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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Frankie5 Angels [/i] [B] Yeah,guitar is really easy to learn.And since you already know how to read notes because you play the trumpet it should be even easier to learn. [/B][/QUOTE] I can't read music, but i can read tableture, and if somebody writes out the chords I can read those. But its not to hard. i finally got Other Side by RHCP tabbed and Chorded. :D :D
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]They never actually show when Gokou kills Grandpa Gohan but they do mention it in the early episodes of DragonBall. As fore being able to transform into an Oozaru still in DragonBall Z? Yes they do, in the earlier episodes. The last time it happens is during the Saiya-jin Saga When Gohan transformed into Oozaru from the false moon that Vegeta created. Piccolo blew up the moon earlier in the series to prevent Gohan from "going ape" again since it was very hard to stop him while he was in Oozaru form. They never "go ape" again until DragonBall GT, but it's not by the moon. I believe Gokou transforms on a different planet from a full Earth or something, I could be wrong, but this is just what I've read/heard. And then Vegeta does it twice, once as Bebi Vegeta, and a second time using the brute ray to transform into Super 4 (aka SSJ4 Call it what you like..) This is just what I know, I could be wrong on some aspects, mostly just when I get into GT. But I believe most of it is pretty accurate. :p[/SIZE][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] They are on the new Planet plant, when bebi wishes for a new one while he's controlling Bejiita[ i think thats right]
  3. the numbers and names and even summaries would be on [url]www.dbgt.com[/url]
  4. Frost Appears back on Vegitto, floating above the battlefeild on which he died, and looks down, at the mess of corpses.... Frost: Hmmmm, well, it seems that i didn't miss much. i wonder how Blanka is doing..... Teleports over to Blanka'a feild of battle, and just watches him fight, not interfering in anyay.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Yeah whats up with that? Well actually The Merchant Goku got it back when he was turned into little Goku. and since he had one when he was a kid his grew back. Vegita just cheated and used the brute ray(thats cheater). Anyway Goten and Trunks tails might have been cut off when they were born by their moms, who knows. [/B][/QUOTE] 1) Merchant Goku?????? wtf 2) Kaioshin gave him his tail back[ grew it for him]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by july [/i] [B]i'm tempted to comment on the sarah michelle gellar thing but she's not worth my time. [/B][/QUOTE] Realllllly? Why isn't she worthy of your time? I really want to know. I mean, I have had a crush on this girl since I first laid eyes on her in oh what was it........6th or 7th grade. I want to know who, besides Tara Reid can measure with her.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trunks02 [/i] [B]That sucks that they took off Freakazoid. And what's the deal with Scooby Doo? Why in blue hell does everyone watch that show so much? I hate Scooby Doo except for the movie Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. If they were going to take off a show they should have taken off Scooby Doo not Freakazoid... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, the movie looks good, but thats just because Sarah Michelle gellar is probably the hottest girl alive. They should make a freakazoid movie
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]the only reason i started watching freakazoid is b/c it's the only thing on at 5:30 a.m. besides infomercials. [/B][/QUOTE] That, and could you imagine how funny it would be while your stoned??
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tenx [/i] [B]i use to play the trumpet, but now I want to play the guiter [/B][/QUOTE] first, you have to spell it right, then you can play it. Its not to hard, once you get used to it. I just got back from lessons...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by _Shiro Amada_ [/i] [B]Out of the variety of Anamaniacs Spinoffs like Pinky and the Brain, Freakaziod was the greatest.:naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] freakazoid was the greatest show ever created. Besides DBZ. but the humor in that show rivals the action in DBZ, and other animes. **runs away with hands pointed up as if he's flying** WHOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :nervous: :drunk:
  11. Well, i dont know about the moon goign red or anything. The onyl way you can go oozaru is fi you have a tail. I believe all Saiya-jin during the DBZ series got there tails cut off so they couldn't go Oozaru.
  12. I believe it barely surpasses it. Go and watch all of Blade 1, and then when Blade II come out, watch that. When BladeIII comes out, watch that. I still have yet to buy his coat, and sword..........
  13. Ouch, that should have been a slap in the face. You have a point Deus, but let me say something. I am neutral in this argument, but here's my 2 Cents worth. If mass increases as you get closer to the speed of light, therefore slowing you down, couldn't there be someway to decrease the mass to the same mass that light has? If that is possible[ this is totally speculation and theory mind you] you could go the speed of light, and Time travel might be possible through that expierement. Yes or No? Oh, btw Apokronos, I suggest you be respectfull to somebody who's intellect has proved you wrong more than twice now. Stubbornesss will get you nowhere. If you would do what he said, and find some documentation that will back up your theories and claims, then maybe this community will beileve you, but saying "Mr. Moron is giving me a headache" or something to that effect, will just want everybody else to smack you upside the head with a 2x4. Yes, you can quote me on that.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]I found this out the other day. Okay I saw in Beckett DBZ Collector that Goku killed Tthe original Gohan in Oozaru form. Is this true? I really want to know, because they are a reliable source. Does anyone really know. It said it happened before the start of Dragoball. Please just tell if you know? [/B][/QUOTE] I never saw, but from what iunderstand, Goku whent oozaru, and ended up killing Gohan on accident. But hey, i never saw it. i'm just guessing because Goku has a memory of going oozaru when he sees chibi gohan do it.
  15. Well, i play guitar, i have lessons tomorrow infact. Other Side by the RHCP can be annoying to play. He switches everything up a coupe times, the intro gets easy though. I could sing, if i thought i was good, but in reality, I can only [b] try[/b] to sound like a rock star. I really can't sing.
  16. Hmmmm **checks his e-mail** yep, from the one I just got, i am more than alone. If its possible
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Guardian_Tidus [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]Were you ever a loner in your whole entire freakin life...well i have for 3 to 4 years....funny huh :laugh: and wen i went to a new school i have now like 11 friends... ^_^[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I used to be a Loner, but I have been transferring between the two for a couple yrs now. Sometimes i talk to my friends, and sometimes i dont. I have been going girl crazy right now though, and most girls dont like loners, from what I've seen. Milliardo, thats called an Anti-Social person.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]I was watching a gt episode the other day and i seen krillin he looks so old.But goku looked young i taught they were the same age??? maye im mistaken,but can someone answer my question if ssj age slower than humans???:nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] No, he didn't age when he was in Otherworld. So he may have been as old as krillin, but physically, he was not, because of his time spent in otherworld. Dont worry Cruizr, you spelled it right
  19. The only wrestling moves that were done was the Suplex, and some Elbow drop's. I thought that they added to the fight scenes spiffiness. Most of Wesley Snipes moves were Improv when he messed up during rehearsal, and then [ being one of the producer's] said that he wanted it to stay in the movie. In my opinion, it almost topped Blade. It actualy followed the comic more than the last one did. The ending was Great though. All of you that have yet to watch it, remember the guy in the begining that he says " I'll get you later". Remember that guy for the end, i will not tell you why, but just do it. It's funny as hell. Those of you wondering why Whistler is back in this movie, I am gonna have to tell you why he is. He doesn't die in the Comic. When the Vampires get him at the end of the First one, and he Shoots himself, he doesn't die completeley, so he turns into a Vampire, and Blade goes off searching for him for 2 yrs. They explain all of it at the begining of the movie. My favorite quote's have to be 1) " You do not know....who you are FµCKING WITH!!! 2) " Your about one Cunt hair away from Hillbilly heaven" [whistler] " I love it when you talk dirty"
  20. I suggest that we get back to the story guys. I mean, if you guys want to continue this baggering against each other, I suggest doing it in a PM before a mod gets in here, and sees it. Ok, back to the story........... Frost has begun his extensive training with the Supreme kai on his planet, and now where's 2 Potarra Earrings[one on each ear]. He sparrs the air relentlessly against an imaginary Rojin, waiting for his chance to show the power that is deep within him. Frost: Supreme Kai, when will I get my real training? SK: Well, after we see your true potential, you can go and see the one that will awaken your power. Frost: Really? Is that all we've been waiting for? Frost lands on the ground, and begins to scream. His hair shoots up in a flash, and he goes Super. Frost: Is this what you have wanted to see? SK::eek: :cross: Frost the proceeds to Zanzoken around, and then appears 30 feet from the Supreme kai, and begins to throw rapid punches, gathering his speed, becoming a blur, and then can't be seen. he then stops, and lands on the gorund, looking at the Supreme Kai. Frost: Well? SK: Lets begin. Frost nods, and powers down, and sits before him, as they begins to meditate, and the Supreme Kai begins to try and awaken his power within.............
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] OK... I'll give a decent explanation as to why you can't easily go faster than the speed of light but first you're gonna have to just accept a few things.. Firstly.. Speed is due to [i]ENERGY[/i], kinetic energy in fact, meaning the greater energy you give an object, the faster it will go, but the speed is not just related to energy, the energy(kinetic) of an object is given by [i]ENERGY = MASS(kg) x SPEED squared[/i].. this formula was devised long ago, and is not technically accurate due to relativistic effects Secondly... E = M x C squared, meaning [i]ENERGY = MASS x SPEED OF LIGHT squared[/i] what this means is that as you give large amounts of energy to an object, it appears to increase in mass. When I say 'appears', I mean that it acts completely as if it has this extra mass, even in the first formula. Thirdly, by combining the two, you can see that as an object's kinetic energy becomes very great, it gains a lot of mass, meaning that ENERGY = MASS x SPEED squared, still applies, but the 'MASS' has gone up significantly, while the ENERGY stays the same, meaning that the SPEED must drop to make the equation stay correct... Now, if we make the object's speed C, the speed of light, then the object's mass increases, as it's rest mass (at speed = 0) is E = MC squared, and if you add the energy for an object to move at C (in classical, or pre-relativity physics), then it's energy is 2E = MC squared, hence if you use the larger value of M in the original equation it can be seen that the object is not moving at the speed of light at that given energy Lastly, Working out the objects actual speed at higher and higher energies will reveal that an INFINITE amount of energy is required to reach the speed of light, or a mass of zero (light particles have no mass, which is how light travels at the speed of light)... hence you can see that in this universe, it is impossible to travel at the speed of light by accelerating an object, even if that object is a black hole. [/B][/QUOTE] So baisiclly, you have to reduce the mass to almost nothing, for a object to travel at the speed of light, and not just put more speed into, or onto it. Am i correct?
  22. Spoken like a true genius. If I was as smart as most of you ppl, then I would put a good argument in, but I am busy formulating it.
  23. Anyody seen it yet?Those that have, voice your opinions here. Those who haven't, stay away until you see it so we dont spoil it for you.
  24. Vegitto4


    Well, they might be stronger, but the grand Kai was out of shape, since there isn't anybody getting close to the 10,000 yr limit of training. There is no reason to care until somebody gets close, not that he looks like he has a ton of power anyway.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo] But hey, we can all play Pac-Man as much as we want on our PCs or whatever, and it'll be legal! I guess the company that made Pac-Man (Don't remember which) made it open to the public. They have it on cell phones in Japan![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]damn man, i have pac-man on my cel pone**gets it out and plays with it**[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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