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Everything posted by TeRRaFLaMe
Dai looked over at Simone and raised an eyebrow, but then laughed a bit, letting out a smile for once. "You're kind of a klutz, aren't you?" he said, looking at her strangely. He looked up at the windows on the roof again, and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it is raining pretty hard. Really unexpected, too.". He looked back over at her. "Are you alright? You know, after falling and all?". Dai didn't really know why he was actually talking to her, but he figured there wasn't much of anything else to do, so it might be nice talking to someone every once in a while. "So... we're in the same class at school, right? Or not? I hardly pay attention anyway. Just figured we had to know each other somewhere down the line, since you knew who I was." he said, shrugging.
Dai arrived earlier than he had predicted, and headed towards the mall right near the entrance of the city. The first thing he did was sit down on a bench near the entrance, worn out from walking all the way there. Looking at his watch and noticing the time said 4:25, he sighed and said "So, I'm here earlier than expected. Well, I have the whole night ahead of me, so I guess I'll have to find something to do to keep me busy.". He shrugged, as he usually did, and stared up at the windows in the roof of the mall. The clouds were beginning to darken, and loud thunder rang out all throughout the mall. He raised an eyebrow, finding it strange that a thunderstorm would occur so suddenly after all day being sunny outside. "That's strange..." he said to himself, intrigued by the random thunderstorm, but at the same time relieved that he found shelter in time.
Dai began walking down the road, towards the city. He was taking his time, seeing that he wasn't really in a hurry for anything. Looking at his watch while he was still walking, he noticed it was only 3:45, so he had plenty of time to get to the city and hang out for a while. He didn't know why he always went into the city, but he figured it was mainly to get as far away from his family as he could. "Well, with enough luck, on foot I should get there by roughly 4:30... not bad." he said to himself, shrugging.
Dai finally found an exit and headed outside onto the sidewalk, surprisingly much less crowded than he would have figured. He walked towards the front of the school, where the majority of the crowd was concentrated at, and headed towards the road, planning on walking into the city, since it was only a few miles away and that's where all of the interesting stuff was. He passed by Simone and looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. Shaking his head, he continued walking towards the road, not saying a word to anyone.
Dai looked over at Simone and quietly said "Hello.". He wasn't much of a people person, and didn't very much enjoy conversing with people, especially people he hardly knew. Slowly he stood up, and started walking down the hallway towards one of the school's many exits. He didn't look back, but he gave a quick wave to Simone. Shaking his head, he shrugged again, and walked a bit faster, quite anxious to get out of the school and find someplace more interesting and less crowded to spend his time.
Dai tapped his pencil lightly against his desk, waiting for the bell to ring. It was 3:00 PM and school was almost out for the day. "How long is this going to take..." he said under his breath, watching the teacher write seemingly pointless things on the board. Finally, the bell rang loudly, and everyone proceeded to gather their books and school supplies. The teacher made a few announcements, and headed for the door, but made a sudden stop next to Dai, looking at him, shaking his head. "This may be a school for mages, but that doesn't mean that's all we teach here. Pay attention more often, you might learn something useful." Dai shook his head a bit, and let out a quick chuckle. "Despite what you may think, I don't need this book knowledge. Some people care, some people don't. It's as simple as that. Besides, I already learned this stuff when I was younger, so please, just let me leave now." he said, standing up and walking out the door and into the hallway. He wandered through the long, crowded halls, then quickly sat down on a bench. "So, schools out for the day, now what...?" he said to himself, shrugging. ----- OOC: If anyone else is interested in joining, the signups are in the Recruitment forum! Please join, we need more people! ^_^
Whoo! Finch is most definitely my favorite American band. They rock. @_@ My favorites are probably... What It Is To Burn, Three Simple Words, Grey Matter, Letters To You, and Ender. They're an awesome band. *nod*
Yes, please do. Forgot about that. ^_^;;;
In a world much like ours, and in a time very reminscent of today, it would seem as if everything would be fairly the same. Well, just about everything is, other than the fact that many people are born with the power of a mage. Some people ignore this trait and continue life, trying to be as normal as everyone else, but some people try to harness their skills as a mage, practicing their magic, and inventing their own special skills. Some mages go to schools specially created for their kind, some just stay by themself, afraid of ridicule by the "normal" people. ----- Ok, so here's how things are. Everything is in a modern time and place. The great majority of kids go to school, and school, even schools for mages are very much like normal schools. Some mages are very friendly with each other, some get in fights. Some normal people are either very interested in mages and friendly to them, or they dislike and ridicule them. Normal people sometimes have the ability to awaken mage-like powers, also. The majority of mages control main elements, each element being the base of their powers. ----- The Rules -- 1. No "god-like" characters. 2. All students must be age 13-19, all children must be age 5-12, all adults must be age 20-40, and all elders must be age 60-90. I guess that sums up the age group thing. 3. A limit to 2 elements per mage, unless you're an elder, who controls all elements, and a limit to 1 element per human who has awakened their powers. 4. A limit to 4 elders in the whole RP. 2 which are teachers in school, 2 which are well, whatever they want to be. 5. Please, spell and use grammar to the best of your ability, and no "internet talk" such as "liek omg wat r u doin?" 6. Have fun! ----- Content -- Content is based on the way the whole RP goes. Violence, swearing, and not-so-graphic sexual content are all allowed, as long as it relates to the story, and is not pointless! So, basically, don't go running around killing everyone, don't swear like crazy, and don't go running around screwing everyone in your path. Keep all content tasteful and story related. Thanks. ----- Elements -- Light Darkness Fire Water Air Earth Lightning ESP (I know, not really much of an element, but I guess if you wanted to be kind of like... a psychic mage, then that would be what to use) ----- Character sheet! Name: Age: Gender: Height: Weight: Hair Color: Eye Color: Mage or Normal: Elements: General appearance: Bio: ----- Let the RP begin! Anyone who is interested, and will obey the rules may join! ----- My character -- Name: Dai Senshiro Age: 15 Gender: Male Height: 5'8" Weight: 135 lbs. Hair Color: Light grey Eye Color: Blue Mage or Normal: Mage Elements: Lightning and Darkness General appearance: Usually wears black, semi-gothic styled clothes. His grey hair is about chin-length, but usually styled strangely and crazily. Bio: Dai came from a sort of "rags to riches" background. He was born into an extremely poor family, but they then came into a fortune. Things were good at first, until the money became all they thought or cared about. He dislikes the way his family acts now, and spends as much time out of the house and away from them as possible. He goes to a school for mages, but doesn't necessarily want to. The only reason he goes is to be away from his home, and even after that, he usually finds a way to get away from them for quite a while, sometimes weeks. You'd think his parents would be sad or angry about his constant disappearances, but they're all too caught up in their jobs and money to really take much of a notice. They've all grown too far apart over the years to really notice what's going on around them. Dai doesn't have many friends, seeing that the majority of the people around him are afraid of him. He hides his feelings of sadness under a calm, quiet, intimidating exterior, but he is really a very disturbed boy. Despite all of his troubles, though, he constantly practices the ways of a mage, and continues to try to increase his power.
Hmmm... seeing that I have a HUGE interest in the supernatural, and have for years, ever since I was just a little kid, I tend to believe in this type of stuff. I believe in supernatural events, beings, and powers. I dunno why, I just do. Ghosts, spirits, etc, I believe are real. Not only from pictures I've taken of what I believe to be spirit forms, but because of personal experiences. I'm not gonna go into detail right now, though, the stories are too long. Supernatural events... such as seeing parts of the past which you didn't experiece in dreams, sudden and complete disappearances, etc... I believe somewhat in those. Moreso in the thing about dreams, though, than disappearing. Supernatural powers, such as ESP, telepathy, telekinetics, and the such, I do believe are somewhat possible. Seeing the future, seeing someone else's past, just plain knowing things, etc. But, just my opinion. *shrug*
You still mixed up? XD Sakito is DLQ vocalist! Rodeo is DLQ PV! Kirito is Pierrot vocalist! Hill is Pierrot PV! Sakito is Nightmare guitarist! Not the same as DLQ vocalist! That dirty name stealer!
The vocalist of Pierrot is ermm... Kirito. Due'le quartz's vocalist is Sakito, and Nightmare's guitarist's name is also Sakito.
Yami no Matsuei by far. I'm a guy who usually doesn't like much shounen-ai stuff, but darn, this series rocks. @_@ Dunno why I like it so much, I just do. Thing is, though, whenever I ask a lot of people about it, they're just like "What's that?". Bleh, it deserves alot more praise and recognition than it seems to get. It's a good series, people! Watch it!
This takes place in a dark, nearly abandoned city. A brutal dictatorship has built a large, enclosing dome over the city, to quarantine a dangerous biological outbreak which had occured there, but anyone which didn't evacuate the city is now trapped there. The virus has mainly diminished in most areas of the city, but it is still floating through certain areas. The virus takes over the immune system, and slowly mutates the cells in any creature's body, including some humans, changing them into a type of creature, depending on the way the cells were mutated. These transformed creatures have no control whatsoever over their actions, and will basically do anything to anyone who crosses their path. There are two types of normal humans left in the city now, though. Those who are trying to die, and those who just plain don't care. The dictatorship regularly makes checks through the quarantined city, which is planned to be re-populated in the future, thus needing to be empty. Needless to say, the soldiers that enter the city are as dangerous and ruthless as the mutated creatures are... willing to kill anything and anyone in their way. Ok... so let the RP begin! Rules -- 1. No "god-like" characters. 2. All characters in the city are fairly vulnerable. 3. All soldiers from the dictatorship are just that. Soldiers. Nothing more, nothing less. 4. Content is almost on an anything goes basis, but nothing TOO extreme. Keep things semi-normal and sane, people. 5. Spell as correctly as you can, and use at least fairly-good grammar. And please people, don't use "internet talk" So, enter your character's name, stats, etc, and let's get started.
Ok, well I've been wondering something about the other .hack games, after .hack//INFECTION. Are there any new characters to join the party in the later games? Also, do any of the official .hack//SIGN characters from the TV series make appearances in the games and/or join your party? Thanks.
His current real name is Kyo. It used to be Tooru, I believe, but he legally changed it to Kyo.
Heh, I like Dir en grey quite a bit, one of my favorite bands, actually. I've liked em for over a year now, and yea, I've seen the Obscure PV... weird stuff. XD I'd still say Gauze and Macabre are my favorite Dir en grey albums, but Kisou is definitely growing on me. Six Ugly never really interested me, though. XP
Hmm... I guess I'll try listening to it more. Dunno why, it just didn't appeal to me too much when I first heard it.
Hmmm... I heard some of the tracks on Vulgar not too long ago, but I didn't like it too much. I was planning on pre-ordering it, but never got around to it, and I'm kinda glad I didn't spend the $30 on it. It wasn't bad, it was just kinda strange. @_@