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Everything posted by Vegitto4
We may be slow, but we blow things up darn good[/marine speak] It's ok though will, as long as you cover my[explative], i'll cover yours. I'll be a sniper, so i can always pick off those people controlling the Anti-air guns. :p
Homosexuality: curse or matter of preference???
Vegitto4 replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in General Discussion
This will be my only post in this thread. I've seen far to many of these threads get started and turn into flaming wars. I can see it happening again. Albeit, I don't agree with Homosexuality, I'm tired of trying to argue my point here about it, when most of the people who have been here as long as I have, and longer, know my view. :: pictures flame war will ensue in about.....a page of the thread:: This will be hilarious to watch, yet very shamefull......... -
Hello will. I see they didn't kill you. What a shame................ I expect to leave in the fall, because almost all the training seats for the summer are full. ::makes plans to enlist this week:: Sgt Swank keeps hounding me to join the army from all those things I had filled out in ROTC. I keep telling him that the Marines are for me, but typical recruiters can't take no very well can they. What was your baisic day like? What time was revielle and retreat and whatnot
I dont mind lacuna Coil that much. I'm surprised that they made ozzfest, because they aren't that heavy of a band. I'm not surprised that slipknot made it, as I picture they will continue to make the list for years to come. I agree, the line up isn't as good as it has been in past years. I wish they would have Otep, even if just for 2nd stage. Them, and maybe Mudvayne. The vayne has been quiet for awhile though. ::remembers blood pig video and cringes:: Man, that girl from otep scares me.
If dinner and a movie are your best options, then Studio movie grill would be your best bet. Comfortable atmosphere, good food, good movies. However, if your going to impress by taking her to your favourite burger joint, then make sure you pick a good thetre with awesome seats(anybody in my city knows what I'm talking about) Just make sure that both of you dont fall into the stereotypical first date conversations. Guy talks about himself alot, and girl acts like she cares, and then calls friends and asks to bail her out. I've known to many girls to do this, and it's quite funny, yet very sad for the guy, because he doesn't know what the hell happened. AS a guy, confusion es no bueno. once we get confused, we turn into stupid apes who just hit things and yell alot. Then we hate it when the girl makes sense and shows us that we are completely retarded. Gotta love male pride [QUOTE=Undefeated] And most importantly of all!!! NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM THE INTERNET ON DATING! I don't know your girl, don't know the situation, don'tr know the lifestyle or expectations, and sure as hell don't know you! So it would be insane to take advice on anything important from the internet![/QUOTE] Then why did you post advice on dating, if you dont want anybody to take advice on it. It seems a waste of typing energy to me.....
You know i'm here Deb. Even if I'm not at home, I can call you on weekends now, and I plan to, but give me a ring and let me know whats going on. I've missed talking to you. We need to talk anyway, and we can do that if you call me. Love you. ~Ryan
Personally, I never saw any reason for a theme for a prom. I find them rather annoying, but i guess it gives the Student government a chance to do something final for the end of the year. Ours is on April 24th. I can't wait. I've been ecstatic all year for it. I'm taking an Ex of mine, which will be awesome, because I took her to Homecomming. We'll have a good time. There is not much talk of getting a group together, but I'm hoping that my friends and I can get a group together, and get some dang funny T-shirts. Thats what groups at my school do. We get t-shirts made with all all the names of the couples on the back, and typically a funny phrase on it as well. w00t for Senior Prom '04!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[size=1]Well, if sex isn't readily available, then masturbation tends to work for me. If not, play a video game for a few hours before you tend to try to go to bed, and that will end up boring you out of your mind. Or until your eyelids fall like cement. Display screens make eye muscles tired,and I've proven that. [/size]
Mine is to not have a new years resolution. Considering(sp?) that a resolution is the end of something, I see no point. They most likely would not get fufilled anyway. Not the ones I would say.
The Evil Creatures known as "Siblings"
Vegitto4 replied to Hittokiri Zero's topic in General Discussion
What are these creatures called "siblings"? I only know of them as demons that arise from the hellish-type thing called a "room"(still unsure as to what that is) only to torture and torment every living person on this planet. anyway..... My 16 year old brother, Colin, is a rather interesting little fellow. Quite the ladies man if I must say. How he does it, I do not know. He's one of those super skinny but surprisingly athletic guys that happens to be a charming guy. This, he seems to think, will make him graduate. The guy procrastinates until the thought of putting forth the energy to procrastinate is to much. I must admit, he ahs survived some crazy drama in his life thus far. Both of us have, but he has had some crazy people in his life.......anyways Molly. The little bundle of attitude at 12 years of age will surely die one day. However, for the time she is to remain at 12-24, she will ultimately annoy me. The girl doesn't exactly realize that she has almost no say in what goes on in the house. it seems to me that the only things that matter are what looks good, and....no, wait, yep, the phone. She idolizes girls like Hilary Duff, who seems to only care about those same things. Fashion, and the telephone. The girls needs a shovel to the face.......and quickly. These are my siblings. Young as they may be, but i do love them nonetheless. ::prepares arsenal of shovels:: It's time to teach them the meaning of life.......... -
Our school has a deal with jostens. We go to them for our yearbook, class rings, and graduation stuff. I dont know what we get out of it, other than awesome stuff. Mine's not the normal one. It has wreathes around the side, and it's the fake gold stuff, cause i'm cheap. My initials in the wreathes, as well as my initials engraved on the inside of the band. My name is on one side, and 2004 on the other. I have the JROTC emblem on it, as well as the Irish flag. Cost: $260
Well, i generally go to sleep around 10-12 at night. Weekends, make that 4 in the AM. But for some reason, my internal clock is random about what time i wake up, if i dont have an alarm. No matte what time i go to sleep, i either wake up at 8 in the morning, or 10. I can't sleep past 10 without waking up, and going back to sleep means i'll ache when i actually get up. What's really fun is going without sleep.....for 3 days......then sleeping for 1.5 days straight, then eating a nice.....huge.....bowl of cereal. :drool: yeah......very tasty.
Yahoo likes to throw it all into my Bulk mail. So i just click empty, and it all goes away. :P w00t
I was in 2nd grade. This girl i knew in our apartment complex and I would always say that we were "practicing" for something. We would sit under a bush, in front of a transformer, and we ended up becomming well practiced at it. All I can remember was that she had super blonde hair, rather short, and was a tad bit taller than me. I think her name was Christina, but i dont remember.
My Immortal~ Evanescence Think Twice~ Eve 6 Rest in Peices~ Saliva Taking my life away~ Default (I Hate) Everything about you~ 3 Days Grace Someday~ Nickelback ....and so many more....
I saw this movie tonight. What I saw was rather good. Acting was well done, actors(resses) well chosen. The way they layed it out was nice. It moved rather well. Progressed accordingly.....skipping parts here and there. If any of you have seen this, and read the book, then you know that there were parts cut out. Rather important parts in my opinion. I dont exactly remember giant specifics about all of the cut parts, but i do remember some things. Book facts that were cut out: [spoiler]1) The scene on a river, where the mill get's blown to bits. As andre uses his cool archering skills, and kate uses her sword moves, as well as chris, to fend off english knights. 2) Scene where Andre fights Oliver when he first meets him. It's either oliver or Lady Claire's brother. Dont remember which. Correct me if i'm wrong about that point. 3) Scene where the entrance to the tunnel to la Roche is guarded by a rather large man dressed in black. Kate kills him i believe, with joint effort from chris. They then proceed into the tunnel, which is a long river type thing, not a small, closed off, tunnel that can barely fit a person, but somehow manages to fit at least 6. 4) There was no grenade. The guy was supposed to have a pistol. If he had a grenade, and I missed that part, or forgot it from the book, then so be it. However, I do believe that there was no grenade in that scene. [/spoiler] I did like the movie. Even if some parts what were cut out were not necessary to cut out. If you haven't read the book, then please comment on how you thought the movie progressed. Did you understand what was going on? Was there certain background on characters that you should have been told, or shown? Please, if you read the book after the movie, I do hope it doesn't spoil things. They picked good actors to the characters, but dont read the book with the way the movie let things go about. You'd be missing out.
I took aikido for about 6-11 months. Quite the fun art actually. Completely self defensive. Mostly throws, no attacks. I do hope to get back into the martial arts sometime in my life, when i actually have more time to devote to it. I moved, thats why i had to stop the aikido, because i could not find anyplace that taught it in Texas in my area. ::shrug::
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]In it she included things like every where they went they had to go as a group, every one was under constant watch and if you went off some where it was with a teacher also there were strict searching of students and their lockers. She noted that out in the country schools it wasn?t as harsh but the same sort of rules were in place. So are things like this happening in schools true or was she over exaggerating? [/B][/QUOTE] [jumping in late.......] In Plano schools, it's better than most, but still not as good. Strict dress code, but it's easy to get around it. We have to wear ID's, but nobody does. The seniors[w00t] get away with everything. We have a strict academic policy. we are rated one of the top school district's in the nation. one that produces some very successfull people in our society. I know that some schools in the nation are insane about keeping watch over the kids in the schools. I work in the front office in mine, and we have all visitors sign in, and wear a visitor badge. kids get in serious trouble if you run into somebody who doesn't like it that you dont have an ID badge on. Depending on where you live, it can change rule wise.
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
Vegitto4 replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
I'd have to agree with Cloud on this one. Yes, our economy isn't the best in the world, but it will get better eventually. Gas prices started going down(which is a good sign that the economy is slowly getting better, in my opinion. That's one of the only things I buy). Wow, the war is there. Unless your fighting, or can vote on it, dont complain. Then it's just annoying. Dont automatically presume that Wolfowitz and Bush are best pals. They wouldn't be so if Cheaney wasn't so buddy buddy with him. Wolfowitz was the one that brought up Iraq. He is the one who wanted to finish what he started in the first place behind the first Bush. I just watched a documentary on both Bush's administrations in Government the other week. I found it a tad bit amusing. I figure, he could maybe give it another try. If he get's elected, then w00t. If not, then I hope somebody does better. All in all, he's been a fine president. Not good, not bad. Just kinda there. He's had more to deal with than Clintion did, and under the circumstances, I applaud him. -
From that description, you sound generally attractive. Larger breasts might just make you fall over........... I would have to agree with with the good Baron here. Also, speakign as a guy, but not for all of us. I know that I personally would rather have natural than fake. Besides, your 15, you'll grow.....probably. Can't say for sure though.
Who's this Clay Aiken character? Anyway. Numb is a good song, yes. Not the best on the cd, but one of the better ones to be sure. I like Figure.09, Dont Stay, and Easier to Run. However, my new favorite song of the moment is My Immortal by Evanescence.
Grr...Stupid army I think I'm gonna need a hug
Vegitto4 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
In every military relationship, one of them will have to leave and go somewhere. Most likely. It's not fun,as I can plainly see, but make the best of it. Just imagine the day he gets home.........alot. It's not going to be a picinic, but hey, what can you do, right? -
These will pretty much be my only thoughts on this topic, but we'll see how it's handled. Say you get completely enraged one day. How deep do you plan to cut, and how much, until it all flows out of you? I personally dont suggest it at all. I can't necessarily stop you either.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IQ2 [/i] [B]I think you are wrong here. I think this is what is RIGHT about American thinking on government. For the last 10 years the Canadian Reform party preached about a thing called "Democratic Deficiency." To understand this you have to define democracy. Democracy is a government-type at which people elect leaders to represent their opinions. . [/B][/QUOTE] (direct)Democracy is actually when the people govern themselves.(just took government test, on which, this was) A Republic is when you vote for people to rep. you. So, in reality, this "democracy" in America is a slight joke, but it's one where you can take part if your not lazy. Just thought I'd throw that tid bit in there.