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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. ** only posting after reading part of the first page, will edit later if needed** Personally, this just shows how childish our government really is. the war thing, I dont understand it really. I haven't been paying attention to it much. I figure, if i end up going, i'll kill some ppl that they tell me to. I know it's a stupid thing to say, but right now, there isn't much else I can say. I'm planning on reading up on it though. Did we even have a topic on this iraq thing yet? I'm not surprised if we will have a direct one soon.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valick [/i] [B] If you are in situation where you have to pick between your son and daughter which one would you pick?" [/B][/QUOTE] Ahem, i dont know if it was said already, but i choose both my son and my daughter. [quote] "[b]There are only 2 answers to this question[/b], with the correct answer I will point to the correct road, if the wrong answer I will point to the false one. The question is. [/quote]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheHumanCornDog [/i] [B]Ok wtf d00ds. Parties are good Beer is good GIRLS ROXOR SEX I WANT DRUGS ARE BAD Drugs are bad. My frend talks about rabbits wen hes high lets all chill out and listen to some Tupac and jack off. LOL :mrt: :mrt: :mrt: MR T RULES YO HOLLAH [/B][/QUOTE] Wow. you do know beer kills brain cells right? or did you drink to much to be able to realize this fact of life?
  4. Having been caught with Marijuana, (interesting story actually...) i have mized veiws. Personally, for me, I've never [i] needed[/i] it. I say that with the utmost honesty. It was boredom that drove me to trying pot. I was always the occasional smoker, barely, like 6 months between times. it did however, not make life easier, and after getting caught, then i chose to not do it for at least 2 yrs. Alcohol.....well, i'm irish. It's fun, sometimes. Getting drunk is never fun. I have never looked at a drunk, and said" gee, that looks like fun" Having a few drinks, now i see no harm in that. Sex...addicting. hard to stop. Desperation kicks in about 2 months, and then after that, it's usually controllable. I do, however, regret my first time, but dont. It's a mixed feeling story. However, at 13, i do suggest not doing any of this. It wont make your life any easier, and it will end up hurting everyone around you. So please cyko, if you [b] are [/b] to do any of this ( since we can't stop you) please wait until you can cope with the effects it will produce. Good and bad.
  5. it's all fun and games till you get screwed, and well, from then on it either get reallllllllly cool, or crappy. thats for you to see..
  6. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]I agree with Vegitto4 [/B][/QUOTE] wow, it's not everyday i see that........wheeee!!!!! w/e, if you dont like the, i think your insane, but meh; if you do, rock on.
  7. :rollseyes: at {SITH} Change Lol. Anyway, my view's, and that is probably all I will say on this. God created, man, earth, and universe. he did not kick start evolution as some say/believe. Soem telescope in europe(britain i think, not sure of location and name) has been keeping track of the sun's size. it is decreasing. By how much/how much time, i do not know, however, by whatever mathmatecial equation they are using, if the universe is as old as evolution says, then the earth was surrounded by the sun at the begining of time. This is not to say that we dont evolve. We do, mentally, and physically. Personally, I dont think that we have a common ancestor persay(monkyes and humans), just similarities. The account of creation is rather metaphorical, as my lovely ife pointed out, but thats because we dont know how time differs, if at all, between the spiritual and earth realms. 1 day could be a second here, or the reverse. I am so uber. ( come on ppl, it's a joke, laugh)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LostProphet [/i] [B] Oh well, no way I'm going [COLOR=red]Marines[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] DIE, DIE AND ROT IN HELL!!!!!! j/k will. you know i dont really think your a wuss.....wait, yes is do.... I hope you can add to the 40% of next years quota, if not, then go army man. you already got the baisic structure down.
  9. Name: CPT Ryan Grundy Age: 33 Country: Magog Bio: Former Delta Force Sniper, Ryan Grundy, has moved down below hiw former line of allegiance, for one thing. Prosperity. He recived it, and in turn, decided to fight for the country Magog. He only is fighting for the communist ways, because they have helped him in the long run. He awaits his troop to be deployed, so he might be able to put an end to this damned war once and for all......
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B] they butchered nations filled with people lacking in technology, converting them under the sword, and subjugating the survivors to the will of the War Christ. . [/B][/QUOTE] more like the pope, but since the pope controlled everything at the time......yeah. Dont label and blame all christians for what they did in the past, same goes with any religion, or group. Dont hold on to things that ppl did wrong, it's not cool.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiV [/i] [B]What do you think of jealousy? For example, if you loved someone, and you're jealous when that person is with someone else. Is that love or a sign of untrustworthy? Personally, I think if you loved someone, you must trust that person. You shouldn't be jealous. Also, someone told me that, if that person doesn't jealous, that mean he/she doesn't love you. Is that true? [/B][/QUOTE] **reads a couple times to make sure he knows what your asking** Well, from what i gather, your asking if jealousy is a good thing. See i could either tell a story about last summer, which a bunch of you already know about, or give u my views. Meh View: being a jealous person, it works out this way. I dont see being jealous as a bad thing, necessarily. I think that in order to be human, you need to have a certain level of jealousy. It shows that you care for soemthing or someone. Now, if that level is so great that you try to control the other person, then it becomes a problem. It all varies within the situation. Now, if you had a specific situation, which i havent' looked for yet,( i know i'm posting late) I could help out more.
  12. The reason I am joining the marines is because it's the toughest. I also have always felt like a marine at heart. Hey will, u know Kurt ward? he signed up, the recruiter was making fun of him, it was hilarious
  13. I see your rather torn here. Out of revenge, I would not tell him, however, out of compassion, I would. now, if' he is a pig, or just really stubborn, like most guys. If you tell him, he might go" no she's not, you just want me back so bad your spreading that she is" . Then again, you could sit back, and watch how it all plays out. Or get back at the girl who he cheated on you with, and have him cheat on ehr with you, but that would be tricky. meh, u decide. There are lots of options
  14. lol. Thanks guys. I just got back, and the marine guy was out. I called him, and left a messgae, he'll call me back tomorrow. now, the army guy. He gave me the low down on the split ops program, which is enough money for college, and then some So, if the marines give me a batter deal, i'll go with them. What sucks, is that i will be disqualified from any branch if they find out i'm bipolar.
  15. Well guys, i'm going to see the recruiters tonight. I just wanted to see what you guys would suggest. Those of you that know me, i'm a jarhead at heart, but i am probably gonna go with the one that offers me the better deal. Any thoughts, on anything having to do with the army or marines.
  16. HOLY GOD IT'S ALTRON!!!!!!! **wipes eyes to make sure** Sorry, i hadn't seen him in awhile, so i had to post that. **tries to dodge modrod**
  17. Industrial. Duh. The only thing thats worth using. it seems more prof. to me, thats why i use it. The others, meh, they aren't bad, just not my taste. What sucks about Industrial, is that you dont get the pop up pm message anymore, but it shows you everytime you hit the site anyway.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B][color=skyblue]You can't just dump your girlfriend for someone that you kind of still like.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually you can, it's very simple. You say" hey,. i actually still like this other girl, who likes me now. So.....yeah. later" Sorry if it's assholeish, but hey, thats life, and relationships. Now, if your out of high school, and halfway into college, or getting out of college, i dont suggest you say that, because thats when you start looking for a wife/hsband and such. however, if your not even into HS, or in the middle of it yet, then no worries. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]I say you be a playa and go for both of them. What's the worst that could happen? Everything that happens in highschool/middleschool is worthless anyway. It doesn't matter if some girls cry. [/B][/QUOTE] AMEN!!!!!
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]But the surgeon admitted that he didn't check the info on the organs. He just assumed they were the right type. He could have at least looked at it. Plus the family specifically said not to pull the plug until they got a second opinion. The hospital could have at least waited that long, so it seems suspicious.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Your right, he should have checked. However, he was going by prior knowledge. I know it's not an excuse, but at least they tried. Besides, you dont always need a second opinion. Some people just want one so they can be satisfied, and have their loved one live longer, when it might be best to let them die. I know it's morbid, and it sucks, but thats how life works.
  20. I saw the first epp. Some hot ppl, and some not so hot ppl. The problem is, the egotisticality of the show. I just want to hit them with a big wooden stick. 2x4x10 works quite well
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Is there a limit on this check? The obvious solution is to write it for more than you need for the prom so you'll have money left over. Ha! I know, you don't have to say it. But that's what I'd do. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Brilliance.Comeonwill,yoursmarterthanthat.besidees,donthalfofthe people in the corps owe you money? meh,get paybacks, as wellasthis blank check. DUH!!!!!!!!!!! Who are you taking anyway?
  22. Vegitto4

    The Recruit

    Now then. I have no idea if this thread has already been posted or not, but I have not seen it, so oh well. Thoughts on the movie? Loved it. it kept me entertained throughout the whole thing. I was also guessing if [spoiler] lelah was the real mole or not [/spoiler]. Colin Farrel is a great actor. He has been alot of movies recently. Al Pacino is getting old, but can still act, rather well. Anybody elses thoughts?
  23. Vegitto4


    More and More Mud fans are turning up. I think people are starting to realize what great music really is, but thats just me. [quote] [i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] My opinion is that Mudvayne's new CD is awful and anything that made me think they'd interest me based on the first CD has been thrown out the window. [/quote] Care to elaborate more on this? The songs have geat meaning, and questions. Such as [b] The end of all things to come [/b] . This song is mainly about the government wasting time, and how everyone should realize the mortality of life. [b] Shadow of a Man[/b]. Now there is a great song. Written well, and great meaning. it poses a great question as well. Do you reflect the world, or does the world reflect you? [b] Not Falling [/b] Great first single. Wonderfull song about independence. " I'll stand, not crawling, not falling down. " [b] A Key to nothing [/b] I like it, but it's not my favorite. Meh. [b] [Per]version of a Truth [/b] Love it. Shows that most of what people show and say are really lies. [b] Skrying [/b] great sng about children, or adolessent age people, or grown up people finding that place to go away for awhile. [b] The Patient Mental [/b] Love it. But thats just because I'm bipolar, and often have dreams about being a mental patient in a rubber room, being stared at, and always diagnosed. " i'm just like a clock upon the wall. Always moving, but never going anywhere" [b] Silenced [/b] great song about how the world's youth are silenced today. In a nutshel at least. Thats most of the songs, i actually have yet to relocate the cover Ifor the cd, so I dont have all 12 songs. All in all, they are a great band. That, and they are from my home town. Peoria, Illinois baby.
  24. As I have said before, congrats deb. I hope that your problems will work out for the best, they usualy do. I dont have time to post a long reply, but congrats. " Pain is weakness leaving the body"
  25. omg jenna i'm really sorry. i'm usually the one that says" it sucks, but oh well. " I dont know the situation, and well, id ont know. I'm really sorry. I can't relate to that yet, but i just want to offer up an ear that will listen.
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