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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The One [/i] [B][B] Yeah I heard that but I also heard that Ketchup help fights against Cancer! Interesting...[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] YES, POWER TO KETCHUP!!!!!!!! I am addicted to ketchup, I out it on almost all things. :wigout: :tasty: :eek: :cussing: :flasher:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]well, the date (july 3rd) is getting close now, so i thought i'd let you guys know... i'm getting married! i know this is the man i'm meant to spend the rest of my life w/, & as soon as i can get my digital camera, i'll post his pic. anyway, he's really wonderful, treats me like gold, loves me to death, &... should i mention it? nah, but you can guess (think dirty). he's really smart, too, & is the only person i've ever met besides myself with the complete anne rice collection (it's the little things that count). well, i'm so excited! we both knew from the moment we met that we would be together forever, & now it's happening. i'm not nervous yet, but i know i will be. i'll probably keep this thread going so you guys can calm me down in the coming days. :wigout: btw, if you think i'm taking vegeta-sama out of my sig, you're crazy! :laugh: p.s. check out this cool pic of me.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] hmm, and why I'm not invited, I still dont know. j/k. The pic doesn't make your hair look all that great. I've seen that dress before though. AND YOU BETTER STOP BY IN PLANO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont start school until the 12 of august, come on, you know you wanted, and have planned on stopping by.
  3. Well, I'm on a dbzrpg, so that gets out my agression alot. DBZ effects my life in that way. it was interesting because of how much better I felt after sparring somebody, to a heavy, angry song.
  4. AH HAAAAAAA We now have her sister, oreo, who we renamed sugar. They have adjusted perfectly. to each other. Thanks for the support.
  5. Bah, we have already had this thread. It's pointless to keep it open.
  6. cute cat bro. I have 2 cats, and now 4 dogs.
  7. Well, We might be buying her sister to "replace" her.Though she can never be replaced, pepper needs a playmate.
  8. 35.3%. I thought it was lower. Damn, that means I have some work to do.
  9. spiffiness. I always wondered how many members we had. Btw goten, I am making a sig for the NPLS. Do you have any good Natalie Pics??
  10. she will be fine. I just wonder how her eplaymate is gonna be. he's been moping aroudn the house all day
  11. Well, as you can see, we have had a death. Being that you guys are like my second family, I figured I would mention it. We have a totall of 5 humans, and now 6 animals. We had one of our new puppies die today. MY dog got pissed that she was eating his food infront of him. He snarled, and she had a seizure because he scared her, and choked on the food. She was about a month, 2 months old. Cutest little long haired chiuauah I have ever seen, and one of the sweetest.Mom isn't doin to good about it, being that it was her dog. I figured I would let you guys know though
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [b]...You are SO far off. At 6,000,000, FRIEZA could've defeated Vegetto, as Frieza's maximum power when he fought SSJ Kakarot was 12,000,000. As for SSJ4 Gogeta, Majin Vegeta's power level is around 360,000,000... Here's more realistic numbers: Vegetto: 600,000,000 Gogeta (Movie 12): 525,000,000 (as we only see him in SSJ *1* form) Gogeta (DBGT SSJ4): 800,000,000 Damn newbies... [/B][/QUOTE] Damn morons. Oops, did I say that?? Listen very closley, as this has been stated numerous times around this forum......POWERLEVELS WERE STOPPED BEING TRACKED AFTER FURIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now drop it, and move on with your lives. [color=indigo][size=1]Don't mind the edit. I just took out the big space that was in the quote so this post didn't take up so much unneccesary space.[/size][/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow Night [/i] [B]I was just wondering who is more powerful, Gogetta or Vegetto. This may seem like a stupid question to those of you who know everything but apart fom the obvious advantage of the Vegetto fusion being permanent is there a power difference? And can a fused being such as Gogetta be seperated if he takes to much damage? Also once the Vegetto fusion takes place does he need to wear the poterra (?!) earing to remain fused? Thanks! [/B][/QUOTE] Thats a good question. I dont think that they have to keep the potarra earings on. Gogeta ends up being more powerfull in the end. and Riff-Raff, dont try and guess pl's. They stop keeping track of them. Sayign that vegitto is the strongest is a matter of opinion.
  14. I hope I dont go into debt, I just actually need to keep a job.
  15. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B] The religion I was always taught tells us that God created the world so that we should worship him etc. That he should create us merely to see how we react suggests that the universe is some big, ironic joke. A mere amusement. Things are bitter enough for me as it is, so I'm not going to believe that. [/B][/QUOTE] Me as well. Now, I believe all of that. However, I really dont care for the salvation part. I have always sen life as a joke, so i laugh at it. However, human's were created to worship, something. It really doesn't matter to me what it is. Most worhip Personal Gratification, or money, or whatever makes them feel good. Every Human worship something, if you say you dont, you are lying to yourself. Think about it. You are only saying that to be different, to be able to show people that you can make decisions for yourself. Now, in sayng that, you are worshipping the philosophy that Society believes today, " I can make my own decisions, I dont need anybody else".
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Bebi was SORT of a Tsufurijin. Dr. Myuu, who made him was a Tsufurujin....so....well I'm not sure what to call Bebi, android, bio-android? Whatever he's from the planet plant though. [/B][/QUOTE] If you would be calling him part android, and part Tsufurijin, then the proper term is Cyborg. Thats what 17 and 18 were. They were humans, but the Gero modified them a little, thus, creating a cyborg.
  17. [I] Acid grined under the symbiote mask..[/I] [B] Acid:[/B] Jeex Shadow, learn to shut up on this kind of stuff. Forget turning back. TEAM, I CARE NOT IF THEY DIE, BUT LETS AT LEAST TRY AND GET SOME ANSWERS BEFORE WE FINISH THEM OFF!!! [I] the team springs into action Nick begins to mess with there minds, making them think that something is behind them, when Acid then double punches the jaw's of both of them, knocking them off their gliders, and into the wreckage of the wherehouse.
  18. Wow, I knew I should have kept more of a track on NJ. Hell, even sports for that matter. I used to Live in NJ, but when it comes to East coast Sports, I was a big Philley's fan. I was greatly crushed when they lost to the Devils in the Stanely cup of like 98 or something like that.
  19. I usually do that, but Its more like for 2 days, or so. Not much, but it works.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]i find the "essay" interesting but, for my taste its trying to be a bit too anilitical in comparison to the subject. i also think that the golden ape makes an appearance in dbz during the freeza saga when vegeta is thinking about the legend. it showed the ape being unable to control the power and destorying himself. other wise, .... not bad. [/B][/QUOTE] The Golden Oozaruu does not make any appearance until GT. What we see when vegeta is thinking to himself, is a normal oozaru, with a spacey background, and the stars are golden. The oozaru itself is not Golden.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]The media decided to stick their big, fat face in them. It is funny. A company like Abercrombie and make a plain, white shirt and slap their name on it, and sell it for $40; which is pointless, cause I cuold find another shirt, with no name on it, and get it for $5-8. Same quality and all. It is pathetic really...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] YES!!! GO WALMART!!!!!!!!!!!! That, and thrift stores, $1 for a shirt!!!!, or less even.
  22. ooooooook. ** gives BG a weird look, grinning because she doesn't act, or look like a nerd** ok, now that thats over with.....CLOSE THIS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. wrong, and right. Clothes are not just clothes. They suually define you as a person, because thats how this stupid world works. But I;m tired of debating this topic. Can't it be closed!!!!!
  24. all i did was walk in and get mine. Thats the beauty of TX. Good job though, have fun. be carefull to not get cut off.
  25. Well, labels can tend to define what kind fo a person a person is. They help, but can be hurtfull at times.
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