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Everything posted by Vegitto4
Sorry for the lack of postage --------------------------------------------------- Frost, ducks as a ki blast barley misses his head from a random rojin, and he keeps moving through, and then uppercuts the one that threw the blast, and his jaw breaks, while in the air, he does a hurricane kick, and the rojin lands on the ground. He lands his elbow in his throat, killing him instantly, and then flips up, and slices another rojin down to size, then flips back, and says to Juggernaut Frost: Well, are you gonna chip in and help? If not, I will take your share, and....ARRRRGGGHHH!!!! At that moment, a ki blast hit Frost dead center in his chest, and he whent flying back into some other rojins. he gets up, and flips away from the rojins, and lands in the senter of the battelfeild, and his sword has now been sheathed, as he yells out, looking like trunks did when he showed up to see freeza on earth in the show... Frost: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frost's power lifts up the fallen rojin's and he clears the feild of there dirty corpses. His hair shoots up, and a golden light emanetes from his body, as he glows golden as a Super Saiya-jin standing in the middle of the feild.... -----url of picture of frost powering up into ssj------- [url]http://www.dbgt.com/images/gifs/clip39.gif[/url]
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
Vegitto4 replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]*laughs* Well, go me and ANNA! But I'm sure everyone on the boards agrees that PiroMunkie is probably the most chivalrous...SEE, Chivalry isn't DEAD! I think all guys should take some lessons from you, Piro. OH YEAH...and you don't need all those other girls, I'm your wife and that is my JOB! :) :angel: Or something like that! ;)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] thanks asuka, your real nice... -
Frost: Sure siren,have fun Frost then turns to Juggernaut and says Frost: You can feel free to use my gravity chamber to train yourself, if you feel you are not ready yet. Its just to the east of here. Juggernaut: I will decide after my next battle, thank you my friend Frost then turns, as he feels the stentch of a rojin as his breath is realllllly bad. Frost turns, as the rojin is rather weak from the beatng he just took, and zanzoken into a ducked position near him, and yells out, as a blue firey aura surrounds him... Frost: CHOU....SHA.....RU.....KEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frost launches upwards, and the blue aurs then travels to his fist, as he lands the final blow to the bottom, left side of the rojin's head, and his neck snaps, and then frost lands, and powers to normal, and looks at the ground of rojins charging at him Frost: Well siren, juggeraut, lets have some fun eh? All three launch forward, and frost draws the Z-Sword, and the battle begins....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jlow [/i] [B]Does anyone have any idea who or where and how maggin buu was made before I go looking all over the place! [/B][/QUOTE] Majin Buu was conjured into existence long ago by the evil wizard Bibidi. A powerful fighter who has destroyed many planets in his past, Majin Buu?s body is ?rubbery? giving him great advantage in battles. He has now been unleashed by Bibidi?s son, Babidi, to destroy Earth. Like many of the bad guys in Dragon Ball Z, Majin Buu exists in multiple forms. The series starts off with child-like Majin Buu, in his more evil being called Evil Buu and in an even more powerful form called Super Buu. He is in his Evil Buu form very briefly before transforming to Super Buu. The Super Buu form is his final form and is often referred to as Kid Buu. Child-like, Majin Buu does not have a strongly developed sense of good and bad. He agrees to stop hurting people when he discovers it bothers Hercule. Unfortunately the threat to Earth is not over. For from Majin Buu, Evil Buu emerges.
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
Vegitto4 replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Why are they so dumb? And irritating? And why do they make out with their girlfriends in FRONT OF YOU? EWWWW[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] if i had a g/f right now, then this is what i would say: [b] I only would make out with my girlfriend infront of my friends if i was 1) Dared to, or 2) didn't care.[/b] Now, ther serious making out, i would never do infront of anybody, because thats just wrong, but a little(:naughty: ) kissing isn't bad, it just makes for a more interesting night....:devil: :naughty: :demon: :devil: Edit: baby Kiwi,, The guy in me would say that i am perfect. i have been called the perfect guy, and was even dumped because i was to perfect( i was to, NO JOKE!!!), but in reality, I only know that there is one, count her, one girl out there for me to marry. if i seem like a player, or an egotictical facist pig that can emotionally manupilate you into doing anything, thats because i used to be that way. But having to leave the one girl in my life who has made me happy, brightened my day, and i did the same to her, I dont expect anything from her, and same on that end. You will find the perfect guy, but he will be the perfect guy for you, and nobody else [I] THIS IS WHAT BOGGELS MY MIND[/i] [b] Girls, whenever they are single, or not, when with a group of friends, always try and get th hottest guy out there, whether they are single or not. If one of there friends got hit on by a hot guy, sudenly, it becomes a competition for the best looking guy. [i] and it pisses me off!!!![/i][/b] -
Thats baisically it. They just use there imagination, and lands good combo's into their opponents. Using Ki exhausts energy though, they should use it for ending attacks, like Goku's last attacks against cell, that humungoid Kamehameha wave.
Frost: hmmmmmm I wonder.......[b] Raiha, i will leave you to fight alone, cal for me if needed[/b] Frost teleports above the battlefeild, and floats next to juggernaut, at the edge of the battle. He looks to juggernaut, and says Frost: Hey, I see you are now ready to fight, as am I. Shall we commence? Juggernaut: We shall Frost smirks a little, as he gets a blue, and finally black aura, as he goes to a form just between Super Saiya-jin, and his eyes go silver, as he charges into battle, sword still sheathed, and lands a heel smash into a rojin's jaw, breaking it,then flips backwards off hi face, and glares. Rojin: hmmm mmmmmmhmhmhmm Frost: What was that??? O I'm sorry, I broke your jaw. Oops. I was aiming for your brain. Guess i need to perfect that move Rojin: :growl: Frost then lunges at the rojin, and lands a quick set of 20 open palm jabs into his gut, and then throws an uppercut into his broken jaw, but gets caught, and thrown to the grown. Suddenly, Juggernaut slams his elbow into the Rojin, keeping him from crushing him into the dirt.[b] Thanks man, i owe you[/b] [b][i] dont worry about it, for now, worry about that blast thats about to hit you[/i][/b] Frost looks up, and it appears that a larg deadly blast vaporized him, but he appears over the rojin, and connets both fists, and slams then down on his skull, then drops, and fires a knee into his spine, then zanzokens infront of the rojin, and yells out SHAAA RUUU KUN!!!! lands the deadly uppercut into his jaw, and then lands, and stares at the unconcious rojin Frost: You think he's dead?? Juggernaut: I dont know, we shall have to see ..........
Frost floats down while watching the battle, and silently thinks to himself:[b] She is a skilled fighter. She should do well against the rojin they call alderaan[/b] Frost then closes his eyes, ans meditates while they are fighting, and watches the battle through his mind's eye, while focusing his mind to be in tune with his body
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]I'm really having problems for the past three weeks and right now I think I'm going to do something drastic. Here's the story: I spent the night over my friend, Revi's, house and we kinda got drunk and ended up sleeping with each other. The next day, I realized what I did and was very ashamed. I didn't talk to her and still haven't. After that, I repented every day and prayed every night. I couldn't tell my mother...she would go off the deep end and curse at me about Christianity and their laws. So I'm kinda worried that God might have damned me or something. And the kids in school. The kids in school like to make fun of me and tease me. Monday of last week, we had a food fight. But instead of throwing food at other persons, they threw it at me. I was so mortified. Tuesday, some girls tripped me down the stairs. Wednesday, they cut a lot of my hair while I was studying in class. Thursday and Friday I cut school to avoid tormentation. I feel like dying!! I cried every day of the week for three weeks straight. I don't know what to do!! Can you tell me? [/B][/QUOTE] If you have truly repented for your sins, then you shouldn't be feeling guity about it anymore. You have been forgiven if you were sincere, and changed your actions
Frost stops over the battle, and sees Raiha, and Alderaan about to fight Frost: hmmmm, this will be interesting [i] I am able to provide asistance raiha if needed[/i] Frost then just floats over the battle, and watches on...
Its just inherent in there blood line, why do you think that they are scanned upon birth
Wolverine and Gambit all the way baby!!!!!! But anyway. The movie kinda sucked though, they didn't have the gith characters in it(like gambit and other ppls)
Frost steps out of his chamber, and puts on his fighting garb, and as he straps on his wrist weight, he looks to the sky, as he feels Raiha's sudden jump in power. His face gets serious, as he floats up into the sky, and looks to the west, and telepathically says to raiha as he puts his sword into his belt... Frost: [i] I'm on my way.......[/i] Frost Flies off in her direction, as she is not far.... -------------------------------------- Frost's stats after healing: Speed: 16,000 Strength:15,000 Ki:15,000 Defense:16,000 Frosts's pic is my avatar, and the symbol behind him is tatooed on his back...
Bardock, watches as parunga, points his hands at his son, and charges up a final blast that would destroy him, nad bardock, goes ssj4, and teleports over him, and fires a Kienzan disk at him, slicing him in 2, and then parunga dies. ---------------------- I thought that the one would be good, but it baisically sucks. i now quit this thread and story after i post this
Frost lays unconcious on the ground, anc calls for Raiha telepathically Telepathically: Raiha, its frost, I need your help, i dont know how much more i can take, get here soon..... Suddenly, then rojin jumps up, and slams down onto his back, almpst crushing his spine, Frost yells out in pain, and thr rojin jumps off, and then lands in a fighting stance, smirking Frost: Hmmm, you are better**cough** than i though Rojin: Of course, you have yet to see my power. Frost smiles, as he rushes after the Rojin, and he bursts into a silver Aura, as his eyes change to that color, and he Draws the Ancient Z-sword. Frost Zanzokens behind the rojin, and stabs hiim in the left arm, rendering it useless, and then turns, dodging the Rojin's tail, and lands an elbow in his spine, then flips up, and slams both feet into ins shoulder blades, and pulls back on both arms, flips the rojin over, and face first into the ground. Frost then flips off, and grabs his sword as he floats up into the air, and sheathes it Frost: Eat this!!!!!!! KAAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEE....... Frost charges up a blue ki ball, the ancient kamehameha wave, and his eyes get hard as he glares at the unconcious rojin on the ground. Frost: HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He fires it straight at the rojin, and it hits him in the back, creating an explosion that even frost has to sheild his eyes from. s the smoke clears, the rojin has dissapeared, and frost wonders where he has gone. Rojin's voice in the wind: Live today, fight tomorrow, watch your back. For I will come again.... Frost smiles, ashe closes his eyes, as the adrenaline fades, and his pain sets in, as he floats to his healing pod, and gets in, and heals. telepathically: Raiha, dont wory about helping, he ran away telepathically: [b]ok frost, btw, do you know a guy named juggernaut??????[/b] Frost telepathically: Yes, I have had a conversation with him, he was supposed to be nearing me by now. I sense he has reached you. Have you sensed Blanka's transformation???? Raiha telepathically: [b]Yes, he is in front of me, and i know of the transformation. You should reach it soon, but heal up for now, then join in the war [/b] Frost closes his eyes as he heals...... Stats have decreased from fight, but will regain after healing: After fight: Speed: 5,500 Ki: 4,500 Strength: 5,000 Defense:5,500
Rojin: Ha ha ha, you expected that to finish me off?? Please. You Saiya-jin are so idiotic its funny. Frost: Actually, I didn't expect that to finish you off. It was just to test it out. I have many other new attacks that will be tested, and you wont liek it very much. Rojin Gulps, as he is a new one, and with out training. Frost:If you were better skilled, i would call this a fight, but its more like a Slaughter. Rojin: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Frost: I dont have time for this. I need to finish you quickly. Raiha appears over the battle feild, and wonders how Frost got so cocky all of a sudden. Raiha: Hmmmmmm. He must have some reason for it, maybe a special finisher move, or something like that. Frost, dissapears, and appears behind the rojin, unsheathes the Z Sword, and slice him across the back many times. He then zanzoken to his left, and creates a deep gouge in the Rojin's left shoulder, rendering it useless. Sheathes the sword, and appears infront of the Rojin, and starts to uppercut him, but the Rojin grabs his arm with his right one, and slams him into the ground many times. Frost dosen't move on the ground, looking unconcious.......
Frost: I must stop my training, an go to help with the war!!!!!!! Frost stops sparring in his chamber. He steps out, and surveys the area. Frost: Well, this place hasn't been touched by the rojins yet, at least thats a good thing. But little does frost know that an unknown presence is lurking near him. Frost: Well, I might as well get my things ready for battle. Frost grabs his sword, the sacred Z-sword from his ancestor Gohan, handed down to him through generations. Puts it on his back, and then turns, sensing great danger near him....... ???: So, you are the one with the ancient Z-Sword. I have heard of it, but have not yet seen it. May I take a look. Frost: Why would I let you look at it. It is a pricless heirloom, and will not be held by another. ???: Because if you dont, I will destroy you. Frost: Bring it on. I am a Saiya-jin, a decendant of Goham, who is the son of the ancient Goku. I fear nothing. ???: Even me? The unknown figure takes off his cloak, and a Rojin appears. he looks tough, but not to tough. Telepathically: Raiha, i might need some help, so if your coming this way, dont hesitate to drop in. Rojin: HAHAHAHAH. You will now die by my hands, pathetic Saiya-jin Frost smirks, as he Zanzokens behind the Rojin, and knees him in the spine, and flips down, to jab him in the kidneys many times. Zanzokens infront of him, and sends an elbow into his solar plexus, dropping, sends an uppercut, and tenses at the last moment, and yels out ShaRuKen, and he spins, as a blue aura surrounds him, and his opponent, and the Rojin, is knowkced unconcious. Frost: Hmmm, that was easier than I thought. The rojin looks to be lifeless, but his arm stirs, and a palm faces Frosts' back, and He shoots a blast at him, but it hit, and frost, falls to the ground, but gets up, and slides into a Shotokan stance, and wonders what the rojin will do next........ -------------------------- Stats increased from training: Speed 8,000 Strength: 6,000 Ki: 6,500 Defense: 8,000
Ok, I know I am double posting, but the story need to progress, or it will sureley die. POST EVERYONE!!!!!!! Nico Draws her sword, and suddenly rushes at Blade. blade, prepared for such a pathetic attack, flips over her easily, and lands an elbow into her back, and a quick knee to the kidneys, forcing her to the ground. Nico: ahhh, I see you are a skilled warrior. Blade: What did you expect from an Assasin. I have trained myself extensively, and dont expect to be defeated by the lieks of you Nico: We shall see Blade stands in the darkness, barley seen, as nico charges at him again. He slowly sidesteps, and Nico trips over his outstretched leg, and Blade flips over, and lands a heel to the spine, and then flips off her, and into a tree. Blade dissapears, not seen, but heard, ad his voice moves through the wind, taunting her. Blade: Come on.....I expected more from a warrior, not this pathetic rubbish. Nico: Grrrrrr :flaming: Nico looks up into the sky, and only sees darkness in the forest treetops above. Blade drops behind her, and puts her in his death hold, and she surrenders. Blade: Surrender eh? wise choice -------------------------------------------------- I am not going to continue the whole damn story. POST GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!
Frost senses the Rojins and there taunting, and there cry for vengance. He is then jolted from his meditation, and then starts his strength training. Frost: Soon.......very soon..... As the gravity starts to get way to easy as his sparring the plain air, and his own energy blasts, he upps it to 700x, higher than even blanka has trained be thinks. Frost: I hope he is doing well in his battle.. Continues his training, relentlessly -----------[i]Elsewhere[/i]----------------- Raiha: Hmmmmmm, this wont be an easy one, but it will be interesting....... -------[b]Stats[/b]--------- Speed: 4,500 Strength:4,500 Ki:3,500 Defense:4,500
I feel for ya' Crazy White Boy. I swear that Shredder is somewhere trying to find me!!!!! I am being stalked **rustle outside the window** ....shhhh.... **opens window violenbtly, and nobody is there** :nervous: :nervous:
Electricity is slwoly forming around Frost, as he is in a deep meditation. The strain of the chamber becomes easy to handle, and he mentally turns it up to 500x. Telepathically: Juggernaut, I am frost. you should be able to sense my power. I am due north of you position, and i am in a gravity chamber training. You will need to train if you are to help in the upcomming war. Telepathically: Frost, hello. Thank you for the invitation, but I will train on my own for now. I am starting to head in that direction though, and will stop by. We could have a spar to test ourselves before the fights with the Rojins. What are the anyway??? Telepathically: The are Saiya-jin that have been mutated, and are more ape-like, and they can go oozaru at anytime they want. Do not try to take on one by yourself, you will fail. Frost resumes his meditation, watching over Juggernaut
Frost: Hmmmm, maybe i should trian some more before i actually try and particapate in this fight. Raiha: Yeah, thst sounds like a good idea, but dont be to long, we might need you against them. Frost senses Blanka about to fight, and teleports to his training spot, and steps into his chamber. His training resumes at 300x gravity, as he sprints for 4 hours, increases his speed greatly, and then begins deep meditation ----Stats increased---- Speed: 3,700 Strength:2,700 Ki:3,200 Defense:3,200
Frost smirks, as he stands up, and teleports near Raiha. looks around, and sees the Rojin, and gulps for a second, and then welcomes the challenge of a battle..... ----------------- Stats have all increased by 200 from his deep meditation.
But that would defy the law of gravity. I know that Planes and such fly, but they have propulsion force. Humans would not have the amount of force, or any for that matter. So the whole Human's flying thing just wont work
POST CRAIG!!!!!!!!!! My stats if i am allowed in, are Speed: 3,000 Strength:2,000 Ki:2,500 Defense:2,500 ---------------------------- Frost meditates near Blanka, and feels his amazaing energy. Opens his eyes only once more. Then closes them again, resuming his meditation for the upcomming war he has heard about so much.