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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoAkira [/i] [B]Hi I borrowed all the dbz movies specials and episodes from a friend, but I dont know when to watch the movies to coincide with the series. My friend didnt care to much about order so he couldnt help me out. Any help on when to a movie after which episode would help alot. [/B][/QUOTE] Watch the movies in order. They dont co-inside with the saga's and the show. Watch them whenever you want, just dont try and confuse them with other aspects that you know. EDIT: Aries, if Akira Toriyama had screwed up the series, then the movies had to be insanely awesome.
  2. [I] Acid and ss were even, the other had there ways of following along. it looks like its just Acid, Nick, Siren, and SS for the moment. Hopefully, they can take down this goblin easy, but the others, now thats gonna be hard. .......[/I] ahhhhhhwriter's block has attacked me. someone finish that good beginning.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B] Finally, someone with some f[i][/i]uckin' common sense. [/B][/QUOTE] keep the lang. down just a tad. BG, labels are for jars, good point. However, society needs labels as well. Like the Poor, Rich, and Middle class. As much as those classes suck, they needed lables. From that, sprung the labels that are normal in today's society. You can't help that.
  4. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B]Who does the seeing? You're placing this on a religious basis, that contradicts what religion told us. Very little ground for that I'm afraid. [/B][/QUOTE] What did religion tell us? I really want to know. Being that there are mant religions in the world. Yes, they all have the basic concept, Sometthing created you, and if you live accordingly, you get rewarded, if not, you burn forever. There's tons of ground for us to cover on the conecpt of religion in this thread, because it pertains to life. All of them do.
  5. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]Now compared to a mod I'm a worthless piece of ****. But take my theory to heart anyway. I don't think there is any life. I think all of the human race is dead. Some gigantic cataclismac(spelling?) disaster happened and all of our conciousness' got caught in some strange phenomenon. This world and everything in it is nothing more than memories of our past. I know my theory is singularly bizzare but it is how I think. I may just have an overactive imagination and way too much time on my hands, but..... Hmmmmm. Wow that was a really good theory. Wow. [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, I have to argue with you now. How can you think that? it is an interesting theory, but ti sounds like the Matrix a little to much. However, it seems that it could be plausable, but not true. I really need you to explain that more so i can put in more of an argument, or a peice of the discussion. Now I agree with TN, sort of. He doesn't sugar coat anything, he says it like it is, and if you dont like it, then shut the hell up and deal with it. Thats why i like his posts. GOD I CAN'T SPELL!!!!!!! 1'm 4b0u7 70 jus7 g0 70 u51ng l33t
  6. I HAVE THE HENIZ SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That thing rules. I want a matching pair of pants. Then, i;m gonna dye my hair white, and go walkign around as a ketchup bottle. I just had. to say that s0 s0rry.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dennis [/i] [B]I don't believe that Broly is evil because Broly became evil only because of the demonic energy he got from Makyo Star. [/B][/QUOTE] I want to know where you got that. I honestly think that that post is full o sh17. So, back up that claim, and I will believe you.
  8. if you say your not, then you most likely are. I didn't think i was. I was the most mature guy in clas, that still didn't save me form being immature. Yes, I was wondering if you would get in on that Piro. Doc martens suck, because there prep shoes. I do care about what i wear, mostly. if I ever ever wear a pair, ti will be because 1) i have a death wish 2) I was forced to, because if i didn't, I wouldn't get any.
  9. KORN IS NOT PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it when ppl say that they are. They are old school Nu metal. get ti right.
  10. It was the grail shaped beacon, and she must be tied down, and given a spanking. Then all of them get a spanking, and then comes the oral sex.
  11. [B] Acid:[/B] We need not worry about who he is. What we need to do is follow that goblin, and either find out what's going on, or just totally destroy all of them at once. Shall we?? [I] All of the heroes begin to follow the lone goblin in any way they can. All of the heroes now have small radios in there ears, so they cna converse with each other in times like these, to eleviate stress, and propose plans of attack...[/I] man, this is gonna go down hill fast of nobody actually posts but us 3.
  12. noooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't think of it right now. "Oh Bad Zoot! Dirty,naughty,bad Zoot! She has been known to set ___ _____ ______ ______. There is only one punishment for setting alight** what I didn't say before**. You must ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ _ ________" Question 1: What did Zoot set alight Question 2: What was the punish ment: Please answer the questions with what is in the quotes.... It is a rather easy one.
  13. I couldn't tell you at the moment, but I want to know who voted that Street fighter sux., ** growls, looking at everybody**
  14. doc martens....BAH. Prep shoes in my eyes. I wont be surprised if i end up with a pair.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] but boys now are too immature for the serious relationships that some girls are looking for now. Talking about boys, flirting....that's ok, and everyone does it now at my age, even me, it's just that sex is the problem. The only guy I'm crazy for is Hayden Christensen. *faints* [/B][/QUOTE] Thats just because you think he's hot. ok, thats my deal about him. Now, How the hell are BOYS to immature. I do admit, Girls to mature faster at that age[ that was like, 3 yrs ago] but do not generalize the fact that most boys are immature at 13. No sh17 sherlock. I mena come on, EVERYBODY IS IMMATURE AT 13!!!! When you get older, you will find, that everybody matures at different rates. Guys turn out to eb a helluva lot more mature than girls. In my opinion. I'm not going to generalize though. I see a crap load of girls that are more mature than me, and a carp load more that are just out for the sex. The physical aspect of a relationship is all that should happen over the summer. Do you know how hard it is to keep a relationship over the summer? Personally, the emotion aspect sucks for me right now, but I'll get into that l4t3r. I just hate it when girls think that they are all powerfull, mature people, at 13. Your not freakin 22 with a family, stop thinking you are. Galaky Girl, abe, Sluts do ti for free, because they Like the attention, adn thats the only way there gonna get it. Whores get paid for the attention. There smarter. ----------------------- SS. O totally agree with you. The relationship is supposed to be a 50/50 thing anyway. In everyway. Preach it brother!!!!!** grins sarcastically**:drunk:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Thank you! It may seem odd that I'm standing up for sex-crazed girls while I am still a virgin, but I will also be the first to admit that I am an extremely horny person...if the right guy can get me going, then I know that it'll ultimately lead to sex. I'm not going to deny a physical feeling simply because it's looked down upon as "whorish"...it's [i]normal[/i] to feel that way. A woman's body was made to be pleasured...should a woman feel dirty because she enjoys something normal? Pfft...you gals will understand it better when you're older...[i]believe[/i] me ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No Prob. I just think its freakin hilarious when the president of the abstinece club doesn't give a rip about what she leads. Its great. Hell, if she would actually pick up the phone, she could apy me back a favour, but nooo. Caller ID sucks. (pssst. she's not a slut either...oh wait, I'm defending them.......hrmmmm)ok, I'm done with this whole deal unless somebody decides to refute me...or try.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fly-T [/i] [B]Hella yeah..in fact i should get 500 cuz i told this dude straight....it was a molesting problem my ex got raped during the period i was giing w/ her.... She said she knew who it was she said it was some1 I knew and i knew him when she said who it as so I carried a gun found him. Choked him carelessly and pointed the gun at his head and quoted "listen up you sick bast***, wtf is your problem?" he iddnt answer so i tried to shoot his leg but missed and hit one of his u know whats "now listen im in a good mood if you wanna live to see another women i suggest you stop while you ahead" so i cracked him with the gun and hit him a couple of times.... So he was in jail for molesting and i was in jail/juvy for 4 yrs for some type of for soem minor murder attempt or something *thank god for lawyrs* [/B][/QUOTE] Good job. I would have done the same damn thing. Hell yeah. I wouldn't have shot his balls though. I would have done something much worse. I cringe thinking about it. Whats even more disturbing, it was my mom's idea.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] Yeah, and I'm damn proud of it... . [/B][/QUOTE] Hell yeah. Power to the disturbed!!!!!!!!!!!:wigout: k, now that thats out of my system....... I'm off to destroy stuff.:toothy:
  19. [I] Acid Looks at Nick, and says[/I] [B] Acid:[/B] Why ask him, just read his mind. Jeez, these psychic heroes are a bunch of morons. [B] Nick:[/B] Oh yeah...oops. I forgot.** scratches his head**
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gal15 [/i] [B]Then, after that, Vegeta starting kicking Buu's butt. Then, Buu pulled off an attacked called "Big Power". That blast knocked Vegeta out. Meanwhile, Trunks, Goten, Krillen, and Piccilo are watching from a safe distance. Trunks gets mad because his dad was hurt. Trunks and Goten went ssj and flew down to help him. After Vegeta got up, Piccilo flew down. Vegeta asked Piccilo why Goku kept his body when he died. Vegeta said it was because Goku spent his whole life protecting others. Vegeta asked if he could keep his and Piccilo said no. Vegeta turned to Trunks and said that he had not held Trunks sense he was a baby. So, Vegeta hugged Trunks and told him that he was proud of him. Then Vegeta hit Trunks in the sholder and knocked him out. Then, Goten asked Vegeta why he did that to Trunks and Vegeta knocked him out to. Vegeta told Piccilo to take Trunks and Goten home. Then Vegeta sacraficed himself and died. During all of this, Goku, Gohan, and the Suprime Ki are knocked out or mabye Gohav and Suprime Ki are dead. It never says for sure, but Goku is already dead, of course. That is as far as they have gotten on Cartoon Network. Then, they started the serious all over again from episode one. They are going to play it all the way threw to the end this time. Then, I think they are going to start GT or show it all over again like they did when they finish Tenchi. [/B][/QUOTE] Your right, but slightly out of order.
  21. Vegitto4

    The Osbournes

    There funny. I have only seen parts though.
  22. wow, your right......creepy. Well, now that this is going off topic, I'm gonna say one more thing about the whole slut thing, and then its done with. [B] Sluts:[/B] Yes, they do sleep around, thats what they do. They have great bodies, a Love for sex, and there good at getting what they want, how they want. They dont make other girls look bad at all. I dont look at girls differently because I dated a slut. There all just looking for attention, that only gets given to them if they are banging some guy. [B] "Normal" Girls:[/B] Define Normal................. Exactly, you can't. Girls are driven sexually more than guys are. You people are crazy when it comes to sex, amongst other things. Now, If I see a post that says" No were not, we dont want sex all the time" I'm gonna grin, and say this. " You lie, your only talking about your small clique that promotes Abstinence. " Then comes the good stuff. Girls like sex, it does more for them than it does for us, we just like it a whole hell of a lot. I dont have time to say what I was gonna keep saying, but I will finish after somebody posts.
  23. The whole freakin thing. All of them. My Mom, bro, sis, Step Dad. All of them. grrrrrrrrrrrr .
  24. meh, its spelled many ways, except that one. Picallo just never looks right.
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