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Everything posted by Vegitto4
Hey, she's still hot as hell though. I'll see what i can do to the words. However, I couldn't find a font fitting except flemish script. I'll prob d/l some.
brolli would have to be Arnold S. I can't spell his last name. All of you knwo him though.
STOP DOUBLE POSTING!!!!!! I have seen other ppl tell you as well. Just edit your posts. Do a pc wide search for .exe files of whatever version you d/l. After expanding it. Then try it.
Well? What dost thou thinkest? Yay or nay? Please critique, dont just rate
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B] [color=teal]::looks around nervously:: Ahem, I believe that many of you are forgetting that both their Mac and their funds prohibit them from buying Photoshop. I don't see how all of you expect a 12 year old to get their hands on a $500-$1,200 program because... 1) That kind of money would take a long time to make, and the money he does make goes to his funds 2) He has a Mac computer, so he cannot download programs enabling him to illegally upload programs such as Photoshop Honestly, all of you people make me laugh with your over-the-moon possibilities. :) I'd say to stick with making $90 for Paint Shop Pro 7, since that wouldn't be taking too much out of your fund, but still give you high quality possibilities. Remember, it isn't the program that makes the banner, it's [i]your[/i] skill. I did this banner I have on Paint Sho Pro 7 before I got Photoshop 6, and a lot of people who do have Photoshop 6 can't make as good of banners. Keep that in mind. ;)[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] I would agree with you there. Skill is a very important factor. However, i made his banner with APS 6. so bleh!!!!!:p :p
I like it. I gove it a 9/10 for humor, and just al around funnyness
And the wisdom of PiroMunkie rises again!!!!!!!!!! Well, I was going to post something to the effect of that, but he got here first... **note to self: kill piro**
I dont realllllllly yell at them, I just get this insaneley pissed face goin on, and then it looks like I'm constapated. it's really funny. I yell at them mentally though......
The old one** that I have heard about** Was pretty corny. However, I am sure that they are going to make the new one much better.
LAZER TAG RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry. but at the place that I used to work at, i was one of the best. I ahven't played in so long......
Well. I have talked to patrick about it alot. he knows how I feel. He also knowsw that if eh betrays me, and disrespects how I feel again, then i am gonna go postal. I still dont trust him. Btw alot has changed guys. lot. I really should have said that i wasn't dating her at the begining. Because that changes it a bit. :(
Just letting you guys know. She might become a member, and post in this thread, and explain her side. Now, were cool now. So dont think that I hate her in anyway.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]i can tell you it hurts to get hit. [/B][/QUOTE] not really. it all depends. I've only been hit twice. I dont play much, but I've played enough. It is a very fun game. I suggest starting out on a Stingray2, modifying[sp?] it and then moving up to a spider, and if you think your reallllly good. Get an Angel.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]i have nothing. no Photo Shop. No Microstoft whatever. nothing. being twelve, there's not much i can do to buy anything. i get roughly $23 a week. what money i do have saved up is going toward my iBook/iPod fund. i have appleworks(clarisworks with a new name). the only thing that cold be used as a backround is: gradients. yup. i don't know anything about graphic design, but maybe i will learn. sometime, though i don't now how i would go about it. but in the meantime,while i'm figuring out a way to enjoy using the spraypaint option, i'd like to know: is there anything good about appleworks for graphic design, or just fooling around with the idea, like me? peace :laugh: :nervous: :laugh: :nervous: :laugh: :nervous: :laugh: :nervous: :laugh: :nervous: :laugh: :nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] I will have to agree with pyro on this. I used APS 6 to make your banner. Try and d/l a free trial, and then well. Decide on if you like it or not. I wonder how many of you just d/l it instead of buying it.
You would be surprised how much that statement is true zidane. You have no idea how close I was to slamming my fist into his skull when i found out.
Ahhh. Well we had a convo today. have any of you guys ever been the Brother figure to girls your whole life? Are you the one they confide in? Well, thats how I have always been. I am just naturally a good therapist. I listen well, and it's easy for me to solve other ppl's situations. She wants me to be the brother figure, for now. She is an only adopted child. So I can see why. My family loves her, she loves my family. She wants to like me as much as I do, but cant for some reason that she doesn't know yet. [ I wonder why that is] She's trying to get me to date other ppl, because " I can't be her one and only" It's as if she thinks it's impossib;e. She is the onyl girl I am taking interest in at this point in life. Maybe I should try it, to ease the stress in my life, because everybody seems to try and screw me over. But all i will be doing is leading the girl on, and thats not kosher. I'm willing to try anything for her, and she just needs to realize it.
Yes and no. People shoould still respect the fact that I have feelings for her. Lately it'slike nobody cares about how I feel, or what i think.
well, she is a flirt, and just goes with the flow of things mostly. I'll work it out. I will defintely keep you guys updated, more like a misery update. you'll get sick of it after awhile. Thanks for all the support and words. We just got back from the movies. Minority Report was good. To bad she's grounded, and her parents hate me. To James' post--- I agree, there isn't much I can do. But aren't friends supposed to respect the feelings, and understood wishes of each other? Family as well. As it turns out. My little brother is flirting with her. I told him to stop, and we all got into this big fight. he stoppped, after he realized that he didn't think first.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B] Yeah yeah yeah. My trust has been broken, but not by my best friend. You just dont' know who's a good friend and who's not. [/B][/QUOTE] Dont speculate on things you dont know. Both of us have helped each other through more **** than you can imagine. If it wasn't for either of us, both of us wouldn't be here. You just dont know these guys, my 2 best friends are Ronnie, and patrick, they are the only ppl I actually hang out with. No, you would be somewhat right, in saying that a best friend ** in theory** would not stab you in the back, however, Thats theory. Were all human, therefore are susceptible to many things. Stabbing one in the back is a product of greed. So is lust. Kind of. It's complicated. I know I might get burned. Both of them are only getting this last chance. I dotn know what would happen if I got screwed again. I would probably harden my heart, and never love again. Whats the point if you are just gonna get hurt.
so have I. Thats why i have started watching my *** at more than every turn. I am going to a party tonight, and patrick will be there. I will post the details tomorrow.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B] You're exagerating it. If he was your best friend he wouldn't have done that. [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, well, HI ALL I got back already, like yesterday. Patrick and I were cool, but i still might fight hm, most likely not. I talked to amy, and were straight. She said that it just happened, but after that, and after I left, she realized how much she loved me, missed me, and how much she didn't like patrick that way. So, were straight. Patrick hasn't returned my call yet. Now on to harry's post. You are the biggest moron ever. Anybody can stab you in the back. If you think that just because he is my best friend, that he couldn't, then you are way to trusting, and have a skewed concept of reality. I mean, come on. Has your trust never been broken yet. If it hasn't, it will be. I have been screwed over one to many times to not watch my back. Evientally, I slipped up once, and this is what happens. So right about now, I dont trust anybody. Least of all, patrick. But everythign is good for the moment. We are all waiting to see what happens sooner or later. Thanks for the thought, I haven't read the whole thread yet, but i'm about to. Heavens cloud, you dont know **** man. I love her. Any man would respect the feelings of his best friend about a girl. The girl should realize how much she is cared for by this man, and also respect that, even if there is not a dating relationship in the mix. It doesn't matter. BG, I feel like she is my g/f. I dont care what you ppl say about that. Both of us love each other. If we never go out, we'll still Love each other. I am goign to be having a talk with all of her future b/f's, and even her husband when she marries him. They get one chance, thats it. I dont want her life getting screwed like mine has.
Have any of you ever been stabbed in the back, by your best friend? here's my story. Saturday night, I foudn out the the girl I have fallin for and my best friend had " messed around" a little bit. Now they had only kissed, but they kissed twice. Now, after the first one, they realized what it would do to me, and then they kissed again. I'm about to kill someone, and I dont knwo what to do, so, advice would be good. I have talked to my freidn, patrick, and I haven't talked to amy yet. However, I am out fo town. I dont know what to do. HELP!!!!
heh heh heh.....sorry. Oh well. COME TO PLANO. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j/k You still need to though :naughty:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] Guess what? That is a racist slur. And honestly, if your parents aren't Native Americans, then they should shut the Hell up. I have Native American blood in me (as well as about everything else. :cross: ), so I know about that single comment. Started in the mid-1900s. Whites would protest the segregation. They told the blacks "Go home, [CENSORED]!!". (I belive so for the most part; it might have started around the 1800s after the Civil War, but I can't remember/trust my Civics teacher) So you know what? Your parents are racist. And if you're supporting them, then you too are also a racist. I'm an Amercian, and I oppose the Pledge. [/B][/QUOTE] ok, woah, woah. Wait a second. One, I havent' touched this topic for awhile, so somebody please fill me in. Second: Somebody is not racist based on the only racial slur that you found out that they say. Now, if they frequently practice racism, and go off doing the racist thing against all other races but there own, then you wuld be correct. Otherwise, you would be wrong. They might not be racist. You dont know. Your just assuming they are because of a comment that there kid made. All your doing is being guilty of the same thing. Prejudice( "Pre-Judge") is what racism really is, because you are assuming that, because of the color of there skin, or heritage, that they are evil in some way, or stupid, or ignorant, therefore, you would be pre-judgeing his family, and him. Now, there is one thing I can't stand, that those are **censored**. Now, dont automatically asume that I am racist, because I am not. I have no problem with black ppl. I am friends with a bunch of them. there really cool. However, **censored** are the ignorant ones that hate us white ppl because were white, and go off and shoot us with there gang, and all that crap. I can't stand those. Other than that, Black ppl, and other races for that matter, and me, were on good terms. Now can somebody please fill me in about the pledge thing? Did they take part of it out or something????? As a part of the totall seperation of church and state, which Bush wont allow.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]They are still trying to separate the church and the state completely. I mean, it's a tradition and I don't think it should be changed. Some people just like to bring up issues just for the sake of having disagreement. They thrive on it. It's really sickening if you ask me. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Meh. I love to argue. It's rather fun. I get into it very much so. But I am still not going to comment on this issue. yet.