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Everything posted by Vegitto4
math isn't a lie, it just sucks reallllly bad. I HATE GEOMETREY. even though its alot easier then algebra, because thats useless
Does anybody have any cool dbz avatars that will fit into the 50x50 pixel range?? I am getting tired of mario and wanted to know because i can't find any after i resize them that are big enough
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]do any of you believe these places actually exist? i think i believe there's a heaven, or at least in some form there is. but i have trouble believing a loving god or power would condemn a soul to hell for all eternity for mistakes made in this short life. think about it--in the span of time, a human life takes up, in proportion, a mere nanosecond or less. yet the religious beliefs i was raised under make me afraid to doubt in the existence of hell. what if i'm wrong? that would be a fatal mistake to make. this fear, though, prevents me from exploring other spiritual beliefs. i don't want to start a debate here, i just want to know your opinions on this matter of heaven & hell. what criteria could there possibly be to get into either place, & how do we know what it is? [/B][/QUOTE] we have talked about this stuff, so LM, you know what I am going to say. I believe in God. I also believe in Satan, heaven, and Hell. I also believe the whole jesus thing, BUT, I dont care right now. anyway, to heaven and hell, There is a heaven and there is a hell. God will condem a soul, that he loves, to hell forever because of the amount of chances the soul had. Now, God dosen't want to do that, but he does because the soul should have seen that the only way to spend enernity in paradise is to accept Jesus christ, and then repent of its sins. Now, if the soul does not see that, then it should not go to heaven based on its ignorance. people are ignorant, no matter what you may think, but people also understand something when it is thrown into their face time and time again. They are not totally ignorant. and james, you are better if you follow the bible's teachings and take its wisdom to heart, i would know, thats why my life is a living hell right now. But i kinda like it, just because i am tired of peacefull things for the most part. and i hope that nobody gets ne started on Evolution....**looks around**i wonder who is gonna get me started on that one and TN, I am not "Gay bashing" But God did not make people to be homosexual, so if you remotefully try to follow the bible, then you are already breaking it. no offense btw EDIT: Transtic, if you say that you believe in things that you know exist, you are efictiveley saying that you dont believe that God exists, and that is insane. He gives you the air you breathe, and the ground you walk on. The Bible was written by God because he told them what to write. None of what is in the bible are human words. they wouldn't have written it if God hadn't told them what to write, so in a sense, it is "inspired" , but also written by God
goten, is that on your PC? if so, where did you get it
what exactly is OSX i dont know what it is. I think its some type of playstation, buts thats all i know
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]Do any of you people have it? if you do, could you post some pics that u got. i just got DB FB yesterday and just beat it with SSJ Chibi Goku. If you stant under the Golden Oozaru's legs with a small character, he hardly hurts you. I beat the rest of the game with SSJ4 Goku. Here's a pic i took today. [/B][/QUOTE] I wish that i could get it. where can i get it for Play Station, or ps one????????
thanks guys, i figured gohan could have withstood more than that. but hey, thts toriyama for ya.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Super_Android18 [/i] [B]this is getting annoying... first they play the cell saga over and over and over again, then they stop right in the middle of a new saga?! :flaming: damn cartoon network!!!! :flaming: i hope their ratings drop... [/B][/QUOTE] there ratings wont drop because all of us dubbies are going to keep watching to see when we will find new ones, because they wont let us know until after they start showing them. that is why they are so evil!!!!!!:mad: :devil: :flaming:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]well.. you saying that you want her dad dead too dosn't really help the situation.. here people.. it may not be 100% correct.. but you can get an idea or grasp on things if your kinda not fallowing very well.. [url]www.spiritonline.com[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] In a way, it does help. sometimes you just want someone to agree w.you, and then you feel better. and i kinda agree with her, but i have rethought my position, i dont want him dead. torture is much better. the magical powers thing, she knows that i dont believe in that, but she has something like what transtic is talking about. its called a premonition
what happened to gohan, i never saw it. and it pissed me off, because i missed all the eps last week because my dad unplugged the tv grrrrrr:mad: :flaming: :devil:
Honestly, I dont think I had to fule anything. She called me last night, and there was no fuleing needed. but whatever you say kam
grrrrrrrr at least i have seen the battle of the majins. it is pretty cool, for those who haven't seen it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by peekabooicu [/i] [B]dose anyone know a goo dsite 4 avatars:demon: :naughty: :demon: [/B][/QUOTE] all the ones i find are the wrong sizes!!!grrrrrr:flaming: :flaming: :devil:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gatomon*s Power [/i] [B]WebMasters, I am a webmaster, and I have been looking for a good Layout Making program. Do you know of any other than DreamWeaver? [/B][/QUOTE] The best that i have found are Dreamweaver4, and Fireworks4. Fireworks works for the pic. that you want. You know what dream weaver does. Other than that, i haven't found any others. I am happy with them for now. Using HTML works to, but that takes to long sometimes
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]he said "do you think i do not know about the curse that lies w/ you b/c of your mother? do you think i do not know about the power she gave you?" & then he damned me to my grave, & vowed never to let me use the power again. but i will use it. i will use it against him. [/B][/QUOTE] I know the power that you speak of. he he he. I think that you should totally use it. i know that one day, you will end up wither killing. or hurting him badly. I long for that day, or the day you come to see me:naughty: :demon: ;) EDIT: and james, Do you know the whole story behind her dad? I know why he did it. and i would get banned for saying it
Anime Uh? SSJ4 question...(to Altron and others)
Vegitto4 replied to conpiracymonki's topic in Otaku Central
considering the fact that i have never looked in that section, I guess i wont be loking there now. But anyway, to the topic. SSJ4 is wayyyyyyy more powerfull that ssj2 goku, and I have seen the clip of chibi goku going SSJ3. and.......everybody else already answered the others. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]wait i foudn more!!! and yes my coying and pasteing skills are exstatic When it finds that element, it will take on its true form. Goku and Pan fly off to fight these dragons. First, they encounter Ryan-Shenlon. Ryan-Shelon tells them that he was born when Bora was wished back to life. This dragon of the 2 star Dragon Ball is of water pollution. He is tricked into swimming in clean water and is weakened by this action, Goku and Pan attack and kill him. The 2 star Dragon Ball is restored. Next, Goku and Pan follow the dragon radar's signal and encounter Uu-Shenlon. It was born in the 5 star Dragon Ball when Goku was wished back to life to fight Radditz. This dragon of electricity is weakened in rain and destroyed in its weakened state. The 5 star DragonBall is recovered. Ryuu-Shenlon is the next to appear. This dragon was born when Oolong made the wish for women's underwear while fleeing from Pilaf. This dragon possesses the power of hurricanes. Goku learns of it's weakness and attacks it on the head. Ryuu-Shenlon is easily defeated and the 6 star Dragon Ball is restored. Following this, Goku and Pan fly to Chi-Shenlon, which was born in the 7 star Dragon Ball when all the people killed by Majin- Vegeta were wished back to life. Pan gets tricked and becomes trapped in the dragon's body. Goku rescues her and destroys Chii-Shenlon. Another dragonball is recovered. Suu-Shenlon is next for Goku and Pan to encounter. It was born when Piccolo was wished back to life. This dragon of the sun is associated with the 4 star Dragon Ball. It challenges Goku in a match and the two fight. All of a sudden, San-Shenlon, Suu-Shenlon's brother and of the 3 star Dragon Ball, appears. After getting mocked by his brother for losing honor in interfering with the match, the dragon of ice fights Goku anyway. It is slayed in battle, and Goku and Suu-Shenlon continue their match. Goku admires Suu-Shenlon's sense of honor. The match becomes interfered again when another third party kills Suu-Shenlon. This party is Li-Shenlon, of the 1 star Dragon Ball. Goku defeats it in Super Goku 4 stage, but the dragon survives. It defeats Pan and steals all the restored Dragon Balls. Li-Shenlon fuses with the balls and powers up. Super Goku 4 is no match for it in its fused state. Bulma creates a Brute Ray that allowed Vegeta to go Super level 4, and Super Vegeta 4 joins Goku in battle. The two are still no match for Li-Shenlon. Another strategy is used: Super-Saiyan Goku 4 and Super-Saiyan Vegeta 4 fuse and become Super-Saiyan Gogita 4! Li-Shenlon is kicked around and the Dragon Balls it fused with are restored, but the fusion of Super-Saiyan Gogita 4 wears off before Li-Shenlon is killed. Li-Shenlon fuses with the Dragon Balls once again, but Goku gets to the 4 star Dragon Ball before Li-Shenlon can and swallows it so that the dragon can't fuse with it. Eventually, Goku spits the Dragon Balls back out and Li-Shenlon absorbs it. Vegeta suggests to use fusion again, but Goku is too weak to go Super level 4. Therefore, he remains in his small size; he cannot fuse with Vegeta in this state due to size differences. Li-Shenlon boasts to kill Goku and Vegeta. One last chance of hope remains. Goku begins to create a Genki-Dama. Everyone on Earth raises their hands to donate energy to Goku. Goku teleports to Kaiou and tells them that the energy is not enough. The Kaious agree to help seek life forms across the galaxy to help donate energy to Goku. All the characters encountered in space in the Baby Series are shown again and they raise their hands. Goku?s giant Genki-Dama is created and it destroys Li-Shenlon. All the Dragon Balls are restored to normal, but something is wrong. Shenlon appears without being summoned and tells that he will not make any more wishes because of all the trouble the Dragon Balls have caused. Goku convinces it to make the final wish of restoring all the civilians killed during the fights against the dragons. The wish is granted, and Goku is told to ride on Shenlon's back. Goku does so. Chi-Chi and her sons go home to prepare a big feast while awaiting Goku?s return, unaware what's going on. Pan notices Goku?s tattered clothes on the ground and asks if her grandpa is gone for good. Vegeta replies that he is. On the dragon's back, Goku visits the Z warriors. At the end, Goku lies down and the DragonBalls are absorbed into Goku and Goku disappears. Shenlon coils up and flies at the camera. The screen turns white. It is now 100 years later. Goku Jr. (Pan's grandson) is at the latest Budokai Tenkaichi tournament. He is about to compete against Vegeta Jr., one of Vegeta's descendant. The two boys go to Super Saiyan level and fight. Pan is a spectator in the audience. She notices adult Goku watching the fight at the other side of the stadium. Pan goes to him, but loses her grandfather in the crowd. This marks the end of the Dragonball Z GT series.I hope Akira Toriyama realizes that his vision is such a big hit all over the U.S. and starts another installment of the Dragonball Series..Until then lets just hope and pray. [/B][/QUOTE] nice copy and pasting, and it is a good story. I wish that it would hurry up and happen soon. where did you get all that info?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]also, vegeta showed some conscience. he thinks gohan is dead & vowed to avenge him. he also vowed to save the planet, even if he has to die to do it. trunks, goten, piccolo, & krillin are all watching from the cliff. [/B][/QUOTE] I was astonished to see Vegeta say that. he usually destroyes the planets, and that just proves that he isn't under babidi's control totally, and barely at that
Anime For a saiyan, how many levels of transformation are there?
Vegitto4 replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]This has been put out before but theres: SSJ1 SSJ2 USSJ SSJ3 SSJ4 Thats all I've seen [/B][/QUOTE] all you listed are the SSJ stages, but you forgot golded oozaru, and normal oozaru just like Mztik_Gohan10 said. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trunks Kun [/i] [B]Bu can absorbe people by his tail. I've seen it happen... [/B] [/QUOTE] so have i, you must be talking about when super buu absorbs mystic gohan, But before he does that, like when he is Fat Buu He turns dabura into a cookie and eats him, and i didn't see what happened to gohan in the episode, so i dont know why he wasn't there.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman Nation [/i] [B][COLOR=orange]Could someone please tell me where to get Dragon Ball Z Legends or Dragon Ball GT Final Bout for the american PSX.....For under $25.00, or any other Dragon Ball Z/GT games? Cause' I've looked everywhere and can't find one.[/COLOR]:bawl: :confused: :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] exactly, i know how you feel!!!!!!!!!!! btw, POST 500!:toothy: :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Physics [/i] [B]Has anyone here dealt with these guys? [url]http://www.dragonballz123.com/[/url] They seem to have some really good stuff and I'm thinking about buying a considerable amount of merchandise from them, but I'm unsure as to how trustworthy they are. So if you've successfully completed a deal with these guys please post and let me know how it went. Thanks. [/B][/QUOTE] wish i could tell you, but you need to ask somebody like Transtic nerve, or Sephiroth, or Altron gundam.. They will know.
wish i could tell you, all i have is the perfet cell theme from the dubbed verson.It's pretty cool. but they speed it up in the show. grrrr. oh well. hpe you find it
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i was talking about vegeta before...vegitto lets himself get absorbed on purpose so he can bust everybody else out who got absorbed... i think. [/B][/QUOTE] o ok, transtic, or safer answered that question in another topic, but you were right**looks at her** dont you feel special?? :cross: