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Everything posted by Vegitto4
Never heard of the game. Care to post the baisic storyline?
This movie just came out on friday, in the US. I saw it last night(saturday). I thought it was awesome. The concept was def. stephen kingish, since he wrote it. At first, i thought it was just gonna be another Signs or something. However, this was totally different. It's awesome. If you haven't seen it, please do. If so, please post your thoughts.
[b]Name:[/b] Ryan [b]Codename:[/b] Postman [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Appearance:[/b] Just picture Dante from DMC2, and there you have it. Eye's change from silver to red. [b]Personality:[/b] Short temper, intelligent, " Gung-Ho", and revengefull. Also, the "Shrink" of the group. During battle, he is quick minded, and can think on his feet, and not afraid to try anything. However, piss him off during battle, and he flies into a rage that is hard to stop. His opponent will utterly be destroyed. On a lighter note, he loves walks on the beach, candle light dinners..oh, wait, wrong rpg.........:blush: [b]Preferred Gear:[/b] Custom made sword: [b][i]Rebellion[/i][/b] Acid etched, therefore VERY sharp. Makes no sound when comming out of sheath unless it's for dramitic effect. Dual custom pistols: [b] Ebony & Ivory [/b]. About 13 rounds in the clip, 1 in chamber at ALL times. Shiruken's as well, only about 20 of those. Black in main colour, and trimmed, with chrome. [b] Hand to hand[/b]: His skill in Hand to hand combat is barely surpassed by some in the group. Guess 3 forms of martial arts is good for you somehow. His Accuracy has yet to be matched with any weapon, even by an agent.......
What do you do when you don't know what to say to someone?
Vegitto4 replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
Also, saying something very random works perfectly. Something like** in a dead silence** " Tomatoes" ** crickets continue to chirp....** -
DUngeons and Dragons corrupts Christians?
Vegitto4 replied to REVENGE2's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Just one small note from me here: Temptation is not sin. Thank you, -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Your right, giving in to a temptation that is against God's Will is the sin. That was for those that were planning on trying to argue his statement. Anyway. Quick question, whats a DM? I am not versed in the upper ways of D&D. I know the baisics because EQ is similar(class wise) -
No Apology needed Charles. That was needed, very badly. Anyway, Has any one any info on the guy that betrayed Saddam? I read a little about it, but not much.
DUngeons and Dragons corrupts Christians?
Vegitto4 replied to REVENGE2's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue] They played it even when they weren't playing it. It became another whole reality to them. In fact, they had a problem distiguishing reality from the fantasy. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That happens alot with EverQuest. But anyway. 1)I have never played D&D, partially because of the whole forbidden thing( damn super baptist parents), and I haven't had much interest in it. I can see some similarities with EQ, being with the clerics, and paladins, and warriors and such, so I might pick it up one day, but that will be a long time from now. 2) No, the game itself does not corrupt the mind, of anybody, let alone christians. Being christian myself, I have never let myself fall totally and completely into the reality of the game i was playing. it's nice to imagine it, but beign that it's not real, it kinda ruins the fun of acting like it really does exist. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B] As for the missile system, can some one find out if it is computer automated or human controlled? No point arguing if we don't even know the facts. [/B][/QUOTE] Even if it is human controled, why does it matter. It is most likely a radar screen they look at, and all they see is a figure flying in. Not the make, model, and country of it. Now, if they had a schedule that the craft was flying in on, and somebody wasn't paying attention, then drop him for 500, and then set him up for whatever military legal action must take place. ( Cant rememebr the exact charge it would be from the UCMJ[United Code of Military Justice]) Oh, and gokents, on the 5.56 mm round deal, i looked, and couldn't find anything. Yes, that means that i looked at the convention articles. All 60+ ones. Now, if I missed something, then i missed something. However, from what i found, there are no restrictions on the 5.56 mm round.
What do you do when you don't know what to say to someone?
Vegitto4 replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I usually don't talk much. The best listeners are the best freinds. But that's just me. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. I try to be quiet most of the time, or, I used to anyway. Now, depending on the person, i might have to talk the bulk of the time. But if i'm having a problem, and a friend is mad at me, then i wait for them to cool off a bit, then try and see whats up. it all works out in the end. -
I would want to, but thats because hopefully, I would have something to come back for. I do hope they get out, and make it fun too. :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Orien_Xel [/i] [B][color=blue]Gokents, I have a question how come when we disagree with you, you call us unitelligent? Just because you disagree dosen't give you the right to call us unintelligent, stupid, idiotic, etc. That is not fair to people trying to express their opinions and is called [b]FLAMING[/b]!!! You can't just call us "ignorant" and expect us to automatically say "Oh! We were wrong the entire time! Lets flock to the other side!!" All you are doing is driving us even further from your viewpoint! You are just showing YOUR ignorance. How can you?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'd have to agree with you there. Any one else that is like that would do well to take this to heart. I've even done it. Any back on topic. Mei, if this person thinks that they are in hell, then let them think that. They might be. You never know nowadays. Unless you knew theyr soul, you can't say they did or didn't go to hell. Same goes for Chun-Li.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Unholy Newt [/i] [B]on. And take a look at what he did to poor old Job. Just because Satan disputed the man's faith, he killed his stock, his family, destroyed his home and covered the man in boils, just to prove a point. And in case you haven't heard. Saddam Hussein has been firing SCUD Missiles to defend himself. Wait a minute, aren't SCUD's classed as weapons of mass destruction? Gee, and thought he didn't have any. Strange. ~TUN [/B][/QUOTE] ok, point 1 in that statement is wrong. God Let satan put Job through that to test his faith. Point 2, Scuds are only as accurate as the length of the missle. I could care less how destructive they are.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [b]What do you think women want?[/b] If I knew this, I most likely wouldn't go through the general hell I usually go through with those I date somewhere along the line. I'd like to think they'd want someone that is a nice guy (short description), but I find that most girls are instinctly attracted to dumb a**holes. . [/B][/QUOTE] AMEN BROTHER SEMJAZA!!!!!! ok, anyway................ Are you male or female? Male How long has your longest relationship lasted? A pathetic 4 months What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in? it's a tie between the last two. Both ended in about the same way, except for one of them, which her parents when insane and thought they could try to press charges on me What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate? I agree with sara, if it was one word, i would have her already what is your pet peve about the people you date? Un able to understad somethings, but thats what spices it up Have you ever used a pick up line? hellz no, way to shy -if so, did it work? ......meh Have you ever had a pick up line used on you? I wish -if so, did it work? It probaly would Guys only What do you think women want? Somebody what will pay attention to them in the way that they choose. Thats why they pick the guys that they like. In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women? You can never tell. Damn mood swings.
JC is right on this one. They let down a barrier inside Buu( in the dubs) and then, being that buu was trying to digest them, they split apart because of buu's Body. if you can really call a pile of pink goo that can form whatever shape it wants a body...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue] Maybe we should all just act the opposite of how we want our kids to act, lol.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, if we do that, then hopefully we can see and notice when they lie, and say that they're not going to a druged up party, when infact, it is so incredibly possible, they shouldn't go until later in life. ( first day of school after spring break, i'm not making much sense today. Did that make sense?)
Ok, question time. I am currently playing Devil May Cry 2 on Must Die mode(hardest mode). Now, on the dante disc, after getting trish, who would be the best character to use against the 3 faced elemental guy? he keeps firing to much, and it's almost impossible to beat him. Any suggestions?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1] But the odd thing is, the car had two broken windows. o_o;[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry, but thats either just a really funny coincidence, or, well, weird is the only word that i can put to describe it. I often wonder why bush is in office, i mean, so many people sont like him now, albeit it was the opposite when he was given the predesenciy. Sorry if i'm just randomly babbling, i just woke up........
Lol, that's not good will. But good lck in whatever happens my friend.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by postbagboy [/i] [B]fate, shut up. who are you to go determining the pshycology of teenagers? [/B][/QUOTE] Considiring that fate is right in a way. Teenagers(of which i am) are very self centered and such. Were all spoiled brats, and act like it all the time. So why shouldn't we go out and do whatever makes us feel good? ** thats the mindset of my city at least** Fate uses what he/she said in a generalization. Some teenagers aren't like that at all, and those are the exceptions. However, most are living for themselves, and for their own personal pleasure, just like most people alive today.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]I would refrain from meddling in other peoples' affairs. [/B][/QUOTE] I would concurr on this situation. Things like this never end up turning out good. Dating between friends is the easiest way to screw up a good group of people. I hate expierence sometimes. i agree with wrist cutter though. if they want answers, let them work it out.
I say film, and keep your computer fun on the side, to make extra money. It is also possible that you would become a very well known writer/director/ whatever it is in the film industry that you wish to study. There are to many computer jobs out there anyway. People always need a good movie now and then.