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island gurl

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Everything posted by island gurl

  1. You find out who your real friends are. Even good friends are sometimes not your friends forever. This doesn't mean that they don't like you, or want to be with you or whatever it just means that they would like to take a different direction in their life. The best thing is just to be friendly and keep open to being friends with everyone because you never know what kind of friendship will develop and while it's hard to let go of old friends, soetimes it's for the best. Of course some friends will stay your friends for the rest of your life and that is something special. You should make the effort to always keep in touch with people. I don't know if any of this made sense. I'm probably being vague too but I just write as the thoughts come into my head.
  2. haha i live in a more interesting place than most of you! I live on the Cocos keeling Islands. An island about 3000km off the West coast of Australia. I was born in Perth Western Australia though. Go to [url]www.cocos-tourism.cc[/url] to find out more.
  3. No I'm not just a bad speller. I'm talking about scents-smells. What is your favourite smell? I like anything fruity. My fav perfume is Tommygirl summer cologne. Nice. At the moment i smell like raspberry and vanilla. I also like the smell of guys. Yes they have a certain smell. Dunno why...
  4. I will take the day of school to go windsurfing or because I want to see a friend and my teachers will know and won't give a ****. We don't have a dress code and we can watch TV when we want. The teachers also ask our opinions on what we want to learn, do for sport, buy out of our budget and stuff like that. I think my school is the coolest.
  5. Metrosexual. interesting. I think it's just a fad. It's pretty funny though and is a good way of explaining if a guy is acting camp but is not actually gay. I don't watch scout park but have heard of it. Where has everyone been?
  6. I like to do mosaics. I have done 6 pieces so far and I really like it. I will attatch a photo of some of my pieces but i don't know if it will work. fingers crossed! What do you think?
  7. Linkin park Rock. Would like to get a CD. Know any sites that you can download music for free?
  8. I don't regret anything because everything happens for a reason. The 'butterfly effect'. If i hadn't done something I may not have met someone or learnt a lesson.
  9. I have taken Indonesian at school since I was 9 and it's similiar to Malay so I can hold a conversation in both languages. I learnt french for about a year but can now only remember a few words! Sad i know...I love learning new languages even if it's only a few words. My mother's Dutch so I know a bit of Dutch. My relatives always use dutch sayings and stuff and I didn't even realise that it was dutch until a little while ago. I thought everyone used those words! lol it's good because you can discreetly tell someone to shutup if they're saying too much to someone without the other person knowing!
  10. My mother is dutch and well there used to be this tradition in my family that every New Year the women would make apel flappe and ole bolle (Apple pancakes and oil balls- like donuts) but they stopped when my grandma died. We will hopefully start up the tradition again.
  11. My poems aren't as good as some of yours but anywayz... When I first saw you I couldn?t believe my eyes, you were good looking, sweet and an all around nice guy. I trusted you, and cared for you, i cherished what we had I thought you?d always be there for me ? that you?d comfort me when I was sad I really liked you, but for you it was a game I had no idea that you didn?t feel the same. You moved away, you stopped talking to me, the pain you have caused is slowly killing me. and... I like your sense of humour I like the way you care I like it that you think i'm pretty I like it that you're there I like the way you look I like the way you smile I like the way you feel bad if we haven't talked for a while I like the way you weren't too shy to tell me how you feel I like the way we feel the same You know this could be real
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