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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B] You think you have been getting screwed, my name is Mitchell Myron. I like my nick here on otaku, kizu. But i don't know if I like my nick at school. There is a girl that calls me moose. But that is another story. [/B][/QUOTE] O, you hate your name huh??? Tere is a kid that rides my bus who's name is Evan Evan Evans. NO LIE!!!!!! I **** you not, thats his name:wigout:
  2. THATS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN MORE~!!!!!!
  3. Maybe some contrast in the characters, like shading, but they are overall good pics.
  4. I dont mind my name. It gets old after awhile. Most ppl call me bymy last name though. My First name is Ryan. Last name is Grundy you take it form there
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson]Alright! They're yours! And I hope you feel better, kay? Don't be depressed! I just recently got over a spell of depression and I feel much better! :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] O, I am not depressed about the game thing. I am depressed about [i] somebody else[/i] **looks at QA because she knows of who he speaks....**
  6. Well, since the cussing is added in the subs, it dosen't really matter. But its a pointless argument, so I wont continue it.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Yeah I know I'm behind I believe, but I'm posting anyway! :D [b]Member Name:[/b] Queen Asuka [b]Original Member name: [/b]This is the original I believe. [b] Member Since:[/b] November 11, 2001, I think...I was at Anna's house that weekend. [b] Current Status: [/b]Member [b] Favorite Forums: [/b] General Discussion and General Anime. I used to like Games and Stories but I strayed from there for a reason...grr... [b] Favorite RPG:[/b] I like them all... [b] Favorite Threads: [/b]Um...The LOTR thread ruled, and so did the one where Piro posted his pic...I never get to post that often...I like the survey ones, too. [b] Favorite Smiley: [/b] :D and :rotflmao: and :wow: Those frickin rock. [b] Most Memorable Moment: [/b]Well, nothing special here, just maybe when I got married LOL, that was fun. [b] Quotable Quote: [/b]"I don't want to be cute ^_^, I hate cute.. -_-" ~Ryan Roberson [b] Words of Wisdom: [/b]Um, I dont really have any except um...I love you all? [b] Wish to be remembered for:[/b] Being Piromunkie's wife and one of the Adam's Angels chics. And being the biggest Legolas fan! ^_^ [b] Desired Epitaph:[/b] I don't even want to think about that until I get old and ready to die..."Here lies the wife of Piromunkie and best friend to Anna..." ANYWHO... [b] I will.... [/b] .............[b] My anime collection [/b]to Kool_aid13 and Anna and all their sisters because I love them so much! .............[b] My CD's [/b]to Piromunkie so he can listen to something besides Punk... I love you Honey! *does a peace sign* .............[b] My position in Adam's Angels[/b] to NO ONE... ............. [b]My dance team uniforms[/b] to Lady M and BabyGirl, they'd look so good in them ^_^ ............. [b]My Legolas dolls [/b]to Anna and Lady M, the only members of Lovers of Legolas *laughs* ............. [b]My videogames[/b] to whoever wants them, just don't let my sisters have them...grr... ............[b]My sketchbook[/b] to Kool_aid13 for being such a sweetie and a cute artist. [b] Closest member (guy friend):[/b] Piro Honey!!!!!!! We've been married one month! ^_^ [b] Closest member (chick friend):[/b] Anna and Lady M [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I would take the games.....not like it matters< I am kinda depressed today, sorry about the non-interesting post>
  8. HELL YEAH IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would put a better response, but its the best i can say right now. I will post a better one at a later time. Explaining my position
  9. Flowers, and a poem with it I could write one for my dream girl if we were dating, but noooooo. long distance sux :mad:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]:bawl: I just downloaded the ep where Fat Buu becomes friends with a little puppy, and theres a couple of psychos which shoot it at the end of the ep! :bawl: Does Buu heal it or what? :bawl: (Buus Boy Scout Promise) [/B][/QUOTE] I dont know, I watched that one, but I didn't see the one after it
  11. Well, that should be the definition of spam.
  12. Ok, this is spam, but I like the avatar TN. He dosen't scare me regretfully.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] :laugh: Yeah, they can have your stuff; I just want your pic ^_^ lol......... when are you going to get around to posting it, eh? OH! heh, I just remembered... I got some pictures back the other day; one w/ me and Tori and another of me and some other friends...... hmmm, I sense another pic thread in the works on some future date..... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I am trying to get a good one to post. But its gonna be a pain geting it on here. I am way to lazy to hook up my scanner at my house, so i would have to scan it at school, and then save it to a disk there, and then load it t home on my mom's pc, and do it without her knowing.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B] most memorable moment: me dumping the ice water on vegitto :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] I know I am double posting, sorry bout that. THAT WAS COLD!!!!!!!!!!! I was surprised that i didn't get anything.......:(
  15. [b]Member Name:[/b] Vegitto4 [b]Original Member name:[/b] This one [b]Member Since:[/b] August 2001 [b]Current Status:[/b] Ummm. Lonley, Depressed, and working on otaku [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] GD, DB, and PC Gaming/Xbox [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] FF8, i haven't played 10 yet [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] good question [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] :naughty: [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] Spending time with my love. [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] Lifes a bi*ch, and then you die, so F*ck the world, lets get high [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] life sux, stop whining about it.< I should follow that sometime> [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] Ummmmm. Errotic Pm's, and my ableness to listen to ppl [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b] thats a good question as well all my stuff can go to LM, BG, and QA. Anna can fight them for some of it if she wants to, like my pic........**thinks to self** we should start posting pics on here with out posts**
  16. O, ok, Either way, its myuu's fault that gero died. I guess I should download the ep. now.
  17. Well, they left a couple parts out, but I would have to read the books again to tell what they are, no movie follows the bok perfectly.
  18. I didn't know that 18 fought him. Didn't Dr Myuu kill Gero though????
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] Couldn't have said it better. True joy doesn't fade, and time will tell if the love is true or not. That's why it's not a good idea to go and get married to someone after dating them for only 6 weeks (*cough mom dad cough v_v*). Sure people can [i]think[/i] they're in love when everything is happening so fast and you've never felt like that before blah blah blah, and yeah [i]that[/i] will probably fade. However, if time stretches out the relationship beyond the 'sparks', and real love develops, then that won't go away as long as the two people keep working at it. The joy that they feel in the love they share will keep them going. [/B][/QUOTE] YES!!!!!!!!! I totally agree, although my whole deal I believe is true, but thats only because me and my love have both talked about it, and we recriprocate those feelings. Wholeheartedly to.:excited:
  20. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Dont check out planet namek, its all copied, they didn't write any of there crap. But Vegeta Fights Super 17, Chibi-gokou fight him, Uubu, and goten, and Trunks all fight him. Does pan fight him??? i dont know
  21. I would agree defcon. Ther is a certain thing about Love. Joy is apart of that bargain, and Joy never fades, which means that love will never fade. Supposedly. Love is not just a spur of the moment thing, although it can be sometimes< I can vouch for that> it takes work, just like everything else in life.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renee [/i] [B]Hey, hey, hey! No fighting you guys! It's not nice, and it give the kiddies bad ideas..:p So play nice or no one gets a cookie!:o [/B][/QUOTE] Who says I am fighting, its more like a wresting match, a ....very....interesting.....one:naughty:
  23. there is always a person that ;loves you renee, .......:blush:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B] anyway, i just love the feel of good ol' flannel sheets, so nice and soft and warm, that warm fuzzy feeling just lasts and lasts, too bad i don't have anyone to help warm it up *shrug* cherry cola, vegitto? how'd you know my fav, at least when i'm DRINKING it *glares at him, then smirks before giving him a big hug to share the stickiness* :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] I would share them with you...:naughty: **jumps into the pool totally nude with her in his arms to get the stikyness off him and her.** the flavor was just a guess.
  25. Well, it would be good for other ppl to know, unless he is ashamed of it, and if thats so, then something is wrong with him.
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