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Everything posted by Vegitto4
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]yes, the genki dama does more damage than yamucha's attack, actually yamucha's attack isn't really a genki dama, it's just a normal charged up attack, son gokou's move, the genki dama, draws energy from all living things before launching it as an attack, it is FAR more powerful than yamucha's move.... [/B][/QUOTE] That, and it will only harm evil things
I know I am double posting, but somebody needs to post to get this at the top of the list. POST PEOPLE!!!!
Anime Doesnt it Suck that Gohan becomes so weak?
Vegitto4 replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dennis [/i] [B]fyi,it was not Gohan who defeated Cell's final form it was Vegeta.because Vegeta was the one who found Cell's weakness.(in his head).thus blasting it and Cell was killed. [/B][/QUOTE] 1) Grammar please 2) How much of a moron are you? vejiita did nothign but blast him in the back. Along with Piccolo, and Kurririn 3) Gohan's Final kamehameha defeated him, because he learned, after Cell was bragging about it, that he could Survive as long as his core remained, because of the regenerative properties that gero put in from piccolo. 4) He has no weakness in his head, i believe his core is in the center of his body. 5) They show gohan vaporizing his enitre body, including the cells. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ifrit [/i] [B]I would like to know when goku and vegeta fuse to make vegeto or as some people would like to say gogeta??? [/B][/QUOTE] Well, there are both names. They fuse 3 times. The first, is against janemba, and thats Gogeta. The second, is vegitto[ thats me] and thats against Buu, the third, is SSJ4 Gogeta, and thats against Li SHenron. I might have gotten those out of order.
Anime Doesnt it Suck that Gohan becomes so weak?
Vegitto4 replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] If I remember correctly, Gohan drops the earrings, and with his guard down, gets absorbed by Buu. That means that Goku and Gohan would be more poerful than Vegitto... Also, maybe Toriyama didn't do it, as e couldn't think up a good name, as Goku and Gohan are too similar... ...:D :D :D :D :D [/B][/QUOTE] Welll.............no Gohan's mystic form was not powerfull enough to do anything. Even while fused with Goku a Mystic, and a SSJ3 fused?, it would do some damage, but not enough as Vegitto would. I mean, vegeta, and Goku have alot more Expierence. And 2 ssj2's fused, with that amount of years of fighting expierence behidn him, I defintely dont want to fight him. Somebody please save us from this topic. It's over with -
I registered in V.3, just like a bunch of people. I really like this new V.5, V.4 was ok.
[I] Frost turns to sidney, and points to another shaft, and it leads further up. Both nod, and one goes up, and the other goes down. Beacuse both are wearing simalar clothes, it would be a little hard for Blade and Axel to capture the one they want, whioch is sidney. Meanwhile..... Blade and Axel get to the middle floor of the building, and see 2 trenchcoats go in different directions...[/I] [B] Blade:[/B] Well, which way did sidney go? Up or down? [B] Axel:[/B] i dont know, you go one way, I will go the other [I] Blade dives into the shaft, and climbs up the rope, seeing a coat flutter, and dissapear atop the roof. He grins, and pulls hard, and launches himself up itno the air, on the roof, and barely dodges some bullets, and lands looking face to face, with Sidney, who looks like Axel a whole helluva lot. [/I] Your turn.
sorry for the double post, i need this URL
[I] Blade reloads the clips in his pistol's, as he hides behind the pillar[/I] [B] Blade:[/B] Geez. These guys just dont quit. ** looks around, and sees the leaders[ frost, and sidney] duck into an elevator shaft** Hmmmm, well, that should be easy enough, I just have to take care of the trash first. [I] Blade spins around the pillar, and shoots 3 times, and 3 henchmen drop dead. he flips onto the wall, holster's the pistol's, and flips off, draws his sword, and slices through 2 more. [B] Thats 5, 4 more to go...[/B] He lands, and blocks some bullets with the sword, and spins behind another pillar, and hears more shots, and then hears a thud. [B] great, just great, I hope that doesn't mean more are here[/B] Blade turns, and aims both pistol's into Axel's face..[/I] [B] Blade:[/B] Geex, i could have blown you away, get over here. Ok, how many dod you drop? [B] Axel:[/B] Just one. We have 3 left. I'll take the left, you take the right. We'll both go for the center. [B] Blade:[/B] Ready.........Set...........Hike!!!!!!!! [I] both hunters, run at the wall, and kick onto a pillar, and use the pistol in their right hands to take out their respective henchmen. As they lands, the one in the center whipe out double UZI's, and begins tyo empty the clips. Blade blocks them with his sword, and spins behind the pillar. Axel dodges, and stops to reload. Blade says through the comlink[/I][B] I will throw the bladerang, you pump him full o'bullets. [/B] [U] Roger[/U] [I] Blade turns,. and throws the bladerang, and as it flies towards the henchmen, Axel turns, and unloads a clip into the guy. Blade spins, and catches the blade, and puts it back into his coat, and walks to Axel, and grins. [/I] [B] Blade: [/B] it's about time man. They whent upstairs. Shall we scals the outside, or go up the shaft? ** rock paper, scissors, go!!** Blade wins the game, and they go up the shaft [B] Blade:[/B] Listen, dont fall out of the building this time, ok?? [B] Axel:[/B] Shut up.
Anime Doesnt it Suck that Gohan becomes so weak?
Vegitto4 replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
**chants** Yeah!!!! GO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, on a more serious note. The whole full Saiya-jin thing means nothing. I can post the rules of fUsing for those that dont know all that much about them. -
[I] As frost is walkign away, he realizes that Sidney had a scar above his left eye, but this person he thought was sidney, did not. [/I] [B] Frost:[/B] Hmmmmmmmmmmmm [I] frost turns and says[/I] [B]Frost:[/B] Um, Sir, did you get that scar fixed that was over your eye? [B] **axel posing as Sidney**[/B] ummmm, uhhh. Yeah, I did, sorry I forgot to mention it. [B] Frost:[/B] its cool. [I] Axel wipes a bead of sweat off his brow, as Frost turns down a dark alley. [/I] [B] Axel:[/B] Whew! That was Close. Good thing that Frost is a moron, otherwise, this would have gotten Ugly. [I] A sudden shout is heard, and Axel turns, to see Frost's sword at his throat, and a large smile on his face...[/I] [B] Frost:[/B] See, you are the moron, I am with Sidney all the time. I would have known even if he hadn't told me. Time to die, friend.... [I] Frost draws back, and lunges forward, but Axel flips over, and slams his foot into Frost's spine. frost drops his sword, and ariel flips, and begisn to fire off rounds from his Pistols. Axel gets his in the shoulder, and both stare each other down in the middle of the street. A sudden alert Flashes across Axel's Armlet[/I] [B]"Axel.....Thats......not......Frost...........Its an impostor.....he..'s....**breaks off**[/B] [B] Axel:[/B] Grrrrrrrrrrrr. [I] Axel rushes the Impostor, and he's forzen in his place, and a quick jump roudnhouse snaps the neck of the fake Frost, and he drops, and looks at the Armlet, and see's Blade's signal......[/I]
[I]Frost grins from an alley. He walks out in all white, and sunglasses. He looks around, and begisn to smile, as he goes to a nearby bank, and walks in, and chains the doors shut. [/I] [B] Frost:[/B] Hmmm, what to do now...... I have an idea, **yelling** DROP THE JEWELS, AND THE CASH. mOVE, AND YOU GET TO TASTE MY BULLET!!!!!!! [I] One citezen tries to pull otu a knife, and he falls to the floor, and one pistol is smoking from the end. [/I] [B] Frost:[/B] Anybody else wanna try??? [I] Frost grabs some of the cash, and jewels, and walks out of the building, and Jumps into the car thats waiting. 4 blocks later, he pushes a button. The building collapses, and all inside die. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~ Blade arrives on the scene, looking at the devastation. He calls axel on his armlet, and says that we have a situation, to get down here fast. Blade leaves a note, and jumps on the Ducati, and speeds off in te direction of the Struggle CORP members.......[/I] Fun Time
Anime Doesnt it Suck that Gohan becomes so weak?
Vegitto4 replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
You just want Vejita. Thats why. I personally dont admire the guys, being as I am a guy. 18 can be hot sometimes though.... -
Please send them to your friends. I am sure that all will like them. here's another for those that hate bsb [url]http://www.th3sp0t.com/bsb.swf[/url]
Anime Doesnt it Suck that Gohan becomes so weak?
Vegitto4 replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]At least just for Buu Saga he does become stronger than Vegi... Mystic Gohan [/B][/QUOTE] yes, but only for so long. After awhile, vegeta gets better. But I dont think Fusions count do they? EDIT: The reason Gohan isn't as good as anybody else is because he lost his fighting sense. He hasn't had to really fight in awhile. He has been more concerned with stupid school. -
Blade stands in the alleyway. He watches Axel, and Tom walk in, and Blade steps from the shadows, into a street light. [B] Blade:[/B] So, I see you guys got there first. Oh well. Nicley done. I just got one on my armlet. Seems there is a Hostage Sutiuation downtown. Shall we? [I] All of them agree, and Blade jumps on to his Ducati, and races down there. Axel, and Tom get into the Charger, and follow. [/I] [B] Axel: [/B] Well, whats the status? [B] Blade: [/B] Well, it seems as there are about 14 hostages up there. Being held by the Struggle Corp. I will Snipe the opratives from that building** points to skyscraper across the street** You guys go in when i give the signal. [B] Axel: [/B] Roger. [I] Blade runs to the building, and quickly gets to the roof, and peers into the building across the street. He scans the floors quickly, and sees only a few sentries. They drop easily. He takes out the other snipers on the roof, and gives the go ahead for Axel and the others............[/I] have fun with this.....
Yeah. Well, you have a point. I learn all this at school during webmastering, when i am bored, done with the site, and have nothing else to do. Btw, howz the 6th dimension??
Anime Were Goten, Trunks, and Bra born without tails?
Vegitto4 replied to Geist's topic in Otaku Central
** in voice like over a walkie talkie** Roger that, That would be a no tail birth. -
then start it in the forum. Come on man.
Ever heard of Win Amp Skins? Its what you see on any window of your PC. Usually custom. [ you would think that a 22 yr old would know this]
Igor Petrovic eh? Where have I heard that before.........
well, I like the current logo of v5. Its nice. I say keep that for the main page, and then for the different sections, have themed skins. Its just what i say though.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Okay, based on the great response from OBv5's default skin, I'm going to begin working on alternative designs. My intention is to create different "flavours" of OB. Also, I'm considering making "themed" skins (Final Fantasy, Dragonball, Pokemon, etc etc). Of course, doing this takes a lot of work and fine tuning. So I want to know, which flavour do you want to see first?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, the DB Skin sounds like it would look cool. I had no clue what you were talking about when i voted, I picked Watermelon. I am changing it to cherry. I think that we have had a ton of Blue on this site. Some black, red, or even[ i dare say] green would be good.
Anime How many DBZ villains have thier been? Who's your most favorite?
Vegitto4 replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Well. there have been quite a few. We have already had many topics about your fav. villian. Please read the thread TN put at the top of this page. -
How many of you actually watched the Bin Laden one? I think that that oine should be sent to the pres. He might actually find it funny.