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About riku01

  • Birthday 08/01/1990

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  • Biography
    well i am i girl..im 13 so far the best drawer in my grade but he never good enough o well Kanikawa!
  • Occupation
    i have no job for i am MIGHTY ERI!!!!!!!!!Kanikawa R-r-rrrrrrr

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  1. Sheara woke up she put her hands on her hear and got out of bed and befor she knew it she tripped "Ahhhhh dammit!!!!!" she said "Ashley what the hel-?" but befor she could say anything she took a look around the room the wall were painted blue and black it was very neat and the was a window at the foot of the bed. she stood up to see what she tripped over, she gasp and sat on the bed it was a long sorwd with a dragon carved on it looked just like Jakes from in her dreams "This must be a dream then.....I guess I'll just go back to sleep". Sheara fell a sleep Then two boys came in and one girl "Wow how long has she been asleep?" said the girl "About three days now non-stop i guess ." said a tall boy . Shear rolled on her back but was still asleep. "Is she Shinjookoo?" "No i cant tell ill just wait till she wakes up then we will see." Sheara found her self in the forest behinde a tree there were to children talking they looked very young "Why do you were that stupid briad " said the little girl "because its a sighn of the Shinjookoo clan." Sheara eyes widen she already had this dream and that little girl she reminded Sheara of herself she didn't know why the little girl fell to the ground she was crying the liitle boy had walked off Sheara just couldn't stand there she fround and walk to the little girl stood her up and smiled "hi there why are you crying......aw come on let me see your face" the little girl turned her face and look up the little girls jaw droopedshe sreamed Shear turned around there was a huged bug "Ah!" Sheara picked up the little girl and ran for her life but soon she was cornerd the bug flew down it was huge taller than sheara its might have been about 8'5she crouched down put the small girl behind her they hugged tight until a grown man jumped on the the bugs back and began to stab it the bug screamed and fell to the ground she open her eyes it was Jake she stood up "Are you hurt Sheara?" "No Jake" said the little girl she ran right though Sheara and huged Jake, Sheara......the older one stood up slowly as she touched her arm her hand went right though "Hey?!" the older sheara stood there "Sheara welcome home your mom told me you were on your way " Jake smiled at the little girl and rubed her hair down the young boy came running back with a first aid kit "is she hurt...are you hurt master?" "Everyones ok but next time Tidus dont leave her ok?" Tidus took of his hat he had silver goldish hair " I have a present for you sheara" Jake said "its a necklace it was your moms i gave it to her a long time ago the color changes with how your feeling as long as your happy it will be your favorite color ok" "But weres my mommy were Shear my mommy were is she?" the little girl said Jake looked down and picked her up I'll telll you when we get there he began walk and sheara felt herself waking up.
  2. Sheara woke up and yawned it has been a month since she had the flash back with Jack she had begun to change not in apperence but she began to question things more like "is this for real" "could jake and shear be having the same dreams when the sleep or just day dream like i do!" she wanted to go hame her dreams adn her reality were begining to become the same every time she looked in the mirror she saw Shear she couldn't help it Tino had moved in with Ashley so any wink of sleep would be a blessing sometime she would just sleep in the car it wasn't the same everything was falling apart it was just 2 am she didn't wanna be late like-............all she w-...........sleep.... Shear looked around she calmly acted as if she was on dutie she snuk across the corner it was about 3 am she sniffed the air for anyones scent "nope no one there if i can just make it everything will be peachie" Shear said. Finaly she reached her destination Jakes room she snuk in Jake was asleep she got up to the bed "this is to easly" she said she took the water ballon from out her jaket and just as she was about to throw it down on him the lights came on she quickly hid under the bed.And there he was Jake had just gotten out the shower her eyes widened she was breathing hard, this was forbiden if she was caught she would be kicked out she could even be killed she couldn't turn away "hey nice butt" she said inside her head but the one thing that shocked her was the fact that he didn't have that dumb braid his hair was long and he dog ears he was a jiniko the shinjikoos enemy once he had his clothing on she stood up she blushed "Jake" she said Jake turned around befor he had a chanve to threaten her she untied her hair and there on her head were also to dog ears he gasped there was nothing he could say he wasnt mad he wasn't embarrsed he just stood there he sigh raised out his hand and said " I think its time to go to class now ." he smiled but Shear didn't move she stayed there she nealed to the floor "please i beg of you forgive me." Jake laughed "Quit joking!" Jake begun to walk he turned to see were Shear was she was still nealing she was serious. "I forgive you ok let go." she took hand "ok"..... SHEARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WAKE UP!!!!!!!"Ashley yelled. Sheara woke up she slept in the car "hears ur uniform just take a shower when we get in school " said Tino she raised her eyebrow she still wasnt to fund of Tino "i cannt believe this is happening to someone as pretty as you" Jack said as he sat down at the lunch table "Why is this happening Jack?" said Shera "I dont really know but if theres anything i could do let me know k?" he smiled She smiled her neckleack turnd from prple to pink "thats a pretty neacklace you know" said Sarah "Now move me and Jack have to talk...well move it!" Sheara got up and snard she sat at the next table with Tino and Ashley who was currently making out she sighed and turned around she listen to Jack and Sarah "Oh Jack everyone scared the first time I was itos ok" She pulled on his arm "Please stop i wish you would understand i just want to be ur friend nothing-more!" jack replied "Jack come on!" Sarah said tugging "No!" "JACK COME ON N-" but befor she could finish Sheara slapped her, and then Sheara back up and ran to the bathroom she looked in the mirror she saw her refleaction she was turning into Shear her eyes became more slanted gog ears grew from her head she screamed "NOOOO NOT AGAIN PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the doors to the girls bathroom closed she got in the corner reality around her began to changed "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME JACK PLAESE!" Shrera cried she heard screams from outside "SHEAR!" she herad somone banging down the door "PLEASE" she cough she couldn't stop there was fire all around her she got close it burnd "OUCH!" Shear begun to get dizzy "someone stood over her "who is...." she fainted "Were are we Jake?" " I ont know but i found her thats all."
  3. Shera sat at her desk the silver haied boy walked up to her his tie was crooked and his hair really was silver there was no die used even his brows and eyelashes "Ummm" the boy sucked on his bottom lip. "Your sorta in my spot... but uh since ur new i guess ill let it slide" He smirk. Shera thought she would melt, the boy sat beside her " So what ur name?" he said ".........um oh " she giggled " Sheras oh im mean Shear oh i-" "Mrs. Shera can you please take your seat? Or would you and Mr. Jack like to stay after class?" Said the teacher, Jack pulled Shera down by the arm "i think the last thing you want is dentiton trust me" he began to study about and hour later he flicked a note over which was kinda dumb because they were only about 5cm apart she read it " lemme introduce you to everyone that over there is the tecaher Mr.Assintal and that is Dany, Nicole, Greg,Tody and of course my Ex and my stalker Sarah" Shera wrote somehting back and flicked the paper, Jack read it and wrote back " get a bathroom pass" ok she thought Shera threw the note to Ashley would threw the note to Tino who threw the note to Dany who threw it to Nicole ect. Shera sat on the Bench and looked around Jack came out joging to her "Hey now wut did you want to talk about?" said shera "well you want to go to lunch with me?"said Jack "..Ok sure that would br great wonderful!" said shera "cool ok" He pulled his hair back with his fingers she saw a long braid behind his ear " why do u have that braid-" but befor she knew it she counld controll it like regularshe was seeing something else another vision it was that girl "Why do u have that braid" said a young girl about 6 " Why do you keep asking me!" said a boy about 8 "Because its a dumb braid Jake!!" "No Shear its a sign that i am a member of the Sinjookoo clan now either you can come with me or stay here!!!" The boy walked along the sandy path "Wait please im sorry" said the girl she began to cry " i only want to go somewere warm:bawl: " the girl cry loudly "ARGG SHUT UP OR ILL LEAVE YOU HEAR U CANT CRY IF UR A SINJOOKOO! SO IF U DONT STOP ILL LEAVE U U DUMB STUPID GIRL!" he continued to to walk she feel on the groung and sobbed and the boy just kept walking " Well wen ever you stop crying just follow the path" said the boy he wanted to hepl he really did he want to he wanted to go back and say please stop crying its ok ill protect you but he could he looked back *sighed and ran for her he wanted to be gentel but the Sinjookoo clan always say worrie of your self not other but Jake was diffrent he didn't want to be like theleader he did want to be woken up is his .....................Shera SHERA! wut the hell did u do!" "it must be his divelish charm oooooooooooooo Jack take me in ur arm forever oooh!" "hey shut up....its my falt we should have never-" Shera mumbled something and woke up everyone was in her room she looked at jack "you still ahvent told me why you have that braid" she felll back and weht to sleep.
  4. mine is dearest from Inuyasha and Simple and clean from kingdom hearts Both the begining and ending song from Yu YU hakushu and many more
  5. ok i know most of u have this same problem ok so heres wut happend im just sitting at my desk drawing just drawing anime people i just make and people come up and say why are you drawing pokemon...GOD THAT GETS ON MY NEVERS!!!!!!!!! dosent it ever get on ur I FEEL LIKE IM ON CRAZY PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK U KNOW WUT:flaming: IM MAD ok now im not i just tapped my third eye 21 times im ok now but GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARG!!! I THINK U BETTER GO IM ABOUT TO SAY BAD WORDS NOW!!!!! BANG! :butthead:
  6. Shera ran around the house trying to find her shoe Ashley wated and yawned Shera would had gotten up sooner but she had the strangest dream the kind of dreams were u cant rember what happends but then when u see something the dream because clear again."Ashley help me out or were goin to be late!" said Shera . Ashley stood up and went to the suit case and picked up a brown loafer and smirk "Thats why u put everything out first" "heh heh" said Shera. All of a sudden a nock was at then door Ashley stood up and opend it "Uhhh hiya" said Ashley. "Oh hi I'm Tino I'm to show u around the school i guess " He smiled and Ashley blushed Shera came to the door "Ok then lets go" Tino started walking. "Um ware are you going?" "Duh to school" Ashley giggled "We have a car you know." said Shera "Oh"Tino replied blushing. "Over there is the cafetirea and thats the gym.........oh u can park here"Tino explaind everything there is to know about the school every nook and crany "So we'd better go thank u so much Tino" said Ashley, Tino blushed "hehe no prob." While Ashley was being so flirtish she went off to class she had calculus first . She took a deep breath and rubbed the blue gem on her neacklace for good luck she steped in and ducked befor a flying paper airplain could hit her "Ah!" Shera yelped the teacher was hoolering trying to get the class under control "CLASS CLASS SETLE DOWN!!!!" A boy about Kye's age and some of his friends started shooting paperballs one was coming strait at her then she felt a tug on her wirst "woAh!..mmm ouch! hey what was that for!"Shera said A boy with buch teeth and huge bug like glasses turned around and he was breathing pretty hard and spoke with a stuffy nose "If I hadent pulled your armb youd be sick with his cold" At that same momment Ashly walked in, Shera pulled her under the table Ashley was laughing "Whats going on!" The nerd spoke "Until Cojy, Meoga,Lisa and Tidus come in it is always like this" "Oh ok gotcha" said Ashley.About 45 minuets later four people walked in the room and it got quiet the nerdish boy got up from under the empty chair and sat in his seat "I we have fresh meat here at our skool then lets see shall we?!" AShley stood up and so did Shera.The tan boy with silver her looked at Shera.Shera couldn't keep her eyes off him "YO HELLO I DONT WANT TO BE HERE ALL DAY SO LETS GO!"said one boy.
  7. :) Chill out Ashley just take a breath" said Shera "just go to sleep" "No no" said Ashley "its just when we get there will the like us? I hope they dont think were nerds or something!" "Please Ash u think for a moment a 15 year old is going to go on an airplaine to live on her own without parents going to a new School with boys..cute boys without make-up?" "She opend up her minni book-bag inside was about $900 for rent until they find jobs at atleast a fast food resturant and tons of make up Shera smirk everything is going to be fine wen we get there Ashley u just wait now.. get to sleep" Shera closed her eyee rubing the necklace that was given to her....she couldn't rember who or how again but it was her favorite color and it was beautiful... that was pretty much all that matter and soon she fell asleep. "Excuse me, Ladies?" Said a tall flight attendant "Its time to get off ur escourt to the School is waiting for u i belive" Shera woke up at once she grinned "ASHLEY WAKE UP WE MADE IT!" "What said Ashley "We did-" but befor Ashley could say another word they were off the plaine Ashley yawned and called her mother "Yes mom were here...uh hu....ok.......right....k talk to u soon" Ashley hung up "Whats going on? Ur mom was over and turns out my mom got me an early-early birthday present" Ashley walk over to the nearest ATM mechine put in an credit card and got out about $1800 Shera wasn't suprised Ashley's dad owned a huge business "And!!"said Ashley Shera soon joind in "TO THE BATMOBILE!!!!!!!" They ran until the saw a blue car "May i offer you a seat my fair madin?" Said Shera "Why ofcourse!" After Miles of driving the reached the town its was beautiful it was near Tokyo by the country side Ashleys face was pressed aginst the window "ahhhhhhhh this reminds me of that movie spirited away hehehehe" Shera smiled and looked left "well were here" The big suprise was that it wasn't a apartmen it was there own house there place"OMG!" said Shera and Ashley together :D They enterd the house and it was wonderful....."Well im tired im going to go take a shower" said Shera "K im going to the store we need to have a big breakfeast for tommorw!" And with a big SLAM Ashley was out the door.While in the shower Shera pinched herself..(is the really happening? And Why us?) THese thoughts driffted thoughout her mind her necaklace was getting warm that meant a warning in this case she had better get some sleepits going to be a long day tomorrow
  8. Shera sneeze she had just woken up she was on her way to the air port to go to a new school she didn't mind though. "Bless u" her mother "need a tishue?" Kye replide smirking as if was holding a hidious secret inside the tishue box. "Nope my sleve works just find thanks" "why r u being so nice to ur big sis all of a sudden Kye?" said Ashley a friend of Shera's. "WELL" said Kye dramaticly crying but everyone knew he was faking " :bawl: the might be the last time i see shera and-" "u thought u might hide itching powder in the tissue box?...Am i right?" said her father "heh heh :blush:" "So here we are"said Sheras father. Ashley held on to Shera as if 4 dear life "I'm going u Ash u no that right so ...u dont have to cling on to me k?" "Oh right im so sorry Shera I just dont like flying" At that moment an anncoment came on saying the plaine was about to part to Tokyo. Everyone said good-bye Shera's mother told them both the expectaitons and all of the rules "no boys no party's... and since ur mom couldn't make it Ashley that goes dubble for u" Shera's mother liked her lips and looked at her watch....she took out a package holding the cell phones she looked at them emergancey's only!...And its free on the weekends and weekday after 9" She hugged and kissed the both goodbye girls!" If only they could turn back now...because this will be on hell of a ride :D
  9. Do u think that Chahero will come back to that place in the futuer and Haku will be all hot and stuff and they will be in love but then there is like another dragan spirt thing that likes Haku too and so she tries to kill Chahero and- :Bing: o man i got a good idea
  10. o man once again srry for the poll i sware i mean promise it wont happen again
  11. o yea um tell me wut shows u like
  12. :rolleyes: :babble:[COLOR=blue]blue[/COLOR] hi um :blush: i like inuyasha,FLCL,DBGT,DBZ,reuni kench,yu yu hakashu,spirted away,street fighter,knight of the zodiac,blay beaid(did i spell it right),zoids,zoid fusers,digimon and whole lot more i just cant rember:laugh: :angel:
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