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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. The first pic was good, the second one, with the glare on the cheek, was kinda funny, but it looked good. nice job voodoo
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Darkness Bu [/i] [B]I just saw System Of A Down's new video(Chop Suey)...and it freaked the crap out of me...very scary sight...0_0 [/B][/QUOTE] how is it scary?? I like it. its pretty cool. The way that The band members fade in, and through each other is really cool
  3. score, but james, i have a question, I pmed you about it. i dont know if you read it or not, but my post cont whent down alot, by about 15-20 posts, and I dont know why? whould you happen to know why?:therock: :help:
  4. no he's not, he is perfectly capable of getting killed by a bullet, he is just to dumb to not know when to finish a fight.....**cough cough** Furiza, vegeta&&cough, cough**
  5. That is quite disgusting, but they are like what.......12-14 or something like that. it depends on how old you are coolkam, aren't you like 14-15
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B] How many months have 28 days? [/B][/QUOTE] all of them, that means 12
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] What u speak of was not ssj4, but Brolli's "legendary form". SSJ4 was the super saiya-jin. I think somewhere along the line, the 2 got mixed together. [/B][/QUOTE] ok, I know i am double posting, but i can't go back to edit my post right now, so deal with it ppl. The Legendary form of ssj is brolli's form, which is USSJ, but that form has the power of a SSJ3, and the speed to go with it, which means, that the bulky muscles he gets from his scrawny self, to his ssj persona, and thats alot of muscle, dosen't hinder him. why doyou think he kicked all there asses, until goku whooped up.:smirk: :smirk:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaioshin [/i] [B] Kame pulled Goku's tail off, but he found a way to pull it off and make sure it didn't grow back. NE way Goku grows his tail back when he turns SSJ4. The ray gun thingy is the Brute ray. [/B][/QUOTE] Once a Saiya-jins tail gets taken off, it dosen't grow back, there is no special way to not make it grow back. Piccolo cut off Gohan's.:tasty:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Here's why it's a religion.... [b]Religion - re·li·gion (r-ljn) n. [/b] [b]1) a)[/b] Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. [b] b)[/b] A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. [b]2) [/b]e life or condition of a person in a religious order. [b]3) [/b]A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. [b]4) [/b]A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion. The fact that you have a sacred text, refering to the bible or any variation of it, confers that Christianity IS a religion. A religion is essentially a cult.. now before you get all pissy pants about the word cult... I'm not refering to evil cults. You all need to get dictionaries.... a cult is a group of people who all follow or believe in the same things... a religion is essentially the same thing but it has set morals, a diety or dieties, more so than not a sacred text, and they don't have to pay taxes lol Whether it's supposed to be a "relationship" with God or not, it's still a religion. Christianity has all those in the deffinition of "religion" and is widely considered a religion... It can still be a "relationship" with God, but it's also a religion.... [/B][/QUOTE] I never said that it is not a Religion, i said it wasn't MEANT to be one. and LM, I am not trying to witness, but it happens sometimes. and half the time, I dont care about what the hell i am talking about.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]:) what has four feet, then two, then three but only has one voice and when it has the most feet its the weakest. if you answer wrong.. YOU DIE! ... lol j/p ^.^;; [/B][/QUOTE] I never had to look at the other answers. this riddle is in greek mythology, and the answer is a human. what are you now coolkam, a Sphynx?? considering that that is what that creature said each time a person would walk by it.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] It's spelled Bologna. Anyway, God - yes, religion - no [/B][/QUOTE] You would be smart in not believing in religion, because Christianity is not SUPPOSED to be a religion, it is a Relationship between God, and yourself. We just need something to call ourselves, and since, we are in a relationship with christ, then Christian came out of it. But dont anybody forget, that even demons believe in God, and scorn him. so if ppl on this thread are tryiing to say that they Believe they are saved, they should say that, otherwise, saying you believe in God is a moot point. I believe in God, and I also believe that his son died for me, I just dont care right about now. and religion is BS, it is supposed to be a Relationship, he didn't i just say that???...........:nervous: :smirk:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Heck I'd get a biogenetically covered house and make her get tons of shots and then if she acted like she was going to sneash I'd move her very quickly to a sound proof, bullet proof(x1000),and make some peper fall form the ceiling to change her back. But 18 looks the best of al of them(hmmmmm) [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. That is what i would do if i married launch. But i want to know who would marry chichi. She royally pisses me off
  13. Pan isn't bad, neither is bra, but 18 is much better than all of them.....
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]yeah, 17 is hot but not hotter than vegeta. nobody's hotter than vegeta. but, i have to admit, dbz does have a lot of hot guys. i kind of have a thing for piccolo, too... [/B][/QUOTE] well, you would have to fight 18 for me LM
  15. the spirit never dies, but it never gets put into something else. I have always used big words, and my sister is a fast swimmer, and always has been, and has been drawing everything and everything, snce i can't remember. but that dosen't mean she was reincarnated into a human from a sea creature.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Oh dear. That's very resourceful, Lady M! Snow. I suppose I should join in the conversation since I see it every winter. AND since people like to call me Jenna Snow...since my last name is Winter ;) And I love to ski! Whee! Downhill, of course. It's wonderful![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I dont ski, I snowboard. all my riends ski though
  17. bout time she started showing up again, hey, you guys never had that fight with the rules i made. damn. oh well. your sig is pretty funny Lady SJ
  18. I have tried to download them, but i never get the whole thing. i can download epps though. those are good
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]you can believe in christianity, & believe in reincarntion, too, technically. this one guru i met theorized that "heaven" is located in the 4th or above dimension & that jesus & other divine incarnate beings are actually visitors from higher dimensions who sacrificed their god-like state in order to bring a greater knowledge of life, etc. to human beings. as far as i know, the bible has nothing that can disprove it. vegitto, darling, do you really believe what you say, or are you afraid to believe otherwise? i'm not trying to piss you off in any way, but i had that problem for a long time. [/B][/QUOTE] o trust me, I believe what I say. The bible says that you can only live once, and thats that. when i die, i am not going to come back, i didn't live before. The Facinations thet all you ppl are talking about are just that, facinations, not things that you did in past lives. and d.dark, trust me, there is a ton of things that science proved that prove christianity is real. I know you might not just be an athiest against christianity, but that is the definition of an athiest, they are trying to disprove The fact that God does not exist, and that is impossible
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] 3) True, if they nevr grow their tails back. Goku found a way to though, didn't he? [/B][/QUOTE] yes, kaioshin grew it back for him, and bulma grew back vegeta's
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]18... she's genetically engineered to be perfect, can't compete w/ that... & i thought it was launch not lunch. [/B][/QUOTE] I would agree with you there lm, she is the hottest, and the best one.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by july [/i] [B]this is for a project that i'm doing that is due tomorrow. the project is about gun control and i'd like your participation in this survey is no admin/god objects. i'll ask a few questions, but i need your age and sex too. spanx in advance... 1. do you understand the issue of gun control in the united states? 2. do you think that there should be more laws to prevent minors from obtaining and/or using weapons? 3. do you think that guns should be outlawed all together? 4. if there were no guns in this world, do you think that it would be more peaceful? 5. what do you think we should have: a. stronger laws that require you to have a permit to buy and a lincense to use guns, only if you are of age, (18) b. no change c. more caution when it come to storing guns so that minors cannot get a hold of them or d. **make up your own** i don't know if those questions are good enough but i'm going to average out everything so as few or as much of you can answer if you like... thank you, very much. [/B][/QUOTE] 1: Yes 2:No, there are enough as it is. 3:Hell no, they are a necessary part of life. ie: Cops, and other law enforcement ppls. 4:Nope, wars were, as Lotus said, fought before guns were even a thought. 5: b, because we already have enough rules, we dont need any more to follow. Even though they get broken, we still dont need any more.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku213 [/i] [B]Them funny lookin people @ the tourny. One had a russian sounding name & i forgot the other completley. How did they know about him, about his energy, to come and steal it? I remember Goku saying he didn't want to be brought back cuz people were always coming to hunt him down to kill him, and staying on Earth, alive, would put it in danger. So then they come after Gohan. lol, but how did they know about his energy? :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] you must be talking about Spopavitch and Yamu. They, as DBZ man said, didn't know that it would be Gohan Specifically, just that it would be the post powerfull person there. As far as they knew, it could have been krillin or Piccolo., and Saiyandude, they Babidi did not tell them to go to the tourny, he just said "go and get this full with energy" and they thought of the tourny, and found gohan as a ssj2 with all that energy
  24. I hope you are doing fine now that you are at the shelter at least. Just keep playing, and think of Kurt Kobain, and you will be fine
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