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Everything posted by Arasoi

  1. [color=royal blue]My favorite manga is definitely Gravitation. Shuichi is such a detailed and emotional character, and I can relate to him in many ways. I like the story behind it a lot, and I love all the characters in it (even though Yuki can be a jerk). The reason I like it most, though, is because it's a yaoi manga, and it was the first one I ever heard about. I've been addicted to it ever since. I only wish that I could see the anime, too...[/color]
  2. [color=royal blue]As has been brought up many times before, the motion suits would be very expensive to develop, meaning that they would be expensive to buy. This makes me wonder if they would want to even bother developing them, because if they were too expensive, then no one would buy them. If very few people bought the motion suits, then that means that there wouldn't be many people playing the game. Since Sony probably would realize this, I doubt they'd make the .hack game that detailed. It would probably be like the rest of the online games out there, where you just use the controller to move the character around, and it's not that detailed. However, I'd still be willing to buy and play a .hack online game if it was like the rest of the .hack games, because I like the way those games work.[/color]
  3. [color=royal blue]That is...extremely scary. Subaru's hair...well, actually, just Subaru herself...was very frightening. Crim looked like he had black glasses, and I can't tell what Silver Knight's doing. And...is that Subaru in Crim and Silver Knight's part of the picture? I can't even tell. Umm...I don't really understand what's with Sora's star eyes, either. Mia looks kind of like a clown, a really scary one at that. And Bear looks like a zombie. If I had to pick one that I thought looked the most normal, I'd have to say it's either Elk or B.T., because they're the only ones that I could immediately recognize. It took a moment for me to be able to tell who the others were.[/color]
  4. [color=royal blue]I have a theory about Tsukasa's lack of magic, as well. In the .hack games, the skills you have are entirely dependent on the equipment you're wearing. So...maybe Tsukasa's equipment is a really low level, so he doesn't have any skills with the exception of whatever healing spell he used in [spoiler]Episodes 25 and 26.[/spoiler][/color]
  5. Arasoi


    [quote][I]Originally posted by K.K.C.[/I] I think Tsukasa even states a few times in the series that "The World" is his World... or... something like that.....[/quote] [color=royal blue]Yes, I do remember him saying that a few times. He thinks that he controls "The World" since he has the Guardian, and becomes overly arrogant. I do believe Bear points this out once or twice. He says "Do you think you're something great?" or something like that. Of course, Tsukasa no longer feels so powerful after [spoiler]the Guardian is turned against him...[/spoiler][/color]
  6. [color=royal blue]I believe that metrosexuals could help the gay community. One of the main issues in my town (and probably much of the country, for that matter) is that if a guy acts at all feminine, then they are instantly labeled as gay. I see this the most in my school, and I'm sure I notice it far more than most people because I'm one of the targets. I think that if more men were to act more feminine, then the opinion that all feminine guys are homosexual would be changed. Seeing how I'm gay, there's nothing I can do about it, but I do have a male friend who acts slightly feminine from time to time. He's straight, but people pick on him a lot for being "gay." I think if more straight guys were to act like him, then people would realize that femininity in a male doesn't necessarily mean that he's homosexual.[/color]
  7. You may also want to check what server you're going to. The DVD, as far as I can remember, doesn't tell the server. Two of the keywords are in Delta server, and the other is in Beta/Pheta/Theta (whichever it really is). There are three keywords in all from the first volume of .hack//LIMINALITY, all of which contain items. One contains only one item, in the Gott Statue. The other two, however, have rare items in both the Gott Statue chest, and another chest on the lowest floor, so look out for those as well. I tried not to give away too much, so that I wouldn't spoil the surprise for you, but I hope it helped.
  8. Well...I'm a yaoi writer, sort of. I just write stories in my free time, and they're not really that great. But...I just thought I'd comment. [quote][I]Originally posted by Dragonstar[/I] [B]Most fanfiction authors just see a possibilty for a freindship to mean a LOT more.[/B][/quote] I agree. I used to write Digimon yaoi fiction when I was younger, just because I felt that the friendship between Tai and Matt could have gone further. Of course, though, that wouldn't really happen in the show. So, I just wrote a story where Tai and Matt get into a relationship, and continued from there. I've done stories with couples that don't even make sense, either. I just like the idea of them together. Like T.K. and Davis, for example. They would never get together, seeing how they hate each other, but it was still fun to write. So...that's my little addition to this discussion.
  9. Arasoi


    Well, if Tsukasa does mean "to govern" that would make sense to me. Tsukasa, being trapped in The World and unable to log out, plays by his own rules. So, in a sense, he's governing his part of The World...and the Guardian, while it's around, sort of enforces that. He is (temporarily, at least) given that power...I don't know. Do I make sense at all?
  10. I don't really find Natsume to be that bad. Some people say she's annoying, but I don't mind her. Except, of course, when she's begging for items...and sometimes her tendency to suck up to Kite gets on my nerves. But she is one of the characters that I use most. I'm different than most people, because I make Kite a mage, sort of. As much as he can be, at least. I always give him Wavemaster armor, and the only weapons I have him use are Fishskin and Two Together, since those have summons. It may not seem like it has a point in .hack//INFECTION and .hack//MUTATION, but since the only Wavemaster you can use in .hack//OUTBREAK is Wiseman, and I don't like him much, it serves a purpose for me. And it's useful when fighting [spoiler]Cubia[/spoiler], too. And since Kite's more of a Wavemaster than a Twin Blade for me, I tend to bring Natsume along a lot.
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