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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. I saw the preview tonight. It looks completely retarded. it's not even mostly about scary movies. I'll probably go see it anyway though. It does look slightly humorous though.
  2. Well, the Times can shove it personally. I never trust reviews anymore. Having just returned from the movie, I have a few words to say. .....w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This movie was freaking amazing. Even if I didn't see the first one, it kept me and my friends on the edge of our seats the whole time. I jumped at least 6 times throughout the whole movie. The way they portrayed leatherface was very well done. I've heard stories about Ed Gein, and even heard a song about him (nothing to gein~Mudvayne). This movie is rated an A+ in my opinion. Well done. Well made. Well Ended. Go and see it. ::starts up chainsaw::
  3. I would change one thing. I would click the button to undo the splitting up of me and someone who is still very special to me. That is it. Everything else will have to wait, or deal with an apology.
  4. I would have to wait and see. It would depend on the topic of discussion at the point in time. My (ex)girlfriend and I disagreed on religious issues, and how we would raise our children(if we were to have any) based on our beliefs. We both feared that would be the one thing that would cause constant tension in our relationship. So we were working to get through that, at an early point, so it would be done with. [/slight off topicness] I would have to agree with James on this one. I wouldn't know until I got into that exact type of situation.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B] Wait till you have ME as your instructor. You think detention was bad? How about reading Beowulf in Old English? Or, perhaps...The Canterbury Tales in the original Middle English. like I will do. "[/B][/QUOTE] No no no, Make them read the Canterbury tales(all of the tales, not just the prolouge and the pardoner's tale, which is all i had to read), in Medieval french, which was the vernacular right before middle English. That's a killer. Middle english isn't to hard to read. I read the first page of the prolouge in Middle english. After the first 5 lines it's not that bad. My dentions would soon be outlawed by any state I taught in.
  6. Vegitto4


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GrimmFang [/i] [B]. Eye Color: Depending on mood good mood light brown, bad mood dark brown, and when I'm really ticked almost black yeah it's scary. . [/B][/QUOTE] My friends is scarier. Dark brown when normal, black when pissed, and when he's enraged, they turn red. ::runs and hides::
  7. Having met the girl of my dreams, and Living as long as I have, and making all the friends along the way that I did.
  8. Being a senior, I've realized that school isn't so bad. it gives you something to do, and you need it in order to succeed in life(as annoying as it is). Right now, my year is pretty easy, and most of my senior friends, like Jenna so nicely put it, got over themselves. Yes, we like to walk through the halls, and kid around about being better than everybody else(all the juniors), but we know were kidding(....kind of). Stick it out until your senior year, then realize how easy and fun life is. I can't wait for college.........even if i do have to pay for it.
  9. Vegitto4


    to many of these topics. First Name: Ryan Age: 17 Hair Color: Brownish Eye Color: green/gold/blue. (hazel, but my description is cooler) Height: Around 5'7 Wardrobe: Just casual stuff. Mostly dark slightly baggy pants, and black or dark shirts, that fit well. Personality: most of the time, quiet. But catch me right, and i'll be loud and fun Hair Style: meh, however it falls after the gel hits it Favorite Music Type: Rock, Metal, and some classical stuff. Favorite musical Band/Artist: Mudvayne, Lp, 3 Doors Down, Eve6 Hobbies: writing poetry, and playing with photoshop. Mostly the poetry though. EQ is more of a slight addiction. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B] (I'm not a nancy boy, just have a fashion since.) [/B][/QUOTE] A fashion since what? the 1980's?
  10. I'm 17, and in Texas, that means that legally, curfew doesn't apply to you. :p Anyways, my parents dont like me being home any later than midnight if i'm actually staying home. If i dont, then whenever we come home works. meh, i'll move out here within a few months, or at least get treated more like an adult once the lovely 18th b-day arrives. My friends and I generally dont start anything after 1:00AM though. Nothing good starts after then anyway. Things may continue, but nothing starts.
  11. So true drix. Last year I whent STAG, because my date dumped me the week of, so i said "screw you guys" and whent alone. I ended up stealing dates from 2 different people, and having the time of my life. This year, even though were broken up, Kelsey and I(ex g/f) are going together. Which will make for a fun expierence, cause the girl defintely knows how to dance. Whats not fun, is walking around, freshly broken hearted, watching all the new Homecomming couples form, and be all mushy........::plots destruction of school::
  12. Mine took about 10 minutes. I walked in, put on my fake tux top, sat down, turned my head to the left, ::click, click::. 2 down. turned my head to the right::click click:: 2 down. I was done. That simple.
  13. Then dont use necrid's weapons. I beat it on Extra Arcade last night, with Necrid. Course, I had all of his weapons, because i'm insane. The legendary one is good. You just have to play around with him before you figure out how to use him. The only real way to beat weapon master, is to get all the weapons. Yes, you can beat all the missions, and thats the flat out def. of beating it. However, I dont think you can truly beat the game, on any level, until you have explored every opportunity to unlock everything. The "joke" weapons are hilarious. Tamborines for voldo?!? come on now...
  14. I agree. It's not the governments complete responbility to control the postal service. Thats what the Post Master general is for. I highly doubt that anybody knew about anthrax until somebody died. The sad thing is, she might win.
  15. People think that our government has no debt. That's why they sue the federal government. Just because they get special privelages doesn't mean that we have all the money in the world. We owe alot of money, even if we are a rich country.
  16. What do you think this is? It's just one huge chat room, that it takes a tad bit longer to respond to. Course, people get banned from here. You can't really get banned from many chatrooms, because there are no moderators. If chat rooms were moderated, then I doubt that the kiddy hunters would be in there often. They could still be around, but it would be harder to do it than usual. Most of them wont want to take the risk of getting caught.
  17. I'd say, if it was strictly Football, pick the one that you like, and that has a good program. because you wont want to play for a crappy program, and a crappy team. You wont have any fun. Or I could be completely wrong, and you would have the time of your life on a crappy team, making it better. It's up to you. I'd go with a college that a major league team would smile on if they saw it.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] Our campus is located in the heart of the city of Camden, which is essentially a devastated area undergoing revitalization. Luckily, everything begins with Rutgers, so our campus is nice and the surrounding area isn't a certifiable nightmare. Occasionally I'll encounter suspicious looking characters (like Alex :p) but on the other hand I've yet to be on the receiving end of a mugging. [/QUOTE] Camden, NJ eh? I used to live in collingswood. Trust me guys, that county is as rundown as rundown can get. How much better is it doing since 1997 anyways?
  19. Consider the fact that a great deal of Funi's translations aren't that well done. Of course you'll have different attack names once in awhile. not like it's that big of a deal anyway. Did it cut through something? yes.....it worked. So oh well.
  20. What I'm planning on doing, is taking 2 years at the local community college. Then transferring to a bigger university, or getting certified in Computer Graphics design. ::signs up for taking his TASP, ACT, and SAT 's:: Meh, I still have to finish my senior year though.
  21. Given my current situation.....I have no Idea why I'm posting. However, I tend to be slightly usefull in these kinds of things. Try a trial seperation. Just to see if you can trust anything he says or does when you aren't together. if I missed something, and you're not together anymore, then terribly sorry about that whole thing. Just take a step back from everybody, observe, and come to a conclusion. Do try to take everything into account, and be very objective about it all. I know it's hard to do that, trust me on this one.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] As much walking as I do, however, I have still gained a bit of weight. What is up with that? GO DAWGS![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] It's called the freshman 15. I doubt you haven't heard of it, but anyways. Most freshman in college typically gain a little bit of weight in the first year, and then they spend the rest of there college life trying to lose it.
  23. I played it the day it came out. My best friend bought it, and now thats a big chunk of what we do at his house. Spawn's fun, but Raphael is good too. I like how Assasin is Huang from the first one. Necrid is insane, and ...I could go on and on and on. All the characters are awesome.
  24. Meh, living in texas, i dont have to worry about it to much. I used to live in NJ, so i'd probably just walk over to the church, and chill in the basement, cause it was Huge. meh, my thoughts are that everything is over exagerrated till it hits. Then you can actually speculate on it.
  25. it's also somewhat similar to the book " Brave New World" by Aldous Huxely. Good book. Pick it up, it's about a utopian society that lives off a drug called soma....and are conditioned from "birth" to only be happy. Ford(the guy that owned and started the ford car company) is the "deity" figure...and his assembly line idea is proposed to be used for children and life. Anyway. if life was that simple, it wouldn't be life. Given my current siruation, I would love to tell steve to go pick someone else, but beign that we are human, I can't really do that, and have him go " ok..dumm dee dumm dee dumm" Yeah
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