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Everything posted by Vegitto4
Some of the people I know are straight ticket Republican, and some Democrat. I urge all of you to never vote that way. Sometime you will end up regretting it. I say vote your belief's. To cloricus. Once you take an American Government class(which i'm sure you probably have) and you actually believe that the vote doesn't count, and have proof that it doesn't, then PM me, and show it. Otherwise, stick to criticizing your own Government to the extent that you tend to criticize. (in that specific "your vote doesn't count in the long run" way) If people really want something changed in the American Government, then they can write their respective Senator's, or representative, and either get a Bill that they have written sponsored, or propose a Bill idea. I also believe that if you dont vote, dont complain. You had no part in the decision making process. Therefore, nothing you say matters. now to the real topic. ================================= I'm generally Republican. That's how I was brought up. I'm not teribbly active in Politics, but this december, I should be(thats the big 18) I didn't pay to much attention to the race a few years ago, because I couldn't vote in it. I figure, if I was actually old enough to vote, then what I say would matter. Because I would vote. I can't necessarily complain though. On choosing your political party, I say vote your beliefs, and if they happen to align with a specific party, then feel free to become a card carrying member of that party.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rttocs77 [/i] [B] Getting to the point of this, I have to say that we cannot wholey trust EVERY single statement made in the Bible to be ABSOLUTELY true. It has been translated through centuries of times and changes in linguistics. I think we should worry less on whether or not Jesus was married, but more on eximplifying the main lessons taught in the Bible, like the Ten Commandments, and just plain believing in God and the word Jesus spread. [/B][/QUOTE] What you are mistaking is the fact that if you do believe in the Power of Christ, and His saving grace, then the Bible, and EVERY word it says, is in fact true, and you are to take that as such. If you do not, then it's up to you. If we are to just follow the Ten Commandments, and just plain believe in God and the word Jesus spread, then all that is is taking the Bible to be completely true. For Jesus spoke only the Truth, as only God can do, and everything that was said that he had meant us to know is in the Bible.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by noodleboy [/i] [B] lol that's funny! there is no way to [b]prove[/b] this unless [b]you[/b] were there [/B][/QUOTE] I like it that you say that. That statement holds true to yourself as well. For the most part.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B]In response to point 2: Sexual purity has less to do with not having sex at all in your lifetime, and more to do with not doing it with people you aren't married to. Jesus [i]could[/i] have married in his lifetime, and have still been sexually pure. However your first point is correct in that it was never mentioned that Jesus was married. In fact, the Bible clearly states that Jesus' bride is the Church, made up of all his followers. It's a concept I think none of us can really fully come to grips with, but the point is that Jesus didn't have a bride while he was here on Earth. [/B][/QUOTE] By your last statement, you just proved me right. Yes, Jesus' bride was the church, therefore, he did not marry Mary. Since He is married to His church, He would not marry another. Thus commiting(sp?) Adultery, thus causing the proclamation to be God a Lie.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by noodleboy [/i] [B]but! you have that the bible has been written many times over. Second we don't REALLY know who he is. Also it seems u didn't read this to closely, eh? here's my favorite part in it: "Many Christians prefer to stick strictly to the canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and are dismissive of historical context and non-canonical texts." [/B][/QUOTE] Do you even know why many christians stick to those gospels? It's because we shouldn't need to listen to any other non-biblical texts. Like Apocrypha (which was mentioned in that article, which I read very closely actually). If you study anything at all about Textual Criticism (the study of how we got what we know today as the Bible) the proof is clearly available that the extant (copies left available today) manuscripts were ~painstakingly~ copied to prevent discrepencies, and could withstand even greater rigors than a DNA test for a modern day evidenciary hearing. Maybe you can answer me this: How would something written 1500 years after the gospels possibly be able to tell us ~more~ than the eyewittness accounts themselves?
1) The life of Jesus was documented in the Bible. Nowhere in the New Testament did it say that Jesus was Married. If Jesus had been married, then the Bible would have stated this fact. 2) In order to be the sacrifice for humanity, he must be pure. This includes sexually pure.
Not to try and turn this into a religion debate, but if you really were a christian, then you would find homosexuality a sin. If you wish to discuss this further, please feel free to PM me. The reason that bush does that, is because he is a Christian. in that religion, it is the only right one. [/end religion section of thread]
The reason that we dont believe in purgatory, is because it does not say in the bible that it exists. Not that I have seen anyway. if I happen to come across it in my life, I will be inclined to agree with you. Yes, we do pray for our loved ones. If they have accepted Christ, then they are automaticaly in heaven. " To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" I believe the quote goes. (only if you have accepted his gift of course) So, if they are with the Lord, then we pray a prayer of praise, and rejoicing. if not, then ::shrug:: It's not fair to generalize the protestant's, even if I am one. This is just what i do and practice.
The Matrix Revolutions (Possible Spoilers/Image Heavy)
Vegitto4 replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Noosphere
[spoiler] Neo didn't really die. He whent to the source, to restart the Matrix. Besides, the oracle and the Architecht both plan on seeing him again[/spoiler] edit: this post in in response to SPX's post about [spoiler]the death of neo and trinity. [/spoiler] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B] Is it wrong for me to want venues of entertainment to keep political opinions out of said venues? Not that I'm questioning the artists' rights to express their political opinions, but could they possibly choose another venue then the one I go to for escapism? Is it wrong of me to ask that artists use the many other venues of political expression availible to them rather than the ones I go to to kick back and relax for a while? [/B][/QUOTE] I would say that it is wrong of you to want this. Now, I took out the parts I wasn't going to respond to, so dont try and say that I changed what you said to make my point correct. You can't escape politics. It is futile to try. You asking for an artist, of any kind, to choose another venue to express the beliefs that they wish to express is wrong to do. Let the artist express the beliefs the way they were meant to be expressed, not in the way that you choose. It's not your art. If you enjoy the artist, and the expressions that they show, then so be it, but you have no right to ask that they choose another venue that suits you. Also, to make sure that we understand the definition of [b] Venue[/b]. [b] venue: [/b] (not relating to law) [i]A:[/i]The scene or setting in which something takes place; a locale: ?that non-cinematic venue of popular nightmares, the discotheque? (P.J. O'Rourke). [i]B:[/i]A place for large gatherings, as a sports stadium. Thank you dictionary.com. So, in short conclusion, you have no right to ask this of an artist. If you wish for it to change, then you need to change venue's, not them. I know that I wouldn't take into consideration the selfish wants of a "fan" of my art. if they dont like the venue, then they need to find a new one.
I just saw the first showing of this movie. 8 AM. Time for my review. It was a good movie. Better than the last, because all that was left was the final battle. In the previews, it makes it seem like most of the movie will be the Smith vs Neo fight....this is [spoiler]wrong. In reality, the fight scene is about 10-15 minutes in total length. [/spoiler] I was very entertained though. Not to many dull moments. For those that have seen it, please feel free to post comments, for those that have not, post expectations, and then post what you liked and disliked about it. Let's try to keep everything objective though, if you have not seen it.
[size=1] Well, last year, my date dumped me the week of. So I said screw it, and decided to go by myself, and have the time of my life. I did just that. I stole 2 dates from the guys they were with, and danced the night away. I think that dates are nice, but they are not always necessary. [/size]
[size=1]Yes, our school year has just started. Around August actually. I can't wait till Prom(year 12 end of school formal). It's going to be awesome. Hopefully.......
This was my last Homecomming, so I was glad to have a date this year. I can't wait for Prom. I'm going to try and get all the guys in my group to rent Vipers. Which will be a major w00t. I can't wait.
Cloricus is from Austrailia(sp?). Homecoming is the fall formal for most highschools. It is supposed to be a celebration for college freshman to return home to see old friends. It has gotten way out of hand, so now it's not even for that anymore. There is typically a homecoming football game the night before, and it is supposed to be against a team that that school would beat. This is not always the case however. Such as My game. That's pretty much it Understand it now cloricus?
[size=1]Well, I just arrived home from my dance, and the game was last night. Sadly, we lost, again, for the second year in a row. 28-3. We also lost to our rival school for the 7th year in a row. I took my date to Patrizios( a Better tasting olive garden). Dinner was very cheap actually. Only $20. I had a blast though. Food was good, the dance was great. Music was.....eh. Rap. It does have a better dance beat than my music though. My date was awesome. She happened to be my most recent EX, and since we are still good friends, we decided to continue on with out plans and go to the dance together. So, the point of this thread is this. If you have already had your Homecoming weekend, then tell the story. If not, then tell what you wish to happen on that weekend. If you despise school dances altogether, please post with discretion, and courtesy(sp?) to those that dont mind them, or love them. [/size]
partially normal I'd say. However, by the time I was 13 I was already into tryign to get a girlfriend. Even if it was for a week. Of course, i fell in love with her, and she dumped me, and my heart was broken, and a day later, I was going out with her best friend. .......such is the life of a 13 yr old such as I was. i think that your brother should be into girls by now. But meh....
When my little brother and I used to go to school together, he ended up getting alot fo the cheerleaders from my grade to like him. Now, even though we go to seperate schools, he is quite the ladies man. Even if he has been taken for 10 months. he is now recently single, and I find it quite amusing how much of a slight player he is(he just has alot of "options")
I love how this turned from a thread about Metrosexuality into a thread about how much Crimson Spider knows about the functions of women, and all of that. I can see that a few guys slightly understand what women think and feel, but most of us dont. That is the eternal fight between the sexes. I dont think that we are really meant to understand to much about the opposite sex. Some things should just be left alone.
I find it interesting when our society has to classify a person that wants to look good with a sexuality. Dont mistake me for this new classification, I dont generally care what most others think about me. To me, our society needs to get off the high horse with the classifications everywhere.
If you could control life, then nothing would be fun, and everything would be boring. I mean, sure, some of us wonder what it would be like to be able to do all of that. Nothing would surprise you, everything could be expected............just like the movies. It might eb fun for the first few months, but after that, there would be nothing else left to do. You would have expierenced everything you wanted to. It's like The Matrix in a way....a strange....pseudo-sadistical sort of way.
Actually, Baron, The Word of God does state that if you are not fighting for him, you are against him. :: picks up handy dandy bible:: "For he who is not against us is for us"~ Mark 9:40 also Matthew 12:30 & Luke 11:23 "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters." Therefore, there is no neutral status with the Lord. He will forgive those that come to him; However, until they come to him, they are sinners, and will always be looked upon as such. Revelation 3:15-16 "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou wert cold or hot. (16) So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth" KJV He Does Love each and every one of us equally. That is why we all have the same chance to accept his Covenant. The Lord does not hold it from "uber evil" people; However, unless you are serious, your repentence(which is a spin 180ยบ, and you are supposed to go the other way to correct your mistakes, and do well to further the Kingdom from then on) will not be recognized. God does not give out Fire Insurance to those who do not wish to change.
I would agree with the princess. Maybe do some fades, or bring the fill opacity down a little bit on some of the pictures in the banner. Maybe even the metal border itself.
I can already stay out past curfew(11 on school nights, and midnight on weekends). Gotta love being 17 in texas. The big thing is going to be able to vote. I can finally truly complain about all that crap, because i'll actually be able to vote on it all. Not much change, except for laws and stuff.
heh heh heh. I work at Pizza Hut. So this is mine. Our cook cut team are brothers. Our second team is brother sister. Lino's(second cut team) ex-fiancee 's brother is our first cut team's dad. Thus making Lino their uncle. A Phone-op, and the dishwasher are father son. Thats what you get when you work with a family of mexican's that jumped the border(not kidding, Lino has like 3 social security numbers, and his sister is using there other sister's green card.)