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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. Frost stopd meditating, and walks to king kai Frost: Would you teach me Fusion? King kai: Sure All of a sudden, the Supreme Kai appears on the North kaio's planet, and they all drops to one knee, except for Li, who is having trouble keepoing his eyes open. Supreme Ka: Frost, Come with me. I have been watching you, and you wil get special trianing from me... Frost nods, and walks with the Supreme kai, and dissapears to his planet to begins his training.....
  2. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]Ok, Goku goes Chibi with a black star thing. He goes Gldon Oozaro which makes him, when he goes out of Goldon Oozaro he turns the all new Super Sayain (SSJ4). Therefore if the thing would of never made Goku Chibi that means there would be no SSJ4 level.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] You have some stuff that wrong. All they had to do was 1) have a tail 2) Look at the Full earth from another planet[planet plant] 3)Go Golden Oozaru 4) get control of the form, and then they power into SSJ4. it was the Brute ray Merchant
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Ugh.. Blink 182 can kiss my... well you know. Song Goten, sorry to break it to ya, but these people are right. Blink is no longer the punk band the once were. Until I hear their music differently these words will not change. Greenday [b]was[/b] good as well. It is a sad thing indeed when decent punk bands go bad. OH well though, there are plent of other much better punk bands out their and I never liked Blink too much to begin with, though Greenday was a loss. But ya, obviously I'm not going to this "Pop Disaster" thing...[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, Greenday started to suck when they sold out to a major label. I agree with Piro
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [size=3][color=blue] What do I care, I don't even know you. Work there fine! Become a Disney Devil!:flaming: :devil: Oh and Goddess I won't be surprised if your kids run away or become hookers and stuff because of what they watch.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I would have to agree. Why would we care where your gonna work anyway.
  5. Was there last album remotely punk? No. People may think it sounds punk, but its not. They are now a POP group. Supposedly there next album is going to be Major Punk, and if that happens, i will change what I said.
  6. Well, theres that, and the Alice in wonderland as written by a guy who was tripping off of acid.
  7. There's a redwall TV show??:therock: Thats news. I had no clue. I red the first Redwall book on about 2 weeks in the summer of my 4th-5th grade yrs. I haven't had the interest to pick up another one yet. It was a good book though. I dont remember much about it
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]..............Forget Einstein's whole relativity thing, that's a bunch of phooey. [/B][/QUOTE] Explain to me how its " a bunch of phooey" as you so delicatley put it
  9. If you wanna hold out for the right person, I'm not gonna stop you. Go for it. I didn't, but then again, i wasn't to.....how can you say this right. Ahhh, screw it. Sober, I realllllly should have been when i saw her 5 months later, after she had been in rehab for an OD
  10. O, ok, i didn't know that. Disregard my post's that relate to babidi
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]is anyone here going to see them in concert along with Green Day and Saves the Day? I'm going on June 2nd and got 2 tickets in section 2. i'm soooo happy. :D [/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Blink sold out and whent pop on there last album man. I have decided on not seeing that show. Saves theDay is not playing in TX. Its JimmyEatWorld that gonna be with them here, on March 9. Normally, i would go to just see greenday, but i dont feel like supporting Blink, SINCE THEY SOLD OUT!!!!!:flaming:
  12. That much we knew. I guess the Mirai Trunks one was harder to figure out. The Gt one would be interesting, but that dosen't matter.
  13. That makes no difference whatsoever on when he whent SSJ. He would have been born a SSJ. I can see your point, and there might have been some way that it could have happened, but not likely. Going Super Saiya-jin is a response to a need or anger. I guess in Goten, his anger when sparring chi-chi was so childlike, that it was, in a sense, pure. He really didn't have a need, unless he was just trying to get his mom to quit saying " Come on goten, fight for crying out loud!!!"
  14. I know he's 8 when he wins the tourny, but the whole 17-22 deal I would have had to guess on though.
  15. Well, they show when Goten first whent Super Saiya-jin. Why would Goku training have any difference on when a young one goes SSJ? just a thought
  16. LK, how do you know for a fact that he is those ages. No ages are stated, only baisic guesses can be made.
  17. Thats a good question, but I think he didn't know about it. When he showed up for the tourny, he was wondering who Goten was
  18. During the tourny, he's 8, but if your talking about when android 19 and 20 appear, he's a baby, but if your talking about Mirai Trunks, then I would say around 16-19 or so
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu [/i] [B]Was it: Piccolo Vegeta Trunks Goku Gohan Gotenks [/B][/QUOTE] Well, if you mean babidi, then piccolo cut him in half with his hand, but he's not dead yet, Buu and him live to tel everybody a message that they will torment earth until all of the Z warriors are dead, or something liek that. Someone else actually kills babidi though
  20. Because thats not how Akira Toriyama wrote it.
  21. Frost and Li engage in a violent battle. While they are fighting, this dialouge ensues: Frost: You forgot, Kakkarotto is an ancestor of mine. Li: Gives me all the more reason to try and kill you. Frost: I'm already dead buddy.:smirk: Frost drops and dodges a fist that was meant for his jaw, he slams both open palms into his gut, Yelling DEMON'S BREATH, and Li flies backwards. Frost then zanzoken behidn him, and knees his spine, and drops to trip him, once he does, li spins, and lands an elbow in his ribs, and a quick jab to the gut before he flips away, frost lands in a stance, and smirks. Frost: Well, I would say that your better than a rojin, but that might be to nice of me to say.:demon: Li: HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Li then zanzokens behid him, and begins blasting himinto oblivion, when he gets tired, he stops, and looks as the smoke clears, and nothign is left Li: HAHAHAHA I vaporized him into nothing!!! Li powers down, to his normal state, but dosen't sense frost floating above him Andrew:.....uh......LL....ii.... Li: What andrew????!!! Andrew points up as frost drops down, twisting, sending both heels into his colar bone, brekaing them, and tearing the skin, he then drops, and sends a snap kck to the lower chin, and a hard ridge hand to the throat, and then flips back, and watches Li hit the ground, knocked out. Andrew winces, as he says "ouch..." Frost powers down, and then bows as he turns, and begins to meditate on kaios planet. He telepathically says to Li Frost:[b][i] You are good, but not that good[/i][/b]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple]See what happens when you help a wolf? They turn around and bite your hand. It just makes me sad, and the same thing happened with the Jews. After we rescued them from Germany, what do they do? Retaliate against us, and now we do the same with Osama bin Ladena dnt he same thing happens. Its really hard for my eyes to not be clouded by hate and emotion right now. Osama bin Laden and the men we trained butchered thousands of innocent lives to get at our government. I'm starting to think anarchy would be really good about now...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Explain to me your concept of anarchy, and I will tell you if its good.
  23. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]I was looking around on the net when I came upon the dbz beckett site. Well, they had a list with character bios and they sais that Android 17 and 18 were a normal human brother and sister who were captured by Gero and turned into cyborgs. Thats not right, right? p.s. I hate that stupid site [/B][/QUOTE] no, thats correct. They were cyborgs, because androids can't have kids, and krillen koncks up 18, and out pops marron. They were just modified a bit
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red XIII [/i] [B][Color=teal]Li: I'll fight you frost just to see how good you are [i]Li and Frost take up their stances and begin to fight as fast and as furiously as they can. Li gets in an upper cut to Frost jaw but Frost counters and elbows Li in the ribs. The two warriors continue sparring faster than the eye can see but Li pulls out him trump card the Kaio-Ken and beats the living crap outta Frost to win the fight. Li picks Frost off the ground and speaks to him[/I] Li: You did great frost you all most had me[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Frost smirks, as he stand, looking at Li with a big grin on his face. Li: What's so funny? Frost: You must not know.... Frost begins to yell out, as his hair shoots up, and his eyes fade, but return a different dolor, and he suddenly transforms Li: :eek: :wigout: Frost smirks, as he completes it, and his hair is now golden, although near his waist in a tie, still golden, as he stands facing LI Frost: nice try. I dont go down that easily. Frost zanzokens behind him, and slams his open palm into his spine, he then drops, and trips him, flips over, and slams both heels into his solar plexus, and jumps off, as he has lost his breathe, and he powers down, and drops from the strain. Frost: Told you so. now, shall we train? Li gets up, after regaining his breath. They all begins training hard
  25. I agree SS, i dont have enough time to do this, and Planet Vegitto, and some other ones. count me out
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