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Everything posted by Vegitto4
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LostProphet [/i] [B]True, never thought of it that way. State of Texas requires a start after Labor Day OR a waiver from that. If we started after Labor Day, our district was going to push exams to after Christmas Break. Guess I cant complain [/B][/QUOTE] Shut it Will. Meh. j/k. Well, we lived through exams. Now we just have to live through next semester!!!!!!!
I might agree. We got out yesterday as well. However, the second i walk in the door, i was planning on leaving and hanging with friends. you know, like a " normal" teenager. But nooooo. My mom has to go and give me things to do. I had to drive all over creation. But it's ok. I like to drive.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]I actually think this game is just down right a let down. Mostly for one specific reason. The attacking. The main charactor that you play has the same old combo of moves over and over. I think it was said best above when someone mentioned stealth and adventure. Those elements would have added greatly and then with a whole new slew of moves for attacking, the game might have lived up to the hype. Other wise, it is one of the most over rated games Ive ever played. Sorry, but I need a bunch of different attacks and sweet kill moves. In fact, I think the original tenchu did a better job of ninja style gaming. Shinobi is just a big stinker if you ask me. Maybe if the game had been ignored or totally under rated by everyone, but since it was hyped to be one of the best games this year, I think it falls horribly short. ------------------------------------------------- I also wanna mention that Ive just found a confirmation that shinobi will be made into a movie, dont know when, how or why, but it looks to be happening. Lets wait and see. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, that was a show stopper right there. You have to think up new moves gotenks. Just sitting there and attacking is no fun. He changes a bit once you target, but not much. You just need to have more fun with the shadow step and jump, and the darts.
I can deal with school. but I agree with the fact that homework is the devil. I dont see the point in it unless you need the practice. I figure, if you understand something when they teach it to you, they shouuld test you either that day, or the next day. That way, you wont have such a majority failing in classes. I'm failing chem right now, because of the fatc that I just dont do my hw all that much, and tests are so few and far between, thaty i dont really know if I can produce the knowledge that my [spoiler] ****** [/spoiler] Chemisty teacher expects. Whenever somebody has a question, all she does is repeat what she just said. She doesn't change a single thing in order to actually help the student excel in ehr class, then she wonders why we fail. [spoiler] IDIOTS!!!!!!!!![/spoiler]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Night_Day [/i] [B]Okay so here it goes. How many of you people like school or dont like school? Poll above [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, heh, heh. Thats a rather general question. In general, no, I dont. But thats just because those at my school walk around like robots, and never try to truly expierence what life has to offer them. That is also due to the fact that There are subjects that i truly despise, and i believe that i have no need for. Like Chemistry. I can understand needing the baisics, but going so indepth as my class does, thats insane. I also think that Algebra os from the devil. Meh. I believe that after a certain point, say, 10th grade, students should be learning what they think will honestly help them further their life. Whateversubject that will get them to do what they wish to do for therest of their life, thent hat is what they should learn. At least 3 subjects that they should be learning, for abot 2-3 hours out of each day. Either all subjects everyday( i like that one) or A different subject everyday. Now to what i like about school. My friends. I dont have many, but hey, I would rather have a few good friends that I can count on than a crap load of people that always let me down. I figure, after I'm out of school, I'll figure it all out. In case any of you wanted to know what i am like at school, then here it is. I'm the guy that everyone sees, but no one notices.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Same here. Make him jealous, then he should come cralling back to you. [/B][/QUOTE] Hmmm. Interesting thought. See, making people jealous works, but, what if they jsut resent you forever for doing it? Ever thought of that at all? I used to do that, then people started doign ti to me, once they realized that I am a very jealous person. If you feel like doing this, please be smart about it. Btw, pressure, I have always liked reading your posts, if you wanted to knwo that. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pressure [/i] [B][color=purple]Good point. Anarchy might be a good solution. .[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Anarchy is an oxymoron. Thats all I am going to say about that subject for now.
yeah, I figured it could be cleaned up a bit. Meh. it works though. It got the point across.
Planning on it. I jsut wrote a short epic one. Baisically, a short story, because it's not in stanza form. lets see if i can find it. Ahhhhh. Here it is. [b] Reality[/b] [i] As the fire falls, the unknown creature arises. A Black velvet cloak is strewn about his sholders, and the hood about his skull. His face, white as death. His eyes, cold. he stares, His black hair falling into his face. You seem to think that you know exactly what he came for. A shiver beats the cold sweat that has begun to run down your spine. [b] so dead, so lifeless[/b]. That is the thought that burns inside of your mind as he stands, and breathes. he looks so dead, that you see his breath when he breathes. Suddenly, he dissapears. You look frantically, wondering what, and where this thing has gone. You hear, no, you feel a voice. " [b] Wondering what i am are you?[/b]" "[b] YES![/b]" You scream. A slow maniacal laugh begins to reverberate throughout your very being. "[b] Do you really want to know.[/b]" This thing utters. You nod, to shaken with fear to speak. He translucifies twenty feet infront of you. He begins to speak in some foreign tounge, not known to this world. You understand it however. " [b] You know me. I am the darkest thing that has ever known who you really are[/b]" " [b] Lucifer? [/b]" He shakes his head, grinning slightly. He fades out from visual perspective, and now stands next to you, pointing at the mirror that now replaces where he once stood. You walk to it, in order to see what he whispered in your ear. You turn, before you reach it, and the dark figure has dissapeard. You turn, to look at the mirror, and suddenly, drop in mortal shock. For what was truly shown inside this mirror...........was in fact..........................................................Your Soul. [/i]
[b] mermaid green[/b] [i] When i look into your eyes I think of the sea Because I get lost in the swirl Of Starlight blue, and mermaid green I picture myself Lost at sea Waiting for you To come rescue me Rescue me from drowning In the sea of colours That picture the soul That god put inside For whenever i'm lost In the sea of thine eyes All i will do Is wait for Thee To come and rescue me. [/i] The ending's not that good, but, I wrote it in 2nd period, a couple weeks ago. have y'all noticed that most of my poems are about eyes?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Shinobi received a lot of initial hype, but the final product isn't really anything extraordinary. That is, while it's a good game, it doesn't stack up favorably against some of the more impressive titles in terms of execution. [/B][/QUOTE] Hmmmmmm. I slightly agree with you. it is a great game, i'm still playing it at a friend o mines. he just beat the snake boss, and, i must say, it was very interesting. Very exhilarating. However, my only problems with this game are: 1) how, sometimes, the bosses get royally cheap moves that jsut piss me off 2@ I like the gfx, but, gameplay gfx, could be better. i guess i got used to the gameplay gfx being like games like FFX and MGS2 Thats about it. otherwise, the story si gret, and the moves are phenomenal. I particularlly like the jump+strike+shadow step; then you can continue to shadowstep another time to hit another close by opponent. EDIT: The running on walls, if it's duriong stage 5A, then you can run on almost all of them, usually just the lighted sections though. Thats how it is in the rest of the game, however, i have not beaten it yet.
oooooooooook. Thx will. well then. Thank you for posting all. it was great to know what all of you were thankfull for. The yaoi was kind of not needed. more like a little to weird for me tosee, but meh. w/e.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mystic's Knight [/i] [B]I am thankfull for my family... For my life, for my Angel..For my food.... I am thankfull for the things we so take for granted every single day....Yes... be thankfull that you have anything... ps: Canada has thanksgiving too y'know :) Just in October.. lol Us Canucks...just cant wait til November to officialy declare thanks :) lol. [/B][/QUOTE] Isn't that boxer day though? j/w. I forgot if the Canadians had an extra day set for thxgvg, or if Boxer Day was their thxgvng.
Well then. Today, for those that live in america, is the day where most of us will grab a turkey, slice it up, and enjoy it with stuffing, cranberrey sauce, rolls, casserole, and many other yummy food items. Besides the food, what is EVERYONE thankfull for. I dont want this topic to just be limited to those that are living in america. So please, whether you live in russia, Australia( i hope i spelled that right), ireland, or canada. I dont care what country, what are you thankfull for? me, personally, just being able to live, so that i may contribute but a verse to the powerfull play of life.
I want to take Nunjitsi, but you have to have mastered 6 other styles first i think. Meh oh well. Aikido did just fine.,
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red] Oh, I didn't know that it wasn't a law that you can burn a flag... I think that any burning of a flag shows that: 1) You are unpatriotic 2) You do not respect Americans 3) You do not respect freedom Basically, it just shows ignorance. Especially if you are a citizen of the US. But I can not stop people from doing it, nor will I.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Idiot. If the flag touches the ground, it is considered disgraced, or defiled. Therefore, being that our country is to great to have dirt on it's flag, we burn it, and replace it with a shining one. But if your talking about just randomly burning an AM. Flag for no apparent reason, then yeah. They deserve to die.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]No, I would say its a flag no matter how you desecrate it. [/B][/QUOTE] Being that I'm in ROTC, I was particularly intrigued by this topic. A flag is not just a flag. it is a symbol for the country, and what it believes in. They should all be destroyed in their own respective ways, because it's symbolic, and tradition. Desecration. Now thats a different thing. That is defiling something, using it as something not for it's original purpose, that totally defies the values of what it stood for.
well there buddy boy. Considering that namek has no more dragonballs after guru passed on.......yeah. Therefore, they were fighting to protect the entire universe, and such, but mainly for dende, because they could wish for the universe back, if most of it was lost due to the fight......
2: I would have to guess, a Fish.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo][b]Normal[/b] - nor mal adj. 1. Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical: [i]normal room temperature; one's normal weight; normal diplomatic relations.[/i] :p [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Interesting. Glad you found it. however, wasn't it just stating with what i thought anyway? Conformity. Bah, such a waste of time. James has well covered what i was going to say. Dang. Who cares about majority. Maybe, in voting, majority rules, but whats that to say about individualism. if so many people do preach about being yourself, and not conforming, then why conform to those people? Dont say it, do it. In life, you really can't end up not conforming to anybody, there will always be somebody you conform to, and someone will conform to you. You can't escape it, and thats what sucks.
Well then. This si the topic of discussion. is there a really a normal. More like, is there a definition for normal? Please respond to my opinion, which sounds more like fact. I have not fouynd a definition in the dictionary for normal. however, this is mine. Normal is somethign that our society started. it picked a certain group of people, and extpects all others to conform to it's status. if your not, then you are classified as " weird", or" insane" Why classify a certain group of society ** in this case, in high school, preps** as normal? What makes them so different from the rest of life? besides the fact that they live differently, dress differently. and are generally, idiots. Now, there are some, that i do have respect for, because they can hold an intelligent topic of conversation. Hoeever, in my school, not many of them can. Ce la vie. ** i think thats how you spell it**
160. Package deal will. I believe i told you that in the last post. However, I do have an offer from a guy in my algebra class. So you have competition
I am officially selling my guitar. if any of you happen to live in texas, close to dallas, then pm me about it. It;s a fender stratocaster, black body, with a white pick guard. fresh strings. I'm selling it with a box deal, amp, strap, cord, all my guitar stuff, for $160. Nice and cheap. it's hard to find a fender strat around here with that price, with amp and all.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LostProphet [/i] [B]I've lived in Texas all my life, and I love it. Bu tmoving between cities was a biz-otch. South Texas is humid as all get out, and it's 100 degrees in February. North Texas is nice during the spring and fall, but the summers are even worse. Housing is more expensive too. A 2 bedroom in San Antonio costs around 100,000 dollars, while in Plano it's about 150,000. It's not much in a percentage, but in money, it sucks. [/B][/QUOTE] Agreed will. Albeit i have never been anywhere in texas besides northern texas, and the panhandle, i love it here. Now, if only people in plano knew how to drive.......... Gundam Gohan, well, depends, what state do you live in, Illinois, or Kentucky? Because I was born in IL, and lived there for about 10 yrs of my life. My half bro lives in kentucky, and i have been all over the midwest.
Well, thses fine members seem to have answered the question. me thinks that because of the power surge, and the strain it took to get there, SSJ3, was just a tad bit to much. However, by the time he ascended to SSJ4, he had been used to the constant powering up to high levels, and such, therefore, the power up to ssj4 didn't take to terribly much out of him.