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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sandramaxwell06 [/i] [B]In the third LOTR movie, which comes out December 2003, do you think that they'll show the whole thing of Sam and Frodo...ON page...889...In "The Return of the King"....I'd really like to know what you think..... [/B][/QUOTE] I would have to agree with Cibp there, I mean, not everybody has read all the books. I haven't, so I dont know anything of what you speak yet. so pm me if you wish my contribution to be worth reading
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple] anywhos.. *reads posts from Vegitto* hmm.. no screen? *puts on whore outfit and jumps through Vegitto's window* [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] **looks at her..** why hello there....
  3. Vegitto4


    yeah, but it dosen't change, that means if its cut, it wont change unless a certain point of ssj**cough** ssj4 **cough** is reached. at least, thats how it happens in GT.
  4. Riiiiiight. u normal?????? Check out that sleeping in the nude thread btw, I hope you like cherry soda. SORRY ABOUT THE SPAM
  5. ummmmm. I forgot the url. I am in webmastering calss right now, and i forgot it. i am workign on a project though, so I will get it, and post it in a minute
  6. I think everybody is sick of it, but you can't do anything about it but just watch, and look for stuff that somehow was missed the 3rd and 4th time you saw it.
  7. Hey, its not wanting to know what it feels like, its wondering how many ppl on here have before.:toothy:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chib [/i] [B] No need to start a fight here. By the way, what happen to the fight between Lady SJ and Lady Mac? [/B][/QUOTE] huh? oh, it never happened. I am not tryign to start a fight, I would just like to see a person with more of an obsession with vegeta than LM
  9. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LittleFluteSan [/i] [B] Got me there... then again, GT is a totally different animal... [/B][/QUOTE] So it was made by a different person, but it is still accepted as part of the series. Therefore, most of the same rules apply. Its a blooper. There are lot of them in the series':freak:
  10. Honestly anna, it depeds on the guy. Me, all I want is the Love of my life to be with me. That wont happen though. Because my life is a living hell without her, and it forever will be until we are together again. But about what guys want for V-Day, its complicated. It honestly al depends on the emotions and seriousness of the relationship that we are in. Just make sure he knows you care.
  11. Vegitto4


    But you guys are mising a certain person who got his hair cut. VEGETA in gt he got his hair cut, and it didn't grow back until he whent SSJ4.
  12. That just dosen't happen on the couch man. its not cool.
  13. I was wondering how long it would take you to post on here Altron
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple] b)perverts like Vegitto peeking in the windows...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] HEYYYYY!!!! I was just joking around!!!!!!!!! I dont do that. thats wrong. I dont look in the wondows, I just open them. its not like I am a stalker or anything. geez!!:wigout: :eek:
  15. I remember when I used to be a major wrestling fanatic, but now I'm not anymore. Rose red is a good movie, i thought it was funny that Stephen king was the Pizza Delivery guy. I am gonna watch the rest of it tonight when it comes on. Btw, Trunks, nice sigg. SLIPKNOT RULES!!!!
  16. That was funny. that pic you posted DBZMAN. Yeah, but anyway, Harry Potter was a gfood movie, the books weren't bad either
  17. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]This has been bugging the hell out of me for a while. In DBZ Movie 1, when Goku was fighting Nikki and Ginger, Ginger cut half Goku's hair off, but in the next scene when they had cut through a wall and he was running away, it had grown back. What's up with that? [/B][/QUOTE] Its a blooper, its kind of like when Majin Vegeta and goku are standing on the World Tourny floor, and goku turns to look at something, and looks at vegeta, his hair changes direction. its really funny.
  18. All, I am seeing is re0runs, its still there though
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]That is sooo cool Lady M. I will try to watch it if i amnot on otakuboards. Oh I do not know what you look like though, so send me a pic of you if you can, ok.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] one word, HOTTER THAN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that about sums it up right there. I wish i could have watched, but nooooooooo. I had no clue about it until 5 minutes ago.
  20. Well, I hope you are taken. its always more fun that way..... **goes off and cries**:bawl: :bawl:
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] Uhh, how about, no. I can prove that I am the biggest fan! [/B][/QUOTE] I dare ou to try it. I just want to see you ripped apart. Thats all. No hard feelings
  22. Thats interesting, if there is ever a knock on your window in the middle of the night ladies, then just hope its me. **looks at k9, and jumps on her, smothering her in water balloons filled with cherry soda** HAH!!!!! GOT YA!!!!!
  23. Thats funny, DBZMAN just throws it out there like its nothing. I just had to sirk at that remark, whoo, anyway, wayyyy to much weed.
  24. **Wishes he could be there to see it** oh well. Speaking of ppl sleping in the nude... **sneaks off after k9 with an evil grin on his face**
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