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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Maul [/i] [B]I've got one sorta like that which probably has the same answer, but anyway, the police got a call from the owner of a gas station. He was at work late at night, and he had just sold a finely dressed man five bags of softener salt, each weighing fifty pounds. The man asked the owner if he would help him carry the bags out to his car. The owner said yes, and so he helped him. The owner told the man good night as the man locked his car and rolled up the windows. The owner went back inside the gas station's store, because there was another man inside looking at an aisle with batteries. The car started to back out just as there was a loud crash, the power went, and all the lights went out. A gunshot rang out. When the power came back, the owner saw that the man with the salt had been shot. When the police got there they discovered that there was no bullet hole in any of the windows(which were all up), and that there was no gun, or trace of any firearms, besides the one bullet, in the man's car. The doors were locked the entire time, and there was no one else in the car with him. How is this murder possible? Oh, and genkai_yyh, you can't answer, just incase our riddles have the same answer. [/B][/QUOTE] Didn't his pen gun go off or something? That would be my guess. it's one of the onyl logical solutions, and cops dont usually find pen guns alot, being that they aren't really around much.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite [/i] [B][b] Remember this: Big isn't always better :D[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] however, everything is always bigger and better in texas. :p After living here for 4 years, i tend to get that attitude. It just happens. however, I would really like to live in colorado, or somewhere I can snowboard. God i love snowboarding.............:freak:
  3. Just to let you guys know, I might be quitting guitar. Damn having no money, or time.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Me, personally? I'd light the match. [/B][/QUOTE] YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There you go cera. You get 10 points and a cookie. I mean, come on, thses things are so obvious once you get them. it took me about 10 minutes to get this one, because i was tired
  5. Meh, I think it's caused by air bubbles within the spaces in the bones, hence why you feel more relaxed once you do it.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]Serenading. Maybe that's what I've been doing wrong... Or not doing... God my head hurts... [/B][/QUOTE] You never know. meh, w/e. Have any of you that play la guitarra tried to play Bother by stone sour? It's remarkably easier than i thought.
  7. bah, you know you want to sell it for the money will. I never read the books, but i watched Band of brothers. That was a long, and well done movie. Did it portray the book well?
  8. Agreed LP. it all works out in the end. I had no clue this game was out yet.
  9. Well, never think it can't get worse, because it can. it usually will. But you will never suffer anything in your life that you can't handle. You will think that you couldnt handle it, but you can. Sorry for the crappy day, it happens though. Just take what life gives you, and then do with it what you can.
  10. Good question, she kinda dissapeared. That happens every once in awhile. I haven't talked to her in about a month, so i dont know. I hope she isn't homeless again......
  11. lol, ahhhh. I forgot what the name was. Thats hilarious. If you live in america, then you should start watching, because they are getting ready to finish off dbz. I believe yesterday's ep was fat buu fighting evil buu.
  12. James and Adam defintely deserve a thx for actually starting thses boards. Keeping them going, and expanding as well. Sephiroth.......SuperSaiyan......PiroMunkie...... All of them have wodnerfull insights all the time. Justin as well. I must thank LM for all the help she has given me, speaking of which, I need to talk to her. Bg as well, remember this summer, amy, patrick.....yeah, she'll know what that means, thx babe. I also see TN as somewhat of a role model. He always keeps things spicy
  13. Hmmmm. Well, it's looking like the thought trying to be conveyed is " does emotion make a man weak, or strong?" Clearly in the first couple setences that is almost plainly stated. The rest of it is just there to confuse, and draw in the reader into deeper thought. In my opinion, if one does not have emotion, then one can not feel. If one can not feel, that in of itself is a weakness. The human soul was created to feel. However, those that are" tough guys" refuse to recognize it at all. The believe that feeling, having emotion is a weakness, because it can distract you from the objective. O contrair, having the ego the size of canada is a much larger weakness. What happens when that ego is crushed?
  14. I would enjoy it. I would congradjulate you upon my arrivial into the after life, wherever i find myself.
  15. Well done. ** clap clap clap** very wll done. I like that one alot. What was the inspiration?
  16. Turles was just the same mold as goku. By Saiya-jin standards, he was a higher class than him. He just happened to be the same mold as him. Thats all. Baisically a clone.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]Vegitto: North is on the opposite side where the penguin comes, because penguins only live in Antarktis (in the south) -or in the zoo, but it would be impossible to determine the direction then, so... [/B][/QUOTE] yes and No. You see, penguins to live in antartica. However, the direction of north is not the opposite window. North is in everydirection, being that you are at the south pole. Duh New one. This one is reallllllllly easy. Riddle: Your in a house. It's pitch black. You have a crap load of food, a stove, and a lantern, and one match. Your going to die of hunger if you dont cook the food, but you can't see the Stove. What do you light first?
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow [/i] [B]Vegitto4-Is it an umbrella? [/B][/QUOTE] Well done. Bout damn time. Nicely done. You get a cookie. new riddle: Your in a house, a square house, 6'x6'. 4 windows. Each facing on of the cardinal directions. A penguin walks by one of them. Which way is north?
  19. Dang. You got here first CWB. Oh well. yes, he would be correct. Once they are absorbed by buu, and separate, Goku and vegeta encounted what they think are their own kids, and piccolo. However, all they are encountering are untiring Thought forms. it helps to be inside buu's mind.....for him anyway.
  20. Wow. That was well done. I think the ending could have drawn out a bit, but I liked it. Kept me interested. Once I read him bumping into the guy, and him turning on the TV, I knew that she was either robbed, or killed. One of the two. It was a good read though.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MathGuy2 [/i] [B]Vegitto4 - maybe someone goes "up the wall" unless someone else "pipes down", but not "down the wall" unless they "pipe up"? Something like that? [/B][/QUOTE] No. I believe this is the first one I have noticed that you are wrong. Keep trying guys. here is the riddle again. RIDDLE: What can go up a pipe down, but not down a pipe up? It's all in the wording. Once you figure it out, you will smack yourself for nto knowing it before. Please dont make me explain it. Some people wont get it. The girl next to me had to think for a second after I explained it to her.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B] A group of tourist bored a plane to go visit Toronto. They take off from New York and about 2 hours in the trip their plane expierences technical failures. The plane crashes right on the border of the USA and Canada. The plane is torn to shreds. As the officials come they wonder where the survivors would be buried. So the question is, where would the survivors be buried? [/B][/QUOTE] NOWHERE!!!!! The survivors aren't dead. I have heard that one,. only it was the swissalps. And no. hint to my riddle: it protects you from rain.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zidane11 [/i] [B]The itsy bitsy spider maybe? I'll try and think of some other answers in the mean time. [/B][/QUOTE] NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You would be wrong. Keep trying. it's an obvious answer once you get it. It took me 3 hrs. it took my dad 15 minutes.
  24. I'm still learning old friend by trik turner, and i have learned lake of Fire by nirvana, prod by mudvayne. I have started many other songs, but get bored easily. I wish I could write music, then I could turn my poetry into songs, and yeah. Serenading is fun.............and it scores points .......:)
  25. It's a cartoon guys. Let's not forget this. however, In db, all they show, barely at all, would be "puppy love: if anything. There like, 5-9 guys. And bulma is like 14. So, yeah. Just leave it as it is. made for a good debate though.
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