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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. Walk up to the girl i have admired, and grown to love for the past 4 years, and give her thebiggest set of white, and red, and pink roses I could buy, then, I would, well, hopefully actually end up getting the response I would want.
  2. What goes up a pipe down, but not down a pipe up? The winner gets a cookie
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devon [/i] [B]im just being strait but i think the original db is kind of childish. i have seen most of the episodes and dident llike them that well. on the other hand i did love gt. so that makes it equal:p [/B][/QUOTE] It's only childish because it's a child's show. duh. however, I thought it childish at first, but it's nice to know where they all started out as.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Nail remained fused with Piccolo. Namekian fusions can't be undone, which is why they had to find a new guardian after Kami fused with Piccolo. It wasn't like they could fuse to fight Cell and then just unfuse. :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Interesting, When nail fused with piccolo, he said that if piccolo didn't like it, then nail would leave. Me thinks that if it is a refusion of one body, that was defused sometime ago into 2** ie, Piccolo and Kami** Then that kind of fusion can not be undone. However, when one fuses with a different person, that did not share those characteristics, then that one would be a " temporary" if you will.
  5. ouch. Thats a hard one. I dont think that love for your country is correct, i think it's more of a sense of loyalty. But anyway. It's a toss up between Family, and the girl i would spend the rest of my life with. ** flips coin** I'll get back to you on those results
  6. I write, listen to music, anything that gets my frustration out
  7. ....using and in the beginning of a setence?? Thats one of the first rules of the english language about what not to do. However, thats another discussion. Buu feels it, just only when one is more powerfull than him
  8. IT'S ORCH DORK!!!!!!!!!! ....and band dork, but yeah......
  9. I didn't try to rhyme it that much. Thx though. Wouldn't it be write well?
  10. You act like I suck. But w/e. I know it's not to great, but it was the best way to convey my emotion at the time. I like getting very descriptive, and someties it doesn't flow, but oh well. You win some, you lose some
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]I play a drumset [/B][/QUOTE] Really, how do you play a drumset? Wouldn't it be playing drums?
  12. Why is this still going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My god people!!!!! Drop it. We know he cheated, The one who started this thread is obviously a moron at some points, and multiple people have corrected him already. DROP IT!!!!!!!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zidane11 [/i] [B]I was wondering if ssj3 is enough to do some serious damage to buu. I know goku transforms into ssj3 and fights buu but how effective is it really? What happens in the battle, does goku have to run? Any details would be appreciated. Thanks. [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, well. Yes, SSJ3 is enough to do some serious damage, but thats later in the show, aganst kid buu. When he fights fat buu, as you should have already seen if you live in the US, It only inflict damage for about 5 seconds, then he's fine.
  14. why thank you. I wrote it 30 minutes after i got dumped yesterday. So, yeah.Needless to say, it's about my ex.
  15. As I lie here Battered and broken All I can do Is think of you I look up to see A horrible thing You in his arms Both of you smiling Then you look down And see what you left All of a sudden A look comes Across your face A look of scorn Regret And pain I try to stand However To much pain courses Through my body I will never forget The good times we had Nor will I Forget the bad I hope your happy With what you?ve destroyed As I lie here Battered and broken All I can do Is look at myself, And think of what?s left Lying here on the floor I?ve been broken? I need to be fixed? If you can?t fix me Who can? what does thou thinkest
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sylph [/i] [B]If so, please share which instrument, and why you play it. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, we have had this sometime ago i think. Oh well. I play Guitar. It's fun, but some songs are annoyign when you have no idea what the guitarist did in a certain part of a song. And the term is actually band nerd/geek, and Orch Dork. Nobody uses geek for band though. it all depends on where you live.
  17. bah, they are all funny. All of them will be put into practice shortly..........
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]I'm as patriotic as the rest, and yest I was ready to join the army and fight those terrist if I was old enough, but thats just wrong. I'm sorry but you have no right to beat someone up because of their beliefs. What that kid did was disrepectful to the tenth degree, but beating him up? Thats just wrong! That'll just increase his hatred, and others hatred towards America. [/B][/QUOTE] Who cares how much it gets increased!!! What you said was an oxymoron anyway. You would fight them, and end up killing the terrorist's, however, you wont kick the crap out of one person that supports them? Effectively, all your saying, is " i'll go and fight, but i wont fight".Which is pointless.
  19. Wow, thats kinda heavy. Now, it's happening with the one i'm in, except the break thing. it's rather interesting. I was threated with getting dumped over her ex's necklace that i stole back for him. I'll go into details later
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]But how often to hundreds lose their lives in an instant? [/B][/QUOTE] Why flip out a year later because hundreds, thousands did. They died one day, somebody else, and more than that died the next, and after that, and after that. All i'm saying is drop it, move on.
  21. Well, I was in school walking to english, when a friend of mine said " Did you hear, somebody bombed the ** explative inserted** outta us!!" First thing i thought was " what did they bomb, TI?" Then i saw. I was slightly worried until an hour later, at which point, I said . " meh. Oh well. it's about time somebody kicked the crap out of us. We were to high and mighty to begin with. However, now it's out turn, ** explative inserted**." Now, dont get me wrong, it was a crapy thing, but listen to me now. We need to learn to get over it. yes, it has been a year. I'm sorry. people die everday. Loved ones die, and are lost. Deal with it. Life goes on. I can understand remembering it, and holding a ceremony, or moment of silence, or church service. However, this much coverage, and publicity that 2 buildings have gotten is onyl making it worse. We just need to get over it, move on, and drop it all. I'm sorry if one of your loved ones died. My girlfriends cousin was in those buildings. it sucked. Ohw ell. Deal with it, and drop it, as I have said for the umpteenth time
  22. Gracias all of you. now, would any others care to post, before i post the other oens i have written. I have to get them back from my girlfriend before i can post them, seeing as they were all to, and about her. One of them isn't done, it will end when the relationship ends
  23. Tis a great peice of artwork, albeit i dont nececessarily agree with the message, it's not mine to decide. Well done on it though. Nice and simple
  24. So you didn't like the ending on the second one?
  25. thx. I didn't try to rhyme alot of it, because it started sounding bad. I changed a bit though. It's up at otakupoetry.com, but yeah. I guess I'll post another one, being that I foudnt he one i wanted to post anyway. This one is about 2 girls, but mostly about this one that i have admired for 4 years. [B]Whisper of Fate[/B] [I]Listen hard And you just might hear The Whisper of Fate Lightly in your ear Once you turn The Sound is gone You look Frantically But you it's far from What did it say? Could you tell at all? Or where you to concerned With who was admiring you Down the hall Open your ears And you just might hear Your greatest dream Or your worst fear [/I]
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