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Everything posted by Vegitto4
Queen Insanity, you could have said that in a PM. I dont think that it doesn't need to be expressed for those on the boards to read.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B] Man that sucks. There is almost nothing worst than a wasted keg. I've seen it happen before, and it's always the same.:bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, the guy that got it for us, wasn't allowed home until he had the cash to pay his dad back for getting it. I got stoned, so that helped a bit. more like alot
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [color=purple]*cough* *choke* O_o;; whoa now.. That was way more information than I needed..[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] so sorry, but it fit into the category. its not a bad one, until you get wayyyy to desperate.
This is why I should pay more attention to actors, and actually watch the movie I am going to see. :drunk: **pssssst* can anybody see my banner, I am having trouble seeing it on this pc**
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megabakin [/i] [B]Who are you to say this discussion to end? Come back when your a mod and then you can do it the polite way and close the topics. [/B][/QUOTE] Who are you to tell me what to do? I am not trying to start a flame war, but that ticked me off. You did not realize what I meant. I wasn't literally saying that the topic was done with. It was just a part in the discussion. Learn to read more into the posts, and not just take them for what they say.
I know they care, it just gets bad sometimes
I see you liked the GIF. It was 6 pixles to high, so I had to get rid of it. Those are to hard to resize, otherwise, i wouls have been able to keep it. so sorry for those that cared.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sexyjessie4 [/i] [B]Okay, I know there have been alot of topics on here before about this sort of thing, and this one will probably be closed soon. But I really need a place to vent and share and y'all are always good at giving advice to other people. So, here's the deal...I went to dinner with my ex-boyfriend 2nite (his idea..."we needed to talk about us") and the whole night he tells me it was a mistake he ever broke up w/ me and that I was honestly the perfect girlfriend and blah blah blah about how he still likes me...and if you can't tell I like him still A LOT!! So, we both think we should get back together...but the problem is he has a girlfriend!! And they've been together for awhile and he is sick of her but she is so obsessed w/ him that he feels like he can't break up w/ her again (he's tried multiple times before). So I just feel like I'm nothing ya know....I mean, I guess I just don't understand what his point of view could be so if someone could help me with this I'd appreciate it. And I'd also love to hear other people's broken heart stories. Thanks for letting me vent... [/B][/QUOTE] If he is onyl dating the other girl because she is obsessed with him, and she might do something drastic, thats emotional blackmail. She needs to realize that somebody better for him has come along, again. I just whent through this with my last ex Girlfriend.I know how you feel. But in a different way
Gracias Saiyaman. Much Obliged
What is the best one so far that you have come across? I haven't been doing much looking, so i dont know what really out there.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kittie [/i] [B][color=royalblue] i do about 10 sit-up
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]Okay, last weekend was my best birthday ever!!!!! I turned 21 on April 5th and It was near perfect!!! On Thursday Night, My roomate and I split a bottle of tequila, went shot for shot and drank ourselves into a sweet oblivion!!! We college students always celebrate birthdays at the stroke of midnight when they first happen. On Friday, my roomate and I both had some friends from back home come to visit. Eventhough, we had gotten annilated the night before (heck I missed both my classes and woke up drunk!), we found the energy to kick it! Later on, that night we went to another friends party, and as soon as we get there two girls start making out!!(two guys had to peck each other to make it happen, but every now and then, someone has to take one for the team. Good going guys!!!!) You may not see the excitement in this, but alcohol makes everything funnier/cooler!! To top it off, at around 1am, my friends held a wet t-shirt contest!!!! Ahhh, I love college!!! The next day, I went home. I got surprized twice, once by my family and once by my friends. Then my friends took me to the Cheesecake Factory (at woodfield, by chicago) for dinner. The food was incredible!! And the cheesecake was even better!!! For those of you who don't know; cheesecake is my weakness!!! My kryptonite!!!! One piece and you get to keep me!!!Promise!!! After the restaurant I went to the hotel and just relaxed. On Sunday, I got to go to this place called gameworks!! It has every video game known to man! Some are even virtual reality type deals. The place even has two bars!!! one for upstairs and one for downstairs!!! I didn't drink there though, I was actually to the point where I was tired of drinking. Finally I came back to school and awaited my next day of classes. awhile ago, I started a thread asking what people planned to do for their 21st b-day. So I figured that I'd tell what I did. This was definitely the best weekend ever!! Parties, booze, and just good fun!!! [color=white] Tell me, what the most fun that you've ever had???[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] sounds fun. My last party whent down in shambles. Not enough ppl came to drink the keg........
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]They are scheduled to realease in may. They have ones for the PS2, GC, PC, and GBA. [/B][/QUOTE] Any for PS??????I have been looking, but can't find any
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B]I just can't stand it when my mom or dad treats me like I'm a baby or something. They never let me do anything which causes me to stay home all the time to do nothing. Life sux when ur only 12 I guess. My b-day is coming up in May and I'll be 13. Hopefully, they'll finally relize that I'm not 3 anymore. See, I have a friend whom I hardly ever get to see since he's a boy and I'm a girl. My parents think that we'll "do stuff that 12 and 13 year old girls and boys do" and I'm like, "yeah right, like we'd ever do that." I guess they think that we'd make out or something. And because of that I never get to see him. If he's reading this, he'll know exactly what I mean. His mom is so nice and she kinda embrasses us both by saying that I'm her daughter-in-law and stuff like that but we're only good friends. Well, I guess I kinda do like him, but I wish my parents wouldn't be so over pertective like they are because I'd like to see my friends sometimes. Just because he's a boy and I'm a girl dosen't mean that we're gonna "do stuff" like my parents think. Not all 13 year boys are like that, espically my friend! [/B][/QUOTE] wanna know whats really funny, I am 16, and my parents still treat me like i am at least 10 or 11. it doesn't help that they areSuper Baptist either
Raving. I just can't stop. Sex is also addicting, but thats another story.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B] That would be my guess. Every Rom site I have been to (I was doing reseach :shifty: )has a very large amout of advertisements on each page. And Kuja in the quote from Nintendo it says "it is illegal to download and play a Nintendo ROM from the Internet". So if you downloaded one it would be legal as long as you don't play it. The only reason I brought that up is because I got a few Roms a while back but I had the wrong emulator to play the Rom so I just deleted it. [/B][/QUOTE] did you mean wouldn't?? if so, you would be wrong. The staement says " download" in there, so once you download it, you are already breaking the law. oh well. such is life eh??
Yeah, i figure that they would have at least some aturity. My dad wanted to try and do the voice for Fat Buu, but noooo, he never whent and asked them.
Its a permanent answer to a temporary problem. Enough said. Discussion over.
Thats a new one. You would figure that them being stationed in Ft. Worth texas would mean that they would actually do a better job, just because tis Texas. But Noooooooooooo. ok enough of my ranting.....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Hm, that's very naive of you, Vegitto. The reason that people put emulators/ROMs on websites is the exact same reason that people put any other illegal content on websites -- there is demand for it. Many webmasters believe that they won't/can't be caught when it comes to distribution of copyrighted materials. However, Nintendo of America sued/closed down more than 200 sites last year -- sites which were distributing such illegal software. The simple fact is, if you are someone who distributes or downloads such software, you are always running at least some kind of risk.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, if they dont charge, then there is really no point. You probably only get cash poff the hits to the site right?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I didn't say the Government should care, I was just stating a fact. In fact in this very thread before, I said drugs should be legal. I'm not gonna copy my whole post, you can go read it. I'm not sure I quite understand the rest of your post addressed to me though... To the rest of your post... You CAN'T OD on pot... just like you can't OD on cigarrettes but they will still eventually kill you. Although I don't expect anyone to heed that warning. They don't heed it for cigarrettes... [/B][/QUOTE] 1) I know that you said that drugs should be legalized. I read that, and agree. 2) I said that you can't OD on pot. asar tried to disprove that, but ended up going off on other facts, and statistics. James: yes, doing drugs is a little selfish. it can be said that it is more selfish than i am saying. A little selfishness is good. it means you actually care about what happens to you. I am not an aditc, as I have stated, and I rarely take part in any, because i'm not around it a whole lot. I dont even have any paraphanalia[SP?] I respect that people don't liek it, to those that dont. I usually dont talk about it around them. I have debated quitting, and actually did for awhile. Now, its only socially. Thats rare as well. ince I never go to parties, because me, not being popular, dont get invited to any of them. I can have fun with out it, it just adds to it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeoMiraiTrunks [/i] [B]well I would never commit suicide..... but I would crush 20 asprins and mix them with water and drink it for 500 dollars... ive done oit before I could do it again... [/B][/QUOTE] You are now one of the coolest people i know. but now to be serious. I was realllllly depressed one nithg. New year's eve of all nights!!!! I thought of suicide, but I realized that one, the Girl it was over was worth it, but I would rather spend time with her. 2) my high was wayyyyy to good, why ruin it!?!?!?!? :hippy: :smoke: :drunk:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]meaning you cant even download them for 5 seconds. it is TOTALLY illegal in the US to download ROMS at all. even if you own the game. you can NOT download them period. so dont think there is a 24 hour rule at all. THERE ISNT. i suggest if you have ANY ROMs u go and turn yourself in! errrr well get them off your computer at least... and then get the files that show what you have had deleted as well, which is hard to do lol...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]so why would they be on sites to download them from anyway???? I mean, if its illegal, why are they put on sites? It seems pointless to me. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Opinions are good. You had some good facts asar. Transtic: Why should the government care about what [b] WE[/b] do to our bodies? Yes, they have facilities to help us with our problems, but we cause the problems. It helped me out with depression. I am sure some of you know about it. I could day that it was needed, but I wouldn't give you the satisfaction. The fact is, it wasn't. It was there, and i hadn't in awhile, and it helped. With out it, I could say i might have decided to check out how sharp the knife really was. I was only speaking from personal expierence['s] Asar: You still never said that you could OD on it. You only stated the Long term effects, which not a whole lot of people care about at the Time being. Most marijuana smokers are Epicurianists. They would rather " Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow, you Die" or, to put it simply, smoke, and have fun now, and worry about tomorrow when it arrives. I dont know many Stoics, or Fatalists that are Pot smokers. They weren't "Destined" to smoke it. You can think what you want. But what are animal studies reallllly going to do for humans. I may be blinded by ignorance. Ignorance is Bliss. I am happy in my vliss. Its not like I'm addicted. I'm not. I am the casual stoner. Ecstasy will be a one time thing, unles I happen to insanley like it. I probably wont. it might not measure up to the best Bud High I have ever had. I admit, there are drawbacks, but my [b] opinion [/b] is that the good outways the bad. Take the average buddy.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] .... And the people who do drugs like heroin and pot are only stupid enough to kill themselves, so I say, let them. They will just die off and make more people happy. [/B][/QUOTE] Have yopu ever done pot TN? If not, while stoned, you are one of 2 things, reallllly happy and giddy, or you just want to sit, and chill. Nothign else. Pot makes you happy while your on it. You will never OD on it, thats impossible, you dont get any psych. effects other than the fact that your in a good mood. It got be out of depression. On of my friends shrinks wishes she could perscribe it, but since it snot legal, she says" Do what you want, i would smoke a bowl" or just gives them some Vikadin[sp?] Pot doesn't do a thing, but make you happy. Its the only drug I will ever to, besides X, but thats just because I'm a raver, who still has yet to try it. More to come.......