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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. meh, ok then. I was just bein a smart ***. I knew what you meant. but anyway, Civilains die in war. it happens. america needs to realize that.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B] they will not be happy when they realise that they are killing people. [/B][/QUOTE] I just want to get this straight. So the people that are fighting the war are not real people? [sarcasm]Because obviously, the only people here are innocent bystandards. [/sarcasm]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B] Air Force kid coming in every day since last Friday. He's getting shipped out Sunday and...well, it put the whole thing into perspective for me. These are very real people fighting over there, out there. And I don't want people to die needlessly. Bush doesn't want that, either. . [/B][/QUOTE] I understand that. A good friend of mine is actually getting shipped out soon. We whent to church together for a couple yrs, and he showed up at my Army JROTC Car wash, and we had a good 3 minute conversation. That was the last I saw of him. I hope it wont be the final time.
  4. [i] Ryan grinned, as he had stepped into the loaded sparring program. personal weapons weren't allowed, only those in the current setting, which happened to be 2 katanas, as well as a small amount of shiruken's. He stood on one side, his black martial arts gi settleing down, as he blindfolded himself. He sat down, and began to meditate, awaiting Neil's arrivial. 10 minutes later...... Over a " loud speaker" [/i] [b] Operator:[/b] Ryan, lets go, we got our next mission, Neil's breifing us........ [i] Ryan mutters to himself, as he exits the program, and enters the Safehouse room. He looks at all the others, and then to neil, who begisn to explain the next mission.....[/i]
  5. [i] Ryan grinned from the corner of the room. These jokes were needed, being that the tension from today's mission was still high. Why had the agents noticed their presence? They inevitably always do, but it was quicker this time. As if they had almost found this safehouse. He quickly dismissed the thought, and continued to watch the others. [/i] [b]Ryan: [/b] Hey, neil, U want to spar a bit, until the next mission at least. When is that anyway? [i] Neil grinned[/i] [b] neil: [/b] Sure man. For a little bit anyway. I'll finish you off quick, and have time for a nap. [i] Both kinda laughed, as they qere quickly logged into the training program.....[/i]
  6. Vegitto4


    The lead singer? Not in the video. He has a goatee though. The drummer kinda looked like Wes Boreland a bit. Not much, but a bit...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Justin. 11/9 had nothing to do with Iraq. What are you on about? . [/B][/QUOTE] that's right. November 9th did have nothing to do with iraq...................................
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] We provided weapons for them, yes. However, just because we provided those weapons doesn't mean we shouldn't be angry when they turned them against us. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] I see it more of this. e trusted them with tactics that we taught them. Then, they turn and backstab us with our own crap. As you said, it wasn't smart on our part not to see it comming. But if someone did this to you, wouldn't you want to slam your fist into them? Multiple times of course.........
  9. I'd have to concurr with you there TN. We did screw up. But, albeit it's no excuse, our president is from texas. Therefore, his pride, and ego are a TAD** opens hand up to the size of the atlantic.** bit big........ ** only said that because he lives in TX**
  10. I like it. The sword kinda squiggles at the end, but it's very well done. maybe add some colour to it.
  11. Forsaken As I sit here Cold and neglected I often wonder why I'm always rejected For all I want In this cold, numbing place Is to look up And see your Loving face Alas, all I can do Is sit in this windblown wasteland And forever ponder " Why am I forsaken?" Thoughts?
  12. [i] Ryan was watching their back from the rooftops, and had been following them for quite some time. He dropped down into the alleyway, and then stood, to look the others in the face. [/i] [b] Ryan[/b]: Ok, we have about 3 closing in. I was watching them, as you guys were handling this one. One from the north, then from the east, and west. Shall we book it? [i] they nod in agreement, as all 3 of them bust through the side door, and begin to sprint towards the safe house. Being that they have been moving them, they only remember the general direction. Neil whips out his phone....[/i] [b] Neil: [/b] Operator, specifics of that exit I asked you for earlier. [i] The operator tells him, and they turn up the speed. Ryan sees a bird in an open apartment, fluttering about in it's cage. 3 apartments down, he sees the same bird. He quickly stops the two others, and whispers [/i] [b] Ryan: [/b] Deja Vu......get ready.........
  13. Just one person demanding it wont get it. You need alot of support [b]before[/b] another forum would be created.
  14. I never got to play final bout. I was kinda sad that i couldn't find it anymore.....:(
  15. Meh. Ther series will be over, and until they get GT dubbed, and ready to air, they will have an open slot. I'm sure they have finally realized that keeping reruns going just irritates those that can't get the tapes and whatnot.
  16. Wooohooo!! Fun time y'all. I've been itching to get into this story.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]*points to her sig* I will never, never understand you people.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] If you stil played games then you might understand it. The only reasom i barely understand D&D is because of EQ. Since they are slightly similar.
  18. Jon, are riddles supposed to be logical??????? Really now, your supposed to think abstractly about most riddles. because they make no sense.
  19. Jumpy mind bending thriller ish. You jump at points, just because it's kinda tense. other than that, it's funny. I DUDDITS!!!!!!!
  20. Wonderful. Any idea when this lovely game will be started?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zemekis_ [/i] [B]Are you male or female? I'm a real boy! [/B][/QUOTE] As opposed to a fake one? Like say.......pinocchio? lol
  22. I personally dont like this much covrage on the war. All the video feeds are over doing it. Honestly, who really needs to know exactly whats going on, so we can all create more mass hysteria? I figure, send out a few Military journalists, maybe a couple civies, and thats that. le them send home some film, or articles about the conflict. But having to watch all of this is just downright idiotic. If you REALLY want to know exactly what happened, ask somebody whow as there. Then, when they tell you" join up, and go see for yourself" , dont walk away in a huff because you didn't get what you wanted. The delecacies of war should only be known that fought.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B][color=skyblue] I guess talking isn't really the only problem...maybe its cause we've been fighting for about two weeks now...I dunno.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, well if thats it, then dont worry about it. J/K!!! If you've been fighting, of course this person will not want to talk to you for awhile. You first have to work out the situation at hand, i.e. the fight.
  24. Your welcome. Lol. Well, if that kind of thing is not your style of entertainment, then dont worry about anything good. I just thought it would be alright, and not that great, but it was fantastic.
  25. A friend of mine has the book, and I'm planning on reading it. Stephen king is rather interesting to read.......you need a slightly warped mind to understand it. But are you really supposed to understand his books? Dilemma's, dilemma's.
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