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Everything posted by Dregen

  1. [size=1][color=black][size=2][b]Name: Dregen Croft[/b][/size] [size=2][b]Age: (TBD)[/b][/size] [size=2][b]Race: 30% human, 30% vampire 40% Demon Fox[/b][/size] [size=2][b]Side: resistance[/b][/size] [size=2][/size][/color] [size=2][/size][color=black] [size=2][b]Rank:
  2. These are the pictures right here: [img]http://pygfg.url.cjb.net/t[/img] [img]http://zoewk.url.cjb.net/[/img] Thanks in advance all I need them to do is say The life Of a half breed one the top and I am an Avenger. Maybe someone could do a boe\rder and put it within the border and on the Actual pic I just want the name Dregen in a cool font
  3. [color=black][font=Verdana]Tibias sat at the table working on some new gear for Dregen. Just then the window opened and Dregen stepped through it. How was the hunt did you get any information from this one? Tibias asked. Yes unlike the others this vampire was soft and it hardly took any convincing. Dregen answered back. I've finally found her my sister Mina. She is the only family I have left I must see her talk to her if only for a short.... At that moment the door was lit blaze by rounds gunfire. Dregen drew his one of his guns and shot back as he made his way toward Tibias. He grabbed the older man up as if he was nothing more then a child. Dregen jumped through the window, as glass shattered everywhere. He landed on the roof of the next building. He put Tibias down and without thinking he was back in their Hotel room. There were now five men in the room wrecking it looking for him.[/font][/color]
  4. [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Name: Dregen Croft[/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Age: (classified)[/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Appearance:[img]http://fmvnn.url.cjb.net/[/img]
  5. I've never been to a con or Cosplayed but I would love to do both exceppt that I don't find many black anime chars. However since i do workin a theater company if I had the money for the costume I could actually pull of Naruto with the makeup we stock here i would get a wig and probably get the costumer to help me with the fabrics.
  6. (Hope it's not to late to join.) Name: Dregen Age:19 Weapon(s): He carries a sword made by Totousai. It looks like a plain Katana but it has both the power of Tetsusaiga and the Tenseiga. He also has his mothers Boomerang. Bio: Dregen is the son of Sango The demon slayer, he's the spitting image of her younger brother Kohaku. He was born in a village that Sango created after the group parted ways. Te village was made to replace the village Naraku destroyed 25 years ago. He was trained by his mother, She also sent him around Japan and to other parts of the world. When he returned to the place of his birth he found it destroyed. His mothers last words were find Inuyasha, tell him the enemy has arisen once more.... Special abilities: Martial arts, ability to control fire.
  7. [COLOR=red] Name: Dregen Croft Age:unknown Appearance: Dregen has updated his look to go unnoticed. He still wears his leather red trench coat, With a black long sleeve t shirt, black leather pants, withblack leather boots that mid calf cut. inside the coat there many hidden pockets for dregens small daggers. hight/weight/hair color/ skin color:6'2/ 200/ His hair comes down to his shoulders it is dyed jet black with a streak of red on the right side./ Brown skin [IMG]http://www.ultrasupersaiyan.com/Trigun/trigun13.JPG[/IMG] This is the coat Weapons/powers/skills: Dregen carries two .45 mm pistols and two .09 mm pistols on him he also carries daggers in his hidden pocets and one and both boots, he has a Kodachi at his waist, and carries a 14th century sword (Katana) owned by his father.vampiric mental and physical strengths, and extradinary supernatural senses. He has the ability to call forth the spirits of the five great magic?s. These spirits endow him with there magic. Race: Human/Vampire Bio: Dregen recently awoke to this new world after being sentenced to sleep until the High Counsil of vampires had a use for him.he awoke do to a fight that Chinkin and Ryu had. Since he was fresh to this nw age he didn't know who to help or who to fight. Following Chinkin and Azuron around he has been chareged with protecting the weak and opposeing the currupt. His father was a General in the service of Dracula. His mother was a spirit charmer for the council. Personality: Dregen is a kind hearted person but he is ruthless in battle the only person to ever overcide his power in battle is his brother and Azuron. He is down for what ever "Aku soku zan" "Slay evil immediately", [/COLOR]
  8. Deep in the forest someone is envoking ancient magic. Dregen stands in front of a great fire, all of his weapons laid on the ground. There are five crystals around the fire each a different color. Red for fire, blue for water,green for earth, silver for metal, and clear for air. As he moves around the fire incircles he stops in front of each crystal and repeats one phrase. "I envoke thee and call forth the spirt of fire,water, earth metal, and wind. Come forth your presance is needed." Each crystal grows briliant with light and a tarnslusent figure rises from each of the five crystals The fire spirt speaks "Who dares call upon us and what power gives you hold over us." Dregen: I Dregen son of dongree call upon you and the power that brought you here was once bestowed upon my mother transferred to me. The spirts look at each other and talk with their minds. Boy we have agreed to hear you out, Ask what you will of us. Dregen:I only seek the truth. I have been asleep for over a thousand years.I only wish to know what is going on betweenhumans and vampires." Spirts:"Child we have agreed to help you. and shall tell you of the up incoming war. The one called Ryu he plans to kill every human he has now started up his campaign and is looking for followers and companions. You dear knight have been asllep for far to long you should not watse your time on things you do not know of." Dregen:"I cannot just hear and do nothing while innocent people die. I was imprisoned after the first war I know not of this place or of the new dangers that have arisen but like any soldier I knw of pain. I konw of how poeple suffer because of the misdeeds of others it's no secret what this war whould do to hose that have not hte power to protect themselves." "Well young one if you truely wjis to continue on this quest seek out the one the Aruzan, He and his group Will fight with you if can prove yourself. you will find him in San Diaz. Their you must challenge him to gain his trust and ask for his help in stoping this new threat to the world."
  9. [COLOR=red]Dregen looked on as the new arrival, (a master of the dark wind) held his mastrs skull in his open claw. [B]Dregen:[/B] We wait for one more, I do not like to be kept waiting. I feel as though we are being tested and I care not for these games. [B]Yata:[/B] How so I am here of my own free will. I wouldn't allow myself to be triked and tested as you say. [B]Dregen:[/B] I sense that someone has been watching us.Whoever or whateer it is their quite powerful. Just then an arrow with a note attached flew out of the trees and landed next to Dregenand th others. The letter read .... [/COLOR]
  10. [B][COLOR=crimson]Dregen meditated along the reefs of the magma river. He?d been there for at least a week and still he hadn?t mastered his final technique. It?s been four years since his master died and he had improved by much. He surpassed his master almost four years ago. Alas it came with a heavy price, the life of his mentor and only friend. He now spent his days training and meditating for weeks on end without food are rest. Men came into his training grounds one day, there were three of them one from each element. Wind, Water and Earth, they sought the bloodline of the evil cults fire member from days of old. They said that they need his help and they would be willing to give any part of the world he wanted/ He told them that he did not need their help and to achieve his goals. When they offered Dregen a chance to get revenge on those from his colony. He told them that he did not care about their fight and that he would only help them if helping them suited his goals of domination over the fire colony. The three elementals left and h spent the next 2 weeks training. The time came and Dregen packed up his supplies and his weapons. A black crystal hilt to a sword, the hilt can absorb any form of magic and becomes a sword of the exact opposite (element). A dagger that splits in half to form 2 daggers, and arrows of solid steel each one tipped with black widow venom. He has magical quiver that doesn?t run out of arrows. So he was off to the Misty forest to meet his newly acquired partners. It?d been about three ours since he arrived at the Misty forest and Dregen hadn?t seen anyone. Then he heard a rustling in the bushes about 30 feet away. It grew louder and all of a sudden someone came out. He could not tell who are what it was but he drew an arrow just to be sure and held it at the head of this new figure. Dregen: Who are you speak now are I will shoot. [/COLOR][/B]
  11. [B][COLOR=crimson] Name: Dregen Age: 19 Colony: Fire Rank:Member Allegiance: Bad Weapon(s): A black crystal hilt to a sword. A dagger that splits in half to form 2 daggers, and arrows of solid steel each one tipped with black widow venom. He has magical quiver that doesn?t run out of arrows. Magic: Dregen can control fire in any form. He is telepathic meaning that he can He can communicate with his mind rather than his mouth. He is also telekinetic and when combined with his control of fire it becomes very deadly. The hilt that he holds can absorb any form of magic and becomes it?s exact opposite (element). Dregen is also a summoner; he can summon any creature that is fire based. Appearance: His hair is fire red as are his eyes. He?s about 6?2 200 pds muscular he has to wear a thin suit when he?s away from the heat of his colony. I?ll post attachment. Personality: Dregen is a very cruel person he is quick tempered as most his people are. He will not fight unless his opponents are strong. He is extremely intelligent and is always ready to fight. Bio: Dregen lived by himself ever since the old man who brought him up died and that was 4 years ago. He lives in the deepest pits of the fire colony volcano. As a child he was branded a traitor like all his family, after the first band of evil elementals attacked for his great Granddad was one of them. So when he was coming up everyone was mean to him and basically ran him and his family away, his mother and father died trying to protect him from a bunch of colonist thought the should pay for the sins of the father. So he wandered into a cave that took him down deeper and deeper into the volcano where he met an old man a master of fire and martial arts. The old man taught him everything he knew hoping that in time Dregen could forgive the colonist and live a live mercy and kindness. Alas Dregen grew up hateful and vengeful and vow to kill all the fire people. He had almost let go of his hate when the old man died About 2 months ago there came 3 mysterious people one from each of the surrounding colonies water. Wind, and earth, they said that if Dregen joined up with him he could get revenge. So after much consideration he joined them. With that he packed a few essential items and supplies. Extra: he carries a pendent hat old man gave to him he said that he always count on it to protect him when he needed it the most. [/COLOR][/B]
  12. Dregen listened to the winds as they carried a song of agony. He was close now he could smell the scent of the vampire from the big TV. He was around here somewhere; he could sense his unnatural blood. He was more than some half-breed. Jumping from tree to tree he spotted someone or something on the ground, he decided to investigate. It was a vampire and Ryu?s scent was all over him, there was also another scent maybe Ryu?s partner. Dregen thought that the vampire was dead but the he managed to flip over onto his back, to reveal a deep wound. The vampire tried to move further but Dregen knew it would be a while before he healed. So he helped him up Dregen: Friend your are in serious need of help but I don?t know if I have the time to take care of you.
  13. Profile: Name: Dregen Croft Race: Human/Vampire Appearance: He wears mostly Red & Black, He wears a Red leather Trench Coat that has many hidden pockets so that he can hide knives and other small weapons. A black shirt that doubles as a chest plate, and a red vest on over the shirt. Black leather boots, black pants, Gantlets and a red scarf flows from his head. His eyes are usually hazel brown, But when he gets mad they become a mixture of red and orange Height/weight: 6?2"/180 Weapons/powers/skills: He has his father?s sword. Double kotetsu daggers, and his vampiric mental and physical strengths, and extradinary supernatural senses. He has the ability to call forth the spirits of the five great magic?s. These spirits endow him with there magic. Bio: He is a half-breed, and had no problem fitting in with ether of the races when it meant whether he would survive or not. As he grew older it became evident that he took on more of his father?s vampiric traits. His mother was a spirit charmer for the council and his Father was a great Warrior for the royal family. He has been asleep in a sealed chamber for over millennia all the people he knew have long been killed. He once challenged the high council's word and for that he was sealed a way. Now he awakes to find the world in chaos.
  14. Name: Stefan/ Stef [I](Stef- on)[/I] Age: 19 Gender: Male Occupation: Sound Engineer/ Actoor!;) Appearance: Attachment. Big Boi coming through Personality/Attitude: Hmmm.... Well I'm one of the funnyest people I know and thats saying alot. I'm like the incredible hulk when I get mad, I vent at any and everyone around me I'm a hard worker. and thats me in a nut shell. oh and wait I'm one of the nicest people you'll meet. Short Biography: I was born in Newark, NJ. Moved to Daytona in Florida when I was four moved to boston when I was six moved back to Newark when I was about eight stayed there until I got a bit out of control when I was a sophmore and my moms shiped me to Chicago. My dad sent me back that summer and here I've been. I'm the resident sound engineer for a theater company. I aslo moonlight as an actor at the same company.
  15. Dregen Walked around what seemed to be his prison and thought to himself. [I]There has got to be a way for me to get out of here.[/I] Some force seemed to call all of his attention to the door. He slowly made his way to the door. He felt power surge through his veins. Just as he got to the door it flew open and there were two men with swords. He backed away and the men came into the room. ?They told us to check on you Dregen said the seal might?ve been broken by the explosion? said the first man ?Yea but we didn?t care if you up then we could have a little fun. ?The second man?s voice rang. At that moment both men charged at Dregen he couldn?t think of anything to say or do. He seemed to move as if he?d gone through these motions on many an occasion. The two men couldn?t touch him it was like fighting a ghost one minute he was there the next he wasn?t. ?The rumors said that you were strong but your only good for running I see! The second man said with laughter in his voice. The man?s laughter seemed to trail away and the 1st man soon discovered why. Dregen?s hair seemed to rise and float his teeth began to grow. Dregen suddenly realized that he had grown hungry. Within seconds his teeth were sunken into the 2nd mans neck the man could do nothing he was paralyzed by the pain he felt every ounce of energy leaving him. Where as Dregen felt reborn the taste of blood seemed to invigorate him. The other man ran for the door as if terrified, but Dregen was upon him on a matter of seconds. With his hunger satisfied he walked out the door he was now in a long hallway. The hallway was filled with many doors and beside each door was a picture a crest of sorts. Beside his door their lay a sword and what seemed to be clothing encased in glass. He walked up to the glass and he could barley see his reflection, but what he did see was that he was only wearing what seemed to be boxers. So he broke the glass with the sword of man he tasted just moments ago. [I]This is definitely good for the figure thought Dregen.[/I] As he passed other glass cases in his newly acquired clothes. He now wore an all Red Leather Trench Black Shirt Red Vest matching Black Pants and Boots. His sword was on his back and was secured by a black strap and hidden under his coat were to customized .45s. He finally made his way out on to the street and what he saw did not please him. There were screams of horror coming from everywhere. There was a mans face on the giant TV that was High above him. It seemed that his worst dreams had become reality. The vampires had waged open war upon the humans. [I]Who is this new threat? What happen to the High council? How long have I been asleep? [/I] These but some of the questions that floated through Dregen?s mind.
  16. OOC: this is my 1st post so forgive me if it's messed up. ____________________________________________________ Meanwhile an an abandoned Building... Dregen opened his eyes for what seemed like the first time, he could barely see with all the sunlight filtering through the broken windows of what seemed to be a basement. He tried to recall how he had exactly gotten there but every time he thought about it he drew a blank. Than all of a sudden his head started to hurt the room went black all he could see was a man in a blue leather jacket. The man seemed to be saying something Dregen tried but he couldn't make out what the guy was saying. So he decided to get closer, as he moved it seemed as if the world around him came alive with noise. As he turned to see where the noise was coming from lights suddenly appeared and as if scared of the lights Dregen withdrew, out of nowhere the noise now had form. Tall figures with long hooded cloaks all around him there faces hidden under their hoods. All around him the figures seemed to be speaking at the same time but only one voice could be heard speaking like they were all one person. The voice grew even louder and now Dregen could understand exactly what they were saying. " Dregen you have been found guilty of treason how do you plead?" Dregen Soon found that he to now had a voice and words flew out of his mouth now and he no longer coward before the light and the hooded figure but challenged both defiantly. ?Who are you to judge me, you who would kill the humans without any hesitation. They are not to be slaughtered like animals. Our clan has been hunted for centuries because of the old ways. It is time for the High council to step down and let the new era be brought upon by me. Dregen! Son of Azraiel Knight Of The Tanzer Royal Family.? How dare you,? says the voice interrupting Dregen. What right do you have to speak to us in such a tone and to boast claims of heritage, you a half-breed. we are the high council appointed by his lordship before his passing. Now we will here no more from this abomination of a Vampire. You shame our people with your filthy blood. Dregen broke in ? No you shall here more and you will listen. Why than am I the one who like many others in this day in age Possess all of your vampiric powers yet have none of your weaknesses. What you speak of is the way of the dinosaurs and as such should follow in their path. The voice spoke again but this time it was distorted as if all the voice was breaking into many voices that now seemed to be owned by some of hooded figures alone. ? We?ve heard all that we need It is time for sentencing. We will not kill you do to the fact that your father served our lord well but we shall place you in to a sleep in which time you will be modified to better serve our cause. Dregen spoke once again with a such passion in his voice that many of the hooded figures jumped back. ? you will never be able to silence me I shall not go with out a fight.? With that he withdrew his sword. The nearby guards charged him swords in hand but with little to no effort he dodged all their strikes and slashes and dealt lethal blows each of them within minutes the guards seemed to litter the floor. Dregen looked up at the High Council, he began to charge and all of a sudden something hit him in the back of the neck he toppled over and came crashing to the floor. He turned unable to focus and seen a single male with long black hair wearing a blue leather jacket. As the figured bent over Dregen it suddenly hit him that it was his brother. Brother your filthy blood is a reminder of the pain you and your mother left me with after father left our home I shall not allow you shame him any further.? With that boy in the Blue jacket swung his sword at Dregen?. With that Dregen was once again the place he had once awoke but something was different on the walls there were now markings old and ancient. There seemed to be a break in the markings. He looked around and thought to himself Who are what am I and was that dream about.
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