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Everything posted by Vegitto4

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Ok, first - I don't see a relationship based on a 'favor' as something that will last long term. Although I can not really give 'good' advice, I can at least offer my opinion. . right? :therock: As for the Senior. . I would pass on that. If she moves out of town, you will have to try a long distance relationship. For the one that really loves you, you need to be careful, if you chose not to go out with her, just make sure that you are very open to her about your feelings, and try to let her know that you care for her, but . . well. . . give her the reason why . . yeah =P *shrug* I suppose it really all just comes down to how you feel about whichever girl you want to go out with. Emotions play a big part, but don't let their emotions over rule your own. You have to do what YOU feel is right. Don't know if this helps, considering I don't even know anything about any of them ^_^ So. . . sorry. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I know that the favor wouldn't make a reelationship, but if it starts out on a favor, and we find out that wehave something special,then good things can come of it. All of that stuff was floating around in my head, I have said all of it before. But this time, I need somebody to defintely help in the decision, thans though. it was good advice. I like yours justin, it seems like everybody has the same consensus, lets wait to see if anything is different before I ask for this topic to be closed
  2. Pan didn't train as much as Gohan and trunks did. Mirai trunks and Chibi Gohan trained a helluva lot during the cell games, and If Pan had trained alot, and had Goten didn't train alot, thats why they didn't get as strong as Mirai trunks, and Chibi gohan
  3. How did he lose his arm???? I still dont remember that he did.
  4. Well, I can't do that just because It will affect most of them in some way, shape, or form. I dont want to be responsible for breaking someones heart, i have dont that before, and it wasn't fun
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Sailor! :laugh: Heh... hmm, what or who else swore... a gnome... lol... You coulda been a beaver Mask... hehe. Vegitto... don't say it's BS, I can belive what I want and who I want... don't need you telling me what to do... (not giving you any hard time or anythin', just telling you, don't get angry.)[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I know that you can believe whatever you want, but it still makes no sense, and Death knight, I am not saying that because i dont remember it, it's false, I am saying that humans were only created to live once, not more than that.
  6. I know, I hate it, 2 of these girls go to my school, and the other one is a senior. i am a Sophmore, and i forgot one girl, she owes me a favor,:naughty: he he he. But I wanted to ask y'all on what I should do
  7. reincarnation makes no sense, I know alot of things that i haven't learned yet, but that just means that I have alot of common sense, or I can understand things really well. I dont know how you ppl can possibly believe in Reincarnation, for those of you that do
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]if i remember right, doesn't he get it the same time he lost his arm. that's when he ran out of senzu, of course i could b wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] are you talking about when he fought cell and he couldn't USE his arm, or if he lost it, i dont think he ever lost his arm in the series. hmmmm. if he did, its interesting
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku213 [/i] [B]I've not watched DBZ all the way through, and i'm only up to the world tourny right now. So.... how many times have Goku and Vegeta fought each other, and in each one, who got the better of the other? I think that Vegeta gets the better of Goku each time (i'm assuming) right? lol, i wanted Goku to beat on Vegeta so bad, cuz if Vegeta could, he would do it to Goku. I downloaded some video clip from Morpheus from a Majin search (cuz i was wanting to download Majin Vegeta Vs Goku) and in the clip, it starts out like it appears as though it's showin Goku goin SSJ for the first time, then a coule shots of Vegeta, then what i think will be the actual Majin fight. In that, it seems like Vegeta was gettin plenty of good shots in on Goku :( . I'm thinking that, SSJ Goku Vs SSJ Vegeta would be a Goku win. SSJ 2 Vs SSJ 2 would eb a Goku win, and SSJ 3 Goku Vs SSJ /2 Vegeta would be a Vegeta death. I see people sayin how Vegeta totally got the best out of the Majin fight, from start to end. If there's 1 guy i would want Goku to beat, it would be Vegeta. lol. Oh well. Can anyone answer me Q up top plz? [/B][/QUOTE] ok, vegeta has beaten Goku everytime they have fought, In my opinion, the Majin vegeta and Goku fight vegeta won by a cheap shot, but in a fight like that, there are no real cheap shots. vegeta is always behind goku in power, and its kinda funny that every time he needs help to beat him, but in a different foght, he will not accept any help. its kinda funny EDIT: I didn't know that they fought in ssj4 Altron. thats interesting
  10. OK, I have a problem with about 3 girls that i like. one of which is insaneley in love with me, one I think Likes me, and One i kno likes me, but teases me alot. I dont know what to do, HELP!!!!!:wigout:
  11. grrrrrrrrr. Reincarnation is bs gohan. You only live once. not multiple times until you pay off your debts
  12. I still randomly steal stuff, I think that most ppl do that, bu anyway, I haven't stole something and sold it for a higher price.....yet......:demon: :demon:
  13. Well that blows, i am sorry:( . oh well. I see death as a part of life, so it dosen't affect me as much. It is no big deal to me, sorry if i seem cold and heartless
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Now, ya see, I don't really think that burning compilation CD's is or should be illegal, only burning FULL CD's of on band and then selling 'em and stuff like that. But no one can really stop people from doing that, I mean, the whole world is in on doing that and authorital figures lack the manpower to take 'em all down.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] my take on the whole burn cd's thing is this, I actually like buying them burned, the only problem is that they tend to get scratched faster than any other cd I own. They are a whole lot cheaper than the normal ones, I like getting a cd for 10 bucks instead of 20, that means I can buy 2 cd's. more fun for me. :tasty: :wigout:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]The black market. A place or corporation that sells illegal goods or bootleg or whatever that has been smuggled in to the U.S. Police have stop these markets for some time. Even though we only hear that they sell drugs, guns, and organs (yea they sell them) But lately, I've done some heavy thinking about this. Kids our age are doing it and making a business on whatever they're selling. If you don't know on what I mean, they sell copies of games, burned music cds, and sell other operational programs. It may seem harmless because the public thinks it's just how kids play with technical stuff. Think about it. Right in our very eyes, some kids are getting into the busniess. But we do nothing to stop them. Do you think you should stop them or let them go as they wish??? What are your thoughts about this?? [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with LM. If they knew what it was, they wouldn't care. I know my dad dosen't, he burns me copies of stuff all the time. My mom hates it, but half the time she dont know. I say, let them do what they want, and if they get caught, chances are they will stop.
  16. I knew most of them were girls, but i didn't know that they put the cuss words in the epps
  17. You are kidding me?!?!? I thought that they were all edited and they all cussed Japanese because they have better things to worry about than cussing. Damn, I figured that funi just edited them.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]pikeon... half the time i don't even know what you're talking about. [/B][/QUOTE] I will have to go with you on that one LM
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]james, i'd choose the second one lol [/B][/QUOTE] I would have to agree with you Pikeon, but you never know, I never knew Baby girl was as hott as she is, LM either, but hey, you would be surprised.....:tasty:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][b][color=darkred] My name is Ryan but I pronounce it Rye-un.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] wow, that was spam, in my opinion, but ho well, my name is Ryan as well, and if you couldn't tell look in LM's sig. I am there. he he. anyway, How many chicks have you had to turn down Pyro munkie???
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]No, I don't have a damn boyfriend. *Finally snaps and throws computer out window*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] are you kidding me??!?! I figured every guy would drop at your feet, but if you want to know who I like, then look at my sig, I got introuble for you being in there baby girl
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Undying Angel [/i] [B]Does anyone ever really clean? Like... the house, your dorm, your room, the dishes, laundry, ect. I have to do most of it. I actually sometimes enjoy cleaning my room because I like my things neat. Folding clothes and doing the dishes is kinda boring because my brother doesn't have to do any of it! I have to do it all. :worried: :flaming: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] I clean my room, and everything else, including my laundry
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B]i use to like this show when i was younger. old school: rogue and gambit newer one: that guy that isn't beast.....he has a blue tail what the hell did they do to rogue's voice? she sounds completely idiotic. [/B][/QUOTE] The guy with the blue tail is Night crawler, and he is more old school than wolverine or gambit. They dont show him much because he left the series alot. The comics is what really matters, the show is pointless in my opinion. It is cool though
  24. I know that. and Thats why its so short, if it was not so short, then it might be good, but out of the Akira Toriyama series, SSJ3 is the best, but hey, thats not on tipic, anyway. I agree with you Saiyadude
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