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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. No, gotetsu was Ken and Ryu's master. He was also Akuma's master, but he decided to learn....damn. i forgot the move. oh well. I think it was the raging demon, but I'm not sure. They told his history in Alhpa. They didn't show much of him though.
  2. Ahhhh always one to shed light, eh James? I Play the game for a hobby. I always Liked Ryu, and Ken. However, when i started playing marvel VS. Capcom 2, I really liked my Ryu, Ken and Akuma Trio. They make for a good team. Street Fighter Alpha the movie was good. I liked the animation, and the plot. To bad there wasn't much of a fight between Akuma and Ryu. Now, I have to go find that, and see it. Speaking of which, I haven't seen that movie in awhile. I'm off to watch. ** puts DVD in the PC, and watches giddily**
  3. dbt.co is a good place. That's wear I got this background pic for the banner I am posting.
  4. So, opinions. Come on, I had to ask.
  5. Dont mean to piss you off SS Trunks my good buddy. But this story needs to get started.
  6. Vegitto4


    Personally, Toby MacGuire[ sp?] is a MORON!!!!!! What kind of [B] Idiot[/B] would not take Kirsten Dunst if she said that she loved you. I mean, come on. I knwo it was in the script. If that comes out on DVD, then there has to be an alternate ending, where he kisses her, and marries her. HE DOES THAT IN THE SHOW, AND COMIC!!!!! Stupid movie company.
  7. I saw a political cartoon, and it showed some PC nerds[ like myself] that just did nothing but watch anime. So I guess it meant that Otaku's have no life. ** looks at Status over av** Oh My, I knew something was wrong. :sick: ** I love that smiley**
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [size=1][font=century gothic][color=indigo] Kool! I am from Lubbock, Texas. I think that is bigger than Plano, cause I just looked on a texas map and I didn't see Plano, but I know it is there somewheres. Lubbock rocks! But if you are scared to drive DON'T COME! I recent watching of driving in a few major cities around texas ranked Lubbock #1 with the craziest drivers and it is true! LOL! Not something to really be proud of, but I am lol! [/size][/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Were in the worst drivers, and town most likely to run a red light city. its a Suburb[ kind of, this town is wayyyy to freakin big to be a suburb] of Dallas. One of my feiends just got in a wreck on Friday night. [B] STORY TIME!!![/B] She was ,making a left turn when our lights were blinky,[ whole different thing] and this jeep was doing 60 in a residential street, and made a turn infront of her. She has\d no clue what hit her. literally. Didn't remember a thing for about the next day or so. Her front end was gone. I mean, not there. The jeep, and done a 90º spin in the air, and was wedged between the Stoplight pole, and the Telephone pole, and least 3 feet off the ground. My best friends mom works in the ER. Night shift. She worked on the guy. It was not fun. She said he was banged up pretty bad.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Are clothes a big deal at your school? Do you have to where all the High Dollar clothes like Tommy or polo to be in the "Popular" group? I was just wondering. [/B][/QUOTE] I like to call them preps. As much as they deny it, sometimes, they know that they are the rich, snobby, popular, most [supposedly] admired people on campus. The Girls seem naturaly gorgeous, and the guys seem naturally buff. I really wish that some of the girls would actually take the time to look down at us lower class peasants. I say that, because, living in plano, which is on of the richest Cities in America, it seems that almost everybody is rich. Its like some of those preps dont want to spend the time of day on us. I am on of the middle average guys. If you looked in the yearbook, you would see my pic, and say" Hey, I knew him. He was kind of quiet, never really was well known. Oh well. " However, back to the topic. Our dress code is strictly enforced on everybody but the preps. I mean, The punks, dont give ashit, and wont listen:D :demon: The average just roll their eyes, change, and whine about it later. The Dorks, well, they dont get talked to, because, lets face it, some of them just dont wear cvlothes that violate that code. The ravers, we just are smart about it, and dont get in trouble. The Stoners[ now thats almost my whole school] we are to blazed to care whats going on. Sorry for the ranting above. I had to get it out of my system. We got our yearbooks today, and there are just to many preps in there that will pay one day. :devil:
  10. Methinks that this plot has now gone out the window, or haywire. Gahhhh!!!! Nooooo!!! This was a good thread to. If there is anyway that somebody can save this thread, please do. Fast!!! I can't work with these posts from you CloudStrife00
  11. Name: Ryan Grundy Alias: Acid Super Power: Venom's Powers. The costume Spidey had when he recieved the symbiote. Age: 24 Height: 5'11" Bio: Acid is a Reletive of Eddie Brock. The Symbiote left Eddie, and found him after eddies death. Description: The pic i am posting below. Personality: Short temper, and gets into his fighting very much. Does not take orders well, but does use common sense. EDIT: Normally, he wears Baggy khaki pants, and a T-Shirt. he has Black hair, and Blue-hazel-gold eyes. Rather Muscular, and sarcastic.
  12. Gracias. My what a random plot twist. Oh well. This will be tough. All those Blade is Frost, and Frost is Blade. Here we go. [I] Blade stands, up, and looks at everybody, and wonders He sees an image of himself. He turns, and looks into a mirrored part of the building, and yells out, being that he has now become Frost. The real frost looks Like blade. [/I] [B] Blade:[/B] This sucks. How are we supposed to live now? Oh well, Time to ahve some fun. [I] Blade runs at the Scientist, and grins, as he kicks of the wall, and snap kicks his head, knocking him out. He quickly turns around, and looks at himself, or Frost as it may be, and draws his pistols, and begins to empty the clips. As soon as one is empty, he reloads, and finishes off the other one, and reloads again. Frost and Blade begisn to face off with each other. Blade gets hit in the shoulder, and the leg, and drops for a second. He summons the energy to kick the machine, and he sprints over to the group, and drops, now in alot of pain, and a beam fires, and they all are switched back. The Blast ray thing explodes, and The Struggle Corp turns and looks at the members of the UBHA....[/I] Hmmmmm, now what to do.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B] cause no one likes it pretty much [/B][/QUOTE] Reallllllly? Thats a new one. Last i checked, XBox was liked by many. Hmmm. Thats new.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B] Trust me, you really don't.(It is Finland's second official language, and it's SOOO hard, and also it sounds stupid.) OKAY,OKAY, I'm really acting like a teenager(which I'm not), but I just hate swedish,OK? [/B][/QUOTE] hey, Sweeden is awesome. No dissage of sweeden. I already know some, but its stuff like Yavla Hurra[ ****ing whore] and Fiet Bugg[ fat fagget]
  15. 16. PLANO TEXAS BABY!!!!!!!!!!! I am at the end of the Sophmore year.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]I haven't seen it not hit its target yet.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] It missed Vegeta when he first used it. Kurririn or Gohan had to deflect it in order to make it hit Vegeta
  17. Meh? o, ok then. here we go. [I] Blade and Anima sit tied up in some ropes, looking at the real Sidney and Frost. As they taunt the 2 hostages of UBHA, Blade whispers to Anima......[B]Cut the ropes barely, my sword has fallen a small amount, there is a part of the blade that is visible, but not to them. Use it[/B] Anima nods, and begisn to slowly make small slices into the ropes, weakening them. Frost and Sidney have sat down, and are taking a load off, and wiat for Axel to show up, and try and save his friends. [/I] [B] Frosty:[/B] How interesting. I thought it would have been easier to capture the amazing Blade. [B]Sidney:[/B] Agreed. We have what we need to lure Axel in to this trap. The moron wont know a thing. **footsteps coming down the hall** That's him, get over there, and dont be seen. I will handle this until I give a signal. [I] Frost nods, and steps into the shadows, and Sidney tapes Blade and Anima's mouth shut. All is prepared. [/I] [B] Sidney:[/B] It wont be long now.
  18. I guess the covered it. Dont forget Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr.
  19. [I] ........Blade stood in the doorway of Anima's house, and grins as he sees Anima land in adefensive stance, wondering who this intruder is. [/I] [B]Anima:[/B] Who are you? Why are you in my house? [B] Blade:[/B] Well, I noticed that some members of the CORP were in here, snooping, so i got rid of them for you. It looked like they were looking for Axel. Btw, do you know where he is? [B] Anima:[/B] ummmm...no. Should I? Thanks for the cleaning up. [B[ Blade:[/B] No Prob. Just a question. We were infiltrating Struggle's base, when he had to ditch to cover a friend of his. It was interesting. All we have encountered so far is impostors. We could use your help. I know your one of us, shall you follow me to the Base? [I] Anima looks questioningly, and folows blade to a sewer hole, and drops down after him. [/I] Next....
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]well im sorry that your too stupid to understand what is being said... oh well not my problem. now if you cant understand what is being said... go back to school cause the only thing im missing is comma's and i type like this everwhere, and james went to another site and said my grammar was good. and it was the same as it is here so i guess that the grammar expert himself is finnally off his grammar kick so u can join him ;) anyway dont matter adam's post is now going in my file to bring up in my lawsuit against o3[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] ps if your gonna bash my grammar... spelling and grammar of your own would make it look like you had any clue what you are talking about... wtf is an eople? and i believe it is enough grammar not to much, even so woulda been too no to ;) haha this is almost as funny as adam posting about me in staff *sigh* [/B][/QUOTE] Insulting my intelligence wont get you anywhere. If I was out of school, and I had absolutely no concept of the english language, I would accept your post as constructive criticism. However, I was not insulting your grammar. I was merely stating that I could not understand a whole lot of what you said, because 1) It looked like some sentences were run together. 2) it seemed to me that some words were missing, that might have needed to be typed to better understand the post I type fast, and sometimes, I make mistakes, just like other people. Even you. I know that I have never liked you, nor you me. I was not bashing you in anyway. There was no need to go and rip my head off.
  21. That, and Yamcha can control his move. Goku just throws it, and says" I hope it hits him. "
  22. No offense kuja, but I am guessing, that most eople didn't see to much grammar, they didn't understand that post. Please Clarify. I am interested in what you are tryin to say, after " i just love how yall assume this isnt real"
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]I got a letter from the Federal Trade Commission today. Here's some highlights. [b]"TO: Company President & Privacy Policy Administrator; [url]www.pokecheats.com[/url] FROM: Federal Trade Commission, Burueau of Consumer Protection"[/b] What a promising beginning! They sure did their research, I'm the President (!) of a company (!) named "pokecheats.com" (a domain that's been idle for the past two years). Hey because it's a company, maybe I should be President and CEO too! Next time someone asks me "Adam what's your job?" I can respond nonchalantly, "I AM THE PRESIDENT AND CEO OF A COMPANY." If they then asked in disbelief, "says who?" I can spit on their dirty face and say "says the Federal Trade Commission, Burueau of Consumer Protection." [b]The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) has special requirements for commercial websites directed to children under 13 or children's areas of general audience websites.[/b] That's nice but this site doesn't even make any money - how can it be commercial? [b]A recent survey by FTC staff indicates that your website may not be in full compliance with COPPA's requirements with respect to privacy policies.[/b] What? The Federal Trade Commission has a GROUP of people who get paid to look at pokecheats.com and then vote on whether or not I followed some bureaucratic rules? No wonder they're so anal, if my job was to browse pokemon sites that have been dead for years and then mail their owners I'd be pissed off too. [b]Please review your website in light of the law's requirements. FTC staff will visit your site again in the coming weeks to determine whether legal action if warranted.[/b] LEGAL ACTION. WOW, imagine if I came to court. Adam: Good evening, I am the President and CEO of a major international corporation. Federal Trade Commissioner: Hi, we understand you didn't link correctly to a privacy policy on your web page. Adam: What webpage would this be? FTC: Um... "Pok-ah-cheats dot com" Adam: You must be mistaken sir, I have clearly not updated that site for the past 2 years. FTC: Uh....Um....Uh...We understand you didn't link correctly to a privacy policy on your web page? We understand you didn't link correctly to a privacy policy on your web page?We understand you didn't link correctly to a privacy policy on your web page?We understand you didn't link correctly to a privacy policy on your web page? Adam: ........Fine you're right - you win. Judge: Case dismissed, I hereby sentence you President and CEO Adam to 100,000 years in prison. --------------- Well that wasn't a fun conclusion. So instead of fighting them and taking them to court I devilishly initiated a clever strategem... Remember this quote: "FTC staff will visit your site again in the coming weeks to determine whether legal action is warranted"? HAHAHHAHA. VISIT [url]WWW.POKECHEATS.COM[/url] RIGHT NOW AND SEE WHAT THE "FTC staff" will come upon when they visit it again. ;) Always silly, -Adam [/B][/QUOTE] Well done adam, well done.
  24. I personally think that pig Latin was hard, when i started. it got easy realllllllly quick. The oriental languages look hard, but interesting. I hate Spanish I really want to Learn Sweedish. Pig Latin ownz all of j00
  25. [I] Blade gets a call on his armlet, and its Axel saying that he needed to go help Zee, and that Frost would be on his way up the shaft soon. [B] Grrrrrrr, why can't he ever finish the task he's doing!!!!!!![/B] He thinks. Sudden;y, Frost ariel flips out of the shaft, and lands next to Sidney. Blade grins, and stands, with his coat flapping in the breeze. [/I] [B] Sidney:[/I] How do you expect to win now, eh Blade? [B] Frost:[/B] I was wondering the same thing. [B] Blade:[/B] Like this. [I] Blade grins, as he jumps up. and Superman flips over them, and drops to smoke bombs, and as he lands, they go off, and he hears them say "[B] Damn him, where'd he go!!!!!" "There he is!!!! no, just a shadow...."[/B] All of a sudden, and quick slice is heard, and so is a thud. One of them starts to get scared, because his comrade has dropped to the ground. A shadow appears behind him, and Sidney swings back, but passes through it. The Smoke clears, and Blade lodges a bullet between his eyes, and Sidney dropps to the ground. But what surprizes him, is when both of them blow up. They were cyborgs. Somehow, both of them had escaped with out him knowing it. It must have been before he landed the flip. [B] Curse them[/B] He thought. [/I] [B] Blade:[/B] Axel, they got away, and are probably chasing your signal. Watch your ***.
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