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About WarDragon989

  • Birthday 06/02/1988

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  • Occupation
    Learning peoples weaknesses and exploiting them!

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  1. Sure have number #2, i had that image for a while, so you can have it
  2. 1. [IMG]http://www.xbox-connection.com/hostedimages/wardragon989sig9.jpg[/IMG] 2. [IMG]http://www.xbox-connection.com/hostedimages/Dragoon2.jpg[/IMG] Well what do you guys think?
  3. Nice pic, also i am a renamon fan, that picture is very well drawn
  4. I have seen the lost movie, its ok, but not great. If you would like the site where i got it from. Unfortually the quality is low but you can still see the picture. O yeah Burori, you said in the trivia that it was the spirit bomb that destroyed Brolly, he is a statement that contradits it was the spirit bomb [QUOTE]The Genki Dama requires a conscious effort by Goku to absorb the life-force of all things within his vicinity. The others gave Goku their energy simply because he was the only one capable of fighting. He did not call for it like he would using the Genki Dama. If you consider it the Genki Dama, then surely you must believe Furiza used the same attack when Goku gave him some energy on Namek[/QUOTE]
  5. 1. They do the fusion dance in Movie 12 2. He has appeared in three movies (8, 10 and 11) 3. I await your questions
  6. SSJ3 Goku: [url]http://server2.uploadit.org/files/281003-ssj%203%20goku.jpg[/url] SSJ3 Gotenks: [url]http://server2.uploadit.org/files/281003-goten%20ssj3.jpg[/url] Intro Movie: [url]http://dbnet100.free.fr/budokai2/video1_intro.wmv[/url] Sorry, if in wrong place
  7. Thank you, I found it on the 22nd or 23rd page. If any MOD could not lock this topic. I would be grateful
  8. Goldberg said he would do the part of Nappa as well. Anyway i agree on what you said, normally if there are to many famous actors, the film is proberly only going to have one. But i guess we will have to wait and see
  9. That is a good site, i go there every day to see the news they can find. Mr.Z is the informer that they have, he has a site which he trys to keep up to date with info on the movie.
  10. Does anyone know the name of the song being played in the background of the ESPionage E3 Trailer. The song starts like "I'll take all your thoughts away..." [url]http://www.midway.com/FutureTense/assets/video/ESP_E3_Trailer.mpg[/url] And does anyone know where to find the full version of "Arch Enemy - Enemy Within" to download. Thanks in advance
  11. simple really, "Who do you think is the legendary super saiyan" Choices are: Brolly Vegeta Goku SS Transformation Someone else I think it would be Goku because he was meant to die at the as the legendary super saiyan when Namek blew up. I wouldn't pick Brolly because he is a filler. So i will pick the SS Transformation. This was put up on another site DBZSC.com
  12. Its okay, because 1. its a horror film (one of my favourite geners) 2. I have seen better horror films 3. It got very confusing
  13. I know what you mean, Namek had only an hour to explode, but there were 6 or 8 episodes. Stipid really
  14. Only good if done properly, a lot of them are done properly, except when the guy/girl is not on-line so you cannot donwload it
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