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Everything posted by Flo

  1. [COLOR=Purple]Brittany awoke suddenly her face weat. She rasied her hand and felt her smooth, wet skin. She tasted a salty mosture as she licked her lips. A brid chirped and she turned her head towards the sound. A small blue jay sat on her side table tilting its head at her. " Good morning, Braya." She said softly smiling. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]Something doesn't feel right.[/I][/COLOR] a male voice said inside her head. Braya gave a worried chirp and flew to the window jumping up and down. [I]What do you mean Ranpu?[/I]( Ranpu is the evil within her. Even though he's evil he cares for her.) [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]Go to the bird, I think she understands more than I do. God's animals can sence when somethings wrong.[/I][/COLOR] Brittany stood up and walked over to Braya moving her green hair out of the way of her blue eye to allow Ranpu to see what Braya wanted them to see. Dark evil looking clouds blocked the rising sun. Not even a ray shone through the thick black clouds. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]That evil doesn't comfert me. I fear it. [/I][/COLOR]Nodding Brittany moved her hair back infront of her blue eye. Turning and grapping her clothes she quickly changed and filled her side leg pack and grapped ten daggers. Placing her sword in her sheath on her right hip. She placed her last sword, the one she rarely used because in was the one she had killed her mother and brother with, on her back. Turning towards the door with Braya on her head she raced towards the door. " Going somewhere." A voice asked from behind her. " Dad! I was, I mean, everything." Brittany stumbled over the correct way to tell her father what she was meaning. " I know go do what you have to do. The darkness brings fear to me. Be careful though." " I will." Brittany walked out into the shadowed area. She turned and looked at the house frowing she turned back around and ran toward the church seeking answers, Braya flying beside her.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Name: Maura Trepas Alias: Mizu or Breakheart Gender: female Age: 24 Height: 5'4 Weight: 123lbs. Physical Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg2/arm5.gif]Maura[/URL] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg1/arm1.jpg]Maura again[/URL] Personality: Maura is a flirt and toys around with peoples feelings. She's had a hard life and releases her anger in fighting or training. Careful not to revil to much about her life, she becomes angry when people ask about her past.Running from her problems, she keeps her true feeling inside; people have a hard time understanding her. Even though she's hard on the outside she has a kind heart and cares deeply for the people around her. She's broken many guy's hearts and she dosen't regret any of her heartbreaks. Truly all she really needs is someone to look inside her find out her true feelings and melt her cold exterior. Pseudonatural Abilities: Maura has control over the elements water. She can manulate them anyway possible, though she perfers to use the water element. She can also cast people into illusions of their worst memories. She can create normal illusions too. C.O.O: America Biography: Maura's father left her and her mother when she was only five. Her mother made sure that Maura was happy. She never thought of herself. When Maura turned nine she became very ill. Her mother toke her to the doctors and they said that she had caught it from her mother and without a very expence surgey she would die. Her mother gave them the money though it was only inof for one of them. Maura recived the surgey, during it her mother made a phone call to who, she didn't have time to tell. After a few months her mother died. A man appeared at her funeral and toke her in his arms, crying. She asked the man why he was crying and he never answered. Taking her away from Washigton he toke her to his home in Georgia. Maura never asked him why he stole her away, because she felt a calming since she had seen him cry. He explaned that he was her father. She nodded something inside her had told her that he was her father. He loved her and respected her, something her mother had failed in doing. He then found told her of her gift and told her that was why he had left her and her mother. Because he was afiard. He then told he of a place where she could be accepted. So she went. But on her way there she was raped and beaten down. The man that had raped her held her captive. Then one day in a cloud of smoke she came out of the building he kept her in, with a cold side to her. She cared for no one, but herself. When she reached the Academy of Pseudonatural Sciences. She decided to be an assassin and theif of young mens hearts. She also worked as a body guard.[/COLOR]
  3. Flo


    [COLOR=Purple]Name: Brittany Whitford Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg52/image6.jpg]Training outfit[/URL] add black tank top. [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg50/Hayou03.jpg]General appearence, when not learning[/URL] This is how her hair and eyes look all the time. Anything that is red make a deep blue, include red eye. Personality: Brittany doesn't try to be cold and silent, it was just the way she was raised. She tries her hardest to make friends with others, but her hard, sorrow filled eyes makes people turn from her. She has a kind heart that can be hurt easily. She does have a dark side that resides within her. Weapon: She carries a sword across her back and one on her right hip. Oh her left thigh she has a pack with at least ten daggers all with a blue jay feather on the end of the hilt. Magic: Black Chosen Path: Scelestum Occupation: Librarian/ Assistant to the Master Healer Bio: Brittany's parents were always protective, a little to protective. They belived strongly in God and lived for him, hoping their daughter would be the same. One night see couldn't take it anymore, her parents had yelled at her for coming home late. She ran far away, into a dark, deep forest. There something strange happened. Brittany fell asleep from running such a long distance. In her sleep a strange person appeared before her. It talked to her and fead her lies. Brittany never relized this. Becomeing draw to this strange person she allowed it to enter her body and shared her inermost dreams and hatred to it. She then learned that this person was evil. She tried to seal him, but couldn't. Learning to harmeize with him they became strong. She returned home and was beat by her mother for her actions. The evil came out and before Brittany could stop him he had killed her mother and brother who had been watching. Fearing what else she could do she ran again. Her father went after her. Climbing a tree to escape his comferting words she sat on a branch. A nest was there filled with speckled sky blue eggs. As she stared in wonder one of the eggs hatched. Startled Brittany cried, a small chrip made her come to her senses. As she looked down a small ugly, blue bird sat on her leg. Smiling for the frist time in years, she yoke the bird down the tree with her. She was welcomed by her fathers warm grasp. She gazed up at him eys sparkling and told him she had no place for gods now. They ment nothing to her. Her asked her why she said such a think and then noticed that her one of her green eyes had turned blue. He cried, saying he had lost his daughter to evil. The bird chirped on her shoulder as she walked back to their house, her father still wanted her to stay with him no matter what. Brittany named the Blue Jay ,which was now beautiful and had a deep blue coat unlike the other Blue Jays, Braya. OOC: hope thats okay if you have any problems please tell me.[/COLOR]
  4. To me tokyopop is better. They have a better selction of manga titles. I'm not saying Shonen Jump is bad I enjoy reading their titles, but their are mostly actiion to me. I hate DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh and One Piece. I love Naruto and Hikaru No Go and even though I've seen most of the Naruto ep. I still enjoy reading it. Hickaru No Go is funny and cute at the same time. But back to why I like tokyopop better, first they have many of my favorite manga titles under their name. Also I like the fact that they put a list of their titles in the front or back of the books. And orgainzed in sections, that makes it easier for you to find the type of mangas you like.
  5. " OH HELL YOU DON'T!!! NOT WHILE I'M ALIVE!" Maura shoted jumping up into the air and firing many ice shards at the demons below. A shadowed figure appeared behind her and with one swift punch she went hurtling towards the ground. " You won't be alive for much longer!" The demon said in a raspy voice. Maura inored him and fliped herself around so that he feet would hit the ground frist. As soon as her toes meet the hard soil she pushed off, slamming into the demon. Moving her hand quickly she pulled out a dagger and stabbed the demon in its chest. Warm blood spaltered her. Moving above the demon Maura kicked him hard and with incressing speed he fell quickly to the ground. Many more demons came up at her and charged at her with their many sharp weapons. They soon fell to the ground with large ice spears sticking out of their chests. Landing near Ziarre her worried face came as a shock at first but then she understood. " Don't worry Zia. I'll get Night back for you! No prob!" " What are you talking about he's in the hands of the demon lord! You stupid child!" " Hey one thing I'm not a child, I may be a little stupid at times but, that's beside the point. Your forgeting who I am." " I know who you are! Your Maura Trepas daugther to the famous female Hunter Juno Trepas!" " Ah. But you are forgeting who my loving father was." " What! I didn't know who had a father." " Well duh!", Maura said as she fired more ice spears at the demons," My mum didn't just become pregent! Duh! My father was a powerful demon in Thyrale. The Demon of the Northern Demon Plain." " So that's were you get your water and ice powers from. But how can YOU get into Thyrale castle?" Ziarre said worried as she killed demons with her whip and some lighting. " All of his four head demons of the Demon Plain desentents and theirselves can enter his castle. Few demons other than them no matter how high their class may enter." Maura flipped back as daggers went flying at her. Landing she grabbed her spear from her back she charged at the attacker ice daggers following her ready to hit the demon if he dodged her spear attack.
  6. [COLOR=Purple]Sounds intresting. [B]Name:[/B] Zetsumei (aka: Zet) [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]S.O.A:[/B] Slow or quick ,depending on her mood, and very painful. [B]Looks:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg37/ks_010.jpg]Zet Here![/URL]add black leather mini-skirt with high black boots. Pretend ears are normal. [B]Bio:[/B] A former member of Blood she swiched sides for a unkown cause. She looks alot like Noh and acts a little like her too. She may be young for an assassin but that doesn't limit her skills. She is more of an information gather and mercenary but, she willl kill if anyone gets in the way of her task. Willing to risk her life for her leader or her friends Zet has the makings of a fine body gaurd. Zet can be perky at times and annoying, yet when she gets like this she doesn't stay like that for long. [B]Alliance:[/B] Killer's Kiss[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Operator Name:[/B] Maura Trepas [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/41-10.htm]Maura( minus the wings.)[/URL] [B]Biograpy:[/B] Maura can be a little morbid at time causing her to have a sortage of friends. The friends she does have aren't very close. She has one friend though, that she is very close with who's a boy. Maura tends to have the feeling of proving herself to others. Her parents left her alone thinking thats what she wanted but, she never really wanted to be alone. Her parents never said 'no' to her, letting her do as she pleased. She might had turned out different if her parents laid down some guidelines. Her teacher Mr.Scott set down rules for and cared for her in away her parents never did. She made a promise to him that she would try and get along better with others and to work harder in class. As a gift for good grades( and not beating people up.) from her Mr.Scott gave her a programming device, named Game Navi maker. Maura smiled and thanked him and using one of the schools computers she set to work. After many hours she finally got the navi the way she wanted. Her teacher thought her the basics. Maura mastered them and no time and became a expert. She grew to become one of the strongest net battlers. With Mizu by her side, Maura became more friendly and started to open up a bit. Maura has a very close bond with Mizu and cares for her greatly as does Mizu for Maura. [B]Navi Name:[/B] Mizu [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.psycko-hentai.de/grafix/gallery/bg50/Hayou03.jpg ]Mizu Here[/URL] were it is red make it blue. Including the eye. [B]Main Weapon:[/B] Blade of Dispair [B]Starting Chips:[/B] Zetsumei Sword( a long blue sword appears that can slash through almost any enemy.), Aqua Armor( an armor chip that covers Mizu with ice.), Marine's Gift( a curved bladed sword with water swirling around the blade.), Water Blaster( a cannon chip that fires blast of water, ice or snow at enemy.) OOC: that good enough for ya? [/COLOR]
  8. Well he uses the dart so that people won't know who he really is. I'm hoping he stops solving those stupid little cases and works on his own. So he can be big again. My question is what's with the Conan's Hint thing? I see no purpose. I think the show is great though.
  9. Flo


    " ZIARRE COME BACK!!" Zet raced off her speed quickning as tears raced down her face. Ziarre came into veiw though she was blurry. Zet jumped at her causeing both girls to tumble and roll through the grass. Zephyr lunged at Zet but Aisu grew larger that the wolf and snarled at him. Even though Aisu grew he didn't become as big as he was before. " Zet get off me! What's your problem?!" Ziarre asked as she noticed her shirt was growing damp. " What's wrong with me! What's WRONG with you?" Zet shouted. " Nothing's wrong with me." " Don't lie!" Zet snapped. Ziarre looked shocked at Zet's sudden change on attiude. She found it easy to push Zet off her. Crouching Zet let the tears fall. " Don't leave me. Why does everone keep things from me! Why!" Aisu was next to her now. Trying to calm her in his own way. Not all keep things from you.[I] Your mother told you everything.[/I] [COLOR=Purple][I]No, dad never told me nothing. He hit me when he was angry and released all his anger on me when mom was away. And when he left after mom died he..[/I][/COLOR] Aisu growled as she moved up her shirt. Along her back a lond thick scar lay there. It was red and blood looked like it was still coming out of it. Zet had forgotten that Ziarre was there as she talked with Aisu. OOC: purple text is Zet's thoughts between her and Aisu. Italic black text is Aisu's thoughts.
  10. Maura placed her hand on the doorknob to Ziarre's room. Noticeing that it was locked shefell to the floor and looked under the door. Letting water slip under and go up to unlock the door. Hearing the reasurring click she smiled and got up and opened the door. She slamed it back as a bolt of lighting came at her. Eyes wide and breathing deeply she frowned. After a few minutes had passed Maura was outside Ziarre's window. Creating a ball of water in her hand she threw it up at the closed window. It missed and landed on the terrce. Quickly making another one she hit the window this time drawling Ziarre's attention. Ziarre inorged it and looked away. The cold air was getting through Maura's loose and to big pale purple shirt. Her black baggy shorts weren't helping either. These were her training cloths the ones that she used in the training room and she also slept in. Becoming annoyed she made a ball of water and turned to ice and threw it hard at the window. Shattering it. Maura gulped and looked around.
  11. My friends say that my drawlings of anime and manga characters don't look right. I'm not sure what they're missing. Constructive criticism is needed. I don't care how mean or bad the criticism is. If you have any sugestions please tell me! The first one is of Hinata from Nartuo and the second one is of Rath from the manga Dragon Knights.
  12. Flo

    Dragon Rider

    [COLOR=Indigo]Name: Zai Sumei Age: 17 Gender: female Islanders or Choas: Islanders Dragon: [URL=http://www.saberfire.com/dragons/archivelow/029.jpg]Aisu[/URL] Personality: Zai is a spunky, short-tempered badgirl. She hates it when peolpe tell her what to do. She belives in the saying," Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer". Biography: Her family was always close knit and cared for each other greatly. Aisu was her mother's dragon's child. Zai grew a specil bond with him and relized that she could comuncate with the beast telapatly. making them a hard to beat team. She had always been a quick thinker and knew when she had reached her limits. Zai met Kyo when they were both nine. They grew closer over the years and have great respect for eachother. As Zai became closer with Kyo she grew apart from her family. He had canged Zai greatly. When Kyo went away for a trip Zai stayed hoping to reconect with her family. The day before kyo returned her mother was killed by a member of the Choas and her father went after the killers, leaving Zai alone. She has lived with Kyo ever since and has a crush on him. Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/55-3.htm]Zai( physical appearence)[/URL] [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/10-4.htm]Zai's clothing[/URL](keep tattoo and arm and leg things.Hair stlye same as in first pic. Add black leather shorts. Minus the thing around her neck.) [/COLOR]
  13. Naomi walked over to the boy and sat next to him. " I like your dolls they're cool." she said smiling. " Thanks but, they're called marrionetts." " OH I'm sorry." Looking down at her feet again Naomi shighed. " My name's Yumil. What's yours?" " It's Naomi. Nice to meet you Yumil." Naomi said smiling once again. She looked towards the girls that were comfortering the girl that was dead just moments ago. Shaking her head as she felt warmth spread through her body. Using her the water at such a distance had weakened her a bit.
  14. Naomi had veiwed what was happing fromh er hiding place. She now knew why her sister told her to never go into that building. Not knowing what came over she made the water at the dead girls feet grap her ankles. eyes turned toward Naomi, she looked down but then noticed that the water's grip was looseing. Clenching her fist the hand around the ankles grew tighter. Naomi quickly froze thhe water and knowing that it wouldn't stay frozen for long she shouted. " Somebody do something! I can't keep the water frozen for much longer!"
  15. [COLOR=Purple]Maura walked into the gym smiling this battle would be a breeze. She already knew that water pokemon where weakened by electric pokemon and with Shin by her side she would win this battle for sure. " Are you here for a gym battle?" Misty asked her as she came closer. " Yes." " Okay then a one on one battle most of my pokemon are tired." " Fine with me." Seconds later Maura was standing on the floating platform Shin infront of her sparks already flying from his cheeks. Misty on the oppisate side of the gym held up a pokeball. " GO Kingdra!!" A blue evil looking seahorse pokemon came bursting out of the ball. " GO Shin! Take it down!" Maura said happily. " Kingdra Water Gun!" The attack had litttle effect on Shin. " Shin Swift!" Large stars rased towards Kingdra. Taking cover under the pool of water it recived little damage. Shin grew angery and more sparks came from his cheeks. " Shin use Thundershock on the water!" Shin did so but, the Kingdra used a water gun to propel itself out of the water. " NOW use another Thundershock!" " NO!" Misty shouted. But it was to late the attack had knocked out Kingdra winning Maura and Shin the match and the gym badge. After Maura had gottened her badge and thanked Misty for the battle she ran off towards the others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]OOC: Here are my pokemon levels. Shin- 28 Missy- 46(remember she let her brother barrow it for his gym battles.) Eevee- 16[/COLOR]
  16. Flo


    " Aisu! Why did you do that! I just got dry!" Zet yelled at the laughing dragon that sat on a tree branch above her. " You stupid little water dragon! I swear I could leave. that's right I could just tie you to the stupid!" " Excuse me but do you need help?" A male voice asked offering his hand to her. Taking it she stood up. " Thanks my stupid dragon hit me with a water ball and knocked me out of the tree. Creating tiny ice needles she threw them at Aisu, he flew up and landed on her head. Zet looked up at him and frowned, then turned towards to the man. " Hi, I'm Zet and this is Aisu, my water dragon nice to meet you."
  17. Flo


    Zet noticed that Aisu was gone starting to worry where he had gone. The little dragon struted towards them with a smile on his face. " Aisu! That was just you. Boy you make alot of noise for such a small dragon." " Zet I thought I TOLD you to keep that thing on a leash!" Tatsujin shouted angerly. as the two argued Ziarre smiled and shock her head. " Guys can't you stop for one night?" " Fine." Tatsujin said as he went to work on the fire. Zet was playing a game that involed creating soliders out of water and watching them destroy each other with Aisu. A spark of lighting made Zet jump back she looked towards Ziarre who was looking up at the sky trying to look inocent. Throwing a ball of water at Ziarre, Zet ducked as she fired a tiny bolt of lighting at her. Not inof to cause much damage though. They contioned to play this game intill Ziarre was drenched and Zet's hair was partly standing on end.
  18. [COLOR=Purple]Naomi stumbled out of the carriage as a older snobby looking girl pushed her out of the way and smirked at her. Looking down she suddenly wished she wasn't here. As she looked up towards the building and gulped the exteroir sent chills down her spine and made her run inside to escape the now falling rain. Dragging her suitcase along side her she asked random teachers where her room was. She had finally found it and walked in no one was there. Naomi hoped that she was at the right room as she glanced at the numbers along the side of the door she saw that they matched the peice of paper that her room number was scrawled on. She noticed a doll on one of the beds and she smilied. [I]Not everyone here must be stuck up.[/I] Dropping her suitcase and bags on the floor next to the bed closest to the window, Naomi walked over to the window and looked out. Placeing her finger on the glass the water droplets raced toward the point creating a large circle of water. Moving her finger away she saw a torn-up moldy face in the water. Backing away quickly Naomi screamed and turned she saw the doll that was lying on the bed was moving. Naomi closed her eyes. A few minutes later she reopened them and saw that the doll was back were it was before and lying still. Naomi started breathing normally again. Her sister had told her weird things happened here but, she had thought that she was just lying to her.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]" I'll take first watch." Maura said as she walked over and sat on the nearest rock. Tapirmon following her, he digivolved into Sorcerimon and floated up into the sky kepping a watch over the whole campsite. The others nodded and went to sleep around the warm fire. Maura looked up at the sky and saw stars twikling bright. " Pretty isn't it?" A voice asked. Maura jumped and looked towards the voice. " Oh Sorcerimon you scared me." Maura said relived. " Did I? Sorry to startle you. Is it this pretty in your world?" Sorcerimon asked gazing up at the night sky. " It depends on where you are or how you fell really. Its hard to see the stars in the city because of all the lights." " What about the feeling part." " Well its more of how the stars make you feel. I remember one night when my parents toke me camping you could see the sky perfectly there wasn't a cloud in site. There wasn't any stars either. After that I kinda stopped beliving that stars were pretty and just saw them as normal things like a door or a carpet. Nothing speacil." " Why?" " Because it was eaiser to deal with things that way." There was a rustle in the bushes behind Sorcerimon. " Thunder bomber!" Many yellow balls came rushing at Sorcerimon, hitting him. " Sorcerimon!" Maura shouted. Waking everyone up. They looked around shocked not knowing what to do. " I'll take care of it. Crystal Cloud!" The attack hit the digimon. " No one hurts me! For I am a Thundermon, the strongest digimon of all times!" " Has a big ego for a little guy." Coal said while Aurora nodded. " Thunder Gemini!" The Thundermon shouted. " Aquarius Fill!" Sorcerimon shouted at the same time. The attacks hit eachother creating a large blast t hat destroyed the Thundermon and forced Sorcerimon to his in-training level DemiMeramon. The ball of fire floated into Maura's arms and fell asleep.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]" No!" Maura screamed but, Ranpu went on bitting and clawing at Ziarre. Maura grabbed at her head as her wounds suddleny closed. Her body surged with warmth and she screamed out in pain. The concouis part of her grew smaller and smaller intill it was just a whisper in a crowded room of shouting and screaming people. Maura's eyes turned an electric blue and her hair became longer and turned a deep shade a blue, her nails longer, and all of her wounds dissappeared. She raised her head and cast a hungry look at Ziarre.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Name: Zet Sumei Age: 11 Gender: Female HomeTown: Vermillion Appearance: [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/rstrainer76.png[/img] Personality: Zet tend to look at the brighter side of things and belives that everyone has a good side. She's perky and can can get really hyper at the wrong times. Not much can get her down, even if she loses at pokemon battles she acts a little sad but, then she's back to normal. The normal Pokemon from Oak:[img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs209.gif[/img] [URL=http://pokemonelite2000.com/pokedex007.html]Squirtle[/URL] Pokemon if your late: [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs153.gif[/IMG] [URL=http://pokemonelite2000.com/pokedex037.html]Vulpix[/URL] History: Zet's parents have raised electric pokemon for years and when Zet told them that she wanted to be a water pokemon breeder they were furious. They all shunned her expect for her brother, Willis, who always thought her as an individual and helped her make her dreams come true. He seemed to look up to her because of her thoughts that differed from what he had grown up to. Her parents remarks made Zet begin to doubt herself and start to become withdrwn. Willis missing his cheerful sister helped her regain her confendence. Yet the next year he went to Pallet to get his starter pokemon and begin on his journey. When he passed through Vermillion he gave her enough money to get a inn in Pallet so that she make her dreams of being a water pokemon breeder come true. Sneaking out of the house with the help of Willis, Zet said goodbye to her dear brother and ran to Pallet in the dead of the night.[/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=2][CENTER][B]*Beware what you are about to read may contain content not sutible for the Sane.*[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [COLOR=Indigo]If I was a evil megalomaniac villian(which I am but, more insane) I would take over the most popular anime company and force the artist to make the villains in the show to be so HOT that the people who watch the show convert to evilness!!!!!! I shall call this plan PLAN Potato. Or maybe PLAN Tomato? Anyway.............. then the converted people shall be evil to other people and make them evil. All thoughs who resit will be dropped from Sears Tower or they well be put in a box with their head still sticking out and placed on the sidewalk near Sears Tower and a penny shall be dropped onto their head intill the are killed.(Evil follower person will be standing on top of the Tower and dropping the pennies.) I then make my evil follower people kidnap all of the world leaders by inviting them to a teaparty. They shall be held intill the people of the country decide how to kill their world leader. Oh and I would also steal the world's suply of CHEESE!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]More evil ideas shall come but, I'm late for my teaparty with The Ghost of Hitler and Sadam.[/COLOR]
  23. Flo

    Unbalanced World

    ya that's great. and I ment the drawing. post in the actul rpg when you get a chance.
  24. Flo

    Unbalanced World

    Skitto finsh up your profile and your in. Tell how your person lost their memory. Love your pic.
  25. thanks I like the inner shadow one. though they're both great. EDIT: I tried to put it as my avatar but it said that it was a valid GIF, JPG, or PNG. Can you fix it so that it will work?
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