Mercury and Ra told me that you would hurt me." "Oh well, I wouldn't hurt you." "Why?" "Because, I wanna hurt Ra not you." "Oh well don't hurt my brother to bad. By the way my name's Iris." "Neat, mines Zet. Come on lets go inside." "Okay!" The cat said and curled up on Zet's head. Sighing Zet headed back into the shire. OOC: I hope this comes back to life.[/COLOR]