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[COLOR=Indigo]Zet stood in the hallway using her rune to cloak herself. She had seen Ziarre walk into her room and also how Shirow lunged at her. Sliding down the wall she shighed and uncloaked herself.[I] I remeber when Shirow used to attack me.[/I] Ranpu slinked over to her and placed his head on Zet's arm. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]I don't understand why your upset.[/I][/COLOR] Looking away Zet stood and started to follow Night's footsteps but then stopped when she remebered his harsh voice. [I]It doesn't matter Ranpu, I'm just trying to do something I know is wrong.[/I] Ranpu sat on his hanches and looked at Zet. [I][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Really and what are you trying to do?[/COLOR][/I] Shaking her head Zet looked down and glanced at Ziarre's door. [I]I wonder what's wrong with Ziarre?[/I] [I][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Don't change the topic Zet.[/COLOR][/I] Smiling Zet walked over to Ziarre's door and touched the door knob only to retract in quickly. "Ow, it's hot!", then looking at Ranpu she frowned," Ranpu I'm going in but you have to stay here okay?" Ranpu nodded and curled up on the floor. Zet activated her rune and slinked under the door and before she could deactivate it she heard Ziarre's voice. "Rath why do I have to be so weak?" Zet's eyes widened and she realeased her shadow cloak. "Ziarre, I don't think your weak." Zet started to activate her rune when Ziarre's eyes met hers and made Zet stop and lower her hands to her side. [/COLOR]
" I'm cool with that." Zet said as she looked around at the now wreaked cafe. " Okay I'm gonna call my mom if your coming Zet." Arora nodded as she pulled out her cell phone. Zet walked over to the cat that called itself Ra and stared at it. " Do you have a problem?" Ra asked as he tilted his head. " Ya how can you talk? I mean there's no scienctific thoery that animals can talk. So how can you?" " I'm not sure I just can." " Really? Can you hear what other cats say?" " Sometimes... wait why are you asking all the questions?" " You are you?" " What! I'm Ra a desent of Luna! I don't understand these questions!" " Wait correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't Ra an eygptian(sp?) god of the sun and Luna basiclly means moon?" " Seems your not so dumb after all." Ra said. " Ya... Wait you stupid cat! I swear if you weren't an animal I would turn you into pulp!" " Zet leave him alone!" Chole shouted. " Fine!" Zet huffed and crossed her arms still staring at the cat.
[COLOR=Indigo]ooc: been grounded. Zet sat in on the crates and watched Cold being engulfed in blue flames. Scanning the area she saw no sight of the spirt. When Zet stood up she looked down and saw that her legs were shaking. [I]This isn't the time. I can't worry about death. Ziarre wouldn't.[/I] Matialiing her spear Zet lunged at Cold using the little bit of ice magic she could summen and formed it at the tip of the spear. Cold was still encased in the fire though, Zet had a feeling that he knew what was going on. Casting off her shadow cloak Zet jumped and slashed downward at the demon. She heard her metal hit metal a nd knew that she had failed in stricking him. " Demoness, I've grown tired of your silly trick and of this pointless battle. So now it is time to finsh it." " I to am bored with this fight," she laughed," Never thought I'd say I was bored with fighting. Well lets finsh this." Zet said as she wiped the cold, wet, red liquid that was dripping from her shoulder. [I]I have to finsh this soon other wise my human blood is going to run out. I already feel my demon side growing.[/I] " So a battle that will only end when one of us falls to ground dead." Cold said deeply. " Yes. And I won't be the one to fall." " HA! I dout that! Now prepare to die demoness!" " Don't call me that! I wouldn't spend my last word shouting insults!"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Zet moved her hand and watched it shake, Ranpu had healed her wound and was able to draw out most of the posion. In the slince Zet heard a pop and a sword being pulled out of a sheeth. Keeping her cool Zet began to draw another rune, when her phone vibrated. She let it ring and when she finshed her drawing in the ice the phone stopped. Zet had learned the hard way to turn her phone on silent when she was on a inforomation gatering mission.Zet then grapped the phone and listened to Night's voice. Sighing Zet turned to Ranpu and stared at her with sad eyes. [I]Ranpu.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]What do wish of me?[/I][/COLOR] [I]I need you to go to Raglad.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]That place in the slums? Why?[/I][/COLOR] [I]Yes and becaues I can't leave here. There's still one of them left.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]Okay, do you want me to send help?[/I][/COLOR] [I]NO! I can do this on my own.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]Okay but, call me if you get in trouble. And I won't let them know anything that happened here. You can tell Night about the child.[/I][/COLOR] After Ranpu said that she raced out of the building and towards the slums with a note from Zet in her mouth that said, [B]Night sorry. I can't make it to the slums and please don't send anybody else here. And don't worry the summoning was just a couple of demons having fun. Oh ya and I haven't damaged anything yet. I'll be back before the sun comes up. And don't send Ranpu back. Try to take care of her till I get back, I don't want her to get hurt.[/B] Zet stood up and braced herself for an attack. " Whoever's there come out! And don't underestmate me! I'm a whole lot strong than I look!" Zet shouted as she loosened a few neddles.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Zet grinned when she heard her mission even though Night did insult her but, it didn't really matter to her. That was just his opinion not hers even though that she knew she was a bit of a clutz. Zet walked to the barn and pull out her motorcyle, reveeded it up and climbed on it. Ranpu jumped in the side seat and Zet speed off towards the tech industry district. After a few minutes zet had reached the outsirts of the district. She parked her bike in an ally and walked slowly down the emtpy streets. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]What do you want me to do?[/I][/COLOR] When Zet heard Ranpu's voice she jumped from the sudden sound in the queitness. [I]Ummm? Why don't you do a search? I'm gonna go to that building.[/I] Zet said and pointed as Ranpu and Zet seperated. Zet soon came across a abadoned builing with the revolting smell of demons lingering in the air. Activating her Shadow Rune, Zet faded with the shadows and creap towards the enterence. Once in she saw what Night had predicted, a summoning. As Zet stepped closer she saw something on tied to a pole, [I]A child![/I] Zet moved towards the child but something grabbed her turning around quickly Zet saw the face of the demon. " Hey fella's this girls got demon blood. But what's this there's a bit of human blood in her! Lets see if you can get ride of it!" When the demon said the last sentence he pulled out a long sharp dagger covered in blood stains. Zet guessed this demon was the one who was summoning because of his skill to detect her demon blood. As the dagger neared her skin Zet leaned down and knocked his legs out from under his body. The dagger slipped and scratched Zet's skin. A gasp of pain escaped as Zet threw a seires of neddles at the demons that were now surrounding her. The demons dropped dead but more came out of the portal. [I]I need to close that portal! Ranpu I need you![/I] In a flash the snow leoperd appeared and cast a spell to dispact the demons. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]What do you need me for?[/I][/COLOR] [I]I need you to close that portal with the strongest ice cap you can make.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]But demons use fire magic and that would...[/I][/COLOR] " Just do it!" Zet shouted and Ranpu nodded and rushed off to go to work. Zet keep the demons at bay by slashing at them with her cyber spear and throwing random neddles. Zet hoped over to the ice cap thatr Ranpu had created and using a neddle she craved a rune into the ice. The area grew silent and the demons dissappeared. The one that had cut her ran up and grapped the child and ran out of the building. When Zet tried to run after him she noticed that she couldn't move. That dagger must of have paralizing posion. [I]" Let's stay hear for a bit intill this crap wears off Ranou."[/I] Zet said sadly. Ranpu nodded and licked the wound.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Zet rode her motorcyle to Angel's Cafe thinking what a stupid name it was. For one thing a jerk worked the couter and the place was to small and always crowded. Sighing Zet remarked," Great I'm in a mood. Faboulous! Not!" Zet saw a lot of unfamiliar building and after a while she realized that she toke a wrong turn, becoming more angry she turned around and drove in the correct direction of Angel's Cafe. After a while Zet ended up infront of the cafe and parked her bike and walked in. Jacob watched her walk in and followed Zet with his eyes. Zet huffed and walked over to the couter and stared back at him. " In a bad mood?" " Shut the hell up." " I guess that's a yes, your friends are in the back." " Thanks. I guess." " What do you mean by that?" " I mean it's obious that they're back there. They always sit there. Dumb-***." " God, your in one heck of a mood. You want a drink to come your nerves." " No! Have a nice day!" Zet stromed off and walked over to the table were the girls were sitting one girl didn't look familiar though.As she came closer her dark cloud faded as she saw glowing plant signs on all of the girls faces. " Hey Zet! I'm guessing that you know about the symbol of Mercury on your forehead right?" Chloe said. " Ya, I know I'm not even going to point out the obvious by asuming that you guys know about your symbols and that this is what this whole meeting is about." Zet huffed. " Do you have other plans?" The unfamiler girl asked. The others looked at Zet. " No", Zet said stonly as she pulled out a chair and sat down," So, who's the new meat?" The new girl looked around and then realized that Zet was talking to her," Oh, I'm Ailiyah. You are?" " Zetsumei Ronu. But you can calll me Zet. Actully you don't really have a choice in that, cause if you call me by my full name more than two times I'll pound you into the street and run over your body with my bike. Got it?" Zet said strenly and tilted her head. Ailiyah nodded and gulped. " I'm gonna go get a water from the dumb-***." Zet added as she stood up and walked back over to the counter smiling.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][B]Name:[/B] Mizu Azuka [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg29/lain7.jpg]*clicking noice*[/URL] [B]Personalty:[/B] Mizu is a very angry person, and will attck without hessition. She dosen't care about anybodies feeling and hates socializing. It takes a while for Mizu to become used to somebody and even longer to start being friendly. One of the few people that she is comfertable with is Azuru though that dosen't mean she isn't rude to her. Mizu has major anger mangement problems and will lash out at anybody if they annoy her or talk to much. Mizu normally stays away from new people and to relive strees or just for fun she tends to go running. Her ice cold-sad eyes hide a troubled and painful past. [B]Bio:[/B] Mizu has lived at the underground sanctuary since she was three. Which is one of the reasons she is so cold to outsiders. Mizu dosen't remember any happy moments from her past and can't remember the last tiime she smiled. Her parents feared her and yet, they cared to much about her to report her. So they put her on the streets and came to her every night to take care of her in secret. One night though they didn't come and by then Mizu was three and able to walk. As she wandered the streets she saw a hanging taking place. When she got close inof to see who was being hung she saw her mother and father's bodies hanging limp with ropes around their necks. As she stifled a cry she heard the people around her talking about why her parents were hung on the gallows. They said it was because they were thought to be members of a underground society that keep crimanals safe. Luckly the adults around her did not noticed her as she stumbled through the scattering crowd. When Mizu walked outside the village gates, she didn't realize that she had, she sone came to a tree. When she looked up she saw something that changed her forever, a skelton with a sign around its neck. Mizu couldn't read the sign but she had heard of this man that was hung. Hudling down Mizu tried to cry but couldn't after a few hours a sturdy hand landed on her shoulder. When she looked up she saw a comferting face, something she hadn't seen in a long time. THe man toke her to the underground sanctuary and explained everything to her even though she was only three. She is very close to Hiroshi because of his kindness to her and also how he protects her from the other residents of the underground sanctuary and from the new members. [B]Hero of:[/B] Water [B]Weapon(s):[/B] [URL=http://h-kamui.hp.infoseek.co.jp/gal/cg/aoi02.jpg]Cyber Spear[/URL](freezes objects on contact), throwing needles dipped in poison, and a set of daggers in varied sizes. [B]Magic:[/B] Razor Mist- Water vapor in the air cuts the enemy as the move around. Ice Dagger/Blade- Fires chunks of ice at enemy or turns water vaper into many blades made of ice that follows enemy intill they make contact. Frozen Mirror- Acts as a sheild and attack. Can sends most magic or spells back towards user. Ice Tornado- Gusts of frozen winds mixed with snow and ice charges down oppenet and destroys anything in its path. Once it is created Mizu can't stop it, and it has to wear its self down. That's why Mizu dosen't use it very often. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]OOC: Thoses sign-ups are great! I'm glad you like my idea amgoddess and ssjSolarPrinces your sign-up is fine. Please tell your friends on OB about yhis rpg. I really want to make it happen.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Zet raced to gym class and when she got there she was almost out of breath. Mr. Hiroshima didn't mark her tardy for some reason that arossed questions but, they didn't linger once the he started the warm-up. Zet glanced around and saw that they would be climbing ropes today. [I]Great, this day went from great to crap in a few seconds.[/I] After the warm-up Mr.Hiroshima sent all the students to the ropes execpt Zet. Mr. Hiroshima called Zet over, she figured it was about being late. " Miss Ronu I was windering if you would be intrested in joining the track team here." Mr.Hiroshima asked. " What why?" Zet questioned. " Well your speed is quite impressive." " I guess I'll think about it." " Great now go join the others in rope climbing." Mr.Hiroshima said with a smile and walked off. Zet stood in line behind the other students and waited her turn to climb the rope. When it was finally her turn she gripped the rope with both hands and pulled herself up. Pushing up with her legs and pulling with her arms Zet was almost at the bell when her phone started vibrating as Zet removed one hand from the rope. She slipped down the rope and let go as when her hands started burning about ten feet from the ground and hit the hard mats. A few students leaned over her and Mr.Hiroshima also came running. " Are you okay Miss. Ronu?" He asked in a rushed tone. Zet sat up and nodded that she was okay but, the teacher insited that she go to the nurse. As Zet walked outside and saw that the school day was almost over and went into the bathroom to wet her face. When she opened the door a white cat slinked out of the bathroom. It stopped and sat down staring at Zet's forhead tilting its head. In a flash the cat darted away as Zet entered the bathroom. She walked over to the sink and turned on the water when she placed her hand under the water it turned clod as ice. Zet shot her hand back and looked in the mirror, she gasped and put her hand over her forehead. She slowly removed it and saw the symbol of Mercury on her forehead; suddently Zet remembered the message on her phone and searched for the text message when she found it she read it, [I]Hey guys. It's Chloe here. Can we meet up after school? At Angel's Cafe? Come if you can. It's urgent![/I] Zet knew Chloe didn't fool around, much. Zet cheacked her watch and saw that school was over and after she checked her forehead, Zet saw that it was gone and ran out of the bathroom and down the hallway to her motorbike and climbed on, speeding off.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]This is my storybook were I shall post my recent stories(aka. my babies). I would like constructive criticism and ideas for a title and for improvement. I hope that all that read this first chapter enjoy it greatly. [CENTER][SIZE=3][U][B]Chapter 1[/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER] Kotka sighed deeply as he stared out his large upper-story window. This is sooo boring! I hate this. The peaceful land of Musou had been a little to peaceful, not that he hated things being at peace actually, Kotka encouraged peace. He hated it when Musou had wars between other neighboring nations. Standing up and brushing off his midnight blue slacks, Kotka opened his solid oak door and walked down the stone hallways of his father?s castle. His footsteps echoed along the way along with many servants who were running about trying to stay on schedule. As Kotka walked past the library doors, he noticed that they were ajar, stepping toward the open door a loud voice boomed out, ? He?s not fit to run a country Kanna!? Sifting so that Kotka could the conversion but, not be seen ,he crouched, ears opened, to hear what his mother?s reply would be to his father. ? Dona, this is just a stage. Kotka will move on soon.? His mother?s soothing voice replied. ? But what if it?s not! Hmm? Then what!? ? But, what is it, is? You never know until you give him a chance.? ? You know it?s all your fault that the boys a damn tree-hugger!? ? Don?t talk that way about my son! I never taught him to be like that!? ? He?s my son too! Do you know that he still flinches at the sight of blood?! Now tell me how is that going to help him run a country! I have to see blood every day!? ? I don?t know. I told you it?s most likely a stage.? ? You know what I bet it?s that darn Hikaru?s fault!? ? Now your becoming irrational! Hikaru has nothing to do with the way he turned out. Why not let Kenji take the throne instead?!? ? Because he?s power hungry. He?ll ruin this land and, I much rather have a pansy run Musou instead of a dominating dictator!? Smirking Kanna said,? Admit it you favor Kotka over Kenji.? ? So what if I do! Kotka has skill, when they?re need. He has the makings of a brilliant leader. I?ve seen his royal blood come out; it?s marvelous how he can quickly take control. A few more your years of strict training and schooling and I believe he could become the greatest king Musou has ever had!? Kotka never heard his father?s kind words of praise. Once he had heard his brother?s name Kotka raced through the many maze like corridors and stumbled into the sun drenched courtyard of the castle. Slaming his fist onto the stone rail Kotka screamed angrily,? Why do I have to be so, so imperfect! Even mother is deep down ashamed to have me as a son.? Kotka rage was so harsh that he didn?t notice the warm, red liquid gathering in a pool on the stone rail. Racing out of the courtyard as fast as he could Kotka soon slammed into someone. As Kotka looked up to see who he had run into he stopped. A tall, beautiful raven black haired girl, who looked around fifteen, stared down at him, she was dressed in black, red with few splashes of white. A short black skirt was set off by a red silver studded belt, her tanned stomach was reviled by a red tank top with a short black vest like thing resting at the bottom line of the tank top. A pair of loose red gloves overlapped a pair of skin tight black gloves that went up a little past her elbow and opened up a bit towards the top, the added silver buckle near the top match the dog collar she wore around her neck along with her skin tight black tights that stopped about five inches from the bottom of her skirt. ? Hey, watch were going. You do know that your fist is bleeding.? She asked in a voice that was at first stern but, then mellowed down. ? What! Oh carp it is!? Kotka?s face began to turn white as he stared at the flowing blood. As he looked back towards the castle he frowned ,remembering his father?s words, the girl grabbed his hand and out of nowhere she pulled out a piece of white cloth and wrapped it around his hand. ? Th..thanks.? Kotka said shocked. ? No prob. Just don?t go slamming your body parts into to many solid objects to often or you?ll break something.? She tilted her head and smiled then turned around and continued on her way, her short white high-heels carrying her along. Kotka yelled after her,? Hey, what?s your name?? ?Ask me some other time! I?m late for work.? She shouted back and ran off down the busy street dodging professionally between the crowds of women and children. Kotka sighed and looked around: as he looked around he noticed that he was still on the ground. He stood up and was glad that he was wearing a white shirt. The heat was intense and overwhelming, this had to be the hottest day in Musou. Out of nowhere burst a pink haired girl dressed in red lunged out at Kotka. ? Kotka! What are you doing out here?? The girl asked with a wide smile. She moved a piece of hair behind her ear so that joined the rest of her shoulder-length hair. ? Hikaru! What a surprise.? Kotka smiled back. ? You didn?t answer my question Kotka.? Hikaru said angrily and stamped her tan boot. ? Sorry. I went out for walk.? ? Great then you won?t mind if I drag you along on one of my pointless adventures!? ? Wait, no...!? Before Kotka could finish Hikaru had grabbed his hand and dragged him off towards her house. Hikaru dragged him deep into the crowds soon, they entered the bazar and mouth-watering scents filled the air. Shopkeepers haggled about prices and mothers yelled at their children for running off or grabbing at items for sale. After what seemed like a hundred hours they finally reached Hikaru?s home. __________________________________________________ Please leave comments, I plan to enter it in a contest at my school and I'd like some opinions from my fellow OBers.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Zet had her head under the bed when Selino knocked on the door. Ranpu quickly ran to the door and opened it as Zet was completly oblvious too any sounds at the moment. " Miss Zetsumei, Master Night would like to... what are you doing with your head stuck under the bed?" Selino asked puzzled. Zet shot her head up quickly without removing it from under the bed and slammed her head under the bed. As she pulled her throbing head out from under the bed she grasped it to ease the pain. " Damn it, Selino don't you knock?" Zet complained as Ranpu walked over and licked Zet's head. When Ranpu licked her head a icy chill spread over Zet's head numbing the pain. [COLOR=Blue][I]He did knock but, you were to busy trying to find that book you borrowed from Night.[/I][/COLOR] Ranpu said telopathily as she curled up by Zet. [I]Oh.[/I] " You have a foul mouth Miss Zetsumei ", Selino started to say but was cut off by Zet. " [B]I[/B] told [B]you[/B] that my name is [B]Zet[/B] not, that dumb name you've been calling me by. It's a demon's name that means death at least Zet isn't so bad." Zet snapped angerly but, quickly cooled down as she said the last part that was ment for her. Sighing Selino countioned," Miss [B]Zet[/B] I have other Hunters to talk too, so I you need to report to Master Night's room." Zet raised her hand and saluted to Selino army stlye and repiled," Yes Mr. Selino,sir! I will complte the task you set for me with flying colors." Selino nodded and left the room and as he sut the door he chuclked to himself as he walked down the hallway to inform the other Hunters. Back in Zet's room she toke another glance under the bed and frowned. " Where did I put that Rune Book? Crap Night is going to kill me if I don't find it." Zet rambled to herself as she paced the floor. Suddently she tripped and fell onto the floor and scrapped her elbow. " Ow! What tripped me?", Zets face widened," Yes, the book! I found the god-**** book so lets go Ranpu!" Zet grabbed the book and ran out of the room almost running into the wall across the hall. Ranpu followed her down the hall to the heavy oak doors that lead to Night's room. Slidding to a stop Zet lightly hit the doors base with her foot and fell down but, jumped back up quickly. Zet dusted herself off and knocked on the door with Ranpu next to her. Zet waited with the anicent Rune Book in her hands as she sat on the floor with her back to the wall beside the doors. Ranpu curled up again and waited with Zet for their turn to hear their assinment.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=6][U][B][CENTER]TABOO[/CENTER][/B][/U] [/SIZE] [COLOR=Navy][B]Taboo[/B][/COLOR] (also tabu) >noun (pl. taboos or tabus) a social or religious custom placing prohibition or restriction on a particular thing or person. >adjective 1 prohibited or restricted by social custom. 2 designated as sacred and prohibited. >verb (taboos, tabooed or tabus, tabued) place under such prohibition. -ORIGIN from Tongan, 'set apart, forbidden'. In every place something is forbidden; these forbidden things are taboo. It can be hard to understand why five simple letters can cause so much hate and sorrow. Everyday somebody is cast out because of something they did, the way they look, their religion. Far away though, in a village they took taboo to the extreme. For there in that very village a group of heros were accused of a crime they did not comment. These heros were the saviors of the village yet, one of these heros was not so hero-like. She began to stray from the set for her and decided to stray from that chosen path. She created a beast that attached and destroyed most of the village. When the rest of the group arrived they were startled to find that one of their own had turned against them. As they watched the beast create chaos they had no idea that they could create such a beast. Once the creator of the beast realized what she had done, she quickly lost control of the beast. The beast went on a rampage and destroyed building by building in mere-seconds. In a fiery blaze the beast killed five of the heros leaving the Hero of Life and Death. The Hero of Death, who had created the beast , stepped forward knowing the only way she could destroy the beast was by scarifying her own life. The Hero of Life watched with sad eyes as his beloved scarified herself to cleanse her soul and for the sake of the innocent lives of the village. In a flash that quickly changed the night to day for an instant; the Hero of Death disappeared with the beast leaving a demolished village with many questions. Like most confused people who are to confused to sit down and listen to reason instead of stating the first thing that came to their minds, The citizens cast an accusing finger at the Hero of Life. He was placed under trail and found guilty of creating the beast and killing the other six heros. The judge sentenced him to be hung of the tallest tree by the shortest rope and to be left there forever as a warning to future generations. Also the mayor made a law that stated, Anyone that with the abilities of any of the seven heros would be banished and/or killed. Thus this law was approved causing many young children to lose their lives by the gallows or by their lack of survival skills. [COLOR=Navy]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/COLOR] Ten years later, the descent of the Hero of Life had formed a santray under the village even though he did not posses the abilities that his ancestor had. He found an abandoned warehouse with an elevator that lend to the sewers of the village and built a hidden village for people that were taboo. He thought himself lucky when he found a child with the skills of one of the heros. He then decided to find the other six and train them to use their powers and give them a almost normal life. His name was Hiroshi. Hiroshi had found a few other children that had the skills of the taboo heros but not all of them. He sent spies to the upper village to find children that didn?t fit in or who were on trail. When he got a lead Hiroshi went to the upper village and at night and toke the children away with him. But, at the base of the tree were the Hero of Life was hanged stood a person with the skills of the Hero of Death and Life. That person was the forgotten child of the Hero of Life and Death. That child grew up alone in a separate village and was visited by its parents intill the tragedy that happened ten years ago. The child had witnessed the death of its father and at that moment a deadly flame burned the heart of the child. The child swore revenge on the village and trained for ten years, gathering supporters and creating evil monsters that could kill in seconds. Hiroshi had a feeling that this would happen one day but he never knew when and he didn?t linger on those thoughts. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][U][B]SIGN-UP[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] Name: simple Age: 12 - 18 Gender: simple Appearance: pic. Or written. Personalty: try to keep these varied people. I don?t want every one to be loners or what nots. Bio: not mandatory but please write a few decent sentences. I manly want to know it your chara. has been at the underground village or has lived on top and not been found yet. I want theses to be about equal. Hero of: Life, Death, Water(taken), Fire, Light(includes lighting and thunder), Earth, and Sound( can have thunder)if signing-up for Hiroshi omit this. Weapon(s): max three Magic: max five [COLOR=Navy]_____________________________________________[/COLOR] If you have any questions p.m me. I need somebody to play the child of Life and Death; the child can be a boy or girl whichever and they have both skills. That doesn?t mean that the hero of life or death are taken. I'll post my sign-up later and just for info I'm the hero of water and the first hero that Hiroshi found. I need somebody to play Hiroshi also.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Zeke stared at a diemsbled alarm clock which did work intill, she knocked it off her bedside table when she tried to hit the snooze button. Shighing she started puting the peices together when a boar like animal, with a puff of clouds in place of its hind legs, floated over her head and landed on the desk where she was working. " What do you want Tapirmon?" Zeke moaned without lifting up her head. " Do you have to so col? Its not my fault that your clock fell, anyway I was trying to get you up before the annoying thing started crying. And now you killed it." Zeke shook her head and said drone-like," Tapirmon how many times do I have to tell you, machines can't die. They just break and get fixed in a few days." " So they still feel the pain". " No they don't! They are not alive!" Zeke yelled. " Fine, but you don't have to scream at me." Zeke said softly," Sorry Tapirmon", As Zeke twisted the final screw into the clock she continued," I'm just tired. There done." She put the clock back in its normal spot and grabbed Tapirmon from the air and hugged him. " Oww! Your hurting me!" Tapirmon squirmed. " Zeke." A male mono-toned voice said. Zeke looked around and released Tapirmon from her hold. She looked at the speaker and saw the man that had reciruted her staring at her with his same cold, hard eyes. " Yes, sir." Zeke said calmly as she tried not to blink. " Your need to report to Briefing Room Number Three." He said and then turned and left the room. Tapirmon floated down next to Zeke and stared at her. " [B]IT[/B] sounds inportant." Tapirmon said bubbly. " Ya. We better go and I hope your ready." Zeke replied smoothly as she entered her icy state and braced herself for anything. " Why do I need to be ready." Zeke smiled misdevoluly," Because B.R.#3 is were we get assigned to dangerous missions." " Oh great." Zeke laughed and quickened her pace so that her eagerness could be put to rest.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]A buzzing sound awake Zet from her slumber. She sat up and glanced over at the flashing clock and stared horrifed. The red numbers were flashing 8:00. " Crap I forgot to reset my alram clock! Why didn't mom wake me up?" As she quickly jumped out of bed she fell down and hit her head on the floor which, woke her up fully. Rushing to her closet she forced the doors open and luckly stepped out of the way before a pile of clothes fell on her. Zet quickly searched through the pile to find her uniform and when she found it she pulled it on though not paying attecion to how she put the uniform on. Zet clamored down the stairs and raced into the kitchen and paused when she saw her mother. " Your up late." Her mother said coldly. " I'm aware of that mother. Why didn't you wake me up!" " Because your old info to set your alarm," she pause and looked Zet up and down," but, I see you still need help dressing yourself." " What?" Zet looked down and saw that her shirt was inside out and backwards, grumbling she ran to the bathroom to fick her shirt and hair. After she brushed her teeth and washed her face she looked at the clock outside the bathroom and saw that see didn't have time to eat breakfast. Rushing out the door she climbed on her second hand two-year old moterbike. Reeveing up the engine, Zet made sure she had her backpack on secure and placed her helmet on over her brown hair and azure headband. Once Zet got to school she looked at her wristwatch and smiled as she put her bike along side all the other motorbikes. " Good, ten minutes to spare." Zet shighed in relif. She looked around and tried to find somebody that might help her find her homeroom yet, she didn't look to hard because she was used to nobody lending her a hand. As she pulled out her timetable she saw that she had advanced math at the college, [I]great nothing like a bit of math to wake me up. [/I] Zet remembered seeing a sign across the from the school with the word college engraved onto it. Looking at her watch she saw that she only had five minutes to spare so Zet rushed across the street and entered the college looking for the room number that matched the one on her timetable when she found it she sat down in the back of the room and noticed a girl with slate grey hair looking at her oddly. When Zet returned the glance she saw her eyes and the first thought that came to her already fast thinkin mind was,[I] Her eyes are so pretty and mystrious. Its like they're holding thousands of secrets.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: sorry if I misspelled anything...I'm a horrible speller. amgoddess I hope you don't mind that my chara. has a few college classes. P.M me if you have any problem.[/COLOR]
Occupation: Girl Talon Name: Celia Sendo Faction: Talon Faction Weapon: [URL=http://www.derech.net/img/swords/1sks/sword_04.jpg]Falcon Blade[/URL] Arcana: Water Appearance: [URL=http://h-kamui.hp.infoseek.co.jp/gal/cg/kurokawa01.jpg]clicky[/URL] Bio: Celia has always been tormented by her so called friends. They treated her like an item rather than a person. Even her parents treated her this way but, instead of doing anything about it she just left things as they were. One day though she snapped and went into a dark side of her that laied dorment. Without knowing what she was doing she killed her mother and her three brothers. Celia was then banshed by her father and sent across the desert to join the already banashed group. She joined the Talon Faction and was quickly ecpected. She keep her reasons of banshiment to herself. Her second week in the socity she made that mistake of touching Kyros by mistake, what happened after that was kept sercet yet, Celia felt close to the temple leader though keep to herself.
Name: Zeke Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg25/calandergirl01.jpg]Zeke [/URL] Personallity: Zeke possess the skill to be calm in the most hectic situatons, which can be creppy at times. She's very sensitive though and has anger mangegment issues and it dosen't take much to knock her off the deep end. She is also very misdevous and dosen't like people talking down to her. Digimon: Tapirmon Digivolution Chain:Tapirmon, Sorcerimon, Wisemon, ChoasGallantmon
Name: Celia Trepas Age: 16 Gender: Female Reason for Running away/Bio: Celia has always been tormented by her parents because of her eyes. They locked her away and never noticed her. She was just a thorn in their perfect life. If anyone found about about her then her father would loss his postion as mayor. Celia became more rebelous at the age of ten and started esape atempts. When her parents caught her they beat her that hurt so much it felt like it was never-ending. She finally became tough and the beatings no longer hurt. As she wandered the basement of her parent's house and as she moved some boxes around she found a hidden passage and used it to escape. Attitude: Zet possess the skill to be calm in the most hectic situatons, which can be creppy at times. She's very sensitive though and has anger mangegment issues and it dosen't take much to knock her off the deep end. She is also very misdevous and like to take long rides on her motercyle(that she stole after she ran away) when she gets mad or has a tough desion to make. Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg50/Hayou03.jpg]click here[/URL]
Name: Zet(sumei) Age: 18(81 in demon years) Gender: Female Race: two/thirds(2/3) demon Team: Hunter Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg6/misc13.jpg]Click here[/URL] Companion: Ranpu/Snow Leoperd Companion?s Skill: Ranpu manly does what ever Zet wants, she tends to like to fight more than heal or explore though she will if she has to. Ranpu will only attack if Zet wants her to. They have a telopathic link that is very strong.When she passes out from magic overload Ranpu, protects her body intill she awakens. Ranpu shows no mercy for his prey but attacks depending on Zet's feelings. Bio: Her mother was a legondary hunter who was raped by a demon when her house was attacked by demons. She gave birth to the demons child and kept it secert from the hunters and her family that Zet was part demon. Zet didn't know herself that she was a demon intill her mother died and told her. Her mother was killed by the demon that had caused her to have Zet. He stole Zet away and trained her to kill humans and thought her demon magic. Once Zet learned all that he could teach her she killed him. She then ran from the demon hordes and joined the Hunters. They don't fully trust her becaues of her demon side but, she has proved herself as a powerful ally. She has a great knowledge of demons and where they hide when not in the underworld. Zet is hunted by many demons because of her crime she comited against one of there most powerful demon leaders, who was the (fromer) ice master. Personality: Zet possess the skill to be calm in the most hectic situatons, which can be creppy at times. She's very sensitive though and has anger mangegment issues and it dosen't take much to knock her off the deep end. She is also very misdevous and like to take long rides on her motercyle when she gets mad or has a tough desion to make. Weapons: Claws, [URL=http://h-kamui.hp.infoseek.co.jp/gal/cg/aoi02.jpg]cyper spear[/URL], Throwing needles dipped in demon poison Rune: Shadow Rune Magic: These are the attacks that Ranpu uses: Ice Dagger/Blade- Fires chunks of ice at enemy or turns water vaper into many blades made of ice that follows enemy intill they make contact. Frozen Mirror- Acts as a sheild and attack. Can sends most magic or spells back towards user. Ice Tornado- Gusts of frozen winds mixed with snow and ice charges down oppenet and destroys anything in its path. Once it is created Ranpu can't stop it, it has to wear its self down. That's why Ranpu dosen't use it very often. OOC: No prob. Sliver I'm cool with that. I like the idea better.
[B]Name:[/B] Zet(sumei) Ronu [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Zet possess the skill to be calm in the most hectic situatons, which can be creppy at times. SHe's not that concerened about school even though she has a straight A average which bugs the heck out of her friends because she never studies or trys to get A's. She's very sensitive though and has anger mangegment issues and it dosen't take much to knock her off the deep end. [B]History:[/B] Zet was born in the wrong side of town and lived there intill she was ten. Her family moved to the more advanced section of town and decided to stay there rather than return to their old home were crimes were taking place every minute. Because of this up bring Zet is used to violent actions even though she had a very sheltered home. Zet has enjoyed her last six years in the city and likes having a better enviroment. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg25/calandergirl01.jpg]clickty-click[/URL] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg25/calandergirl03.jpg]side veiw[/URL] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg44/kou_bw2ub.jpg]school uniform[/URL] [B]Planet:[/B] Mercury [B]Weapon:[/B] A cyber spear with a blue glow and the power to freeze objects on contact.( [URL=http://h-kamui.hp.infoseek.co.jp/gal/cg/aoi02.jpg]see pic. of weapon here.[/URL] ) [B]Attacks[/B] - 1. Simple - Ice Dagger/Blade 2. Intermediate 1 - Frozen Kiss 3. Intermediate 2 - Icy Rain 4. Advanced - Ice Tornado 5. Ultimate - Frozen Tundra
[COLOR=Indigo][B]Name:[/B] Ronu, Zet(sumei) [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg10/words_worth_99_292_1.jpg]click[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Zet has always been the center of attention and always hated it. She hates it when people put pressure on her and at times when the pressure in to much for her to handle she goes a bit berserk. She has attempted to over come this problem and instead of secluding herself she went out with her head held high and become a social butterfly. Zet can be very talktive yet, she knows when to shut up, sometimes. Her main phobia is her fear to never let anyone down; which is strange because she takes everyones problems and caries them on her own shoulders which sometimes creates pressure for her. Yet somehow she dosen't break down when she dose this. A quirk of hers that is well known by her family, a bit to well known, is that when ever she gets angry or upset she gose out into the woods and practices her ninja skills. What angers Zet the most is when peopl talk bad about her old home village, Hidden Cloud Village, that has a very bad rep and turns out mostly assaians and wanted criamals. But she still manages to be a perky, outspoken and kind-hearted girl. [B]Grades: [/B] [I]Taijutsu [/I] : Zet is average in this feild but, she has a few techniques that she has mastered. At times she perfers Tatijutsu because she can get up close and personal but she much rather attack at a distance. Her normal grade in this feild falls along a D, manly because she dosen't really try hard in this feild. [I]Genjutsu[/I] : Zet's second best techniques are in this feild, she can make basic illusions whenever she wants and, she could be a master in genjutsu yet, she doesn't care. Her main goal is to pass. Her normal grade is a C in this feild. [I]Ninjutsu[/I] : THis is the area where Zet shines, she can preform any techinque and she has even mastered a few of the more advanced spells, she easily maintains an A in this feild. [B]Introductions Are In Order:[/B] Black swirling clouds filled the air as if they were trying to match Zet's emotions. She stared into the darkness and watched as flashes of lighting quickly changed the night to day for a second. A bone chilling wind came from the north and caused Zet to pull her coat closer around her body. Suddently, Zet heard something in the darkness that sounded like breathing as she wondered what it could be a voice called out to answer her question," Zet get inside, its about to rain and you don't need to catch a cold!" A female voice hollared. " I'll come in before it starts to rain Mother." Zet replied. " Now!" " Fine!" Zet stood up and walked up the stairs and started to head through the doorway when her mother stopped her. " Zetsumei! I demaned a little respect! I know your not happy about the move but, you need to get over it. I'm worried." Her mother said with a voice that started harse but softened as she brussed back Zet's hair. " Sorry mother, I'll control my anger andgive you and father the respect that you both deserve." Zet said drone-like. " Good. Now I want you to o and do your homework. Okay?" " Yes ma'am." Zet replied as she passed her mother and entered her room and began on her homework. Angry voices from her mother and father reached Zet's room and see paused to her the conversation. " Rovan, she's not happy here. Why can't we move back?" Zet recognized that as her mother's voice. " Because, Kanna she's growing up and at a very impresable age! Plus if the found out that she possess our families bloodline limit they'll try to make her a soilder. You don't want that do you?" " No, but we hide when she was young! Why can't we keep on hiding it?" Zet didn't here the rest of this conversation because her parents had lower there voices. Instead of trying to hear more she to go to bed because, she had to start a new school the next day and for once an unfamiler queasiness filled her stomach making it hard for her to fall asleep.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Condemned: The legend of the Demon Portal (M-SLV)
Flo replied to mononoke_man's topic in Theater
Name: Zetsumei Age: 16 Occupation: Waitress Description: see attach -
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]OOC: hope the contest is still going on. "A contest is it okay then! Water Cannon...Power Down!" Mizu pulled her sword off her back and lunged at some viruses and slashed five of them. Maura put the one chip back and pulled out two others. " Get ready Mizu! Zetsumei Sword and Marine's Gift combo!" The Blade of Dispair faded and a long broad sword appeared in Mizu's right hand and a curved sword with water swirling around the blade appeared in her left. Smiling she ran at a large group of viruses and destroyed them all(15). " FROZEN WAVE!!" Mizu shouted sending a giant wave of ice at another group of viruses(10) and smiled, flipping back her hair. " Great going Mizu!"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Maura pulled the cord on her PET and jack in to the computer. She pulled out a chip and held it up. " Mizu you want Water Blaster?" " Ya that's fine! Mizu said as she slashed through a virus with her weapon, Blade of Dispair. " Okay then! Water Blaster..... Power Up!' Mizu's other arm glew with a deep blue hue. She but her blade on her back and amied at a group of fire type viruses and fired a blast of water at a the group destroing five of them. She filpped back and kicked another virus destroing it too. Maura kept her eyes on the viruses though she did glance up and give the guys and thumbs up, " Who are trying to show off to?" Turning back to the screen, she watched Mizu blast a few more virues with ice or snow and thick jets of water. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Maura sat in the front of the classroom near the door, her light brown hair was speard put on the dest top. Shighing and taking a glance at the clock to see how much longer detection was going to be.[I] Twenty minutes crap! I hate the last of school detection.[/I] Her PET beeped and Maura looked to see where the teacher was. Luckly for her the teacher was across the room yelling at a pair of girls for passing notes during detection. Grapping the PET and stopping the beeping before the old, balding, male teacher noticed. Text appeared across the screen saying: You have mail!! Maura pushed a button and her navi green hair and two colored eyes appeared. Maura said softly," Hey Mizu who's the mail from? And be quite about it!" " It's from Leon he said to meet at the school computer room." " Well I'm already in the school, just need to get out of this room." " Don't do anything that could get you in trouble." " I won't. Or at least I'll try not to." " Maura!" Turning the PET off Maura saw that the teacher was now reading the note out loud. Seeing this as her chance she got up and slug her pack over her shoulder and walked to the door. Opening it slowly eyes on the teacher at all times. Maura toke a deep breath as she stood outside the room. Turning the PET back on she smiled and gave Mizu an ok sign. Running down to the computer room. She saw Leon and some other people already there. " You now your lucky I was still in the building Leon. Or I may of not even come." " Where where you in the building anyway?" Leon asked. " Detection. I still had at least twenty minutes left but oh well." She said shrugging.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Your Username: Swordmaster13 Magic Type- One of the following: Water Type- Winged Picture: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg50/Hydra.jpg]Click Me[/URL] 2 Moves: Tears of Sorrow- Makes enemy relive their worst memory. Tear Stained Face- Causes enemy to break down and cry for no reason. Color: Blue[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]Name: Braya Hegton Age: 19 Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg2/arm5.gif]Braya[/URL] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg1/arm1.jpg]Braya Again[/URL] Team: Shadow Waves Weapon: [URL=http://www.dantesknife.com/88HNH.jpg]Sword[/URL] on her right hip and a [URL=http://www.dantesknife.com/88CWS.jpg]broad sword[/URL] on her back. Magic: Water Blizzard Cure Life Abilities: Theif and speed Special Attacks: Ice Dagger, Wave Crash Bio: Braya's parents were always protective, a little to protective. One night she couldn't take it anymore, her parents had yelled at her for coming home late. She ran far away, into a dark, deep forest. There something strange happened. Braya fell asleep from running such a long distance. In her sleep a strange person appeared before her. It talked to her and fead her lies. Braya never relized this. Becomeing draw to this strange person she allowed it to enter her body and shared her inermost dreams and hatred to it. She then learned that this person was evil. She tried to seal him, but couldn't. Learning to harmeize with him they became strong. She returned home and was beat by her mother for her actions. The evil came out and before Braya could stop him he had killed her mother and brother who had been watching. Fearing what else she could do she ran again. Her father went after her. Climbing a tree to escape his comferting words she sat on a branch. A nest was there filled with speckled sky blue eggs. As she stared in wonder one of the eggs hatched. Startled Braya cried, a small chrip made her come to her senses. As she looked down a small ugly, blue bird sat on her leg. Smiling for the frist time in years, she toke the bird down the tree with her. She was welcomed by her fathers warm grasp. The bird chirped on her shoulder as she walked back to their house. She named the Blue Jay ,which was now beautiful and had a deep blue coat unlike the other Blue Jays, Sunil. Her father trained her in the art of sword fighing. He was one of the few who had mastered sword fighting with two normal lengh swords. Braya cares greatly for her friends and loved ones. OOC: Hope that's good, if I need to change anything, pm me.[/COLOR]