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Everything posted by Takun

  1. yeah, I often think if it's something I've said or done in the past, or maybe they think I'm the one who's ignoring so their turning their back on me in ruturn. It's so sad when people are ignored like that, it makes them feel bad when it happens, like they aren't even friends with them anymore, it's like your a pet they feel like playing with or when they don't. I try to pay attention to everyone, cause I know how it feels. My post up there isn't much a thing to be going on about, but my past in elementry school i didn't even have a friend. Until I met my friend Ariel in the fifth and sixth grade was when it made a difference. Now i have many friends and I don't want things to go like they did before. So yeah, I like to make other poeple happy, I like that feeling more.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B] I also love learning. While not all of my teachers are terribly talented or experienced, I don't [i]mind[/i] going to school. There are times when I truly enjoy it. Do you think that every adult likes going to his or her job? Savor your high school and college years; life won't always be this simple. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you on this, I also love going to school, I always crave it during break or summer, it's just way too boring staying at home and not seeing your friends each day. if you didn't learn how to read or write you probably wouldn't be here talking to all of us now either. I also want to stay as long as I want in my school, Im really happy with it, because it's 7-12th grade, so i'll be there for 4 more years since i'm currently in eighth grade. I do get frustrated with it, but I know it help prepare you for almost anything that comes up in your future life. If you look on the bright side of things, you usually feel alot better then you would be if you didn't. Also, school brings me alot of memories that i cherish, but if I had no school, I wouldn't have met all those good people that I know today. :)
  3. can you really call something anime when it's made by a person who isn't japanese? If I were to buy manga, I'd probably want to buy manga that was made by the original creators of anime-the japanese. I know some of us want to make our own series when we grow up, but would people really buy it? I'm trying not to be steriotypical here, but what is your opinion on the whole thing?
  4. when i saw the commercial for the butterfly effect i just couldn't believe that ashton would be in a movie like that. I really want to see it but I'd have to be older, i'm only 14. A thing that puzzles me is why he's been in so many movies lately, like this one and "cheaper by the doezen", "just married", "dude, wheres my car" and a bunch others. I still can't believe he's in a movie like this! it sort of bothers me in a way, makes me want to see the movie even more..
  5. are you going to get the led removed, G/S/B Master? or is it going to just sit in there like that ? anyways, the only scar I have on my body is a burn on my bottom left arm, although it isn't that noticeable much. That's about the only thing, oh, and i also have a red mark on my body from an ingrown hair thats on my hand, I had another before that but it dissappeared. Also i have a dent in my skin on my nose from when i was takeing off the chicken pox's all over my body. but those are the only things that happened to me. Also, i've never broken any bones, or have had a sprained ankle, or any surgery. ^^
  6. I don't like coffee, but i enjoy mochas and other drinks with coffee in it i can't remember the names of XD I have a little bit of short term memory loss. Anyways I like starbucks too, and I like their coffee icecream, although alot of other people don't it seems. I guess I'm weird when it comes to food. When I go to get my mocha freezes I just go to the nearest esspresso there is. My favorite is the sugar shack and the esspresso by out school ^^
  7. yeah, once i read my post after i posted i realized that it was hard to understand. I was really distracted because i was at school, and i was half way through it when my friends popped in the computer lab. sorry, i'll try to make a better post next time. I know that being excluded isn't much of a thing to be complaining about, I don't mind it much at all, because I'm sorta used to it. It's just that this one friend of mine never gets mad at people at all, and today and yesterday she would say "please be quiet" and "stop!", when i talked to her sometimes, and whenever someone else talked to her she'd seem completely fine, and she'd pay attention to other poeple all day. I don't know if I did something wrong or not, but I do worry when my friends become mad. Also when they exclude themselve from the group, it's just that sometimes i wonder if i was the one who cuased it to happen. I don't want to make my friends mad or angry or anything because it was me who caused it. I always feel bad when I do things that hurt other people emotionally. I was just wondering about what you guys had to say, and hopefully i made it a little clearer even though i didn't get all my points that i wanted to out..
  8. At school with your friends or something, do you ever feel excluded alot? it hppened to me today, and i know that you arent going to be always the one with attention all the time, but sometmes, do you ever feel you need to be away from your friends? or for some reason they aren't paying much attention to you? Also, I have like two other friends that don't get included much at all in anything we do, i feel really bad for them so i spenp time with them a little more than i used to, even though they make me feel mad at them sometimes. I only have two friends that I really connect to, but the rest i sorta end up getting in fights with, but that hasn't happened for a while becuase i sorta noticed that it was me all along who accidentally started the thing but thats another storie. oh ya, today i had a class with one of my friends and it seems like she doesn't like working with me although we're always partners. she always talks to the two other people who sit with us but never talks to me about those things, and she seems annoyed at me then happy, constantly changing. I don't know what it is and i wonder what i did wrong or if she doesn't like me as much, so i end up confused. but anyways my the topic about this is have/or ever end up being the one on the edge, ignored on days, or ever felt like somethings wrong with your friend and you? :worried:
  9. Im not concerned with the whole deal of being weird, except it's only the people that annoy me i try not to hang out with. almost everyone at my school has at least one friend. although there's only about 300 people that go there though, so you basically get to know alot of people and recognize everyone. My school is a place where no one cares what people do, i mean, some people go singing down the halls, or playing catch with their lunchboxes. i don't mind stuff like that. and there is people that do weird things that annoy me. but my friends are quite weird at times, sometimes it annoys me but you have to learn to get over those little things that only happen twice in a year that don't really matter. anyways, i forgot what i was going to say XD and another thing, if someone at your school is poor and you know they arent fakeing it then i don't really think you should put them down because they don't have enough money to wash their clothes or buy more. it's hard to be poor, and i think it would hurt to know that you arent being accepted because of it. but thats something i just wanted to say. well, yeah, we do have weird people at our school, it always seems to be some of the seventh graders,(our school is 7th to 12th grades) one wont stop following my group of friends around and lieing to everyone. it really confuses us up, and he really gets me mad at times and he's really annoying. just yesterday he tried to get "revenge" on me by lieing to one of my other friends, but the thing is i never did anything to him. but thankfully today we got it all sorted out, it was a confusing mess. well, i think i've been talking too much. so yeah, thats another thing i find sortof annoying.
  10. *sigh* everyone here lives in such interesting places cept me. yeah, suny lives in an awsome place, i would like to go to china someday. I live in alaska, it's empty, and to me its boring. I can't wait to get out of here when i go to colledge, and here it's really cold, and no i havn't seen any igloos from all my life i've lived here. It's all modernized, ^^ im happy about it though. yeah, and in the winter it usually always drops below zero, or usually 0 degrees out. well not always, but alot of times it does.
  11. My school is very different than alot of other schools where i live, we have rules, but there isn't as many. Theres more freedom, and theres computers in about each room, then we have a computer lab, where alot of things get blocked, but in the class rooms just about nothing is blocked. I've never encountered hentai at my school, which i think we have a special filter or something that only gets out the bad stuff. well anyways, i've used anime and manga for alot of my school progects ^^ and im happy to say i've gotten alot of comments on them :'D like one time for 8'th grade health class our teacher philip asked us to make a comic about drugs or drinking, and instead of makeing a one line comic like the kind that goes in the newspapers i made mine manga style, like in a book form with five os six pages. and philip(the teacher) is an artist himself and was really pleased with it XD except when we were going around the class room alot of people tore apart the book and were reding the pages instead of reading it page to page. Another assignment i did with anime was the writing teacher wanted us to make our very own cover for our little writing booklet where we pasted all our writing entries, and for the cover instead of making a colloge with magazines i drew a picture of me in a really cutesy witch outfit ^^ and then again when the whole class went around looking at the books and writing comments alot of people were fighting over mine, :'( although i don't like it when that happens oh well, and i usually include anime in alot of my assignments, but those two were the ones i remember the most.
  12. *cries* nope...it's sad,...my closest cousin left to washington seattle..barely ever see her.. my family, now that i look at it seems torn apart.. and i really don't like most of them,..sorry to say..well, i have friends at school that are really close (not like that) hehe, we're sort of like our own little family, it's great..but i don't know how it happened, we're all so different, but we share alot of similarities...
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